Stimulating Visit


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"Evan!" there came an urgent call from the other side of the door. "Are you going to be much longer? I really need to go!"

"I'll be right out!" He wrapped a towel around his waist and checked himself in the mirror before opening the door.

"Oh, thank god!" exclaimed Olivia, rushing in past him. She didn't even bother closing the door, as she dashed for the toilet.

Evan made sure to look the other way and dutifully shut the door behind him. A few minutes later, he heard the shower come on. He finished getting dressed and walked over to the kitchen counter to make himself some coffee.

"Evan, honey? Where are your towels?" Olivia called, when the shower turned off.

"Sorry, I keep the clean ones out here in the closet. Let me grab one for you."

She cracked the door and thrust out an arm, when he handed her a towel. "Thanks, dear!"

A few moments later, she came out with the towel wrapped around her, tucked just above her bosom.

For some unknown reason, Evan's eyes lingered on her. Her back was to him and he noticed that the towel just barely hid her buttocks, completely exposing her legs below. The backs of her thighs looked rather firm and toned, and could have belonged to a woman half her age.

"I'm about to make some coffee," he said, tearing away his gaze. "Do you want some?"

"No, thanks," she replied. "I'll take some juice, if you have any." She picked out some clothes and disappeared back into the bathroom. When she came out again, she wore a pair of jeans and a simple t-shirt, which fit tight enough to show off the voluminous shape of her breasts.

"Why am I noticing this all of a sudden?" Evan asked himself, pouring his mother a glass of orange juice. "Have I become so desperate that I'll check out anything that comes into my field of vision?"

They hit downtown about half an hour later and did some shopping. After having lunch at a quiet cafe, Olivian won a hard-fought quarrel to finally convince Evan into getting his hair cut.

"See? That's much better!" she complimented when the hair stylist was finished. "You look a few years younger."

"Do I need to look younger?" Evan challenged.

"It's never a bad idea to look better than your age."

They made reservations for dinner at a restaurant that caught their eye while they were shopping, then decided to return home to change and freshen up.

"Will you wear that shirt I bought you today?" asked Olivia, back at Evan's place.

"Yes, sure. I don't get that many chances to wear nice clothes."

"It's a shame. You look really dapper when dressed up."

"Gee, mom. That doesn't sound too reassuring."

"What? Why? Just because I'm your mom, doesn't mean I can't be a fair judge of your looks. Besides, you got half of your genetics from me. That has to account for something." She smiled and winked at him.

Evan rolled his eyes. "Whatever. What are you going to wear tonight?"

"I was thinking of wearing a dress. I bought a new one a while ago but haven't had the chance to wear it yet." A guilty expression crept to her face. "Although I have to admit, it might be a little on the skimpy side."

"Great! I hope I'm not going to be embarrassed being seen with you."
Olivia laughed out loud. "Oh, don't worry! It's short and low cut. Every guy will envy you."

"Until they learn that you're my mother!" Evan threw back.

"What's wrong with that? You should be proud of having a mom that can still turn heads." She pouted dramatically before picking up a small bundle and heading for the bathroom. "I'll try not to take too long."

While she was getting ready, Evan got on his laptop and opened a browser. He checked the news, then email, and finally browsed a few social media sites.

When the door to the bathroom opened next, Evan heard his mother ask: "Are you going to take a shower, dear?"

He looked up from his laptop and his heart skipped a beat. Wearing only a bra and panties, his mother stood just outside the door drying her hair with a towel. It probably wasn't the first time that Evan saw his mother dressed in just her underwear, but it was certainly unanticipated. Especially surprising was the choice of her lingerie. It was a matching set, made of black lace that was all but see-through. Her generous breasts bulged out of the bra, shaking and jiggling as she energetically dried her hair with the towel. Her meager panties sat low on her curvy hips, doing a poor job of covering her up. Evan's eyes went wide the moment he noticed a dark line of pubic hair perceivable through the delicate fabric.

"I can't believe you don't have a hairdryer," Olivia growled, snapping Evan out of his stupor.

He swallowed and looked away.

"I should've brought my own," she added. "It will take forever to dry like this."

Evan threw a cautious glance back at her. She gave off no signs that she may have noticed his lingering stare. She walked over to her bags and began looking for something inside one of them. Her back was to him now, and he could not resist a look.

His heart skipped another beat. Her panties were a thong, the narrow center strip disappearing between her cushy cheeks. Unable to blink, Evan stared at his mother's nearly bare ass. And what a view it was! Even at her forty five years of age, her ass looked great. Her lavish, pale-white buttocks expanded from her hips, rounding out near the edges. While perhaps softer and wider than it once was, her ass was still quite full and shapely. The sight of it rivaled anything that Jacbo's ever seen. Holding his breath, he couldn't tear his eyes away from his mother's backside while she rummaged through her bags.

"Honey?" she repeated, throwing a look over her shoulder.

Evan's head jerked upwards. "Huh?"

"Are you going to shower or not?"

His heart beat loudly in his years. "Fuck!" he thought. "What the fuck got into me? The last thing I need is for mom to catch me gawking at her like some pervert." He did not look at her again, pretending like he was focused on something on his laptop. "Sure," he replied, finally finding his voice. "Right away." He closed his laptop and headed towards the bathroom. She was still bent over her bags when he passed by, but he dared not as much as glance in her direction again.

He hurried into the bathroom and closed the door behind him. Feeling guilty and annoyed, he stood staring at his reflection in the mirror. "Why the fuck is she wearing that in front of me?" he wondered. "Why can't she be more considerate?" He shook his head. He knew his mother could be absent-minded at times, but this was just reckless.

He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. "It's fine," he told himself. "I'm overreacting. It's no big deal. It's just underwear. She's probably just used to walking around the house like that these days."

He turned on the shower, setting the water colder than usual, quickly undressed and jumped in. Soaping himself up, he did a quick pass over his nether regions, to avoid stirring up any undesired bodily reactions. A few minutes later he was done, drying himself off then wrapping the towel around his waist.

When he walked out, he saw his mother sitting on the couch. She was brushing out her shoulder-length hair now, still in her underwear.

Without looking directly at her, he asked: "Aren't you going to get dressed?"

"As soon as I'm done with this damn hair!" she snapped back in frustration. "I don't know why I decided to wash it today."

Evan nodded curtly and dipped inside the closet where his clothes hung. He hid out of sight, until he was fully dressed, then walked over to the kitchen and started brewing some coffee, all the while keeping his back to his mother.

When the coffee was ready, he poured himself a cup and took a sip.

"This will have to do," said Olivia, finally putting down the hairbrush. "I better get dressed now or we'll never make it out of here."

When Evan allowed himself to turn towards her again, she was working the straps of her dress over her shoulders. She wasn't joking when she said the dress was skimpy. It looked overly tight, came less than half-way down her thighs, and showed a gratuitous amount of skin.

Evan cleared his throat. "Isn't that dress a bit much?"

"I paid a lot of money for it," she grumbled, without looking at him. "And I haven't gotten to wear it once. I'm wearing it tonight, dammit!"

"As you say," muttered Evan, sullenly drinking his coffee.

"Just a touch of makeup," said Olivia as she finished squeezing into her new dress, "and I'll be ready!"

The touch of makeup consisted of eye-catching, red lipstick and black eyeliner, and for some reason took twenty minutes. Checking herself in the mirror one last time, Olivia walked up to her son and grabbed him under the arm. "Let's go, young man!"

They caught a cab downtown, to the restaurant where they made reservations. It was an upscale place, quite busy and loud.

"Tell me," began Olivia when their drinks and appetisers came out, "about that girl at work."

"There isn't much to tell," replied Evan. "We talk, but I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend."

Olivia shook her head. "That's no good. You need to get out and meet other women. I know how you are, but if you think they'll come to you, then I'd hate to disappoint you."

Evan chewed slowly, frowning down at his food.

"Women your age don't just hang around your office or your apartment building. You need to go to yoga, take up some kind of classes, and socialize more."

"Mom!" he blurted out. "I don't need dating advice from you."

She cocked an eye at him. "Oh, really? Just how much experience do you have? You started dating Amanda your freshman year of college. You wasted the most opportune time with that whore! God knows your father didn't have the time to give you that kind of advice. You'll be thirty before you know it, Evan. It's not going to get any easier."

"Mom, I still have a few years before I'm thirty, thank you very much. And what do you know? You've been with dad your entire life."

"Oh, believe me, I've got plenty of experience," she said with a flaunt. She straightened her back, which caused her breasts to amass on her chest.

Evan rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Listen, dear," she continued. "I've been on the receiving end of male attention my whole life. I get hit on more than you can imagine. I know how men are. I know how aggressive they can be to get a woman's attention. You, on the other hand, could stand to be a bit more enthusiastic when it comes to talking to the opposite sex."

"Mo-om!" Evan moaned.

Olivia tapped her painted nails on the table. "That girl from work, does she know you like her?"

Evan shrugged.

"And why doesn't she? How long have you two worked together?"

"I'm not going to tell her that I like her and risk getting denied. I have to work with her."

"You see. That's exactly what I mean! A confident man doesn't care if he gets denied or not. He's out there hitting on women, multiple times a day. It's not a big deal if he's rejected. It's like missing a train to him, or forgetting an umbrella."

"Okay, I get it. For crying out loud, mom! I've just gone through a divorce. Can you maybe cut me some slack?"

"Oh, Evan. If I didn't know you better, I would. But you've always been this way." Olivia sighed. "I blame your father. He never had the time for you. I blame myself too. I should've talked you out of marrying Amanda."

"Is this why you came out here?" asked Evan. "To pester me about it?"

Olivia popped a piece of bread between her vividly colored lips and chewed it thoughtfully. "You know that I love you, Evan," she said, after swallowing. "I want you to be happy. I'm just worried that you've become depressed."

"I'm not depressed!" Evan blurted out.

Olivia sighed again, not taking her eyes off of him. "Don't worry, I'm here to help."

"With what?"

"With getting out of this slump. While I'm here, we're going to take dancing lessons and find you a nice yoga studio."

"Oh, come on! I don't think..."
"Evan!" There was a sharp tinge of authority to her tone. "We're going to do this."

Evan took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. "Fine. Whatever."

"What's the matter?" She raised an eyebrow. "You don't want to spend time with me?"

"It's not that, mom. I don't want you trying to set me up with women. It's embarrassing."

Olivia put her hand over his. "I'm not going to embarrass you, honey. I promise. I'm just going to keep you company, and get out of the way when I need to."

"As you wish," he let out. He knew there wasn't much use in arguing with his mother when she was adamant about an idea.

Their waitress interrupted them, bringing out their main course.

"What about her?" Olivia whispered as the waitress departed.

Evan shook his head. "She's a bit too... broad for me."

"She might be on the chunkier side," agreed Olivia, "but she has a cute face."

"Mom, no."

"You have to start somewhere. Bang a few fatties before Betties."

"She's not my type," insisted Evan.

"She's perfect for practicing."

Evan shoved a piece of fish in his mouth, trying to ignore her.

They ate for a few minutes without speaking.

"See that guy?" Olivia asked suddenly, indicating with her eyes. "The one wearing a suit at that table."

Evan glanced in the direction. "What of him?"

"He's on a date, with his girlfriend or wife."


"He's been glancing over and smiling at me the entire time."

"Yes, so?"

"He's practicing," she explained. "He's honing his skills. Next time, when he's alone and sees a woman of interest, he'll act. And he'll be confident, because it'll be like second nature to him."

"He's probably just looking at those," said Evan, pointing his fork at his mother's chest.

Olivia glanced down, seeing the tops of her breasts swelling out of her dress. She rolled her eyes at him and continued: "What I'm trying to say is, you should take example of such behavior. Practice casual flirting. Do it often, do it casually. It'll end up paying off when you actually want to approach someone."

Evan took a quick sip of his cocktail. "Do you think we could maybe talk about something else?"

"Fine, be like that! I'm just trying to help you." She took a bite of her food and chewed it angrily. "Where do you want to go after this?"

"Umm, I don't know."

"How about a club?"

"Please, no!"

"Why not? Women love dancing. It's the best ice-breaker."

"I'm not really a dancer."

"I know." Olivia smiled. "But it doesn't matter. On the dance floor, after some drinks, nobody will be able to tell."

"Mom, I'm not going to a club."

"Okay, fine. What about somewhere with music?"

Evan pondered for a moment. "There's a jazz bar that I know of. They usually have a live band playing."

"Yes!" chirped Olivia. "I love live music!"

When they finished eating, they shared a couple more drinks at the restaurant, before heading out to the jazz bar. It seemed pretty popular and already had a number of people on the dance floor.

"Let's go dance!" Olivia suggested, as soon as they got a table.

"No way," Evan refused, shaking his head.

"In that case..." She motioned to the waiter. "Let's drink!" She ordered a couple of cocktails and several rounds of shots.

"Shots?" inquired Evan.

"They're for you. Liquid courage!"

About half an hour later, all their drinks were finished and the dance floor was filling up.

"It's time!" announced Olivia, pushing away her an empty glass. "Let's go!"

Evan was still reluctant. "Go dance. I'll join a little later."

"Nuh-uh!" She waved a finger at him. "You see that girl over there? She's dancing all alone. You're going to go over there and start dancing with her."

Evan squinted, looking in the direction his mother indicated. Indeed there was a girl dancing. She looked reasonably cute.

Taking a deep breath, Evan gave in. "Alright, let's go."

They walked towards the dance floor together, then split up. Evan approached the girl and started dancing next to her. To his surprise, she seemed to welcome his company. They danced together for a few songs, keeping a courteous distance between them. It was too loud to talk, so they only smiled at each other from time to time.

When there was a lull in the music, the girl leaned towards Evan. "I'm going to take a break," she said. "I'm Sarah, by the way."


"Nice to meet you, Evan. Maybe I'll see you again later." She smiled and walked off into the crowd that was amassing at the edge of the dance floor.

Inspired by the encounter and feeling the flow of the next song, Evan sought out his next dance partner. She was a bit on the heavier side, but he wasn't about to get picky at the moment. Shrugging, he approached and began dancing with her. She seemed quite enthused by his company and they danced together for quite a few songs.

Time flew by. Evan moved from girl to girl, sometimes getting politely turned away. By then, he didn't seem to care much, feeling a pretty good buzz from all the alcohol. At some point he got thirsty, so he decided to take a break and get another cocktail.

At the bar, he met a nice Easter European girl and shared a few drinks with her. After that, he spoke to a group of college sorority girls and bought them a few rounds of shots. His sight grew more and more blurry, his mind swimming in the heavy, humid air. He was having such a good time, he almost forgot that he came here with his mother. That was until his gaze fell upon a familiar figure grinding on a much younger man.

"Oh, no!" he thought, scowling. "I don't need to see that."

At that moment, Olivia looked up and saw him. Grinning from ear to ear, she waved at him, expertly bumping her ass into the guy behind her.

Evan shook his head in disapproval and turned the other way.

"Maybe I should dance with that girl again," he mused, finishing the drink in his hand. "Erm, maybe not. She looks like she's getting ready to leave." He scanned the tables, to see if he recognized anyone else.

"Hey there, handsome stud!" he heard someone say from behind.

Evan turned to find his mother. She had a huge grin on her face and a tipsy gleam to her eyes.

"Hey," he responded, half-heartedly. "How's it going?"

"Great!" she chirped. "I've danced my ass off."

"Quite literally."

Olivia glanced towards the dance floor. "That's my new friend, Vinny."

"He looks younger than me."

"Probably is." She giggled. "Want to get a drink?"

Evan threw another glance around the room, then looked at the empty drink in his hand. "Sure. Might as well."

They walked over to the bar and huddled in the crowd, trying to hail the bartender.

"See?" Olivia shouted over the blaring music. "I knew getting you to go out was a good idea."

Evan nodded, suddenly aware that they were getting pressed together from all sides at the jam-packed bar. He hadn't been this physically close to his mother, since before he became a teenager. He glanced down at her. It seemed that all he could see were the tops of her bulging cleavage. Feeling awkward, he tried to make some room for himself, all for naught.

The bartender finally approached and Evan managed to get an order in. Receiving two cocktails, Evan handed one to his mom and they walked over to their table.

"What's after this?" asked Olivia, sitting down.

Evan checked the time. "Bars are closing soon."

"Aww, that's no fun!" She pouted. "You still have that whiskey at home, right?"

"Yes, there was still some left."

"Good! We can party more when we get back."

They didn't even finish their cocktails before the bar began closing up. Evan realized he didn't get a single phone number, but he did feel more confident tonight. Maybe there was something to his mother's words about practicing flirting, especially on women he didn't know.

In the cab ride back home, Evan and Olivia replayed to each other their night at the bar. It came as no surprise that most of Olivia's partners ended up being much younger than her.
