Supernatural Ch. 12


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She saw him staring down at her, and willed him to do what she wanted, needed him to do, to come down again, join her, touch her, fuck her.

And, as though he was obeying that silent command, he began to scramble down, and although his progress seemed unbearably slow her spirits surged as she watched. The image she'd formed in her mind of his arousal not only remained clear, but grew even sharper, more focussed, until all that was important was his cock, rampant, throbbing with the same life forces that continued welling up through herself.

When he reached the ground he paused, and even from that distance she felt his eyes staring at her, watching her as she continued to stimulate herself, and although she could sense his confusion, he finally began to walk quickly towards her. As he drew nearer he slowed, and Brenda instinctively knew he was succumbing to the same feelings she was. She saw his eyes flicking up and down, staring at the stiffly rounded globes of her breasts, then lower, down over her tensed, sweat sheened body, watching the fluttering, probing patterns her fingers were making.

He reached the far edge of the rock slab, took a couple of steps forward, then stopped. Their eyes locked momentarily, then hers dropped to his crotch, saw the outline of his cock, a bulge that seemed to her to be steadily growing even more pronounced.

Although its continuing growth increased her own excitement something drew her eyes lower, and she looked down at the rock they were standing on. The etched lines seemed to have become even sharper, and the pattern she had thought had a single focus was no longer there, now there were two. Between them was the mass of twisting, curling lines, and he stood at the centre of the other.

He said nothing but she looked up again as he too began to strip. His shirt, then shoes, shorts, and finally his underpants, throwing them all behind himself, then standing proudly naked. The image she'd formed of him faded away as she focussed on the reality, his cock was still rising, getting bigger than she'd ever seen it before, the head becoming still darker, glossier, and she felt her core pulsing, opening, preparing her body for his.

They stood staring silently at each other, each aware of their own escalating need, a need that seemed to be coursing through their veins, reaching deep into every part of their bodies. And, making those feelings even stronger was the fact that they each somehow knew that the other was feeling exactly the same way. But when their eyes met Brenda noticed there was a hint of uncertainty in Martin's, then he looked away, turning, looking quickly all around, as though searching for some reason to suppress what he was feeling.

She reached out for him, slipping her hand beneath the hot, quivering length. 'I want you, here and right now.' She said in a low, throaty voice, and as he turned back to face her again, she sat at his feet, then lay back on the smooth slab, bending and spreading her legs wide apart.

Her words and wanton display were just additional fuel for the fire already burning fiercely inside him, and as that snuffed out any remaining doubt in his mind he fell to his knees. He briefly looked down at her face, her eyes were wide open but seemed to be staring right through him, and on her lips there was a tense smile of expectation. Then he looked lower, saw her nipples spiking from her tautly upthrusting breasts, saw how tense the rest of her body had become, then looked lower still, at the dense triangle of pubic hair, and below it, the glistening, dark pink folds. The inner fire grew stronger, even hotter, and he edged forward, steadying and guiding his already jerkily throbbing cock with one hand, then pushing it forward between her wetly gaping pussy-lips.

He gave a single, low pitched, rumbling cry, then, using a series of powerful thrusts, forced his way deep into the heart of her.

She gasped with both surprise and excitement as she felt it driving into her, the sheer size of it stretching her body to its very limits. For one brief moment she wondered if the size would actually split her open, but the moment passed and she not only took it, all of it, but knew she needed more, much, much more of it.

He was experiencing very similar feelings, it felt as though his cock had not only grown more massive than he would have previously thought possible, but had also become a hundred times more sensitive. It was as though as it had grown it had stretched the very nerve endings, making every one of them fire off at the slightest touch. And as her pussy was so tight, its folds clinging to the full length of it, each move sent shock-like thrills surging up his spine.

And the strength of those physical thrills, coupled with the unbelievably powerful forces inside him, made him totally incapable of giving her his usually tenderly considerate love-making. He was vaguely conscious of her cries of astonished consternation as he drove faster and still deeper, but had to ignore them.

He also had to ignore her amazed delight when an orgasm all too quickly welled up through her body, conscious only that her convulsions were making her cunt grip his powering cock even more tightly.

The first was a frenzied, and all too short coupling. A couple of dozen or so thrusts later he felt the start of his own unstoppable surge, then grunted as his semen scorched up through his cock and blasted deep into her.

But even as the last jolt ripped through him he knew he wasn't done, even after that explosive orgasm his cock was still demanding more, and the fire burning inside hadn't diminished at all.

The rolling climax she was still experiencing just wouldn't stop, what had begun almost as soon as he had thrust down into her, and been prematurely induced by his unusually primitive, almost brutal actions, continued. There had been a second series of peaks when she felt the heat of his semen pumping deep into her core, each jolting burst triggering a separate surge of pleasure, and each one of those a little stronger than the previous. But even so, although just having his still rigid cock buried up to the hilt inside her were producing waves of pleasure, they were not enough, she needed something more, something more powerfully satisfying than that.

So, feeling how hard his cock had remained and praying that he still had more to give her, she pushed herself backwards, feeling some of the hot mix of their fluids seeping out and trickling down her inner thigh as she unplugged herself. Then, turning over and getting up her hands and knees, as she arched her bottom high, she looked back over her shoulder at him.

'Do it to me again - this way, now!'

Even if the quick fuck had fully quenched it, the raw passion in her voice and the lascivious way she was offering herself to him would have been enough to rekindle the fire inside him. As it was, it instantly flared up into an all consuming blaze. Without a moment's hesitation he moved up behind her, guided his still throbbing cock into her sopping pussy, shuddering as the super-sensitive head slipped between the outer lips, then groaning as he thrust forward.

She was so wet he was able to bury it deep inside her with a single lunge, then, because he wanted a moment to savour the thrills coursing through his body, he somehow managed to resist the urge to immediately start thrusting in and out. But she gave him only that briefest of moments before letting him know what she wanted, bending her upper body lower, and then pushing herself back and forth on his impaling cock.

He understood her needs, and as he felt her pussy tightening around his cock he picked up her rhythm and, taking a firm grip of her hips, began thrusting as forcefully as before.

It didn't seem humanly possible but his cock actually seemed to increase in size and hardness the longer he continued, and in spite of the intensity of the thrills being generated by her slick tightness, he began to feel as though he could go on fucking her forever.

It was as though he was drawing on some external power, as though he had tapped some elemental force, a force that was creating and then sustaining his sexual energy. And at the same time, in some strange way he felt they had ceased to exist as separate people, it was as though that power had melded his cock and her cunt, and through those, the two of them, into one single being.

But that time, after what seemed an timeless period of blissful fucking, he became aware of her reactions, aware that they were growing stronger. She had begun to moan, softly at first, then with a deeper, more urgent sound. He realised that she was pushing herself back at him more forcefully, that her pussy was gripping his cock even more tightly. Her actions intensified his own, and using both hands to spread her arse cheeks wider, he increased both the speed and depth of his thrusting.

He heard the slapping sound of his sweating body smacking hard up against her arse-cheeks, felt the bruising pleasure as his balls whacked against the backs of her thighs, and then he felt her entire body starting to flex and shudder, and a few seconds later she let out an incredible rising wail of agonised ecstasy as her entire body was convulsed by the sheer force of her climax.

Whereas her earlier one had been like being swept along in breaking surf, that one was as though a single, gigantic tidal wave had totally engulfed her. And as the scorching heat of his massive, rock-hard cock continued pounding into her, she felt she was being carried higher and higher by it. Yet even as she surrendered herself to the mind numbing intensity of what was happening to her, she could still hear her keening wail reverberating around them, echoing back from the surrounding walls of rock.

When at last the force of it had passed she slumped weakly, helplessly, held up only by the strength of his hold of her. At that moment she felt utterly drained, yet even as the impact of her climactic orgasm lessened, she felt his cock still pistoning in and out, and realised that he was far from being finished with her.

As for him, he was lost in another timeless reverie, the sensations he was experiencing were like no other he'd ever experienced. He felt super-human, felt his cock had been imbued with some magical, life-giving force. A force that had spread through his entire body, giving him the power and the strength to continue until he was ready to again flood her cunt with his seed.

He looked down to watch it, saw how brightly the thick slime coating the shaft glistened in the sunlight, saw how darkly swollen the knotted veins along its length had become, saw the outer lips of her clinging pussy being dragged with it each time he pulled back. And as he watched he felt both the ecstatic thrills that ripped up through his body and the trails of sweat running down over it, some dripping from his face down on to the taut curves of her upthrusting buttocks.

But then, long before he was ready for it he felt the unmistakable signals, felt a dragging tightness in the pit of his stomach, felt his swollen balls rising, felt himself being driven to thrust faster and faster. And then nothing mattered but the sheer relief of releasing the almost unbearable pressure that had suddenly built inside him.

She too knew he was about to come again, even without the sudden increase in speed and power of his actions she would have known that because his cock suddenly seemed to have become even bigger, even harder and the head more grossly swollen than it had already been. But, frustratingly unfair though it seemed, although she somehow knew she needed just one more climax herself, she also knew that in spite of what he was about to give her, her body was not quite ready for it.

She braced herself for what was to come, then heard his deep, guttural cry, and as she felt the first of a series of explosive gouts she found herself imagining what his deeply embedded cock must look as it spouted its rich, creamy jets of life-giving semen.

He grunted as his cock spat load after load into her, his eyes clamped tightly shut as his entire body was wracked by uncontrollably powerful muscular spasms. But in spite of the totally draining power of it, when even it was finally over he somehow knew that whatever it was that had gripped him, had still not yet completely finished with him.

So in one way, although he knew from experience that after two such massive orgasms his body was totally incapable of anything more, when she did what she then did, he wasn't completely surprised.

When she was sure he'd finished she moved quickly, pulling herself forward off his dripping cock, then without saying a single word, pushing him down on to his back and straddling him. As she knew it would be, his cock was still fully erect, the shaft blood-red, the head an angrily dark purple, the entire length slick with a mixture of her own juices and his still oozing semen.

She felt her tongue licking her lips, momentarily distracted by the thought of taking it in her mouth, tasting it, feeling it bruising the back of her throat as she jammed her head down on to it. But that pleasure would have to wait for another time, she had more urgent needs to satisfy. She looked up along his sweat coated, and still heaving body, seeing the sharply defined muscles, sensing their power, then finally looking up at his face. He was gasping for breath, his skin streaked with sweat, and in his eyes she saw a despairing, almost pleading look.

She looked down again, at his still rearing cock, then, grasping it firmly as she lifted herself, and pausing for a second when she felt it brushing against her still super-sensitive clitoris, she held it steady and pushed herself down on to it.

Something inside her told her that this time, this third time had to be timed just right. She felt sure he was capable of giving her another, but also guessed that he would need just a little more encouragement, a little more help and a little more time to do so. So she gave him all of those, and at first rode him quite slowly. Then when she was absolutely sure that his cock had lost none of its rigid potency, she began to change her action. Sometimes lifting herself higher, tightening her pussy and moving up and down over just the still swollen head. Sometimes rotating her pelvis so he felt his cock being rubbed against the walls of her cunt. Sometimes pushing right down to the base, letting him feel the entire length being bathed in the warm, slick moistness of her cunt.

And in time she saw her patience being rewarded, saw and felt the first faint tremors of slowly increasing excitement running up through his body, every now and then heard his low moaning gasps of pleasure.

Those signs were all she needed to let go the restraints she had put upon herself, to allow herself to unblock the channels and fully mate with this man.

And, just as importantly, to once again enjoy the mind-bending thrill of loving and being loved by her Martin.

The significance of that final thought flashed through her mind as their mutual, and that time completely synchronous climax began. Brenda heard a combination of his loud, roaring bellow and her high pitched wail of sheer joy echoing all around them as his cock exploded yet again. Then, as she rode him harder and faster she felt herself melting, dissolving as he began thrusting himself upwards, spearing her with his spouting cock, blasting every drop of his precious semen into the very depths of her cunt. Then the jolts of pleasure that sent surging through every single part of her body grew just too intense, and her mind blanked out.

Even so it was Brenda who recovered first, became aware of the hardness of the rock, the sting of the various abrasions to her knees and her back. But stronger and over-riding both those discomforts and the soreness of her pussy were the sensations she felt inside her body. In spite of all they had just done she could still feel her heightened sexuality, her need, no there really was no other word to describe it, her lust for Martin's cock.

Suddenly the memory of the last of the rock paintings returned, the painting showing the figures wildly fucking. She remembered seeing an incomprehensible design in the centre of it, remembered that the couples had been spread all around it, none of them were actually very close to it. She recalled the design she had seen on the rock when Martin had stood there naked, the swirling lines, the way they seemed to have two distinct foci, one around each of their feet, and realised that was the very same design she had seen in the painting.

It took all of her strength of will to push herself up off him and get to her feet, then she shook him, roughly. 'Get up darling! Get up, we have to get off the rock, it's too powerful!'

Martin was even more groggy than Brenda had been, he lay there for a minute or so, a dazed expression on his face, blinking at the sun's glare. When he finally got unsteadily to his feet Brenda saw that in spite of the pounding it had taken such a short time before, his cock was still stiffly erect. It was ridiculous, but she found that just the sight of it was enough to stir the feelings she was actually trying to fight off. So, turning her back on him she hurriedly grabbed her discarded clothes and without wasting time by putting them on, began quickly walking away from the rock.

'Hey, wait for me darling!' Martin called after her.

'In the cave, out of the sun.' She called back to him without either turning or stopping.

Having reached the entrance she turned and saw him hurrying towards her, he too hadn't bothered to dress and her body continued responding to the mere sight of him. The deeply stirring tingling sensations that began somewhere down inside her and then flowed outwards, sensitising every part of her body. Sensation that made her keenly aware of the emptiness at her core, an emptiness that only his powerful, blood-filled cock could satisfy.

Martin was having very similar thoughts. When he'd cleared his head after that final, truly shattering orgasm he'd seen her walking quickly away, found himself staring at the way her tempting buttocks rolled, then, although it should have been physically impossible, felt himself responding to their rhythmic jiggling. He had no idea as to what her words had meant. Something about the rock being too powerful, in what way? But getting his naked body out of the sun made sense, and the urge to feel her body close drew him quickly after her.

She stood under the overhang of the cave's entrance, still naked, her breasts and nipples still tautly swollen, tiny trickles of perspiration running off her neck and then down the valley between them. He saw how much her body was shaking and trembling and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tight. 'Are you all right darling?' He asked anxiously. 'I'm sorry if I hurt you. I just don't know what came over me out there.'

Although she heard the genuine concern in his voice, could guess how he felt, understood his confusion, all she could think of was his cock, recalling the sight of it, rearing almost vertically, remembering how it felt when it thrust deep inside her, filling that yearning void. And as he held her tight she could feel the hard length of it pressing against her, and again it took all her strength of will to ignore those images and feelings.

She could hear the tremor in her voice as she answered him. 'Don't worry darling. You didn't hurt me, far from it. But we shouldn't have been where we were, right at the centre like that. It was too strong for us.'

'What do you mean?'

'The rock, it's the centre, maybe even the source. Get dressed, then come and see, it's included in the painting.' She said as she broke from his arms and started quickly dressing herself.