Stories from the Past


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Oh my Sweetest One, You are here! And my heart and my very being are ablaze! I will not bore you with a recounting of the hours and hours of nervous trepidation I experienced this morning, knowing you were en route. Yearning to be the one who would meet you from the train, even whilst recognising the impossibility of that. Then envying both the driver and even the faithful dobbin that had been given the pleasure of pulling the trap that would bring you to us. Then the anguish of actually seeing you, breathing in the very same air, seeing those hot looks you secretly gave me - yet unable to do more than merely lightly brush your hand as we met.

You can, I am sure, imagine what thoughts flooded my poor brain as our fingers glanced off each other's. Thoughts of where those sweet fingers had once been, what they had done. And the thought that hopefully they might soon do so again. Thoughts that made that very same place tremble moistly even as we stood together with my family and friends. Yet all the time thinking that I had nearly twenty-four hours to wait before that might even be possible.

But then - and I have to thank both Julia's and your own quick thinking to thank for it, and even now, at this late hour, I bless the both of you - what wonders... I know that you will not be surprised to know that when I heard Julia saying how interested she had been to hear that you had expressed a wish to see some of the plants I had been caring for in our conservatory, I had not the least idea as to why she should make such an apparently odd observation. Yet another example of my poor, ineffectual imagination my Dearest - I will try to do better in future. But, in a flash you understood what she was trying to do for us - and you instantly seized it!

Even though our time together in the conservatory was all too brief, your kisses were not. Oh the wonder of the feel of having your sweet lips pressing against mine!!! I know I will never tire of experiencing those marvellous delights. But then I could not imagine that in those circumstances - and having not only the proximity of the family, but also the ridiculous inconvenience of my voluminous gown to deal with - you would be able to do any more than that. Not that I would not have been more than satisfied with the exquisite pleasure of your kisses my Dearest. But although you had not only the weight of my skirt's material but also the constraining impediment of my bloomers to deal with - you still managed, in spite of all the many obstacles, to do it for me...!!! Even though I sorely missed the delight of feeling your fingers against my skin, you still enabled me to feel the wonders of that rippling ecstasy again. Perhaps the excitement, or 'arousal' - as you described it - that I had already been feeling made it more easily possible for you to do so. Perhaps - she says blushingly! - in time we might 'experiment' the factual nature of that??? I think I might very much enjoy taking part in such 'scientific work' my Darling...

I suddenly realise that if I write very much more I will be unable to hide this letter within an another, so I must bid you 'goodnight' - admitting to you - again blushingly - that I intend to try to repeat just a little of what you did for me this afternoon, before I fall asleep - hopefully to dream of you... Your Darling Annabelle.'

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Darling, Darling George, You have utterly bewitched this poor maid! I am - all but for that one final act - indeed totally yours. And although I may have to send this letter to you in portions, I am determined to write to you in full - if only to ensure that the joyous things we have shared today remain firmly imprinted on my mind, for evermore!

I am sure you agree that we are already forever in Julia's debt - though I am sure, knowing her as well as I think I do, that she will reclaim at least a little of that by insisting on hearing as much as I am prepared to tell her of what we did with the time she enabled us to spend together. I will ask you tomorrow what little of that you agree we should disclose. And of course it will be, but a little! In fact, even as I sit here, pen in hand, initially eagerly prepared to document the wondrous experiences we have had together, I actually find the blurring intensity of it all might just be rather too much for my inadequate scribbling to deal with. But I will try - I am determined to do so...

Of course there was first the sheer excitement - the arousal - from just the thought of us having those hours to ourselves. Even when I first awoke, and instantly remembered what the day held in store for us, I became aware of the tingling in the region all around my cunny - a tingling that grew stronger, and also moister, as those early hours dragged wearily by.

As I am sure you can well imagine, knowing women as well as you so obviously do, I had spent the last hour or so before retiring, planning exactly what I should wear for you. Over dinner I took the opportunity to ask my father what he thought the weather would be doing on the morrow - he is a great one for studying such natural phenomena, and is surprisingly frequently quite accurate with his opinions. And when he said, 'more than pleasantly warm', I was delighted - it meant I would be able to wear one of my less heavy dresses - thus making your hand's task of 'reaching' me, just that much rather less onerous. Of course I had no idea of what you actually intended - and indeed if I had, would have been trembling even more severely than I actually was while effecting my toilette.

The moistness I had felt had refused to go away, in fact at times when I found my thoughts recalling those all too short minutes in the conservatory, it became embarrassingly copious. I probably should not admit this information to a gentleman, even one with whom I have already been so intimate - but I will - I had in fact to obtain for myself, fresh bloomers, twice. What the laundry-maid will think I really dare not contemplate...

However, the time came for Julia to call for me - as you know we had advised my family that during this week she and I would be working together on some important needlecraft for the birthday of one of her aunts. Heaven knows what Julia actually intends to give the dear woman for her anniversary! Then, having walked with me to her house and let me in, she left me - to wait for you. How long those no more than fifteen minutes actually seemed, I cannot describe to either you or myself the mixture of fear - that you might not after all actually appear - and the excited arousal at the prospect that you would.

But you did - and that first kiss - the first kiss we shared when we knew we were at no risk of being discovered - was unlike any of those we had previously experienced. At least I know it was for me - and from the way I felt you holding me, and pressing yourself so tightly against me, I feel sure it was for you also. And then there were all those huskily whispered terms of endearment you showered on me - words I had not expected to hear from the lips of anyone, even one who was so very dear to me. Then there were those other words - words that until then I had at first blushed at when I had merely read them, words that told me where your fingers longed to go, and what they longed to do. I admit I had not anticipated hearing those words, nor the description of the act, but, I must admit - albeit perhaps still a little ashamedly - just hearing them from you was very nearly as exciting as the feelings I had experienced when actually doing such things to myself during your absence... So perhaps that intensity of arousal made me just that much less reticent when you made your next suggestion - that I should in fact remove my dress for you!

I still find it a little difficult to accept that I did so - but will be eternally grateful to whatever it was that enabled me to overcome my normal modest reserve about even contemplating such a thing. What I had not expected was that you should derive such obvious pleasure from just seeing me without it, I will never forget the expression on your face as your burning eyes slowly took in what you saw - even though there was still not too much flesh for you to admire.

Then you touched me!!! At first my shoulders, then my arms, then my face, then once again, my shoulders. My Dearest you could not have known it, but I very nearly swooned at your feet at just that first, soft and sweetly tender touch of your fingers... Then you kissed me, kissed my shoulders, my neck, then again, my mouth. And oh what bliss I felt from those kisses...

But then you began unlacing my bodice - and that too, like having me remove my dress, was both unexpected and I must admit, at least momentarily, shocking! Yet once I saw how you looked at my insubstantial - at least by comparison with many far more mature women's - titties, I was somewhat reassured. I am sure that the look I saw on your face, in your eyes, is what I have heard described as 'adoration' - at least I can think of no other word to adequately describe the look I saw.

Then, oh then my Darling, your fingers touched me... Of all the things I had never known, that you have patiently tried to explain to me, the sheer magic of that moment is perhaps the most amazing. How could it be that I have had these parts of myself for so long - yet never known what thrilling joys they are capable of bringing me? But of course it is not they that did it - it was what your hands and fingers were able to do with them that did so...

If I had all but swooned when your fingers touched my shoulders, I could very easily have fainted dead away from what your hands and fingers did to my breasts - as I now know you prefer me to refer to them - and I do agree, it is a much more womanly word.

And then - wonder of wonders! - you kissed them...!!! And not only kissed, but licked, then selecting the little rosy buds on the tip of each, nibbled and sucked them. By then neither 'swooning' nor 'fainting' could adequately describe the state of utter bliss you had put me into...!!!

What you could not know was that in between all the exhilarating joys I was experiencing while you sucked and caressed them was the fleeting thought I had - that my several changes of under-garments had been a complete waste of time - and the laundry-girl's work - I knew my quiveringly tingling cunny was seeping so much fluid that my bloomers would certainly no longer be either clean or dry!

I did have one other, more deeply felt thought - that other than running my fingers through the wavy softness of your locks - which I found I also very much enjoyed - because of my ignorance, and - and this was the fault of the effects your hands and lips were having on me - as I was both unacquainted with what you might like and in that state was quite physically unable to, I could not do anything for you in return.

(And although my control of myself may still be no better, I am of course somewhat better informed on the other matter now! - and very much look forward to having you continue and expand my 'education', perhaps on the morrow...)

So, my Darling, I am afraid and regret that you had to 'suffer' your personal torments of arousal while you continued ministering to, and, in time, relieving mine.

You will no doubt be surprised to learn that even after all that you had so tenderly and patiently done for me, I still had a moment of shock and consternation when I felt your fingers tugging at the ties that supported my bloomers. I can only suppose that the lessons learned during my upbringing run even deeper than I sometimes understand. After all, the one place I still longed for your hand to go, was - and I now admit it almost quite unashamedly - down between my legs, and to get there you would have to either let down, or at the very least, unloosen them.

However, such are the apparent complexities of the feminine mind my Dearest!

But you knew nothing of that little internal conflict - luckily - and within a trice, I felt the waistband of that all too voluminous garment loosening, then your hand slipping downward beneath it.

Then, what sheer utter bliss your fingers gave me as they slowly moved lower, pausing only to excitingly comb up and down through that crinkly, mossy patch above the place they were undoubtedly heading for - movements that I found prompted, albeit - at least to the best of my conscious knowledge - involuntarily, my legs to move a little further apart.

If the downward movement of your hands was 'sheer utter bliss', what words are there to describe the sensations I experienced when they slid lower, when they actually slipped into my eagerly waiting cunny? And what still other words could I use to describe those you gave me as your dextrously talented fingers began working their magic upon my pleasure-bud? My darling, I regret I have none - perhaps some scholar could assist me, but then how could I ever explain my need for such words?

If I use the words 'heavenly rapture', you will gain some little insight into what you made me feel. But then I will need those words to describe the ultimate sensations I experienced some little time later - when you again took me to those even more blissfully dizzying heights, heights that left me literally weak-kneed and gasping.

So my Darling, other than by gauging from my body's uncontrollable reactions to what you did - and hopefully will do again, many, many time...!!! - for me, I fear you will never, ever know what actual joys you gave me. Just trust me when I say that they make all other worldly pleasures seem utterly insignificant, and I now have at least some little understanding of why a person might become so apparently ridiculously besotted by a particular member of the opposite sex.

Let me just add here the little thought that if I truly believed that heaven's reward would be for us to experience such feelings for all eternity - I would gladly forsake everything (perhaps even you???) and, as they say, 'get me to a nunnery'! But even my limited thought processes tell me that such feelings are those of the flesh - and we are told that that does not accompany us to that blessed place. So, as you have previously so accurately pointed out to me; our Creator gave us the capacity to experience such wonders - perhaps as some small compensation for the ills and sorrows this life also brings us - so we should thank Him, and make the very most of that capability. However, I am sure He will not too much object if I leave the 'thanking' until some long time after I have fully enjoyed them...

Then what understanding and kindness you showed me - fetching a towel for me to sit down upon, and another so I could discretely dry myself. And, my Darling, all the while - and it is only now that I have some little appreciation of the true magnitude of it - demonstrating true courageous forbearance as to your own undoubted discomfort...

I admit that it was not until some time after I had re-gathered my wits and ability to think of anything but the continuing echoes of the wonders you had shown me, that I realised I had completely forgotten what you had previously so patiently explained - after I had so inadequately written of the intensity of my lonely arousal - that you too experienced exactly the same, but even stronger, and, in a man, sometimes even painful, pressure from your own.

Yet, being the poor, far too timid creature that I am, even once I recalled your admission, and even though I was anxious to do whatever was possible to assist in releasing you from any distress it was causing, I was totally at a loss as to how to approach you about it, and certainly had no idea of how go about doing that.

But miraculously, and as though you had some sort of access to my mental processes, you asked me if I recalled what you had written about the condition a man suffers at such times. I think it was all too obvious from my eager response that not only did I understand at least something about the condition you were referring to, but that I was both willing and enthusiastic to assist in whatever way was necessary to alleviate your endurance of such suffering.

I should tell you at this point that thanks to my friend Julia allowing me some limited access to certain books of artistic works - many of the Old Masters' paintings and statuary - I had previously gained some insight into the nature of the male genitalia, so thought I had some understanding of what normally lay inside your britches. And as I have previously admitted, I knew that to effect congress - or 'intercourse', as you later told me was its other descriptor - I fully expected to find a stiffened version of what I had seen depicted in the photographic reproductions Julia had allowed me to see.

I tell you that to excuse what must have seemed to you to be no more than some almost demented creature's reaction to what appeared when you unfastened your britches and pushed down your under-drawers... To admit that I was stupefied with bewilderment, would be a gross understatement of how I actually felt. And even now the memory of that first manifestation of your cock remains just a little bit frightening. I admit that the very idea that at some stage of my life I might have to submit to having such a monstrous object inserted inside me was that surely no woman could ever survive such an invasion. But of course, in time, once I had considered the size of the infant that eventually appears from the self-same channel into which the male's cock goes in by, I realised that we females must have some kind of inbuilt mechanism that enables the act of intercourse.

However, my immediate look of horror must have alerted you to my immediate reactions to the sight of something so unexpectedly monstrous - and again you showed me both your innate kindness and compassionate understanding. Your assurances that neither of us would do more than what you had already done for me, touch each other with our hands - and your explanation that in doing so I would provide you with pleasures similar to those you had only just given me, allayed most of my fears. And once I collected the courage to reach up and do so, and felt the strength of your immediate reaction, I found there was in fact very real pleasure to be gained from doing what you had asked of me.

But even so my Dearest, because it is a very personal question, and in case I do not have the courage to ask you directly, I will ask you through this letter - are you endowed as most men are, or are you indeed some sort of 'giant' in that area of your build? Of course I know that all humans are not created equal - at least in their structure - as I have alluded to before, many mature women have much greater bosoms than mine, so it would make sense if some men were also larger than others, 'down there'.

Having explained that my hands could reproduce a similar effect to that experienced during intercourse by lightly gripping you - your cock - and sliding them back and forth, I set about doing so, and although I am certain that they were nowhere near as knowledgably skilful in doing for you what yours had done in providing such heavenly rapture for me, it soon became very clear that you seemed to be greatly enjoying my stroking caresses. And I freely admit that once I had become a little more used to the sight of you - of your cock - I found the actual act of doing so was exciting for me too! In fact I found, much to my surprise, that within a minute or two of starting, the area around my cunny was not only once again tingling, but that it was also a fact that it was undoubtedly remoistening too! In fact the longer I continued, the more rearoused I became - and, I am almost still ashamed to admit, well before you actually demonstrated what finally occurred with a man, I was longing to feel your fingers inside me again...!!!