Succubus Keep


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What about the wings? the shrill voice chirruped. What about the horns? The tail?

Elan didn't listen. He pulled the girl's hot body up against him and squeezed her wonderfully ripe breasts.

"Having fun, big boy?" the succubus whispered throatily. Her tail curled up between his legs and tickled a sensitive point midway between his asshole and balls.

A heavy object bumped against Elan's chest. It was an old wooden cross. For some reason he was wearing it round his neck.

It was important. He strained to remember why. As he looked at the simple wooden shape he felt some of the clouds start to clear in his mind.

"We don't need this ugly thing," the girl said. She took the cross, neatly snapped it in two and threw the pieces over her shoulder.

Elan felt an odd sense of loss, though he couldn't work out why. It was just an ugly wooden cross.

No, it was more. It was his... why was it so hard to think... it was his protection?

Protection? From her?

Yes her. The demon.

Elan's thoughts were just beginning to clear again when the demon put her arms around him and drew him close. Her heady perfume swirled around him. Her luscious pink lips met his as they kissed.

No, the venom.

Too late. Her lips met his and more of her sweet poison flowed into his body. His heart quickened and blood surged into his manhood. His skin tingled pleasantly with the memory of her other kisses. His thoughts were once more submerged beneath hot and sweaty images.

He had to fight it.

She held him there, drawing the kiss out for a blissful eternity. Her hot tongue met his and playfully tickled the tip.

Fight what.

He didn't resist as the succubus sat him down on the end of the bed. She went down on her knees between his legs and smiled up at him as her hand rubbed up and down his manhood. She pursed her full, moist lips. They shimmered with pink gloss.

"I know you want this," she murmured.

Elan did. His manhood ached with the need. He was totally enslaved to the lusts she'd instilled in his body.

She sucked his manhood slowly into her mouth, letting her soft lips encircle and brush over the entirety of his swollen helmet. Elan groaned. Her mouth was hot and the heat passed into him. A dextrous tongue tickled the sensitive point where his foreskin met his glans. She took him deeper, her full lips brushing down the full length of his shaft. His manhood started to tingle warmly.

Elan leaned back and closed his eyes in bliss as the succubus bobbed her head up and down. With each bob her lips coated a thick layer of gloss up the full length of his erection.

Elan sighed and sank further back into the bed, totally intoxicated by the blissful venom flowing into his manhood. He swelled still larger, his fragile skin straining to contain the seething blood rushing within.

The succubus drew her lips up the full length, feeling the knight's cock swell still further. The battle was over. All that remained was the pleasure of the feeding.

The succubus felt a familiar twitch in the knight's cock. She placed a practised finger at the base and withdrew it from her mouth.

"Not yet," she whispered. "We wouldn't want to waste any."

She crawled up onto the bed. On all fours, she presented her delectable rump to the knight and reached between her legs to spread aside the lips of her pussy.

"Let's fuck," she growled.

Elan didn't need any further encouragement. A wave of profound pleasure washed over him as he sheathed himself in her silken flesh. The succubus shuddered and yowled like a cat in heat as his swollen manhood stretched her. He thrust back and forth, enjoying the moans of pleasure from the hot little demon beneath him. Her muscles squeezed and pulsed around him, flying him to lofty peaks of pleasure. He felt his balls tighten and he thrust back and forth into her sopping sex with greater urgency.

Oh god, he was coming.

Elan was so lost to the pleasures he didn't notice the succubus's tail coiling and writhing before him. As he reached the point of release the tip of the tail traced an arcane symbol onto the skin around his heart. Lines flashed pink with mystical energy before sinking down into the flesh.

Elan gave a great groan of release. He placed both hands on the demon's exquisitely rounded ass, drove his cock deep into her body and spurted a massive load of his seed into her waiting womb.

The succubus hissed in triumph as the knight's seed filled her. Her vaginal muscles bunched up around the base of his cock and rolled back up the length, squeezing every last drop of cum out of the knight's cock as he shuddered in the grip of a powerful orgasm.

Spent and exhausted, Elan pulled out and collapsed onto the soft bed.

The succubus immediately rolled him onto his back and straddled him. Beads of perspiration rolled across the globes of her breasts and down a perfectly flat stomach. She stared down at him, her eyes smouldering with both desire and hunger.

"That was enjoyable, but why stop now?" she said.

She steered his still-hard cock between the dripping wet labia of her pussy and slowly sat down, drawing him up into her body. Her vaginal walls pressed around his manhood, flooding him with her heat.

"Mmm, you're about to find out my vagina secretes a far more potent venom than my lips," the succubus murmured.

Her soft walls quivered around Elan's manhood.

"And when I'm aroused I produce a lot of it," she continued.

Her vagina quivered again, more strongly this time. Elan sighed loudly in pleasure as he felt a warm liquid flow around his manhood. The juices felt so good as they sank into his flesh and spread a warm feeling through his body.

"You're mine now, little knight," the succubus purred. She cupped her breasts in her hands and gently rocked back and forth. Special glands squirted more of her aphrodisiac venom over Elan's cock. Her vaginal muscles skilfully kneaded and massaged the fluids into his flesh.

Too much, Elan thought. The pleasure was too much. He writhed and squirmed as uncontrollable fires burned in his body.

The succubus smiled and flooded her victim's cock with more of her fluids. She enjoyed the sensation of the man's cock swelling even larger inside her. She watched in amusement as the big strong knight flopped and flailed beneath her, completely lost to the pleasure she was causing him. She traced symbols on his chest with her black nails and watched as the lines flared pink and then sank into his flesh.

"Come into me. Fill me," she sighed.

Elan looked up and saw a perfect vision of beauty. Delicate hands cupped luscious ripe breasts. Her head was tilted up, eyes closed in bliss. Broad bat wings were spread out behind her like a cloak. She rode him with perfect poise.

Another orgasm hit. Elan gripped her hips and thrust upwards. He felt his manhood spurt another enormous load of his seed deep into her womb. Her vagina gripped him with a hungry suction. The walls rippled around his erection and stretched out his orgasm to the point where he thought the pleasure might tear him asunder. He pumped and pumped his semen into her until his balls shrivelled up completely and the dry pushes started to hurt.

"No more," Elan said. He lay on his back, breathing as hard as the times he'd been engaged in pitched battles with powerful demons. His body trembled and shivered uncontrollably. Even though the succubus had sucked his balls dry, his manhood still stood up proud like a pole, redder and more swollen than Elan had ever seen it before.

"No more?" the succubus questioned. She lay next to him on the bed. "I don't think a big strong man like yourself is done just yet." She languidly pumped his erection with a slender hand.

"I'm empty," Elan said forlornly.

"I can help you with that," the succubus said. She reached over and rolled him on top of her. Her labia stretched wide as her pussy swallowed his cock all the way up to the hilt and gripped it with a powerful suction. "All it takes is your consent and a little magic from me. Will you let me?"

Her silken walls lightly squeezed his swollen cock.

"Yes, please," Elan pleaded. At that moment he would do anything to please the gorgeous creature beneath him.

"That's a good knight," the succubus said. A black fingernail touched Elan's chest at the same time as the tip of her tail pressed up beneath his sac. The succubus smiled as the runes she'd drawn into the knight's flesh flared with pink light.

Elan gasped and shuddered helplessly as energy crackled through his body. He felt his balls fill up. At first it was a trickle of warmth, then it grew into a stream and kept flowing as Elan's balls swelled and grew. An itchy dry feeling was replaced by an itchy swollen feeling as his skin stretched to contain the seed seething within.

"Isn't that better?" the succubus said.

"Yes," Elan groaned. His balls were fit to burst. He had to relieve the pressure.

Thankfully the willing body of the succubus was at hand. Elan thrust his cock into her with renewed vigour. His swollen balls bounced against her as he pumped up and down. He must have release.

It came with blessed promptness. There were only so many times Elan could plunge his cock into that luscious, sucking channel before tipping over the edge. He dove as deep as he could go and bellowed out his pleasure as he jetted his semen deep into her hot body.

Her vagina teased and gently caressed his cock, stimulating additional gouts of seed as Elan pushed into her. He felt his balls slowly deflate as they emptied into the demon's hungry sex. Spent again, Elan fell forward onto the soft pillows of her breasts, out of breath from the exertion.

"Again?" the succubus asked sweetly.

"Yes, more," Elan wheezed. He had to experience that feeling again.

The succubus touched his chest with a black nail and pressed the tip of her tail against his balls. Magical runes crackled and Elan felt his balls start to swell and grow.

A sudden spasm of weakness gripped him and he felt a little dizzy. With it came a brief moment of clarity. She was draining his strength, he realised. She was sucking out his life, orgasm by orgasm. This was how succubi killed their victims.

He started to struggle.

"There's no escape now my lovely knight," the succubus laughed. Her legs crossed tightly around his back, holding him in place while her sex sucked and slurped on his manhood.

"Relax and enjoy the pleasure as my pussy drains your life," she said.

Her soft pussy gently squeezed his cock and Elan responded with another powerful gush of cum. Indescribable pleasure surged through him and washed his fears away. He sank deeper under the succubus's pleasurable spell. His balls were already filling up for the next orgasm.

"Mmm, I'm sure a big strong man like you will last a long time," the succubus murmured.

She folded her wings around him, wrapping Elan in perfumed darkness. He twitched and shuddered in bliss as the orgasms grew longer. They started to run into each other until they became one long starburst of ecstasy. Through it all the succubus's vagina sucked and sucked, gently draining away all of the knight's strength.

Elan couldn't escape. Not that he wanted to. Her soft breasts pressed against his chest. Her hot lips crushed against his. Her lithe limbs pulled him deeper into her embrace. Her soft vagina squeezed and sucked his juices out of him with steady, exquisite pulses.

He was weakening. His muscles were withering with every blissful ejaculation.

He didn't care.

He lay in the succubus's embrace and smiled as she sucked out his life force one orgasm at a time. He didn't want this pleasure to ever end.

It didn't. Not for a long time any way. The succubus was right. Elan was a strong man, brimful with vitality. It took a long, exquisitely pleasurable time to drain him completely.


Tenjeth ported his crippled body into the keep, eager to see the final end of his mortal foe. He arrived to a bedroom silent except for the low moans of a woman in pleasure. Underneath that he could just about make out a quieter liquid sound, like the dregs of a thick drink being sucked up a straw.

The succubus was on the bed. Her wings were wrapped around an indistinct shape and her body slowly moved up and down on top of it.

Tenjeth waited...

...and waited...

....and finally cleared his throat loudly to get the succubus's attention.

She jerked her head up in surprise. Her eyes were wide and her cheeks flushed red.

"Oh," she said. She unfolded her wings and the emaciated head of a human flopped over the side of the bed.

"I see you were successful," Tenjeth said. "I'm impressed Leila."

"Sometimes feminine wiles succeed where brute force has failed," the succubus smiled.

"I trust he died a humiliating, agonising death," Tenjeth said.

"Uh yeah," Leila said, glancing down at the floor. "Agonising."

Tenjeth gazed on the dead face of his mortal enemy. The human had shrivelled up so much he looked like he'd either died from extreme old age or been left out in the elements for a very long time. Tenjeth was puzzled by the expression though. It looked like the human was grinning from ear to ear.

"He looks like he's smiling," Tenjeth commented.

Leila looked down.

"Oh that," she said, as if noticing it for the first time. "That's rigor mortis I think."

Tenjeth stared at her balefully with his one remaining red eye.

The succubus smiled sweetly back and batted her long eye lashes. Her tail traced coquettish circles on the bed.

"Yeah, probably rigor mortis."


Clouds obscured the images in the glass. The succubus stared expectantly at Tenjeth. The disfigured demon pondered what he'd just seen.

"It may work," he said.

"The ball shows the future," the succubus said.

"A nice image for sure," Tenjeth said. "But I'm sure the knight will pose more problems in real life than in this little performance."

"He won't," the succubus said. "All men are suckers for a little lip gloss and a large pair of breasts."

"We'll see," Tenjeth said. "We'll see..."


Elan steeled himself for the worst as he pulled open the main door and entered the keep. The foyer beyond was dusty and infested with spiders. Elan moved through the living quarters. All were in the same state of abandonment. It didn't appear as though anyone had been here for a long time.

All save one.

Elan found a bedroom that looked as fresh and welcoming as if it had been cleaned only yesterday. A large bed stood against the far wall and was covered in freshly plumped pillows. It was as if he'd been expected.

A puzzle for sure, Elan thought, but it was one that could wait for the morning. He was weary from a long day's ride and the bed looked soft and inviting. Elan took off his armour, propped his sword against a chair and collapsed onto the warm bed. He was asleep even as his head fell onto the soft pillows.

The succubus waited outside the room for the knight to fall asleep. The fun was about to begin!


This is an entrant for the Literotica Halloween Story Contest 2008.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Best story I have read here.

Crazy good.

Part 2 please. .

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Did Guyon ever complete his game?

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Nice one

I'd love to see a part two where she betrays the demon

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Wild ride

A very well written parable on the importance of choosing the right tool for the job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A succubus vs a guy with erectile dysfunction, the guy wins in the end .

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