Stock Ch. 19-33


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Sean reacted instantly and grabbed Elizabeth as he ran out the door. He slammed it behind him and went straight to his car as he fingered the button on his key ring and the trunk popped open. Sean rustled through the small compartment and pulled out his cane. He fingered the catch, twisted the handle and pulled out two feet of gleaming steel. Sean told Elizabeth to stay in her car as he stormed into the house, his sword leading the way.

The door opened easily before him and Sean stalked through the living room. Elizabeth's place looked like a tornado had gone through it. The white leather couch on which they had spent countless hours cuddling had its insides ripped out; the stuffing was poured out like rotting guts. The television had been kicked over along with the speakers to the sound system. Sean's pulse pounded behind his eyes as they swept back and forth across the room. The kitchen was not spared; the refrigerator was toppled on its side, doors ajar, spilling its contents onto the cold tile floor. Step by step he made the rounds as he searched room-by-room. The worst damage was seen in the bedroom, the four-poster bed on which they had spent untold nights together had been torn apart. The springs and stuffing protruded through the fabric panels of the mattress gaping open like exposed ribs. Then there was the smell. Someone had urinated on the mattress and defecated on the pillows.

This was supposed to be a home in suburbia, Sean thought, not some scene out of a novel describing a sacked town in the Middle Ages. But that was exactly what it looked like. Sean looked again. No, not sacked. Nothing was taken. Anything that could have been considered valuable was still there. All the electronics down stairs were still there, although destroyed beyond repair. Sean searched the closets. Elizabeth's clothes were shredded beyond recognition, wispy phantoms of what they once were. Her jewelry was still sitting in the small cherrywood box beneath her clothes.

Sean's eyes panned the room and then he looked down. Elizabeth had very thick carpeting, the kind that let your toes sink in. It also did a good job of preserving footprints. He studied the floor intently. More than one person did this, other than that the tracks were beyond his ken. He took the cell phone from his pocket, touched the speed-dial and the police answered. They would be on their way as soon as possible. Sean told them to take their time; the damage was already done.


He turned around and found Elizabeth standing in the doorway as he sheathed his sword back in the cane. He reached a hand out to comfort her but she walked past him to view the destruction instead. When she saw the bed her face became a steel mask, cold and unyielding. "This was Charles' doing," she stated calmly. "No doubt about it." Her fist flew out and punched a hole in the drywall.

Sean's eyebrows raised in surprise. He stepped up to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. She shrugged him off.

"No, damn it," she shivered with rage, her voice a rasping whisper. "You were right that I needed to deal with my problem but there is no way that things are going to be resolved if he continues terrorizing me like this. I'm tired of being the victim. I'm sick and tired of running from him, hoping he'll leave me alone. I'm going to deal with it my own way. I'm going to bring that bastard down." Her eyes flashed lightning as she spun around and looked at Sean. "And you are going to teach me to do it."

"Elizabeth, calm down."

"I will not! I've been trying so hard to piece my life together." Her eyes brimmed with tears. "So hard.."

Sean wrapped his arms around her, and this time she let him, as she broke down in tears. The police knocked on the front door just then. Sean guided Elizabeth down the stairs by her shoulders and let the cops in, telling them about what they had discovered. Later others arrived and they discovered that the damage was more extensive than they had realized. It was a serious case of vandalism. Insurance would help cover some of the costs for the damage but it would be a long way before Elizabeth would consider this place a home. She talked with Sean and voiced what he was thinking. She would have to move.

"As much as I hate to admit it, I can't live here anymore."

"Excuse me, ma'am," an officer questioned. "Do you know who might have done this?"

Elizabeth's face turned stony. Her eyes were fiery as she readied a violent reply. Sean interjected and gave her shoulder a squeeze. "Yes, we believe we know who did this. There's no doubt in our minds that it was her ex-husband who pulled this off. I don't have any proof, but I expect you guys to find some. I believe in justice, officer. I intend to see it done. This isn't the first time Charles has terrorized her. And it won't be the last, either. Elizabeth divorced him for a reason."

The officer thanked them for their cooperation and said that they would keep in touch. They drove back to Sean's place and when they arrived Elizabeth called Vanessa and Eric. The two friends arrived shortly thereafter and did all they could to console her.

"Thanks for coming, guys," Elizabeth said, "But I'm okay, now. Honest."

Vanessa gave her a worried glance. She was furious when she discovered the news. She uttered a long line of curses that nearly set Sean's place on fire before she finally calmed down. Eric said she was even worse on the drive over. Eric took to the news as calmly as Sean did. They both knew what Charles' actions meant. War.

"So how can we help?" Eric asked. The question was open ended and the offer was without limits; the nature of what he was suggesting was not lost on Sean.

"Nothing like what you're thinking," Sean replied, "although that would be fun."

Eric pulled a hunting knife out of his boot to pick at an imaginary speck of dirt under his nails. "That's a shame. Haven't gotten any live practice in for quite a while."

"Sorry, Eric. We plan on keeping this above the table. We will need Vanessa's help, though."

"Anything you want."

"We need you to find us some lawyers," Elizabeth said as she nursed a cup of tea, "the best money can buy, the blood thirsty ones. Tell them there's a bonus in it for them if they can bring Charles' ass down to our satisfaction. We're going to send this asshole to the slammer, not some country club, mind you. I want him to rot in a hellhole of a prison." The teacup shattered in Elizabeth's hands. Everyone looked at the broken shards scattered on the floor then at Elizabeth. She calmly used a napkin to wipe her hands dry as Sean got a dustpan and sponge to clean up the mess as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

"Elizabeth," Vanessa addressed her friend worriedly. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine."

Vanessa and Eric stayed around for another hour or so before they left. Eric cast a warning glance at Sean. Their eyes clashed; a silent argument ensued. When their eyes broke, Eric sighed and the two friends made their exit.

Chapter 27

Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Elizabeth took a tentative step forward in the shrouded darkness. Her hands were spread out in front of her with her fingers outstretched. She felt the wind on her face before she heard it and crouched. The object whistled by above her. She smiled to herself at the small victory. Something hooked behind her right ankle and pulled up. In her position she fell flat on her back with a dull thud on the canvas mat. Elizabeth cursed and got back up. This time she was struck in the shoulder, then behind her knee forcing her to kneel. Her foot was hooked again but this time she managed to lift free. The canes twirled faster, their whirling caused more movement than she could track by feel and sound alone. They clacked across her body and appendages mercilessly until ultimately she was swept off her feet for a second time. Again she found herself prostrate on the floor; her breathing was the only sound in the room.

A loud crack exploded alongside both ears and Elizabeth screamed. The lights blazed on, stabbing at her pupils until they receded to pinpricks. Her hands shot up to shade her eyes from the assault. Slowly, she adjusted to the brightness of the room and she got her bearings. She found herself lying near one of the three-mirrored walls of the room. Sean stood over her as he threw aside his blindfold.

"You have learned something?" It was more a command than a question.

Elizabeth could only shake her head as she pulled herself up, nursing a bruised wrist. “Nothing. I didn't learn a damn thing."

"Think harder. Think again."

"It's impossible to keep track of your attacks. They're too fast."



"It is impossible to keep track of my attacks when you can't see them coming."

"Then how am I supposed to dodge?"

"Why do you stand still? Are you afraid of running into where I am not?"

Elizabeth opened her mouth as if to reply and then caught herself. She grew pensive and leaned against the wall. She felt Sean's lips brush her forehead.

"Come on," he whispered to her gently. "That's enough for one day."

"One question."


"There's another lesson behind what you just told me. What is it?"

Sean smiled knowingly then gave her a peck on the nose. "You're learning quickly. Yes, there is another lesson behind it. It's somewhat symbolic. I'll let you think about it while I get our stuff together."

Elizabeth's slid down the mirrors with her back against the cool surface until she was seated on the canvassed floor and thought about what he had said. Symbolism. Something about being in the dark. Being blind? Being unable to see into the future. Trying to predict when those damnable canes were going to hit was frustrating as all hell, and in the end it was futile. The only thing she had control of was herself, her actions. But when the future became the present and affected her directly, that was the time for action. As they headed out the door Elizabeth asked if she was right.

"Close enough," Sean replied as he locked the door behind them. "The present is the most important moment of your life. The past has already happened, there is no point in lingering in it. You'll only get caned if you're looking backwards. The future has too many variables, always shifting, unpredictable. Therefore, you can't plan too many steps ahead otherwise you just might run into a mistake. Getting stuck in a pattern of moves is like that. Certainly, there are prescribed combinations of attacks and blocks but eventually others will read them and then you're as good as dead. Remember Top Gun, what Maverick said. 'You don't have time to think up there. If you think, you're dead.'"

"Well, that's a big gamble with a thirty-million dollar plane, Lieutenant," Elizabeth replied. "Or in this case your life."

"True," Sean answered. "But when you become predictable, you're as good as dead."

"But what you're asking me to do is rely on pure luck," Elizabeth said as Sean opened the Jaguar's passenger side door for her.

"No, I'm asking you to rely on pure, gut instinct," Sean held up a hand to forestall her reply. "Trust me. You'll get it. Gods help me when you do."

Elizabeth slid into the warm leather seat and thought things over. She had been staying at Sean's place for the past two weeks, slowly piecing together her belongings as well as her life. She sold the house and dumped the furniture. The police called as expected. Charles had a solid alibi; he was at a nightclub with his girlfriend. Several people had seen him. Elizabeth and Sean knew that the snake wouldn't have actually done the deed. But it certainly wasn't beyond him to orchestrate the whole thing.

Sean and Elizabeth had argued heatedly for a couple of days about getting him to teach her martial arts. She won after she explained that she would just take self-defense classes from one of the many downtown studios if he wasn’t going to help her. That got to Sean and he capitulated. Elizabeth rubbed her sore wrist. Maybe she had bitten off more than she could chew. Sean told her that he was going to teach her more than the proper way to throw kicks and punches. He was also going to impart a philosophy, a way of life. He went on and talked about how the true spirit of martial arts was lost to the hyper-commercialized world where anyone could learn the drills with enough time and practice. He admitted that doing so did create good fighters but that wasn't what he was about. Sean said he would make her into a warrior.

They pulled into Sean's parking spot. Elizabeth grabbed their gym bags and followed her boyfriend up the stairs. The two of them entered Sean's apartment and Elizabeth watched him visibly unwind. It wasn't a physical difference but the air of command slowly sloughed off his shoulders. Sean, the Master, was left behind and in his place stood Sean, her lover.

"Go ahead and take a shower," he said as he headed for the kitchen. "I'm going to get dinner started."

Elizabeth went to their bedroom, stripped, and showered. The hot water felt wonderful on her tense muscles. She rubbed her neck and upper back to release some of the knots. She would have to ask Sean for one of his back rubs later. His hands were magical, the way they smoothed out the kinks in her body. They were also quite good at getting her very aroused by the end of the massage. Elizabeth smiled as she thought of what always happened after a session with Sean's magic hands. Yes, she was definitely going to ask for a massage. She took her time in the steaming spray and felt like a new woman. She slipped on a thick robe, dried her hair and then made herself look presentable. After slipping into some clothes she left the room.

Elizabeth made her way to the kitchen where she was pleasantly greeted by

Sean, Vanessa, and Eric with a cake aflame with candles. She graciously feigned surprise and grinned sheepishly when her friends began a chorus of Happy Birthday. When Sean hadn’t said much about her birthday she knew something was up. Sean was such a dear.

"Thank you," Elizabeth said as she gave Sean a warm hug, and then proceeded to embrace Vanessa and Eric.

Sean placed the cake on the polished dining table and gave Elizabeth a peck on the cheek. "Happy Birthday, love. I even put on all the appropriate candles."

Elizabeth's eyes quickly counted the little flames. "Sean, there's only twenty-five."

"You're not twenty-five?" Sean asked innocently. "I could have sworn you were twenty-four just yesterday."

Elizabeth playfully backhanded his ribs, which were vibrating from his chortling. “Charmer."

"Just telling it how it is, darling," Sean replied then gave a sly smile to all present. "I swear she didn't act a day past twenty-five last night in bed." Elizabeth elbowed his ribs. "Go ahead. Make a wish."

"But you already came true," Elizabeth teased as she stationed herself in front of the glowing dessert. She closed her eyes and decided what she wanted, a home to call her own with Sean at her side, always. She took as large a breath as she could and then emptied her lungs until her sides hurt. Black wicks greeted her as she opened her eyes.

The rest of the evening passed in a blur of conversation and merrymaking. Dinner was comprised of an excellent assortment of dishes from Allesio's that Eric had ordered in advance. Then came the presents. Eric handed her an envelope and inside it was a five hundred dollar gift certificate to a household furnishings’ store. Elizabeth looked questioningly at Eric and thanked him.

Vanessa gave her another envelope. Inside was a picture of a very grand looking, four-posted king-sized bed. At the bottom, the picture said 'Yours'. Again, Elizabeth was confused by the present but she thanked Vanessa anyways. Where was she going to put the bed? It certainly wouldn't fit in Sean's apartment. Sean handed her another envelope. Inside was a scrap of paper. It read, "We're getting a house."

"We'll have a new home."

Elizabeth looked up and wrapped her arms around Sean's neck and kissed him.

Tears streamed down her cheeks. Hugs were exchanged all around as Elizabeth brimmed with joy.

"I expect that bed to get well used," declared Vanessa as she hugged Elizabeth.

"I'll make sure of it," Sean muttered under his breath.

Elizabeth felt a tap on the shoulder and she turned around. Sean was on one knee and his hands held up a tiny velvet box. Elizabeth's eyes widened as she gasped.

"Elizabeth Richards," Sean said with determined conviction as the room grew silent, "I love you. I love you more than my life, more than my soul. You are more than any man has a right to ever dream of, let alone ask for. And I would be honored if you would accept my offer to be by your side for the rest of eternity." He opened the box. "Will you marry me?"

Elizabeth grew dizzy and nearly fainted. There didn't seem to be enough air in her lungs. Flashing in front of her eyes was a three-carat diamond bound to an intricate ring of gold fashioned in the likeness of a flaming bird clutching at the gem with platinum talons, a phoenix. Elizabeth's mind and heart seized at the beauty of the ring. She was speechless. She broke down and sobbed with joy as she clutched Sean to her and wept. He cradled her in his arms, a tear of his own streaking down his cheek.

"Oh, God, yes," Elizabeth finally managed to squeak out. "Yes. Yes. Yes!"

Elizabeth broke the embrace and held out her hand. Sean slipped the ring on her finger. It was a perfect fit.

"Holy shit!" Vanessa screamed. "Look at the size of that rock!"

Elizabeth held her hand up proudly and cooed over it with Vanessa. Of course, the two women immediately began comparing their jewelry. They tittered like schoolgirls over wedding plans. Within seconds they agreed on having a double wedding.

"I take it I'm your best man?" Eric asked Sean.

"Without a doubt. And I expect a good bachelor party."

"How about we have ours together? We'll just have to double everything."

"More babes and more booze!" Sean commented.

The room grew quiet. The two men looked over their shoulders and winced at the women’s glares.

"Uh, just kidding, darling," Sean grinned nervously.


"Well, look at the time," Eric said quickly. "Vanessa and I really must be going. We'll talk about wedding plans later."

Elizabeth snorted derisively and patted Sean on the cheek. "Yes, we'll discuss this later."

Sean winced then saw their guests to the door. Elizabeth hugged their friends goodbye. She turned around and faced Sean. "Now, what was this I hear about other women?"

"Well, a bachelor party wouldn't be bachelor party without strippers, right?"

Elizabeth chuckled as she watched her fiancé squirm. They both knew that

Sean had eyes for her only. Still, they liked playing games. She pulled him in by the front of his shirt and gave him a smoldering kiss, tasting the smooth ice cream cake on his lips. "I'm just going to have to find a way to make you forget about other girls." She pulled him in for another scorching kiss.

"What other girls?"

Elizabeth smiled. "Whipped!"

Sean chuckled and his lips tickled her as he nuzzled her neck. "Have I ever told you that I love you?"

"Maybe," she teased. "I think I remember you saying something like that."

His tongue snaked out and caressed the lobe of her ear. "I love you.” Another long, torturous lick followed his words. "But right now, I lust after you."

Elizabeth felt herself being lifted as Sean scooped her up in his powerful arms. He loved carrying her, ever the chivalrous man, and she loved being carried. One of the many reasons she loved him. Her heart fluttered at the thought, one of the many reasons she was going to marry him.

Sean placed her gently on the bed. The room was silent but for the sound of their breathing. Elizabeth watched longingly as Sean pulled the shirt off his muscled frame. The sight of his fine features never ceased to thrill her. Elizabeth pulled her blouse over her lithesome body. When she had the blouse over her eyes Sean held her still. She could feel his hot breath on her, her skin flushed with every gentle puff that caressed her skin. Although she was blinded, she could feel him smiling at her. Elizabeth laughed in anticipation. "Is this another lesson?"
