Sue Ch. 13-16


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We were both as nervous as hell and on top of that we were frightened that someone might come by at any moment, so while she eventually let me get her pants off she insisted on keeping her skirt on, so I never actually saw anything. I wriggled out of my clothes and was disappointed that unlike Mary, she pointedly looked away as my cock was exposed - anyway, we made love, it was pretty uncomfortable but we made it.

Having once done it June seemed to free up a bit and although we didn't do it often she did let me make love to her several times after that. But she'd never get completely undressed or let me look at her properly - and she'd certainly never touch my cock.

But after we'd been going out for a few months I noticed her attitude to me starting to change a bit, nothing dramatic, just odd things she said sometimes. I got the impression that the thought of me being a mechanic didn't fit with the kind of man she wanted to be married to. There was nothing I could do about that of course, I just tried to ignore her odd remarks as best I could.

Then one Monday afternoon I found her waiting for me outside of the college, she wanted to go for a walk and have a talk. I somehow knew what was coming and I was right, she'd met someone else. He worked in a bank, wore a suit to work and had a good career ahead of him. So out with the mechanic and in with the bank manager. I don't mind admitting it, I felt terrible, so empty. Anyway I didn't lose my temper or say anything I'd be sorry for later, in fact I think I kissed her and wished her good luck. Praying to myself that the banker proved to be an utter bore or a sadist and that she'd come creeping back to me - but she didn't of course.

A couple of weeks went by and I got a phone call from her mother, Mrs. Wills, she wanted to know why I hadn't been round to mow her lawns. I said I didn't think she'd want me around there after what had happened between June and I, she said that was nothing to do with it, didn't I need the extra cash? I did, so she told me to come over the next Saturday - mentioning that June would be at the tennis club for lunch and the rest of the afternoon. 'Tennis club' I thought. 'There's no way I can compete with that!' But as I still wasn't sure just what my reaction would be when I saw June again I was grateful that her mother had told me to call when June wouldn't be there

The Saturday turned out to be a really hot day and frankly the thought of pushing a mower around for an hour or two was not a very attractive idea, a swim in the river was far more appealing - but I'd promised, I had always liked June's mother and didn't want to let her down, so off I went.

I was about two thirds of the way through the job when she brought out a cold drink for me - and boy did I need it by then, the sweat was really pouring out and I could feel my shirt sticking to me like a second skin. But even so, when I saw Mrs. Wills walking across the grass towards me I would have started to sweat even if it had been the middle of winter! I suppose I had never really looked at her as a woman before, she was June's mother, an adult and somehow they're different - but that Saturday afternoon she looked more like something out of a movie than somebody's mother.

I suppose that what she was wearing would be called a sun-dress but I'd never seen anybody's mother wearing anything like that one!

To start with it was short, finishing half way down her thigh and as she had long legs that meant there was a lot of leg to see - and they were great legs, still slim and shapely with not a trace of the flabbiness older women seem to always get around their thighs. Then there was the top, which was cut low, leaving her shoulders and a fair bit of the tops of her breasts exposed and showing off the deep, shadowy vee between them too - it was quite obvious that they were considerably bigger than her daughter's. But as my eyes flicked up and down, alternating between staring at first her legs and then her breasts, in between them I did find something that mother and daughter had in common, her waist was tiny too. All in all Mrs. Wills was a real stunner!

On top of that, when I finally dragged my eyes away from her body and looked up at her face, was the expression I saw there - it was obvious even to me that she liked the way I was looking at her.

As she came still closer I saw that her eyes were looking me over in much the same way that mine had her. 'You look hot.' she said in a tone I had never heard her use before. In those days I think 'hot' just meant level of temperature - even so the way she said it gave it a different, sexier implication but I was still too inexperienced to respond in any way other than the obvious and I'm sure I said something very unoriginal, like - 'A cold drink would certainly be great Mrs. Wills.'

'Let's sit in the shade while we have it.' she said, walking across the still uncut part of the lawn to a shady corner of the garden. She turned to speak to me again and as she did so her breast was outlined in sharp profile and naturally my eyes were drawn to it like bees to honey.

I saw a small smile appear at the corner of her mouth as she noticed where my eyes were focussed. 'How much longer will it be before you have finished Brian?' she asked.

I pulled myself together and followed her across the grass. 'Oh, half an hour at the most. I did the hardest part first, this bit is easy.'

She handed me a glass of an ice-cold lemon drink, I thanked her and was taking a long, thirst-quenching draught as she sat down - and very nearly choked on the drink when I saw the way the already short skirt climbed even further up her thigh. Again I saw her half-smile at my reaction, she made no direct comment but instead said.

'O.K. But I'm not letting you go home in those sweaty clothes, you'll catch cold. You'll need a shower too, so, when you've finished and while you have one, I'll rinse the sweat out of those things - in this weather they'll soon dry.'

'Oh there's no need to bother Mrs. Wills.' I said finishing the rest of the glass in one gulp.

'It's no bother, I'm insisting - and cut out this Mrs. Wills stuff, Doreen will do fine Brian. Now let me refill that glass, it looks as though the first one hardly touched the sides.'

I was still standing and as I bent down and she leaned forward to pour me a second drink I found that I could see straight down the front of her dress - and I could clearly see that, unheard of for those days, she wasn't wearing a bra! I really didn't know where to look - but I didn't seem to be able to look anywhere else - so I just continued to stare down at the firm, round globes of creamy flesh, only finally dragging my eyes away when I realised that she had long finished filling my glass. I was thankful for the covering my hot and sweaty face gave me when I did, because as I saw her smile knowingly up at me, I felt myself blush a deep crimson.

'It looks to me as though something other than the mowing is making you even hotter Brian.' she said and her eyes dropped and looked straight at my crotch. It was only then that I really became aware of the tight feeling in my shorts and realised that during the few minutes she had been in the garden, I had got a hard-on - and knowing that she must be looking directly at it, I felt myself blush an even deeper shade of red.

Her voice had a huskiness about it but she spoke quite slowly and deliberately and there was no mistaking the meaning in what she said 'Finish your drink but leave the grass - I think you're about ready for something else Brian, don't you?'

I couldn't believe this was happening to me but by then wasn't in any shape to argue and wouldn't have known how to say 'no' to a grown woman, even if I'd wanted to - and, having seen as much of her legs and her breasts as I had, I didn't think I wanted to anyway. So I did as she'd said, threw down the rest of the drink, helped her up and then followed her across the lawn and into the house.

Once inside and with the door closed behind us, she turned to face me. 'I know you and June have been to bed together, so you're obviously not a virgin - but I imagine you haven't had too much experience yet. Am I right?'

'Yes Mrs. - er, I mean - yes Doreen. But how...?'

'It doesn't matter how I know Brian - and it doesn't matter that you have, that's normal. This is not quite as normal - but it could be very good, for both of us I mean, if you're as sensible as I think you are.'

She paused and I didn't know if she was waiting for me to say something, if so I didn't have the faintest idea what it was, so I just stood there, probably looking like a dumb fool. But she didn't say anything either, just smiled, reached out and took my hand, then lifted it and placed it on one of her breasts - I felt my fingers close, almost automatically around the rich fullness of it and she just kept staring deep into my eyes while letting me slowly fondle it. After a few moments of silence, she spoke again.

'I've liked the look of you since June first brought you home and, over the time you've been going out together I think you and I have got on well. I don't think I'm unattractive and I think you might get something more than just physical pleasure if we were to meet from time to time. I'm not talking about 'love' Brian, I'm talking about sex. Sex between two attractive people, I may be a fair bit older than you are but everything else is the same - and without the emotional problems that can come with a having a young girl-friend, as you've just found out.

Do you think I'm being a bit cold-blooded about this Brian?'

'No, no I don't Mrs. - er, Doreen. No I understand exactly what you mean - and it sounds wonderful!' I added, putting much more confident enthusiasm in my voice than I was actually feeling at that moment.

She tilted her head up to me and said. 'Good, I hoped you might. Now, give me quick kiss then let's get you under that shower - I love the smell of a man and I love the smell of grass but the combination of the two is really not very sexy.' The grin she gave me as she said that actually made me feel much better and I grinned back at her and again did as I was told, kissed her quickly. At least I tried to but the warm moistness of her eager lips held me longer than I think either of us expected and after a moment or two I felt her tongue slide into my mouth and twist and twirl itself around mine in an intoxicating way. I could have stayed there for ages, just enjoying that much of her - but she had more interesting things in mind and all too soon she brought the kiss to an end, took my hand from the breast it was still clutching and led me through the house to the bath-room.

It was a big bath-room, anyway certainly bigger than I was used to at home and I suppose I expected her to open the door, maybe give me a towel and then leave me to take my shower. But instead she pushed the door partly shut behind us then, hitching her skirt up a bit, lifted herself up on to the marble-looking top that surrounded the basin and settled down, obviously to watch me. Within seconds my erection had vanished! I just stood frozen to the spot.

'Are, are you going to stay?' I asked querulously.

'Do you mind? I'd like to, very much.'

I couldn't help myself interrupting him, it just burst out automatically. 'So I wasn't the first one to want to watch you shower?'

He'd been so involved in remembering that episode in his life that my voice seemed to confuse him for a couple of seconds - but then his eyes focussed on me, he smiled and nodded. 'No, sorry about that. I admit that I had forgotten all about this time until I started talking about it. It's amazing the detail that comes back when you start. I couldn't have told you this lady's name if you had asked me half an hour ago, weird thing the memory isn't it?'

'Mmm, not that I've had as much to remember before now. But I'm sorry I interrupted, I didn't mean to, it just popped out.

'That's all right, the whole idea is to share, not just tell a story for the sake of telling it.'

'Please go on, it's exciting, it's making me feel quite squirmy inside.'

'Really - we'll have to do something about that.' he said with an absolutely wicked grin. 'Now?' He added, reaching across with his free hand and feeling down between my thighs.

'Not just now.' I said with a laugh. 'But I'll keep you to that promise. Right now I want to hear the rest of what happened. Please go on.'

Chapter 16


'Where was I?'

'You had asked Doreen if she was going to stay and watch you - she had said she wanted to, wanted to very much and asked if you minded that.'

'Ah, yes. Well then I think I said something super intelligent and witty, like - I, I don't know - I've never, I mean it's, well...

I really didn't know why I was objecting. If I'd thought about it, which I didn't, it was crazy - two people who were about to take part in the most intimate act it's possible for two people to do - and I was worried about her watching me take a shower! But it was ingrained in me, in just about everyone in those days I suppose - the toilet, the bath-room was private. But I was in a new world, here was a grown woman who was asking me to go to bed with her, first she wanted to see me shower, it was a small price to pay. But, I still turned my back on her and felt myself blushing again, as I stripped down to my underpants and then out of those too. Finally, in spite of my nervousness and though I think I kept my back to her most of the time, I took my first ever shower in front of a woman - and in this case an avidly watching woman.

I'm afraid that if she was hoping for a good look at a teen-ager's fully roused cock, she must have been very disappointed. My cock had reacted to the situation just the way I had in fact hoped it wouldn't, it was minute, almost non-existent. So as I stepped under the hot water and began to soap-up I tried desperately to relax, to think of how she had looked in the garden, how her kiss had affected me and what I soon might be going to experience with her. I took a much longer shower than I would have normally, making a bit of a production of appearing to scrub off the smells she had objected to and was relieved to find that my imagination did have some affect and that my cock regained at least a bit of its previous size.

Of course sooner or later I had to turn around and within a matter of seconds of doing so I felt the thing jerking itself up again. While I had been behaving like a nervous virgin, she had been enjoying herself.

She was still sitting up on the basin surround but there comparisons ended - the front of her dress was now completely unbuttoned and her breasts hung free, she was rolling the dark red tip of one of them between the fingers of one hand, while the other was very busy down between her legs.

'You have a very sexy back and arse Brian - and you took so long that I just couldn't help myself. But I'm glad to see that the front is looking almost as sexy too, now.' she added, as her eyes dropped down to where I knew my cock was still jerking upwards as the sight of what she was doing to herself sent blood pounding through me.

'You'd better dry yourself Brian, although you're looking hot again you could still catch cold if you don't.'

She continued to play with herself while I dried off and I imagine that by then she must have worked herself up to quite a pitch because as soon as I finished she slid herself down off the bench, took my hand and led me straight to her bed-room, saying.

'No fancy stuff the first time, we'll get around to that a bit later - right now I just think we both need a straight forward fuck, don't you?'

I'd never heard a woman use that word but the way she said it made it sound as though it was the only word she could have used. And a straight forward fuck is just what we had - she didn't even bother to close her bed-room door, simply slipped off what there was of her dress, wriggled out of her pants, took me by the hand again and as we got on to the bed, pulled me on top of herself.

I honestly don't remember any details of that first time, I know it was over very quickly, too quickly for both of us but there was nothing I could do about it, once my cock was inside her I just went at her like a train and after a bit of frantic thumping, shot off into her. I think my raw inexperience probably gave her a bit of a thrill but I doubt if she actually climaxed - but it was a start and, as I was to discover later, she had plenty of plans of her own for both of us.

When I had finished I rolled off her and lay there gasping for breath, she leaned over and as I felt her nipples grazing my chest, she kissed me.

'You lie there and get your breath back. I'm just going to rinse out your things and put them out to dry. Then I'm coming back and I'll start to show you how to really make love to a woman - I assume you want to know that?'

I opened my eyes, grinned weakly up at her, nodded and watched as she put a bath-robe on and then closed them again as she left.

My mind was a whirl - visions of the full ripeness of her body, the amount and thickness of the hair around her pussy, the soft firmness of her breasts, the size of the dark red circles surrounding her nipples and the way they had filled and stiffened as I had started to fuck her. Then there were the sensations I had felt, the initial disbelief and nervousness, the growing arousal, following her around like some sort of pet as she took me through some sort of pre-planned sequence of events, but mostly the sheer wonder of the physical sensations I had got from actually having a proper woman. On top of all that was what she had said just before she left.

'Then I'm coming back and I'll start to show you how to really make love to a woman - I assume you want to know that?'

I wondered exactly what she meant by that - I realised it had all been a bit quick but then that was to be expected, even she had said as much. I had felt her breasts, girls - women liked that, I hadn't kissed or sucked them but then that was only a small loss surely. Maybe she liked having a finger up inside her first, I seemed to remember hearing something about girls - women sometimes taking longer than men to get aroused and that a finger or two could help them get there. But I thought that there really wasn't too much else to learn about, what could she have meant?'

It was his turn to interrupt the story, he obviously felt it necessary to explain what he had said.

'You see we knew so little in those days. There was no sex education in schools, even the word 'sex' was hardly ever used, certainly not at home and very rarely in the regular media. It was as though everyone pretended that it didn't happen, that babies came from a series of miracle births, looking back it was all really quite strange. I'm sure that people were screwing around almost as much as they do today - it's just that it was never openly talked about. So kids really only learned anything from their older brothers or sisters or from friends at school - and the ridiculous stuff that got around and was believed, is quite unbelievable to think of nowadays. Anyway, you need to realise that to understand why I was thinking the way I was.

'Given what the kids know today it's very hard to appreciate the difference Brian - but I understand what you're saying.' I said, then added. 'But please go on, it's an incredible experience and I can tell from the way you are talking that just remembering it is as exciting for you as it is for me.'

'You're right about that Sue.' he said and this time he reached across for my hand and placed it between his legs, where I found the almost solid length of him. I just gave it a friendly squeeze or two, looked up into his eyes and gave him a grin.