Supernatural Ch. 08


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'No, but I know what a man needs to restore his strength; protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and sugar. I was able to find all of those.' she replied with a mischievous look as she placed the tray beside me before settling herself next to it.

We chatted as we ate and drank and although I know that some of what was said had to do with our previous sexual encounters there are other things, just as there had been during our time in the bar, that remain at best just an indistinctly shadowy memory. Somewhere in there I think she asked me something about my family, though why that should have interested her is completely beyond me. I also think I told her that my father had died when I was still a young teenager and that perhaps as a result of that my mother then became increasingly religious. That some time later she became a member of a strange, strictly fundamentalist Christian cult, after which I left home and have since then had very little more to do with her. Though of course even in my rather befuddled state I had absolutely no idea why on earth all that could have been of the slightest interest to Danith.

But then I have to admit that some of that lack of clarity as to what we talked about could well be put down to the pleasure of the view I was being given. Danith had made no attempt to cover herself and was not only quite obviously completely unembarrassed by her nakedness but in fact seemed to positively enjoy having me look at her. So like any other red-blooded man, I made the most of it, and just as her earlier display had, soon felt my body responding to the overtly sexily ripe lushness of hers.

Although her face was truly hauntingly beautiful and those dark pool-like eyes were absolutely hypnotic, it was the rest of her that held most of my attention. I admit that much of the time I found my eyes returning to the sight of her firm, up-tilted breasts swaying gently each time she made the slightest movement, but in between I drank my fill of the rest of her. Her slender fingered hands that had held me so delightfully, the long supple legs that I had recently had wound around me so tightly, the darkly furred, but neatly trimmed triangle that blatantly signposted her sex, and even, from time to time an all too brief glimpses of the still moistly glistening pink folds nestling immediately below it.

As I said, in time I felt my body automatically responding, and not just outwardly, but even more strongly, the feelings inside me - as before, I felt just the sight of her was building a deep-seated, almost primitively primal need. And, as she had before, she seemed all too aware of what was happening to me. 'I think we have both had enough of this.' she said some little time later before removing the tray from between us.

'I want to kiss and lick every single part of you.' I said as I reached up for her.

'And you shall, soon.' she replied as she slid herself out of reach, then adding as she tugged my legs across and down over the side of the bed. 'But first, let me do something for you.'

She slipped her hands up between my legs and as one curled up underneath my balls the other took hold of my fully re-engorged cock. 'It is a real pleasure to find one as powerful, and as handsome as this one is.' she said as she gently slid her fingers up and down the length of the shaft. 'I assure you I will enjoy this just as much as I think you will.' she added as she bent her head down towards it.

'Enjoy' is no where near strong enough a word to describe my feelings about the pleasures she gave me in the next few minutes, and what she was able to do with her hands, lips, tongue and mouth was unlike absolutely anything I had ever previously experienced. She was simply phenomenal! And, as it felt as though every single nerve cell in my body was firing in unison, every muscle flexing as tight as a bow-string, my body arched up off the bed, thrusting my rearing cock up to meet her fantastically wonderful, down-swooping mouth.

But if I'd had the capacity to think, and I'd thought that she just going to give me the blow-job of my life, I would have been mistaken. Although she several times took me right to the brink of a climax, each time she felt the tell-tale pulse that heralded its imminent onset surge she cut it off by slowing or changing what she was doing to me. Then, after she had tantalised me like that three or four times she suddenly stopped altogether.

'You said you wanted to do nice things for me?' she said sweetly as she lifted herself up off her knees.

Right at that moment I know I would have foregone even that undoubtedly temptingly exciting pleasure for a few quick jerks of my rampantly straining, pre-cum dripping cock - but I did my best to ignore the feelings raging inside me and, pulling her up on to the bed beside me, took her in my arms.

We kissed, long and hard, and as before, her lips, tongue and mouth, plus the feel of her squirming herself against me, all combined to drive the passion that had all but engulfed me, ever higher. But, even through the swirling mist of almost overpowering carnal desire I remembered what I had said I wanted - and in remembering, discovered that kissing and licking her voluptuous body was, at least for the moment, even more important than satisfying my much less sensuous needs.

So, having rolled her on to her back I started, turning what could have been just a short, albeit sweet song, into a full-bloodied, roof-raising oratorio; kissing, sucking, or teasingly licking every single inch of her, from the tips of each small, delicately shaped ear, right down to the soft and unusually sensitive spaces between her toes. I took my time, and of course some parts of her were more often revisited than others; her breasts and their stiffly jutting nipples, the delightfully incurving dimple in the middle of her belly, the silky-soft length of the inside of each thigh, and of course especially the true centre of my attention, her succulently juicy pussy.

It was all too apparent how much she loved it; turning and stretching herself to meet my mouth and fingers like a cat that has for too long been starved of affection, and even some of her soft sounds of obvious enjoyment sounded just like a deeply throbbing purring.

But of course even though I was eager to give her the maximum amount of pleasure, all that time I was also all too conscious of my own still almost overwhelming need. Far from my concentration on Danith's enjoyment in some way blocking out the force of the pressures inside me, it only seemed to strengthen them, especially during the time I spent down between her legs.

The state of her pussy indicated the strength of her arousal; its rose-red lips already puffily swollen, her freely flowing lubricating juices not only coating but literally dripping from between them, and, what I found even more stimulating, an overpoweringly heady scent rising from it. I don't know whether it was the strength of that scent, the nectar-like taste of her or just the fact that her sex was so eagerly ready for me that was working inside me, but whatever it was, was certainly effective. Even as I was repeatedly kissing, licking and sucking her pussy I could feel my entire body, but especially my temporarily ignored, but protestingly straining cock, responding.

I was certainly all too aware of it; and it wasn't just the sensations coming from my cock itself, though its ever-growing and powerfully throbbing tension was being transmitted very clearly, but over-riding even that was the escalating strength of the very real pain I was getting from what felt like a pair of very bruised and massively swollen balls.

At one stage I thought she'd had enough of what my mouth was doing for her; she pushed me back off her, moved to one side and asked me to move up beside her. But instead of spreading herself so I could fuck her she rolled me on to my back and simply straddled my chest. 'I love what you're doing, but in this position it's even better for me. Do you mind?'

'Far from it!' I replied, doing my best to hide my frustrated disappointment as I slipped my hands beneath her buttocks and guided her as she lifted and wriggled herself forward.

I have always derived great pleasure from going down on a woman who enjoys having it done for her and perhaps the fact that I was obviously being so effective with Danith gave me both the incentive and the self-discipline to remain down there even longer than usual. But then perhaps in some way I was also deriving a sort of perverted pleasure in delaying even further my eventual relief from the ever-rising pressure inside me.

But what Danith was doing while I was busy with her pussy certainly didn't help me - even while she was being gripped by the strongest of her many climaxes she still somehow managed to add to my growing discomfort by keeping at least one hand behind herself, and either glide her fingers up and down the jerkily throbbing shaft or let them flutter tormentingly up and down over my by then super-sensitive cock-head.

I don't know how many orgasms I gave her, for one thing I certainly wasn't counting, but it also wasn't always clear whether some of the convulsions that shook her were individually separate peaks or merely part of a long drawn out rolling climax.

By that stage the combination of our physical contact and sexual exertions - plus the fact that when we came into the apartment I'd had more important things on my mind than to think about turning on the air conditioner - had me feeling really hot and both our bodies had become sheened with perspiration. So I was surprised when I suddenly felt a distinctly cool draught.

I was even more surprised when the two small bed-side lights I'd purposely left on went out, leaving us in near total darkness.

But Danith wasn't apparently the slightest bit taken aback. 'Aha!' she whispered as she pulled away from me and, having taken a more purposeful hold of my cock, moved around to kneel beside me.

I was confused and totally bewildered by what was happening, and became even more so when I realised what light there was in the room wasn't what was filtering through from the adjoining room, but from a spot somewhere just beyond the foot of the bed.

Now I guess my first thought was that it was just possible that Danith had got me so frustratedly sexually stimulated that I could neither think nor even see straight - but what happened next quickly dispelled that idea.

As the light strengthened it looked as though the air had grown misty and was then swirling around itself, then I saw a figure, a figure that quickly grew much more distinct, the figure of a woman - but not just any woman, I somehow knew that this had to be the most beautiful woman any man had ever seen.

Even from the angle I was seeing her she was obviously tall, probably quite a bit taller than me, and although at that moment she was wearing a loosely filmy gown that covered most of her body I could tell that beneath it was a body that would probably prove to be even sexier than Danith's had. But in several other ways she was totally different; she was blonde, her long, slightly waving hair a lustrous, pale honey colour, then although she was too far away for me to make out the actual colour of her eyes they were clearly much lighter in colour, and as she stared down at me and her tongue slowly moistened her full, bright cherry-red lips, they were sparkling brilliantly.

Apart from her height and colouring there was one way in which she was absolutely the same as Danith, and that was the feelings she generated as I simply looked at her - but although they were the same, they were at least ten times stronger than those I'd had before. She gave off an overwhelming sense of raw sexual power, power that in spite of the distance between us seemed to be infusing me. I somehow knew that the sole reason for this woman's being, was sex, and not only that, but that her intention was to have her very next bout of that with me!

Even as that thought struck me she simply shrugged her shoulders and I felt my eyes goggling at the sheer wonder of her as the gown slid smoothly down to the floor.

It's virtually impossible to describe a woman's beauty, poetry and prose writers often try, but no matter which or how many words are used they must all fall short in their effectiveness. So let me just say that - apart from the beauty of her face, her flawlessly milky white skin, the size and tautly up-jutting firmness of her faultlessly shaped breasts, the narrowness of her waist and the gentle flare of her hips, the length and shape of her legs, and the totally hairless, but well pronounced mound between her thighs, in fact her absolute perfection - it was still the sense of her sexual power that completely dominated my reactions.

Although Danith's fingers had a reasonably firm grip around my fully engorged cock they couldn't prevent the fresh supply of blood that the presence of this woman sent surging up through it, I felt them tightening as it jerked higher, then quivered from the ever increasing pressure inside it as the woman stepped forward.

'You desire me.' she said as she lifted herself up over me, her pale, hooded jade-green eyes staring unblinkingly down into mine. It was a statement, not a question and luckily, given my sudden absolute inability to speak, needed no reply. But I think I must have nodded because I saw a faint smile curl the corners of her mouth upwards before she added. 'Of course, all men do.'

Placing her feet on either side of me she eased herself forward until she was poised immediately above my vertically rearing cock, then slowly, and given the state I was then in, almost too unbearably slowly, she began to push herself down on to it.

I don't know if she thought that just the feel of her wet-velvety pussy sucking me deep into its snugly fitting depths would make me climax immediately, and perhaps after all the time I had spent in a state of maximum arousal I should have, but I didn't. Not that I was holding myself back - as I had demonstrated I could do while making love to Danith, nor that I didn't want to - at that moment emptying my painfully aching balls would have been nothing short of a sheer, blessed relief - it was just that for some inexplicable reason I didn't.

Having engulfed the full length I felt her pussy tightening, then she began to move slowly up and down. Both the friction and suction were unquestionably powerful and the sensations they created and sent shooting through my entire body were indescribable - yet, in spite of my almost desperate need to do so, and for reasons that are still totally inexplicable, even after a few minutes of continuous motion I still didn't come.

At that moment I could neither think nor see straight so I couldn't tell if the expression I saw flit across her face was one of surprise or satisfaction and very nearly missed the brief comment she made to Danith. 'You were correct sister, he has great stamina - he will certainly serve us well.' Then she looked back down at me and said. 'It seems this way is not sufficiently effective for you - there is another, more certain route for you to take, one that will undoubtedly ensure your climax.' She paused momentarily and I saw her eyes narrowing before she added in a low, positively suggestive whisper. 'I mean you could have me anally.'

Although I couldn't imagine anything being capable of giving me feelings stronger than those her pussy were creating just the thought of having my cock wedged up her arse sent shivers of lascivious delight coursing through me, so, still speechless, I again nodded.

Of course I had expected that we would be changing position, that she would go down on her hands and knees so I could enter her from behind, but it immediately became clear that was not what she had in mind. Instead I felt her reach down to take hold of my raw and angrily throbbing cock as she slowly lifted herself off it, then merely guiding it as she adjusted her position above me.

'This way is much tighter and at first you may find it painful, but I can guarantee you will climax. However, it is written that many of your kind believe this route is sinful.' she said as I felt her arsehole pressing down over the tip of my cock-head. 'For instance I understand your mother's faith brands what you want me to do as utterly perverted. And that continuing will make you, in their sight, an abomination.' she said in a dark, menacing tone. 'Do you still wish me to proceed? - You must answer me!' she added with barely controlled impatience when I failed to immediately respond.

Although right then the fog of sheer animal lust that gripped me made her statement all but incomprehensible it was obvious that if I didn't want to be left in a state of unimaginable frustration there was only one answer she wanted to hear. 'Yes, yes I do.' I muttered, then heard my words followed by a low, rasping growl as she pushed herself a little lower and unbelievably intense shock-like thrills seared straight up my spine.

But if I'd thought that she would immediately start the action that my body was screaming for, I couldn't have been more wrong - once she had just my cock-head jammed inside herself she stopped again. 'On second thoughts I'm not so sure I should do this.' she hissed. 'You know it's wicked, all but forbidden, and the penalty may be far too high for you.'

Again the words made absolutely no sense to me, but the implication was clear, so when she added. 'What are you prepared to give for me to continue?' my response was immediate and unhesitating.

'Anything! Whatever you want, just don't stop, for christ's sake don't stop!' I managed to croak as the thought of what I might be denied threatened to make any further responses virtually impossible.

'That much, are you certain?'

'Yes. Yeeesss!' I practically screamed in desperation. 'Anything, anything!'

'Very well, so be it.' she said, her eyes glinting even more brightly as she rested one hand on my chest. Then, as she finally began to push herself lower and although the gripping tightness of her anal channel sent unbelievably powerful bolts of pleasure-pain surging through me I also felt one finger's razor sharp nail drawing down through my flesh. I think I was dimly aware of a second stroke, made lower, somewhere across my abdomen, but in all honesty from then on I'm sure the entire building could have collapsed around us and I would have neither registered it, nor, to be candid, have even cared.

Her pussy had fitted me like a tailored wet velvet glove but there was just no comparison between it and the super-tight sheath that was slowly engulfing me, and if it hadn't been for the amount of pre-cum that must have been oozing from it by then I'm almost sure my cock would never have been able to fully penetrate it. And although I felt I was having several layers of skin stripped from it in the process, the accompanying ecstasy I was experiencing made me more than willing to suffer whatever I had to for that to continue.

Yet, as I was soon to discover, those thrills were merely a precursor of what were still to come.

Perhaps the only disconcerting aspect of the breath-takingly excruciating yet indescribably fantastic moments it took for her to take all of it was the expression on her face as she forced herself slowly downwards; it was a smile, but one that I can only describe as being a smile of absolute triumph.

Once she was satisfied she had me totally embedded she seemed in no particular hurry to take things any further, although my hips were trying desperately to jerk my cock up and down she just sat there, pressing down, holding me still, her eyes glinting as they stared deep into mine. 'You understand that the contract between us is sealed if I give you the gift of relief.' she finally said in a low, almost threatening voice. 'If you want me to continue you must answer me.' she again added when I made no immediate reply.