Superf***er Vol. 07


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I was semi-lost in space, so I didn't even notice at first a girl walk in the joint, look around, and head for my table. Suddenly I heard a voice say " a girl a drink?"

I looked up and did a double-take--it was Amy, but wow, did she look different than a few hours ago. She was wearing pencil-thin jeans, tight in the seat, straight-leg, over a pair of high-heeled mules. With it she wore a shiny halter top that exposed most of her back as well as an inch or so of toned belly above the waist of her jeans. She had put her hair back and was wearing more makeup. In other words, she was fucking HOT. "Amy, I... yes, please sit down." I slid over, and she gracefully sat down next to me. I quickly ordered her a drink, then stammered "I wasn't expecting to find you here..."

"I WAS expecting to find YOU here, though," she said cooly and in-control. After a moment she added "after you left I got in a cab and started heading back to the city. I had a lot to think about; we were well out on the turnpike when I made my decision and told the driver to turn around and take me back. He must have thought I was nuts."

"I am happy to see you," I said, still taken aback, "but how did you FIND me?"

"It really wasn't that hard. I asked myself: if I was Bill, where would I go to find a partner for the evening? To the most happening club in town, I guessed, and when I asked people what that was everyone pointed me here. But I couldn't come dressed like I was, so I had to quickly hit the shops before they closed and buy something more appropriate. Do you like it?" She adjusted her new clothes for emphasis.

"Amy, you look sensational," I replied earnestly. "And again, your penchant for detective work scares me. But why did you want to find me?"

"Because...I want to do my part to help the cause," she replied evenly.

"Oh, that's such a relief," I sighed, "you've donesuch a good job running the Foundation, I'd have never found someone as efficient as you..."

"Well, that, too," she interjected, "butI want to help the cause."

"OK..." I said uncertainly, not sure what she was driving at. "How else do you want to help the cause..."

"Are you a little slow today?" she teased, "do I need to spell it out for you?" As she said the word "spell," I felt a hand gently touching my lap. Oh, THAT'S what she meant.

"Whoa, wait a minute..." I stammered.

"What's the matter—you don't like volunteers? It's only OK to knock up an unsuspecting girl? If a girl comes up and asks for it, you don't know how to respond?"

Amy...she was one of a kind. "Touche," I surrendered. "I guess it is a lot easier to get a girl pregnant if I don't know what future plans of hers are going to be interrupted, whereas with you I do. You, my dear, have a way of seeing right though me."

"It seems someone has to keep you in line," she answered slyly.

"But if that's what you're thinking, there's something else you should know," I countered. "There's another woman."

"Oh?" she replied, her control of this conversation suddenly slipping a bit.

"You may have noticed her name on the Foundation rolls—Crystal, from Las Vegas," I explained. "Her son Eddie was my second son. A few months ago I ran into her by mistake in a moment of despair, and revealed my identity to her—something I was planning on never doing with anyone. Since then, she's been helping hook me up. She gets involved in various Internet groups, tells people about me, and sends them my way if they seem interested. It's a lot less effort for me—I don't expect any sympathy, but it's a real drain to go out and pick up someone new every night. I pay her a bounty for every successful hookup—basically the amount of money I saved by not having to go out and try to impress someone."

"I see...and do you...see her often?"

"I do—every time I'm in Vegas, I stop by her place on my last night in town. I always stop by unannounced, though, just to be on the safe side. I'm just telling you this because I thought maybe we could work out a similar kind of arrangement, if that's something that would interest you."

"Why would you think that would interest me?"

"I said once you thought there might be some destiny involved in our meeting," I answered. Now I was the one feeling in control. "I'll tell you this—I may like Crystal, but there's no one else on this planet like you. No, I'm not giving you my pickup lines, so don't make that face; I mean it. Truth is, I've thought about you almost constantly as I've wandered around the globe. There's just something... different about you. You're probably the smartest human I've met, for one thing. You figure out things that I would never expect someone to figure out. But there's more than that... I just feel... some kind of connection to you I haven't felt with anyone else since I arrived here. A dozen times I've wanted to go back to New York—but I was expecting just the kind of phone calls you've been getting, so I've always stayed away because it was too dangerous.

"Touche," she sighed, "you've got me now. Truth is, I kept wishing you'd come back, because I'd felt something special with you, and I wanted to know if it was just a short-term thing or what. This job has been GREAT. I live comfortably, I've gotten some works accepted..."

"That's great!" I interjected.

"Thanks," she replied humbly, "but something has been missing—something important. I've been all alone. I'm like anyone else I guess—I want a partner and eventually a family. I kept hoping it might be you—so when I figured out that all those kids the Foundation supports were yours, I freaked out. I'm sorry I came on so strong—it's just that for me, there was a lot more at stake than just whether the Foundation was really about what I thought it was about."

"That hasn't really changed," I said softly. "I said I'd love to spend time with you—I didn't say it was a realistic option..."

"No, I understand now," she interjected, "you have to do what you have to do. I may not see you again after today. But what you're doing—it's for the good of us all, right? And maybe I won't have a partner, but I can skip that step and go right to having a family. At least that way, I won't be lonely. And every time I look at the baby, I'll think of you."

"If this is really what you want to do," I answered earnestly, "I guarantee that you'll see me again. Maybe not as often as you or I would like, but I'll make time to swing by and see you. Or maybe, if I'm not in New York but not too far away, I could send for you, and bring you out to meet me? Maybe have a few nice long weekends together? Cape Cod, Delaware Shore..."

"I'd like that," she answered, vulnerability showing. Our lips met, and soon out tongues intertwined.

"As long as we're in full disclosure mode," I said when we paused for air, "I should tell you one of the things I love about you is your beautiful red hair." I stroked her hair gently as I spoke. "There's no such thing as red hair where I come from. You'd be beautiful no matter what color it was, but that fact that it's red is just... extra special to me..."

She smiled wryly. "Real, too. Did you know half of the redheads you see on the street come from a bottle?"

"Really? I mean, I know humans like to change the color of their hair, but that many reds are fake? And there's not that many to begin with—red hair must be very rare, then."

"Not as rare as finding a lover from outer space," she retorted, her confidence returning. "Come on...the least you can do is dance with a girl before you take her to bed." She reached for my hand and pulled us out onto the dance floor.

I'd been so focused on Amy I hadn't even noticed the music. The booth area must have had good audio shielding, because now that I was standing the floor throbbed in time to the music. Amy pulled us onto the floor and started to dance. She was dynamite at a lot of things, but dancing was not one of them. I mean she tried, but she wasn't fluid nor was she particularly good at keeping time to the music. But in her halter top and tight slim jeans, she was hotter than a spewing volcano anyway. I came up to her and put my arms around her butt. "That kind of dancing is OK, but I like this kind of dancing better." She didn't complain; she put her arms around my neck and we slowly swayed, moving to a beat only we could hear, mouths interlocked inseparably.

Her jeans fit her like second skin; my hands gently grasped her soft yet firm cheeks. She broke off the kiss and locked eyes with me as I fondled her ass right there on the floor. Her eyes were nervous yet calm at the same time; she was entering a brave new world, but she was choosing to do so on her terms and was at peace with the concept.

I have no idea how long we danced; I just savored holding her close, kissing her. A gang war could have broken out behind my back and I would never have known. All I know is at some point Amy put her finger on my chin with a twinkle in her eye. "C'mon," she said, "take me upstairs before your grabbing my ass gets us both arrested."

I turned and made a little hook with my arm, and she put her arm though it. I led her out of the club, to the elevators and straight up to the penthouse. I opened the door and entered the living room of the suite. "Wow," she said, "I've never seen a room like this!"

"Gambler's suite," I explained, "when you play $100,000 a day, you get lots of comps."

"This is as big as a house," she marveled.

"Pretty much," I agreed, "two, sometimes three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, two bathrooms--probably 2000 square feet."

"You always live like this?" she wondered.

"NO...," I protested. "A room like this would cost at least five grand if I was paying for it. When I stay at a casino, I live like a king because they comp me. The rest of the time, not so much. I do try to stay in suite hotels, seeing as I'm usually bringing home a guest..."

"And tonight it's my turn," she cooed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I grasped her bare waist as out tongues intertwined. We kissed for so long I became self-conscious of the fact that we were still standing just inside the door. She let out a little "eep" as I suddenly lifted her off the floor and carried her over to the sofa. I sat down, still holding her, so she ended up sitting sideways in my lap. Her arms remained around my neck, and our mouths met again. I know it must sound hard to believe, and I guess it's hard to explain, but although it had been months since we'd seen each other, it was like we'd never been apart. All the intensity, all the attraction that I had felt when we first met had returned, unabated, now that we were seeing each other again.

Sitting in my lap in her tight jeans, her arms softly wrapped around me--my dick got hard like iron. My hands were touching her soft, bare back; I let them wander, massaging, touching. I found my way to her bare shoulders, stroking them. I ran my hand partway down her arm, then back and gently touched her neck. My fingers found the edge of her halter top, and I let them trace along the v-shape neckline. I felt the soft skin between her breasts; I traced back and forth, up one side of the neckline and down the other. I never got tired of touching Amy.

Amy unclasped me and I felt her lay one hand gently on mine. I stopped my tracing. Amy gently pulled my hand sideways, under the fabric and towards her breast. Accepting the invitation, she let go as I slipped my hand under and caressed her breast. She tugged on that side of her halter so that the breast popped free, then put clasped her hands about my neck again. My fingers stroked the soft, tender skin, punctuated by firm, erect nipples. I felt her give a little moan-sigh and lay her head on my shoulder; my fingers must have been close enough to my thumbs to generate those pleasurable micro-currents.

I slid my hand across her chest and pulled back the fabric on the breast closer to me like a curtain. Sliding my hand back across I caressed her breast some more, but at the same time I bent forward and down, reaching for the nearer nipple with my tongue. Amy adjusted her position slightly and... umm, delicious. Stoking her left breast, I sucked gently, lovingly on the nearer one. I ran my tongue all around it, tasting it, teasing it. Amy made the sound again.

Amy dropped her nearer arm and tried to find my penis, but discovered she was sitting on it. So she twisted slightly and drew her leg in, so that instead of sitting on my lap she was kneeling over it, straddling me. She giggled, though, as I refused to let that luscious nipple out of my mouth; my head followed her breast as she moved to this new position. Once she was situated, she pulled her breast out of my mouth like pulling off a suction cup. "You're silly," she scolded softly, descending upon me and kissing me.

"You're wonderful," I replied when I could breathe again. She focused on loosening my pants, and so didn't object when my mouth reacquired her nipple. I noticed that her hips started to move back and forth; other things were stirring, too.

She undid my belt and zipper, but my dick was still trapped in the leg of my pants. She had to lift herself slightly and tugged. When I lifted my seat slightly, my pants slipped down until finally my erection could spring free. Her mouth descended on mine again, and this time I just let our mouths remain intertwined. Her red hair cascaded down around me, her hands gently but firmly grasped my erection and stoked me softly. Even her hands just felt right; I had no doubt that had we stayed like that, I would have cum in her grasp.

"I supposed I should put this in my mouth now," she whispered, meaning to tease me with anticipation. Instead, I responded "Actually, I'd rather do it the other way around." I pushed her over so that she was in the corner of the sofa, and went to work on her pencil-thin jeans. I released the buttons and pulled them off; they came off pretty easy for jeans that were so fitting. I supposed that's because her legs were so slender; I'd seen a few, um, meatier girls in equally tight jeans in my day, and, well, they tended to, um, snag on the wearer. Amy's slid right off.

I kissed her delicate ankles, noting the neat red polish job on her toenails. Then I kissed my way up her leg towards her crotch. She was wearing a green satiny thong, with her pubes neatly trimmed so as not to show from underneath. I worked my way up the increasingly dense freckles on her inner thigh; when I got to her panties, I gently pulled them to the side, revealing a neat thatch of dark red hair over her pussy. It looked for a moment almost like an arrow pointing to the treasure, but I didn't stop to look because my tongue was already working its way between her thighs. I rested my nose against the little thatch, musky odors rising up from beneath. I pressed my tongue against her crotch; I had no trouble locating the smooth, damp folds of her cleft. I pushing downwards, they parted slightly. I ran my tongue up and down the tender valley. In no time the clitoris rose up; I continued to lick the valley, but spent extra time pressing my tongue against the tiny nubbin, tracing circles around it, then darting down the valley and back again. Amy responded by grinding her hips, pushing back against me, holding my head with one hand. I could hear her breath growing shallow.

"Bill..." she breathed, "let's go to the bedroom..." It felt like she was gasping it out while she still could.

I backed away reluctantly; Amy rolled over onto her feet. I stood slowly, and Amy grasped my hand. She led me into the bedroom, then she had me lay on the bed. "Amy, I still want to..."

"All in good time," she interrupted. She took off my shoes and my pants, then she moved to the side of the bed and straddled me, facing my feet. She let herself down slowly while I reached up with my tongue. When she felt my tongue on her sex again, she slowly collapsed forward. Her puss was planted firmly on my face, where I eagerly slurped it. Her face was now over my crotch; I felt a breath of air as she freed my penis from my shorts. I couldn't help but sigh as I felt her take my penis into her warm mouth. She sucked me gently; really, only a couple of inches ever went into her mouth. But somehow, the way she sucked...I guess maybe the only way I could describe it is that she was loving my cock, as opposed to just sucking it. She wouldn't have needed to do anything, though, because I loved to taste her. Her sex practically glowed pink in contrast to her fair skin, and I couldn't help but touch it with my eager tongue.

I like to make my partners cum, and it usually only takes a few minutes of those micro-currents if they are strategically placed. That gives me a lot of control over timing; seldom does a girl have an orgasm when I don't expect it. That's why it was such a surprise when Amy straightened up, panting. She pushed down on my face, while I eagerly licked the tender pinkness. Next thing I know, she's grabbing onto the headboard for balance while her whole body spasmed with orgasm. I guess I was so enamored of tasting her snatch, I'd licked her to climax without even realizing it--no fingers needed.

Amy whipped around, framing my face with her hands, kissing me. She didn't even seem to notice that my face was marinated in her juices. "Please make love to me," she whispered, then kissed me again. I could have let her sit on my face all night, but she was ready to move on to the next phase.

I moved to the side so she could lay in the middle of the bed. She lay there, arms by her side, legs bent and slightly apart, while I moved into position. There was something, I dunno, maybe meek about the way she lay there waiting for me--she knew what was coming and what it would mean, and she was choosing to do it anyway.

Kneeling between her thighs, I prepared to enter her inner sanctum. I touched her pussy, pressing on her clit with my thumb and circling gently. Again I was distracted by my loved of touching her until she laid a hand gently on my arm--she wanted me to commence intercourse. That wouldn't be a problem... her sex was glistening from excitement. It was just... so many times I had daydreamed about being with Amy again, sometimes while in the act of "doing my duty" with another woman, I wasn't in any hurry for it to be over. Nevertheless it's impolite to turn down an invitation, so I pointed my penis at the doorway and pressed gently forward. I slipped easily past outer barrier and into her vagina. I retreated and pressed forward again, pressing a little deeper this time. By the third or fourth stroke I was completely inside her belly. She sighed as I penetrated her fully; my penis filled her completely, pressing out against the sides and touching the very top of the receptive canal. Very slowly I stroked my penis in and out, our genitals pressing against each other, providing exquisite pleasure to both of us.

Amy curled her legs up behind me, a natural response to make it easier to penetrate--but I could go no further than already I was. I slipped in and out slowly, almost gingerly, wanting to savor every sensation of her very special pussy. She wrapped her arms around my and drew me close to kiss me, which I happily did--but maintained the slow grinding motion into her depths and back out again.

She stopped kissing and looked up at me; she wore a look of anxiety, almost fear. I didn't want to see darling Amy unhappy. I stopped; "What's wrong Amy?" I asked with concern.

"Don't stop," she said nervously, punctuating her words by pressing against my butt so as to get the drilling motion started again. I did, but persisted.

"You look so...afraid..." I said with concern.

"No, it's... well, maybe it is. Having a child is a big commitment--three hours ago it wasn't on my radar screen, and now suddenly it's imminent..."