Stranded in the Outback


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"Look," said Jack all of a sudden. He lifted his finger and pointed ahead. Joanna followed in the direction, but couldn't see anything other than hot, sweltering air.

"Do you see it, mom? I think there are trees up ahead." Jack sounded excited. He quickly dropped to one knee and took the map out of his shoulder bag. "It's on the map. Look, right there." Joanna glanced down and saw Jack sticking his finger at a small blue line.

"It's a river mom!" Jack yelped. "It's a river!"

Jack took off ahead and Joanna had a heck of a time keeping up. However, she began seeing what they were headed towards – a grove of short trees. They drew closer and closer and finally arrived at a small river.

"I don't know how I missed it," said Jack with a broad smile and they stood on a bank of swift flowing water. "We must be close to our destination."

"How close?" asked Joanna relieved at the sight of water.

"Well... about ten more miles," answered Jack.

"Can we get there today?"

"Not likely. Maybe a day or two."

"Two more days?" Joanna suddenly lost all feeling of relief.

"Yes, but mom, we'll make it. I promise."

Joanna forced herself to smile and felt proud that her son was being so optimistic.

The water in the river looked clear and refreshing. Jack didn't wait another moment as he threw down the pack, kicked off his shoes and jumped in the swift current. The river was about ten feet across but it came up to Jack's shoulders at the deepest point. Jack noted that this was probably a man made stream, used to distribute water to driest parts of the country.

Joanna stood on the bank and watched her son splashing around like a little kid. She knelt down and put her hand in the water. It was chilly. Her body ached to be submersed into that welcoming coolness. But she was quite aware that her thin, white panties would reveal a little too much if they got wet.

"Jack. What about crocodiles?" she asked suspiciously, peering into the river.

"Mom, this is too small of a river and too clear of a water for crocodiles. You have nothing to worry about," Jack said as he swam around.

"Can we drink it?"

"I don't know. It smells okay."

"I don't think we have much of a choice, Jack," said Joanna holding up their water bottle. It was almost empty. She finished the rest in one gulp and bent down to fill it up from the stream.

Jack got out of the water and stretched, water running off of him in rivulets.

"It's starting to get hot again," he said. "I'm going to get some sleep, over there by those rocks."

Jack walked a little up the stream and Joanna followed him. The banks widened slightly and formed a little pool. The water looked even clearer, except in the middle, where the current rippled through.

"Okay ma," announced Jack drawing a sun clock in the sand. "Wake me up when the shadow is here. By the way, this little pool would be great for diving. You should go for a swim."

Jack found the most shaded spot in the grove, scooped up some sand and formed something like a bed.He was asleep within minutes.

Joanna stood and looked from her son to the pool. When she was convinced the he was asleep, she approached the bank. The water sure did look inviting. Joanna wasn't a great swimmer, but she could picture herself diving into this amazing water. She looked back at Jack one more time and then untied her makeshift shoes. She decided to keep her panties on, figuring there would be plenty of time to dry them in the sun.

Not able to withstand the draw of the water any longer, Joanna dove straight in, headfirst. The cool water felt shockingly cold on her overheated skin, but at the same time it was very refreshing. She felt a surge of life and energy flow into her.

She swam around in the little pool, her head going under and popping back up. The worry of being stranded seemed to be washed away by the river's current. She looked around and took in the beauty of the moment. It felt so exotic, being in the middle of nowhere, in an unfamiliar country, yet encounter such pleasure. The water seemed to be tickling and caressing her body, like a lover. Joanna's thoughts turned to Tim and she wished her husband were here right now, because she would fuck his brains out. She closed her eyes and pictured his big cock. She wanted to taste it and feel it deep inside of her.

Joanna was getting pretty aroused swimming around, daydreaming about her husband. But she noticed that she was starting to feel cold. She decided to get out and warm up under the sun. As she climbed out of the water, she felt that something wasn't quite right. She could quite put her finger on what it was. And then it hit her. Her panties were missing.

Joanna quickly turned around and peered into the river. She couldn't quite recollect if she ever felt them slipping off, yet here she was – butt naked. She ran up and down the bank, trying to spot her underwear in the water. But it was all rather wishful thinking. Her panties must have fallen off when she dove in and the fast current had carried them off god knows where.

Almost maniacally Joanna began to laugh. As if for the first time, she realized that she had no idea where she was and the only person who she could rely on was her son - her son who had just barely turned eighteen and who had never even been to a foreign country before. To top it all off, she was now completely naked, except for those silly shoes her son had made out of her own shorts.

As Joanna's laugh died down, she agreed that the shoes were actually pretty functional. She shook her head and glanced down at her crotch. Her skin was already dry and her pussy was completely bald, thanks to the Brazilian waxing salon in Sydney. She couldn't let her son see her this way, so she tried to think of a way to cover herself up. She picked up the makeshift denim shoes and turned them over.

"No, that won't do," she mused. She looked over at Jack to make sure he was still asleep and, suddenly, and idea came to her. Jack was still wearing his board shorts.

"Better him than me," she thought. She was his mother and she had seen him naked plenty of times before. Though, he had become very conscious of his nakedness when he was about fourteen. "How much could he have changed?"

Joanna waited till it was time for Jack to get up. She used one hand to cover herself between the legs and called for Jack to wake up. Of course he needed more than that, so she used her leg to shake him.

Eventually, Jack began to come awake. He opened his eyes and saw his mother standing above him, covering her crotch.

"What... what's going on?" Jack sounded groggy and confused.

"It's time to get up, sweetie," Joanna replied.

"Why are you naked?" asked Jack squinting. As realization dawned on him, he added: "Where are you panties?"

Joanna quickly explained to him what happened to her when she dove into the river. She tried to make a light joke of it and and they both shared a quick laugh.

"So, Jackie, honey, I'm going to need your surf shorts," she finally said.

"But, then... I'll be completely naked," Jack said unhappily.

"I'm your mom. You can't see me completely naked, it's not right."

"What's the big deal? You've been pretty much naked this whole time. What difference does it make if I see your snatch?" said Jack in annoyance.

"Jack! Young man!" said Joanna formally. "It's not a snatch. You can say vagina."

"How about pussy?" Jack tried to hold back a smile.

"Well... I suppose you can say that too."

"Good, I prefer to say pussy. Vagina sounds like an old lady's thing," Jack chuckled.

"Now, Jack, be a good gentleman and give your mother your shorts," Joanna demanded like she always did when Jack wasn't listening to her.

"All right, all right," answered Jack and took a deep breath. Reluctantly he began to undo the laces on his shorts. He turned around, took them off and tossed them over his shoulder to his om. He was happy he didn't have a boner right now.

"Wait a second, don't turn around!" Joanna hollered at him.

Jack stood with his back to his mom, while she quickly slipped into his shorts.

"Ah crap!" Joanna cursed. "The shorts are too big, I can't tighten these laces."

"I knew they would be better on me," said Jack, looking over his shoulder.

He saw his mom holding the shorts up around her waist with one hand to keep them from sliding down.

"I guess I'll just have to hold them up the whole time," she said.

Jack just stood there not wanting to turn around. The actual idea of being naked in front of someone else always scared and excited him at the same time. And now he would be completely naked in front of his mom, who strangely enough had an amazing pair of tits. What if he got a boner again? His mom would ridicule him to no end. As if to spite him, his cock began to fill out. To try to take his mind of such matters Jack decided to strike up a small talk.

"We should get going. We only have a few hours before it gets too dark. Let's have a drink of water. If we're lucky, we might see some civilization soon," he said cheerfully, still not turning around.

Joanna took a drink from the bottle and walked up to give it to Jack. He took the water but kept his body at an angle, keeping himself from being seen. Joanna noticed this and guessed what the trouble might be.

"What's the matter, big boy, afraid to show your momma your little dinky?" she teased.

"It's not a dinky," replied sharply Jack, sounding hurt.

Joanna decided to play on his shyness a bit further. While Jack was drinking, she quickly walked around to face him. She glanced down and her eyes showed her surprise.

Her son's penis wasn't even fully erect, but it was about the same size as his father's. The thing was, Tim was a big man, standing at six feet and six inches; his large manhood came with the build. However, Jack was barely five-foot-eleven and he wasn't nearly as bulky as his father.

"What?" asked Jack noticing that his mother was staring.

"I guess you are right. It's not a dinky. It's a ding-dong," said Joanna with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"Mom!" exclaimed Jack and stumbled towards the creek. He jumped into the water and swam around.

Joanna joined him, but she kept close to the shore, only going in waist deep. She watched her son as he swam around. He looked hurt, which made it both cute and funny. She thought that maybe a little teasing could do them both good and raise their spirits.

"Whatcha doing, Jack? Fishing for crocodiles?" she joked.

Jack gave her a grim frown.

"I think I see a floating log. Oh wait, no. That's just your penis," she kept on.

"Mom, this isn't funny," said Jack, but he actually almost smiled.

"Oh, don't be so hard on yourself," said Joanna, accentuating the word "hard".

Jack finally smiled and she stopped teasing him.

The cold water refreshed both, the mother and the son, and they set out on their way. They tried to keep up a conversation to help them pass the time as they walked. Jack still felt weird being naked around his mom and he still maintained his half-chub. Joanna was still amused by the fact that her son was slightly aroused in such a situation.

"Watch were you're pointing that thing," she would say, or "You're going to poke an eye out with that."

Little by little, Jack was becoming more comfortable and even decided to make a few jokes himself.

"Must be hard walking with those swinging bags on your chest," he said. In turn, Joanna came back with: "I hope there are no elephants in this desert, because they might mistake you for one of their own."

They both burst out laughing at that.

"At least I have grass on my field," said Jack, failing to think of something cleverer.

Joanna was surprised that he noticed.

"Wait, when did you see that I had no grass on my field?" she asked squinting at her son.

"When you were standing there covering up," shrugged Jack.

"Oh, you saw? Did you?" Joanna asked lightheartedly.

Jack didn't say anything and quickened his pace, which caused his semi-stiff cock to sway from side to side. Joanna giggled to herself.

At length, it was getting too dark to keep on walking and Jack called for a break. He spotted out a place to break the camp and told his mother to get some sleep.

The night was dark and Jack couldn't see much except the stars. To help him pass the time he tried to find all of the constellations he had read about. He even attempted to count the stars when he grew really bored.

That night Joanna had a dream about being with a man. She thought she knew this man, yet he seemed to be a stranger at the same time. He was such a great lover that Joanna had sex with him multiple times in her dream. She woke up to her son calling her name.

"Mom! Wake up! The sun will be coming up shortly," called Jack.

"Oh, sweetie, just a few more minutes," she replied, frustrated at being woken up from her erotic dream.

"Come on, mom! Every minute counts before the heat comes," urged Jack.

They set out again. They walked mostly in silence, Joanna's thoughts trying to recall her dream while Jack was trying to figure out where they were and how much longer they had to go. He got out his map and compass and studied them in the coming sunlight.

The day was going to be a hot one. Jack began feeling the heat sooner than the previous days. Perhaps due to their exhaustion, they only exchanged a few words. Jack tried to push an extra mile, feeling that they were getting close to their destination. Joanna was having a hard time walking in the oncoming heat. Every inch of her body felt hot and her head began spinning. She began to fall behind. Seeing this Jack finally called a halt under a pile of rocks. He was pretty tired himself and fell asleep as soon as he made himself comfortable.

The shade wasn't helping much and Joanna felt the hot air all around her. She took a drink of water as she sat opposite of Jack. She was feeling dazed and her mind began to wonder. Her thoughts drifted to the dream she had last night. She didn't even realize that she was getting very aroused and very wet. Maybe because of the dream or maybe because of the heat she felt a strong urge to touch herself. She took a glance over at her son who looked to be deeply asleep. She figured that she could easily play with herself and satisfy her over excited genitals.

Quietly she took off the surf shorts and eased herself down on a small rock. Her pussy was already well lubricated and she slipped two fingers inside of it. She began to vigorously finger herself, her juices splashing all over her hand and thighs. She was getting so horny that her whole body began tingling. She stayed quiet but was determined to bring herself to an orgasm. She closed her eyes and tried to picture her husband's cock. She fingered her pussy and toyed with her clitoris for a long time, but couldn't quite bring herself to that desired peak.

Joanna slipped a third finger into her slit and fingered it faster. She opened her eyes and looked around. She seemed to be so close to her orgasm, yet unable to reach it. Her eyes came to rest on her son. He was lying on his back, breathing softly. His cock was resting on his belly and it was semi-stiff as always. Against her own better judgment, she stared at Jack's cock as her fingers dove faster in and out of her slippery cunt. The sight of his cock seemed to excite her even more. It looked so long, smooth and gorgeous. It seemed to captivate her whole attention. All she could think about was reaching that damn orgasm and all she could see was her son's semi erection. Her mind was in a complete state of lust as she rubbed her clitoris with one hand while the other worked on her hungry twat. Yet, she couldn't get over that one hill.

All of a sudden, a crazy idea entered her mind.

"I just need to get a dick in my pussy, just for a moment, and I'll be able to cum," she thought.

Joanna was no longer guided by her consciousness, but by wild human instinct. She stopped playing with herself and quickly got up. Quiet, like a fox, she stole her way over to where Jack was sleeping. She knew that he would not wake up easily and that his semi-stiff cock could easily be guided wherever. She stepped over Jack's body and looked down directly at his boner. She licked her dry lips and slowly began squatting. Her sopping pussy was inches away from his large manhood.

Without losing any time, Joanna placed one hand on the nearby rock, for support. With her other hand she reached for Jack's cock. Her heart was pounding in her ears and droplets of sweat were running down her body. Carefully, she picked up his cock and guided it towards her burning pussy lips. Hungrily, she shoved his meat inside of her and lowered herself on top of it.

Her body shuddered slightly as she felt the tip of Jack's cock push its way past her labia. She paused for a moment to enjoy the feeling, but her pussy begged for more. She pressed down lightly on it and felt the cock making its way inside of her. That was all it took before Joanna was sent into an electrifying orgasm. Wave after wave of intense pleasure ran through her body. Her eyes couldn't see and her mind couldn't comprehend. Joanna was in a state of supreme orgasm, unable to form any intelligent thoughts. Her whole body shook so hard that she fought hard from collapsing onto her son. She bit down onto her lip to keep herself from screaming. Her pussy was grabbing at Jack's cock in spasms of pleasure and she was gushing out loads of juices all over his rigid rod. It seemed to last an eternity.

When Joanna finally came to her senses, she slowly raised herself off of Jack's cock. Her legs were trembling so bad that she stumbled and almost fell. She took a moment to regain her breath and looked over at her son. She slowly began to comprehend that she just used her son to help pleasure herself. It didn't feel real. It felt like a dream. A dream that felt so incredible, that her mind was still under the influence of the orgasm – her pussy quivered and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. Joanna took a few more steps and allowed herself to collapse on the sand.

Funny thing was, even though Joanna got her pleasure, she felt more aroused than ever. To receive the most powerful orgasm of her life in this heat was something intoxicating. Her pussy was still burning with desire and her clitoris was tingling. She raised her head and looked up at where Jack was still peacefully sleeping. His cock was covered with her juices and she even dribbled some on his pubic hair. His cock looked to be fully hard now and, indeed, looked bigger than her husband's. She stared at it, thinking it was the biggest dick she'd ever seen. At this point it wasn't her son's penis, it was just this beautiful cock on this strange, yet familiar man.

Joanna couldn't take her eyes off of her son's cock. It seemed to her that the first orgasm was just an appetizer and she found herself very hungry for the main course. In the state of delirium Joanna's mind began to respond to the impulse of the immediate want. She pushed herself up from the sand and crawled over to Jack. Her pussy craved the taste of whole length of his shaft. The sooner she could plug her fuck hole the better.

She didn't even get up, but simply crawled over her son. Her hair fell down and was only inches from his face. She reached for his cock and grasped it in her palm. She felt like some junkie trying to get her fix. She wasn't even graceful as she stuffed Jack's cock into her pussy. She was wet and ready enough to accommodate his whole girth. Feeling the cock inside of her sent her into euphoria.

Jack's shaft slid easily inside of her highly aroused pussy. His dick was stretching he pussy beyond what she had ever experienced, but it was a most welcome stretch. She lowered herself unto it until she could go no further. His cock was lodged deep inside of her and she felt filled out to the fullest. She looked down, between her legs, and saw that Jack still had a few more inches of his cock to spare. She wished she could take it all, but unfortunately, her vagina could accommodate no more. Joanna placed her hands above Jack's shoulders, looked at his face to make sure he was still asleep and began to work her hips up and down his stiff mast.