Sue Ch. 21-24


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We discussed several ideas about what we would do when the time came and although we included one or two of mine I have to admit that when it came to being creative Vicki was streets ahead of me - some of the things she suggested were quite weird and although I found myself getting excited by the pictures she painted I just couldn't see myself being able to carry them out. Our final plan was a little bit kinky but not outrageously so and I felt myself looking forward to carrying it out, regretting that we couldn't give it a try straight away. But as Vicki said, we now had something to look forward to and in the meantime we could enjoy the growing sense of anticipation, getting pleasure from playing it over in our minds - and I began to get an understanding of that aspect of her enjoyment of sex.

John came home early the following week and although he still looked a bit of a mess and was in some pain it was obvious that he was in fact feeling very much better already and within a day or so I was having to lay on the Florence Nightingale thing a bit thickly to keep him at arms length. I could tell from the looks he was giving me that he was wanting me - and that gave me those nice squirmy feelings that previously would always have led to us going straight to bed - but I didn't allow them any room to grow, instead I bustled around him, probably irritating him with my unnecessary attentions and I hoped, steadily increasing his physical frustration too.

I felt a bit mean when on a couple of occasions Vicki and I relieved our own tensions together but, as she said, we were only helping him to get more out of what we had in store for him when he was fit enough to really enjoy it, assuring me that he'd thank us for it when he found out what we had done for him.

By the following week most of the bruising had disappeared, he had the stitches taken out and in spite of the plaster cast on his foot was starting to get about quite easily again. I had put off one trip during that time but as I then felt that he was more than capable of taking care of himself I re-arranged it and, having let Vicki know, took off for a couple of days. On my return I could immediately see that his frustration level had increased even more and guessed that Vicki's 'infection' had also played its part in our little scheme. That night I feigned exhaustion from the trip and, much to his very obvious annoyance took myself off to bed early, leaving him to watch TV alone.

I rang Vicki the following day and told her I thought he was just about at fever pitch and didn't know if I could hold him off for too much longer. She confirmed that he had tried to get her to see him while I had been away and that he had got quite shitty when she gave him the story about her little problem and we agreed that as it was apparent that, apart from his foot, he had fully recovered, we should use the coming week-end to try out our plan.

'Having him slightly immobilised already will just add a bit more spice to the situation Sue.' she said with a laugh. 'Now, are you clear about the sequence of what we have to do?'

'You'll ring him to say the doctor's given you a clean bill of health. I'll tell him tonight that I have to go away Friday and that I'll be away for the week-end - I already have a good story to back that up. Instead of leaving I come down to your flat and you'll have taken your phone off the hook so that he can't reach you that evening. Then you'll ring him Saturday morning and say you happened to see me leaving and wondered why he hadn't rung you - he'll think your phone was out of order and, knowing him that will make him all the more frustrated. You'll tell him to come down for dinner - and leave him in no doubt as to what you are expecting afterwards.'

'Right. Then all we have to do is to make sure he doesn't spot you during the day - I know how we'll spend part of it.' she said in a voice that started my imagination turning over, then, chuckling as she said it, added. 'But we mustn't exhaust ourselves so perhaps you'd better bring a good book with you, or something.'

It went like clockwork - but I admit I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw that John could hardly hide his excitement at the prospect of having time with Vicki when, after he had heard her 'good' news during the day I gave him my 'bad' news when I got home that evening about having to be away for the week-end.

As by then he wasn't the only one feeling deprived I was tempted to cheat on the plans Vicki and I had made and take him off to bed with me but managed to push those thoughts away and made excuses about having a lot of work to do in preparation for what I was going away for and then apologised for being far too tired to be bothered with sex. I was surprised that he accepted my excuses so easily, that the prospect of what he thought Vicki had in store for him was more than making up for my unavailability - realising just how powerfully her brand of sex had affected him - and was glad that I wasn't actually competing with her for John.

As I was supposed to be leaving on an evening flight I returned to the flat to pack but as I had actually got the things I would really need for the week-end already put away I simply packed a few more every-day clothes on top of them, to maintain the charade. But I really needn't have bothered, I don't think John would have noticed if I had tried to pack the kitchen sink in my suitcase - I felt sure that within five minutes of my leaving he would be on the phone to Vicki, only to find she was apparently not there.

I gave John a particularly big hug as I was about to leave and promised him that I'd make up to him for my lack of enthusiasm about sex during the last couple of weeks. He held me tight as we kissed and for a moment or two I was again tempted to call the whole thing off but then he let go of me and I could see that his mind - and especially another part of him - was elsewhere, so I picked up my bags and left.

Having driven the car around the corner I parked it and headed back for the flats, as ours was at the back of the building I didn't have to worry about John happening to see me returning but had a few nervous moments when I went back upstairs and quietly knocked on Vicki's door, hoping that John didn't take it into his head to come down, rather than just phoning her. But I needn't have worried, I was quickly inside and the door shut safely behind me.

I suppose we acted like a couple of teenagers, whispering and giggling together, wondering what John was doing, imagining how furious he must be feeling when he found that he couldn't reach Vicki after all. Even later, while we were preparing and then eating our meal we'd suddenly catch each other's eye and just break out in fits of helpless giggles. But later still we went to bed and I admit that the pleasures we gave each other were so strong that even though I knew he was by then in bed alone, immediately above my head, all thoughts of John were completely blocked out of my mind.

Vicki rang him mid-morning and gave a superb performance, she told him that she'd happened to see me getting into my car and that I'd told her that I had to go away suddenly. How excited she'd felt, how she'd virtually sat by the phone waiting for him to call, how disappointed and frustrated she'd been when he didn't. Her surprise when he obviously told her how often he'd tried, her pleasure at hearing that he did want to see her after all. Her disappointment that she couldn't see him until this evening, her promise that she'd make the wait worthwhile for him.

I imagined John on the other end of the phone and felt sure that the tone and promise in her voice, coupled with the starvation diet he'd been on for the last couple of weeks would have combined to give him an enormous hard-on and felt those nice squirmy feelings starting up inside me at I visualised that.

Chapter 24

Then There Were Three

We spent the morning getting everything ready, Vicki did a little shopping while I tidied up the bed-room and started preparing the meal we had planned, when she came back we sorted out the things we would need for that evening and by lunch-time we had finished everything that could be done ahead of time. After a quick snack we went to bed together and again I experienced those strangely satisfying feelings she seemed able to give me each time we made love together. We dozed for an hour or two and then, having re-made the bed with fresh sheets we began to get ourselves ready for John's arrival.

By the time we had finished Vicki looked really mouth-wateringly sexy - a black, short-skirted dress made of a very light, semi-transparent fabric, underneath which, as the black, patterned stockings she wore were self-supporting, she was only wearing a very skimpy g-string - high-heeled, black patent leather shoes completed her outfit and as I looked at her I knew exactly what John's reaction would be the moment she opened the door to him!

My role was of course a bit different, during the early stages I would be hidden away behind the bed-room door, waiting for Vicki to get John to the starting point of our evening's entertainment. Vicki had given me the underwear I had seen her wearing in the photograph that had first aroused me - black lacy things, trimmed with red satin ribbon and tiny bows and even though her breasts were quite a bit bigger than mine I was pleased to find that the outfit actually fitted me quite well. Unlike hers, my black stockings needed the matching suspender belt but like her, I had completed what there was of my outfit with high-heeled black shoes. At first I felt a bit self-conscious in it but she reassured me, telling me how 'yummy' I looked and said that if we only had a little more time she'd love to be slowly taking it off me again.

As we had anticipated, John rang the door-bell exactly on time. 'He can't wait - but he's going to have to!' Vicki whispered, patting my behind as she shooed me into the darkened bed-room and partially closed the door after me. From there on their conversation was muffled, from time to time bits of what they said to each other came through quite clearly but I missed most of it. But I knew the plot and could hear just enough to know roughly which part of it she had got up to.

Our plan was for Vicki wind John up even more than we expected he already would be after his enforced abstinence and having seen just how sexy she looked I guessed that she'd only need to stand still in the middle of the room to do so. But knowing Vicki, I knew she'd do far more than just that! Having got him 'champing at the bit' so to speak, she was to remind him of how good he'd felt the day they had out together in the woods, when he had let her tie him up to a tree for a while. Having got him stripped and partially restrained she was to blindfold him and then bring him into the bed-room. That was when the fun was to really begin for us!

Standing there in the dark, trying to hear what was going on in the other room, imagining what would then be happening in this one, soon had me feeling even more excited than I had got as we had been getting dressed and once again I felt those familiar feelings rising up inside me.

After the sounds of drinks being poured and their initial conversation, which was frequently punctuated by Vicki's light laughter, I then heard the sound of John's voice, muffled but insistent and, from the sound of it, I felt sure he was virtually pleading with her. Then I heard her voice answering him, unfortunately it was even more indistinct but knowing exactly what it was that she would be suggesting to him only increased my excitement even more. When I heard the sound of her footsteps moving about I knew I had been right, she was getting the belts and straps that would enable her to move to the next stage of the little drama, when I would begin to play my part. When I then heard the unmistakable sounds of her starting to undress John I knew I had been right.

I could easily visualise this part, I knew that Vicki would get his jacket and shirt off first, he would be wearing the pair of trousers that we had cut up one seam, to make it easier to get them on and off over the plaster cast. I guessed that Vicki would find that he wasn't wearing any underpants, we just hadn't found an easy way to overcome that problem and I didn't think he would have wanted to be slowed down when he was trying to get them off in a hurry. There was no doubt in my mind that she'd find his cock already fully erect, maybe not as big as it had been in the photographs she had shown me - not yet anyway, but I knew that it would be soon enough!

When she had him completely naked Vicki would begin to strap him up, lightly at first, we didn't want to scare him at this stage. First his hands, bound behind him, just to be sure he didn't change his mind too quickly. We had had a long talk about binding his legs, I was concerned about the increased risk of falling caused by him having one foot in a cast, Vicki had assured me that she would start off with a very loose binding, so he could feel safe and move easily, only later, when she had got him into the bed-room, would she tighten it.

Once she had him partially immobilised like that, she was going to blindfold him, then put a thing called a gag in his mouth - then when all that was done she going to bring him into the bed-room, that was what I was now eagerly waiting for.

During all the time that was going on I heard only occasional sounds of mild pleasure or protest from John and softer, probably encouraging words from Vicki. Then, shortly after those had stopped altogether, I heard the sound of John shuffling awkwardly across the room towards me. That was my signal to get up on to the bed, to stay quite still and to be as quiet as possible - but by then I was so excited by what was to come that I had trouble controlling the sound of my breathing.

By then my eyes had become used to the darkness so the picture that they made as Vicki pushed the door open and led John in was as clear as if it had been broad day-light and, as I had expected, I saw that John's cock was jutting straight out in front of him and that Vicki had yet to put it's special little harness around it. She looked across to where she could just make out the shape of me lying motionless on the bed and gave me a broad, satisfied grin as she steered him around the corner, closed the door behind him and quickly looped and tied a length of one belt to the door handle. Then she turned, nodded and I reached out and switched on the bed-side light.

In spite of his blindfold John may have noticed the increased level of light - but he still didn't know I was there and knowing that gave me a very peculiar feeling. I could tell from the slow, almost imperceptible slackening in the rigidity of his cock that in spite of his sense of anticipation, the peculiar unknowns of the situation were starting to make him nervous. I don't know if Vicki noticed his reaction but she did exactly the right thing to restore his excitement and his state of arousal - she kneeled in front of him, gently took his cock and balls on the palm of one hand and, leaning slightly forwards, slipped her lips over the still bulging head and then took the full length of the shaft deep inside her mouth.

John didn't know of course but I could see that in her other hand she held the harness that until now I had only seen in her photographs of him. She only needed to stimulate him for a minute or two to get his cock back up to its previous size and rigidity and when she had done that I watched with interest and a feeling of increasing excitement as she then let her mouth slip slowly, tantalisingly from the length of him and replaced it with the soft leather, that fitted snugly under and around it.

It seemed to me that it got stiffer just from the effect of the restraint and when Vicki stood and moved to one side I was able to get a better view of him and I felt sure that even as I watched it the head grew larger and took on a darker colour. Then she moved back close to him and lifting the hem of her skirt until it was level with his cock, she slowly waved it from side to side, letting it just lightly brush across the bulging head. She reached up with the other hand, somehow loosened the gag and while keeping a firm grip of the end of it she spoke to him for the first time since they had come into the bed-room.

'Do you remember how the scarf felt John?'


'Did it feel something like this?'


'Better, stronger?'

'A bit.'

'Would you like to feel something as strong as that again?'

'Yes - yes please!'

'If you'd really like that I'm going to have to tighten the straps a bit. Is that O.K.?'


'You're sure you won't mind me doing that?'


All this time she had been wafting the edge of her skirt to and fro across his cock and guessing how much that must be exciting him, I wasn't surprised that he agreed to whatever she asked him!

She did as she had said she would, tightening up not only the straps that bound his arms but also those around his legs and that made it impossible for him to move away from the door - she even gave a gentle tug on the harness around his cock and balls and although he accepted the other adjustments without a murmur I saw him briefly wince as she did that.

Once she was satisfied with what she had done she spoke to him again. 'Last time we enjoyed being together you were in fact being naughty. In fact you have got into the habit of being naughty. Do you know what I mean John?'

'No, I'm sorry. No I don't.'

'I think you do John.'

This time there was a pause before he answered, he was obviously trying to think through exactly what she meant.

'I don't, I really don't know what you mean Vicki.'

'That wasn't the answer I wanted John. You know you've been naughty. I know you've been naughty. And - even more importantly, Sue knows you've been naughty.'

As she said that she jerked the gag tight again, stifling his opportunity to reply and then almost simultaneously whipped the blindfold from his eyes.

I naturally both knew what she planned to do and was watching every movement so when his eyes had recovered from the first flood of unexpected light and he managed to bring them into proper focus - the first thing he saw was me - lying in front of him, half naked, in things he had last seen on Vicki's body, my eyes staring straight into his, boldly, challengingly, sexily.

In the second or two it took for him to register and understand who it was that he was seeing I was delighted to see his cock jerk upwards. It didn't matter whether it was actually me that he was reacting to or just some image of a sexy woman, he reacted and I felt my mouth forming an involuntary half smile in response. I'm quite sure he didn't even see that, his eyes were far too preoccupied with looking over the other parts of me that were on display!

Vicki gave him just enough time to enjoy what I had to offer him before she stepped back into centre stage.

'I told you that you had been naughty John. Sue and I know what you have been up to - a bit here, a bit there. That's not very nice, is it.' she said, again releasing his gag.

John took a long time to answer. Naturally he was bewildered, unsure of his situation, didn't know how best to answer the questions. He took a plunge, answering in a voice that he obviously found difficult to hold steady. 'I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. You are both such sexy women - you both seemed to want me. What's a guy supposed to do?'

'I'll tell you what a guy will do.' Vicki answered with an authoritative tone in her voice that I had never heard before. 'He'll just stand and watch while the two women he's been fucking show him just how little they actually need his paltry, ineffectual cock. Won't we Sue?' she asked as she turned to face me.