Superf***er Vol. 08


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"That was them, this is me," she half-cried. She lay her head in her arms dejectedly, keeping her butt up in the air but now hopeless. I imagined catastrophic predictions for her future running through her head.

"Really...I'm certain the Prince will be able to penetrate your anus, if you desire him to..."

"He won't know what to do--there's no way it'll work. Besides, I just can't stretch enough. Not even YOU could get it up there."

"Really, Your Highness... I beg to disagree. I am confident that I, the Prince or any other man could eventually succeed. Maybe not on the first try, but if we kept at it..."

"No, you couldn't," she protested. She sounded like a petulant child, for the first time seeming to fit the stereotype of the spoiled Princess. "Go ahead, try it. You'll never get it up there."

"Princess," I protested.

"No, seriously," she said, suddenly angry, turning towards me. "Go ahead, try it. There's no WAY you'll get your dick up my ass. There's no harm in your trying, because it can't be done!"

I looked at the maid standing over her. What do I do? The Princess had just invited--no, challenged is the word--me to try to fuck her in the ass. But what if I succeeded (and I felt confident I would if I tried)? Just how much trouble would I get in if the Council found out I'd sodomized a Princess? They'd not only kill me, they'd make sure it was as prolonged and painful as possible, I thought. Or at least that's what they'd want to do, I wasn't sure what the law would allow...

"What are you waiting for?" the Princess demanded. "Go ahead, prove it. It CAN'T be done."

I looked at the shapely ass, held up in the air, beckoning to me. I looked at the maid--she shrugged. None of us had ever been in this situation, so no one had any idea what kind of protocol might apply. Well... she did seem to be serious (if only to prove me wrong), and the maid seemed to be taking the attitude that 'what the Princess asks for, we do.' OK, I could follow that rule too.

I pulled my dick out of the maid's ass (to her palpable disappointment). I wiped it clean and applied a fresh coat of lubricant. As I stepped over to her, the Princess turned around quickly, and seethed "whatever you do, do NOT miss and pop my cherry, or I'll kill you myself, with my bare hands. Understood?"

I nodded, then the Princess glumly rested her head in her arms again. She was convinced this was going to be a waste of time.

I started by stroking the smooth skin of her cheeks. I moved closer to her anus, consciously avoiding her pussy altogether, and started trying to press a finger in. She had tightened up again, but in her hopelessness she was relaxed and so I was able to get a couple of fingers in her without too much effort. It felt like in order to do this, though, she was going to have to get more engaged in the process, and the natural route for that (her pussy) was off-limits.

I glanced around to see what she was doing. She was just lying there, her head in her hands, not really doing anything. Thinking, probably, and not sexy thoughts. Then out of the corner of my eye, I noticed her young, firm breasts hanging down. They were small, as all breasts are on my planet because of the high gravity, but they were lovely, and the nipples weren't even erect. Well, if nothing else I could fix that. I started to reach for a breast, but stopped short because, well, she was a Princess. "May I?" I asked. That seemed to bring her back from some faraway thoughts. She turned towards me to see what I was referring to, and saw my hand near her chest. She started to protest, then realized if she was going to let me stick my fingers up her ass, she may as well let me touch her titties. "Go ahead," she sighed.

I touched the soft skin gently. I stroked the sides of her right breast while my left hand kept gently pressing into her butt. I slowly brought my fingers closer together, until they met at the tip. When they did, my polarized fingers were finally close enough to my thumb that a tiny, pleasurable current flowed between them. The nipple jumped, and the Princess suddenly said "Oh! That DOES feel good!" It dawned on me that she, being expected to save herself for her Prince, hadn't ever felt the tingle of male fingers on her nipples before--schoolkid love stuff, even on our planet.

"Mmm hmm," I agreed, reaching under her so that I could repeat my trick on her other breast. I had her attention, finally--she wasn't thinking now, she was feeling. She closed her eyes and experienced the moment. Good, I thought, now we're headed in the right direction.

I wished I could kick it up one more notch, but both hands were in use and her pussy was off limits. Fortunately, the maids were attentive and realized my fingers on her nipples were a major breakthrough. The one was still holding the vibrator; she turned it back on and gently stroked the royal clitoris again. The other was even more helpful; she reached around me from the back, and stroked my penis with her hand. I shifted my hand back to the nipple of the nearer breast, which opened up a little room; the maid now knelt next to me, bent low and sucked my dick.

It took all three of us working together, but the Princess was now in ecstasy. In fact, there was so much going on at once, I don't think she could even process it all; it became one entangled mass of pleasurable sensations. Her breathing even started to grow shallower. Perfect, because then she wouldn't be attending specifically to her ass when I tried to ream her. And it seemed like it was about the right time to try.

I pulled my fingers out of the Princess' ass and gently stroked her back. The maid stopped sucking me and topped up my lube job. Still stroking her back, I came around the back and pointed my dick at her anus. She didn't even realize I was trying it until she first felt me pushing against her sphincter. She started to tense up, but the one maid kept vibing her clit, and the other replaced me in stoking the royal nipples. And while I wasn't in, I could feel that the resistance wasn't insurmountable. I pressed, then backed off, stoking her back. She settled back down, feeling the numerous sensations occurring all at once. And because she settled, her ass became pliable. I pressed again, and while I didn't make it all the way in, I could feel that I was just at the brink. I backed off pressed again, and pop! my dick was in the Princess' ass.

A lot of things happened in short order. The Princess suddenly bolted up onto her hands and knees, surprised. That made her sphincter clamp down even tighter, but with the help of the maids she relaxed again. And then she realized that, hey, that felt pretty good. As for me, well, I'd done my job. But I also now had my dick buried in the butthole of a PRINCESS! Most of you reading this story aren't really familiar with royalty, or if you do they are just figureheads, not actual wielders of power. It was a BIG DEAL to be boofing one. I guess everyone had been so focused on achieving penetration, no one had really thought much about what should happen once I got there. I mean, I guess part of me knew that I probably should just pull out, being socially unworthy of fucking royalty. But I remembered an expression I'd learned on Earth: sometimes it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. And so, seizing the opportunity, I fucked that young, royal, Princess-ass for all I was worth until I was asked to do otherwise.

Because the Princess hadn't expected success, she hadn't considered this situation either. She'd been very clear about not touching her virgin pussy, but she'd never thought to say "if you succeed, you are to pull out again immediately." Now she found herself face down, ass-up, getting reamed by a commoner. This wasn't supposed to be happening. She half-turned as if to say something, but the maids were being helpful here; each continued to play with the Princess' other erogenous zones while I screwed her up the butt. She started to say something, but then decided to just close her eyes and enjoy the ride.

It hadn't been very long, but my part of the ride was about to end. I wasn't just sexually excited, which of course I was with my dick up her butt. I was also... what would I call it, conceptually excited? I guess I'm trying to say I wasn't just hard from sex, I was ultra-mega hard from the fact that I was having sex with the ultimate in off-limits women in my society, and anal sex at that, and act so inconceivably taboo that it may have never been attempted before among my kind. I mean, try to imagine a first lady that's a nubile co-ed, and then imagine that she knocks on your door wearing a rubber suit and asks for a golden shower (and that you're into that kind of thing); that's kind of what it was like for me to be boofing this Princess. I daresay if I had just sat there unmoving and just pondered the visual of the Princess impaled on my junk it would have been enough to bring me off. But I wasn't sitting still, I was fucking her silly, stretching that tight little pampered royal asshole with my throbbing prick. I felt my nuts start boiling, and my strokes shortened. And then, with a mind-blowing orgasm, I dumped a massive load of spunk inside the Princess' pristine ass.


"Press your hand on the plate," the Princess commanded. I did as I was told, holding my palm there until the computer acknowledged "Process complete. New authorized user added."

"Thank you, your highness," I said gratefully, bowing, "I know this is a very expensive ship, and without it there would be no hope of saving Earth. I just hope I'm not too late."

She dismissed my thanks. "I almost never use it anyway--once I'm married, I'll be traveling with my husband everywhere, so I won't be needing it all. I'm glad it will be put to good use." There was a hint of sadness in her tone; I guess I hadn't thought of all the restrictions that her rank placed on her life's aspirations. It's hard to feel too sorry for someone who, with a snap of the fingers, can get any material thing she wants. She paused for a second, then added "and I'm impressed by the lengths you have gone through to try to save an alien planet."

"I lived there a long time, and I have children there," I reminded her. "In some ways, it feels more like home to me than it does here, now."

"Does that mean you won't return?" she asked.

"I haven't really thought ahead that far, truthfully," I admitted. "I'm not sure I could, even, as I'd be a fugitive..."

"I don't think you need to worry about that," she countered, "I'm confident that I can get the charges against you dropped. The Monarchies need to stick together to maintain the social order; they won't dare risk forming a divide between them." I realized that she probably had a lot deeper grasp of the realities of Royal politics than I had imagined. Maybe if I'd spoken to her first, I wouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place.

"Did you want me to come back, and bring back the ship?" I asked, realizing that maybe she meant this as a loan not a gift.

"No no... if you come back, that's your choice, but don't do it on my account," she answered. "But I do ask you this—if you do come back, please DON'T try to return the ship—it would raise a lot of difficult questions. No one will notice it's gone for a while, and when they do I'll just pretend that I didn't know it was gone." Her expression said a thousand words; if the ship returned, someone might figure out that the Princess had knowingly given me access to it, which would of course raise a lot of questions as to why. "I'll have enough questions to answer as to how a prisoner escaped under my care. Go quickly, before the guards return to reclaim you."

I heard that. "Yes your highness," I agreed, bowing again hastily and clambering up into the hatch. "I hope you and the Prince have a wonderful life together." She started to say something, but the closing hatch obscured it. I could pretty well guess what it was, though--the fact that I, a commoner, had butt-fucked the Princess before her wedding to the Prince was potentially more damaging to her than to me. Sure, she was technically still a virgin, but it was clearly a case of obeying the letter of the law but not the intent. I'm sure she wasn't sad to see me carrying our little secret 300 light-years away, possibly never to return.

I lifted off and pointed the ship straight up, towards one of our three moons that was about to be hit by yet another asteroid. My IMS was indicating a very tiny wormhole was about to open in the right parsec of space. Maybe it was natural, but I was willing to bet Billy had made good on his promise and staged a collision.Hang on, Billy, I thought.Here comes the cavalry."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Interesting but inconsistent

I've been reading this story series... and found it quite enjoyable for the most part. You are a talented writer and should be very proud of your work.

However, there are significant inconsistencies in the plot which I do find troubling. These are mainly to do with how you describe the Earth being 'vaporised' or 'atomized' - yeah, vapor and atoms are both still matter, which in another one of your stories you made a point of stating that these would not survive in the wake of a matter-antimatter collision when half of our solar system would be obliterated. I also think that the final plan was not very well thought out by your main character. Why did he have to rely on his offspring's magnetic abilities... why couldn't he have just founded a research institute to build him a gravitron over 20yrs or some similar super-magnets? If he's going to save the planet with a gravitron, then basically all of the previous seven stories are irrelevant? How come he didn't consider simple newtonian physics earlier and demand better jet-packs for his magnetic kids? Also, the term 'manned' spaceflight is redundant in the 21st century - the preferred term is 'human' spaceflight. Additionally, 'OK' is actually slang for 'okay'. I've seen this in published fiction also, usually in chick-lit, and still shudder when I see it there too.

I will reiterate that you are a very talented writer, but another editorial pass before submission of these stories would elevate them from being 'very good' to 'exceptional'. You do write sex well though! However, my impression is that your stories strive to be about more than just awesome sex scenes... and in that respect they have also succeeded.

Best of luck with your writing, I look forward to reading more of your stories shortly.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Very enjoyable chapter

I was hoping you would continue your story with the actual attempt at saving the Earth. I appreciate the details and problems you were able to create to show that the rescue attempt was not going to be easy. Anal sex doesn't interest me but I did enjoy the social taboos of Bill's home world and that he was able to use his "anal knowledge" to get the ship and Gravitron he needed. I very much look forward to the next chapter of the "cavalry" to the rescue!!

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