Supernatural Ch. 10


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It was a silly question, and as that too was something I'd been longing to do for weeks I certainly needed no further encouragement. Her breast felt just as good in my mouth as it had in my hand and as I kissed, licked and suckled it, that, plus the feel of her slow but insistent stroking of my cock soon reignited my arousal.

Then, once she was apparently satisfied with the strength of my erection, she spoke again. 'I can feel that you want me, but I think you need a little more time to fully recover all your strength - so allow me to do this for you.' she whispered before getting up on the bed and moving my legs so she could kneel between them.

Regardless of any other thoughts I might have had as to what we might do together, from the moment I felt her lips slipping down over my cock I knew I would be utterly helpless to do anything other than submit to what she intended. And although I've had many, many blow-jobs from women, some fantastic, others merely excellent - I can honestly say I had never, ever had anything that could even remotely be compared with the one she then gave me.

Quite apart from everything else she did - the amazingly skilful way she used her hands and fingers, the slow yet determined way she slid her lips up and down my cock, and the utterly blissful feelings I got from the moist warmth of her mouth completely engulfing me - it was the sheer strength of the vacuuming suction she was able to produce that gave me what I felt sure would have to be a once in a lifetime experience.

Even before I was anywhere near to actually climaxing the strength and effectiveness of it was all too apparent, it felt as though what she was doing was draining blood from other parts of me and diverting it up into my cock. Within a short space of time it had become even bigger and harder than I would have thought possible and when she didn't have most of it jammed down her throat, I could see that the shaft was both thicker and much more darkly veined than I'd ever seen it. Then by the time I eventually felt that all too familiar deep, surging rush beginning, the power of her sucking made it feel as though my body was literally being pulled inside out. And, when the full force of it hit me the result was much more like some long capped geyser exploding than any climax I'd ever previously experienced.

She gurgled happily as she attempted to make sure she wasted none of it, swallowing hard as she eagerly continued sucking several more unusually gut-wrenching loads up out of me, and only reluctantly relinquishing her grip when she was absolutely sure I had not another drop left in me.

After such a massively draining orgasm, and with both my long-concealed yearnings and my much more immediate needs at least temporarily sated, it wasn't surprising that it was some time before I could do more than simply lie there. At first she rested quietly beside me, her arms encircling me and her warm curves moulded close to the length of my body, and as my racing heart and sense of exhaustion slowly returned to something more like normal, I had a little time to think.

I'm not really sure if at that time I had fully accepted what to a purely rational mind should have clearly been impossible - but I do know that as I lay there I was already thinking about the possibilities. If, and it was of course a very big if, if what the doll, she, Laurie, had told me was really true - that it, she was in fact something I could think of as being no more than a life-like fucking device - well, regardless of why, how, or where it had come from, why not enjoy it! If nothing else, it was certainly better than just having to rely on imagining I was with Leona while I masturbated.

And if that was true - and with it, her, Laurie being such an amazingly good facsimile of Leona - why shouldn't I use the opportunity I'd been given to do some of the things I had until then only been able to fantasise of doing with my dream-girl.

Now, unlike many men I knew, who admitted they only did it under sufferance, as a way of making sure that in return they would get their share of blow-jobs, I loved going-down on a woman. I loved everything about it; loved the smell of a woman in heat, loved the feel of having her thighs wrapped around my head, loved the sense of power I got from feeling her writhing in helpless delight, I even loved the bitter-sweet taste of her pussy-juices. And many, many times I'd taken myself to a climax while just imagining I could feel Leona's adorable pussy responding to my tongue and fingers.

So I put two and two together, and decided that once I had recovered just a little more energy, that would be my next move.

At just about that moment I felt Laurie stirring beside me. 'I think you enjoyed that.' she whispered.

'That's an under-statement; I've never, ever felt anything like that.' I answered.

'That's nice to know; your body is certainly incredibly responsive, and you have a wonderful cock, so big, so forceful - and you gave me an amazing amount of your seed. I'm sure it's already working inside me, sure I am already becoming much more truly life-like.' she paused for a moment then continued. 'When I had you in my hands, in my mouth, feeling the strong, utterly masculine force rising inside you, I felt myself responding, felt stirrings inside me, felt feelings that until then I had only known of in the abstract. They are very strong, very powerful feelings Mike.' she added almost wistfully.

I turned on to my side and looked at her; her expression was thoughtful, a slight frown creased her forehead and her eyes had a far-away almost yearning look in them. Resting my hand on her hip I said, 'And just where did you find those feelings were strongest Laurie, down here?' I asked as I let my fingers slip down over her abdomen.

She gasped, 'Oh yes Mike, yes!' she replied, perhaps purely instinctively making enough room for my hand by lifting one knee.

She was wet, amazingly wet; even when I first slid my fingers down over her thigh I felt the moisture that had coated the inside of it, and when I slipped them higher I found a veritable swamp; her pussy was hot, wet and steamy.

'I know exactly what you need.' I said as I pushed myself downwards, then rolled her on to her back and spread her legs wide apart.

I gorged on her! There's no other word to describe the way I went about it, nor the amount of pleasure I received from doing so. To me she was like some wildly exotic feast and her all too succulent pussy was its centrepiece, a dish with a headily spicy aroma and a totally intoxicating taste. But although I spent most of that time lovingly savouring it I didn't ignore the rest of what was on offer; often returning to lick, suck and fondle each breast, moving higher to take my first, but by no means last taste of her mouth, and in between stroking, licking and caressing each and ever other part of her.

It was obvious that she was ecstatic at what I was doing for her and because she was so responsive I soon lost count of the number of climaxes I was able to give her. Some were small, no more than exhilaratingly shuddering releases, others were obviously much stronger and far more deeply centred, and others seemed to be just one in a series of steadily rolling orgasms.

And of course, as it always did, even though I was concentrating on generating pleasure for her, what I was doing was re-firing my own excitement. I have always found that just the smell of a woman's sex is enough to start giving me an erection, licking and sucking her pussy works even faster, and having a woman who responds with genuine enthusiasm to what I am doing will quickly make it throbbingly rock-hard.

With Laurie my cock had everything going for it; smell, taste and eager receptiveness - and long before I had finished with her I could feel both my and its all too predictable reaction, feel its reinvigorated strength, and even a still growing but unquestionable ache in my balls.

After one, apparently even more shatteringly massive climax Laurie finally pushed me away. 'Enough, that's enough!' she plaintively mewled. Then, as I finally lifted my head from her, she added. 'That was wonderful, absolutely wonderful Mike - but you know you didn't have to do it, the sole reason for my being here is your pleasure - not you for mine.' she added with a wicked giggle.

I wiped some of her juices from around my mouth before replying. 'I assure you it was my pleasure too Laurie - you have a very sweet-tasting pussy.'

'I'm glad you like it, it's all yours, whenever you want it - you know that too. But,' she said as she pushed herself upwards, 'now I'll have to think of something extra special to do for you in return.'

As she lifted herself her eyes dropped down to my crotch, where she saw the result of the excitement I'd felt while going down on her. 'Oh my, you're already hard again - will you let my try something completely different for you?' she asked as she reached forward to curl her fingers around the stiffened length.

'Of course.'

'Good - get up on your hands and knees then.'

Needless to say I wasn't at all sure what she had in mind but by that time if what she'd already done for me was a fair demonstration of her capabilities I was more than prepared to sample anything she suggested.

Once I was in position Laurie moved behind me then, having spread my legs a little wider, wound one arm around me to take hold of my cock and used the fingers of the other to spread my buttocks apart. I felt her warm breath on my backside, a series of licks and kisses on each cheek, then gasped as I felt her tongue sliding up and down the crack between them.

At first her caresses were quite undemanding; her tongue teasing flickeringly, her gentle fingers stroking unhurriedly, but even so there was no doubt as to their effectiveness, I felt not only my slowly growing excitement, but also a heightened sense of anticipation as to just what it was she planned to do for me nest. My excitement went up a few notches when I felt her using just the tip of her tongue to circle and lightly probe my anus, then couldn't control the violent shudders that rippled through me when it actually began to push between the tightly bunched muscles.

That, for me, unusual stimulation had an almost immediate effect and I felt my cock surge as a completely different form of pleasure swept through me. Her fingers tightened slightly as my suddenly re-energised cock began throbbing jerkily, then as some purely automatic response relaxed me, her tongue broke through the ring of muscle and pushed inside. It slid back and forth a few times, each movement sending a shock wave of delight coursing right through me, then her hand picked-up the rhythm and started stroking my juddering cock in time with her probing tongue.

Perhaps sensing and somehow measuring the slow but steady rebuilding of my potency she patiently maintained that unhurried but exciting combination of movements - ignoring my loud panting grunts of steadily increasing pleasure while she waited for a clear and unambiguous signal that my body was slowing starting to build-up to a climax.

Then, when she was satisfied that was happening, what she did was not only unthinkable, it was impossible! To my absolute amazement her tongue - and because I could still feel both of her hands on me, I knew it had to be her tongue - began to push deeper, even deeper; reaching way beyond where any normal tongue could have, probing, searching for that inner trigger-spot.

The pressure inside me shot sky-high when she found it; and as her tongue began teasing and tickling it I felt the already quite painful ache in my balls growing even stronger and my cock surging from the amount of fresh blood being pumped into it. But even as that was happening I also became aware that her insistently kneading tongue was producing somewhere deep, deep inside me feelings I had never previously experienced, feelings so unfamiliar yet so strangely powerful that in some ways they alarmed me. A few moments later it felt as though every single drop of fluid was being marshalled, being whirl-pooled together and drawn to one single place - and that was somewhere immediately behind the base of my uncontrollably jerking cock.

Then, as though her tongue had actually curled around the gland and begun deliberately squeezing it I reacted as though ever single nerve, fibre and muscle had been connected to a single, massive power source, I literally erupted!

But unlike any previously experienced climax, which I could expect to produce a series of at least half a dozen large but separate spurts of semen, most of that one came in one thick, continuous jet, blasting out of me with such force that it squirted the full length of the bed and created a large sticky pool on the pillow.

Then, unlike any normal woman, who would have been more than satisfied to have given her man such a massively powerful orgasm, Laurie continued working me over. Because by then she had her face pushed hard down against my buttocks she no longer needed one hand to hold them apart, and I realised she was using it to cup and fondle my balls. Both hands, and especially her tongue more than redoubled their stimulation, and, almost unbelievably, were effective! The sensations I'd felt earlier returned, just as strongly; my cock pulsing, the dull ache in my balls re-intensifying, and, over-riding even those and as though seeking to drown all my normal senses in its whirling vortex, that extraordinary, and overwhelmingly powerful dizzying rush.

As her tongue applied its pressure, the hand around my cock pumped and the one holding my balls began gripping just a little more tightly, all three following a single, compellingly driving beat - a beat that drained whatever semen was left in the innermost and normally untapped reservoirs and powered it upwards. Then even through the blurring red haze of sheer ecstasy that seemed to have enveloped me, I looked down and watched as a long series of large, grossly misshapen gobbets of semen blasted out of my cock, each one sploshing messily in the pool from my first eruption.

Although she had given me what was undoubtedly the ultimate climax - and even though I still got a frisson of excitement when her tongue slid slowly back out of my arse-hole - at that moment I was feeling so utterly drained and exhausted I was in some ways grateful to feel her releasing me when she sensed I was finally totally emptied.

But then she again amazed me, even as I was flopping down to recover she slid past me and began eagerly lapping and sucking up every last drop from the pool of semen on the pillow. 'Waste not, want not - I think that's what you would say.' she giggled as she licked the last traces from her lips before settling herself down beside me. 'I think you really enjoyed that.' she added softly.

Because I was still having a great deal of trouble in catching my breath it took me a while to answer. 'I've never experienced anything even remotely like that Laurie. And I'm not even sure I want to know just how you did what you did.' I added.

'It would seem that I was given an extendable tongue.' she replied, giving me the same wickedly mischievous grin I'd seen before, and added, 'And I think you'll look forward to me using it again, some other time.'

'The way I feel at the moment I think it will be some time before I'm capable of responding to anything, or to any part of you.' I answered wearily.

'Oh I doubt that - I think a little rest will work wonders for you.'

She was right of course; some food, drink and the sight of her casually naked body stretched out on the sofa was enough to re-fire both my interest and my capability and less than hour after what I'd thought would be final climax, at least for that evening, we were back on the bed and I was fucking her, vigorously.

Although both her physical perfection and her skilfully enthusiastic use of her body were in themselves exhilarating she also added to my excitement by saying all the things a man loves to hear when he's fucking a woman; things like - 'Oh Mike, it feels as though your cock is splitting me wide open - but I love it, don't stop!'

'Oh, oh, you're getting so deep - I'm sure you're getting into places no man's supposed to - but I love that too, please dig it even deeper!'

'Shit you're so powerful - I'm sure most other men would have already come by now - what you're doing to me is just too wonderful and I can't hold back any longer - I'm coming, I'm commiiingggg!'

'You're absolutely fantastic darling - and you're still not finished - keep going, please, please just keep going!'

Oh, again? I can't believe this, I'm coming again! Now bury your cock deep inside me - right up to the hilt - come with me, come now, flood my cunt with your life-giving jism!'

And even after that session I still managed to do it yet one more time before finally falling asleep, though to be honest, I was more than happy to leave it to Laurie to both give me that erection and to provide most of the energy required. But, if it were possible she seemed to get even more enjoyment and satisfaction out of doing it by squatting astride me than she had when I was on top of her.

My over-full bladder woke me during the night and while I was in the bathroom it occurred to me that taking a piss was yet another thing I didn't think people dreamed about actually doing. Then it also occurred to me that perhaps I should document the weird things that had seemed to be happening to me - just in case I wasn't either dreaming or hallucinating.


I have to say I'm not really sure what made me do this, what made me decide to put this down on my PC. Maybe it's just that in at least one part of my brain I have simply been unable to accept that all this is actually happening, that in some way I prefer to believe it's just some sort of long drawn out dream. And even though I've never heard of anyone being able to document the details of their brain's flights of fancy while they were still continuing to dream them, that doesn't mean that isn't really possible. So I'll continue - then when, or if I do wake up I'll still have a record of everything I experienced.

It's been five days now, five days and much of the five nights too - five days and nights of the next best thing to virtually continuous fucking; well, to be accurate, sucking, jerking and lots and lots of variations of fucking. Of course I have had some sleep, though it's usually been when I have simply collapsed from sheer exhaustion, but in all that time I haven't even stepped outside the apartment and the only daylight I've seen has been what has come streaming in through the windows. Luckily, I always keep a good supply of basics in the fridge and cupboards so the fact that I haven't been able to go shopping hasn't meant I've had to starve - and Laurie assures me that she gets all the nutrition she needs from the semen she drains out of me. And she's certainly had plenty of that!

But somehow in the next twenty-four hours I'll have to find a way of calming Laurie's up to now apparently insatiable appetite; I have to get back to work on Monday, and if I'm to be anywhere near fit for that, I'll just have to get some properly undisturbed sleep.

While I'm doing this I'll just add this note - it's odd how when you spend so much time with someone you pick-up on their quirky little mannerisms. With Laurie it's teasing the back of my neck with her finger-nails. Until now I hadn't realised how sensitive the back of my head and neck could be, but once she discovered that she certainly made the most of it! But now her actions are verging on the obsessive, not an hour seems to pass when, regardless of whatever else we are doing to and with each other, I feel her finger-tips playing around there, sometimes it actually feels as though she's searching for something - some spot she expects to find there. Very odd!