Surrogate Wife


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On Wednesday, Sally told me, "I managed to avoid Dennis's arm today but I was a bit disappointed. They don't want Harold to get fixated on Pam so Isla was working with him instead. She's very thin with hardly any tits at all and she is shaved between her legs - though it looked a bit ugly. Harold didn't like her either and stayed scrunched up for the whole hour. When I remarked on this Dennis told me that Isla was better at other things - he said that some of the other women say she has a fantastic mouth. It was funny that afterwards Isla came up to me and asked if I would like to stay over at her house on Friday night because her son was sleeping away with a pal from school. She said that it is only a two bedroomed flat but I could always go in Robbie's bed if I preferred. I told her that I would love to but that it wouldn't be fair on you. I said how much you liked hearing what I had been doing during the day and that you loved bed time too much to leave you on your own. Isla gave a little smile when I told her that but I'm sure she understood."

My wife missed the ongoing treatment of Harold on Thursday as she was busy participating in her first training session. It seems that there is quite a science to lying naked on a bed. The leg needs to be raised at just the right angle, body positioned so that not too much of the vagina is revealed and breasts allowed to hang with the right amount of enticement. Pam was acting as instructor and they kept changing places on the bed for my wife to try what she had learned. Dennis acted the role of patient but made no attempt to enter into the spirit of the thing. Sally said that instead of pretending to be shy, he lay on the bed grinning, with hands behind his head and oversized cock sticking up in the air like a flagpole. She told me, "It was very distracting having it in front of me all the time, so big and gleaming as if it had been polished. Some stuff came out of the end and stated to trickle slowly down the side like honey would and I kept getting this odd urge to stick out the tip of my tongue to see what it tasted like."

On Friday she was involved in something mundane. At work I had started getting all keyed up every day wondering what Sally would have to tell me and I remember feeling disappointed that night. Monday was a different. Usually she waited until we had eaten before telling of her day but the moment I walked in the door she blurted out, "Ben, I've been fucked by a patient today. I'm sorry - it was not meant to happen for a long time yet and I meant to warn you when it got likely but this took everybody by surprise." Despite the apology, I could tell by the excitement in her eyes and glow of happiness that she was not really sorry. "They wanted to keep trying Harold with different therapists and because I had done so well mimicking Pam on Thursday, it was decided that I should have my first experience of working with a patient," she explained. "I think that Harold was expecting Isla again because his face lit up and he gave me a big smile. I was amazed to see that his cock had gone really stiff and it was even bigger than Denis's. He rolled towards me. I thought he wanted to just suck my tits but he kept on rolling, finished up on top of me, and the next second his prick had gone into kind of natural like. It felt enormous. He started thrusting which was a surprise because I'd got the impression that he didn't know what to do. I got this weird feeling inside, I never felt anything like it before but it was nice. Unfortunately he didn't last much longer than you and it was all over. Harold started smothering my face with kisses saying, 'Thank You, thank you.' It made me feel so good."

My heart was pounding. I knew that I should feel jealous because this was the first man other than me to have his cock inside my wife's cunt - but in view of the situation I could not manage to muster that emotion. To bolster her very obvious pride I said sincerely, "Congratulations."

"That's what they all said," Sally gushed. "I think that everybody must have crammed into the viewing cubicle to watch because when I got dressed and went into the common room, everybody started clapping and a lot of them wanted to kiss me. Denis said it was amazing how I had cured the man so quickly and it just showed that I had a big future in that line of work."

I could not begrudge my wife her success but I was not at all sure that I wanted her to have a big future as a surrogate wife. There was a worry that she might need to repeat her performance the next day to prove the cure but Sally reassured me that the next day she was booked for something completely different called 'Know your own body'. So returning from work on the morrow, I was intrigued rather than exited, curious to know what she might have discovered about herself.

"It was wonderful - I would never have believed it." she said. "I had to pick one of the other women to work with. I think that Isla badly wanted me to choose her but I get on so well with Pam. We went together to one of the therapy bedrooms, got undressed and lay on the bed. Pam told me to relax explaining that she was going to show me how to find my G-spot and other sensitive places. I lay back with my eyes closed and felt her stroke lightly round my breasts, then her hand moved down across my tummy until she was tickling the inside of my thighs. Suddenly she slipped a finger (or possibly more than one) inside me and a moment later, I felt the most delicious sensation. She only did it for a second or two then stopped and told me to try to find the same spot on her. It felt strange caressing another woman's warm body and even more so when I slipped my fingers inside her. It took me a few tries under her direction before I found the spot but when I did, we switched back and she showed me something else on me. We went backwards and forwards with different things until finally she returned to my G-spot and kept on with it. It felt wonderful - similar to when I play with my clitoris but even better. I was floating. Then she whispered, 'Imagine your breasts are being sucked or there is a wet tongue in your ear while this is happening' and when she said that I seemed to explode. Then it was my turn to do it to her and I got it dead right straight away. Pam had her legs wide apart moving her body and sighing. It was a pity I was limited to just using a hand because I would have loved to suck one of her fantastic nipples as well. Then my hand got all wet as she cried out. By this time we were both very hot and I wanted to go on forever but just then the bell went to indicate that the session was nearly over. Pam sat up and kissed me on the mouth. All the people there seem to use their tongue when they kiss - I mean Denis did the very first time I was introduced to him."

As she was speaking my wife's hand strayed to between her legs and that action combined with the erotic words caused me to disgrace myself in my pants. Sally was to eager to tell me more that she failed to notice this small fact. "Afterwards we went to the common room still holding hands. Only Dorothy was in there. 'You too look like you've had fun,' she said moving her chair near to ours but before we could tell her what we had been doing Denis walked in, beckoned to her then left again. Dorothy stood up, shrugged, pulled a face towards us and then meekly followed him. Puzzled I looked towards my friend. 'I bet anything that Dennis has just been watching us together and now wants to get rid of his frustrations with her,' she explained. 'He can't make her can he - if she doesn't want to?' I protested. 'She'll do it with him willingly enough. Denis can make you go quite crazy once he's got that great schlong of his inside you.' Pam assured me. 'Are you telling me that that he's shagged you?' I asked, very surprised."

At this point, Sally changed places to sit by me and took my hand in hers and said, "Pam explained that having sex with Denis is part of the appraisal system. She said that he wanted it to be done as a 'running record' every month and when everyone complained he tried to settle for once a quarter. That didn't wash either so it was left as an annual thing - but it means that everyone still has to let him shag them once a year. Pam did say except for me because being a probationer I am allowed to refuse - but I can't stop being a probationer until I do it with him."

"That's the answer though," I said. "Just carry on as you are being a probationer."

"Ben, I'm sick of wearing a yellow dressing gown when all the others have pretty blue ones. I've had enough of being a probationer already and I'm not going to let one stupid fuck stop me getting on in this job." I think that Sally saw signs of contention on my face because she leaned forward to kiss my cheek and say, "Keep quiet because I've got some more to tell you. Pam got up and said that we could check if she was right about Denis and Dorothy. She took me to a fourth therapy room that I didn't know about and we crept into the viewing area. Sure enough, Dorothy was on her hands and knees with Denis behind her fucking away like Conrad the boar back on the farm - and when Pam switched on the sound, Dorothy was squealing louder than any of the young sows that he used to service. She was delirious. For a moment or two I wished that I were Dorothy - now don't get upset by that because back on the farm I often used to wish that I was the sow."

My head was going round filled with images that my sexy wife had conjured up. "Is that it?" I asked.

"Well almost," Sally said. "We watched for a bit and then quietly crept away. I asked Pam why she only did it with Denis once a year if he was so good. She said that she didn't really like him at all and certainly didn't want to be one of his harem. "For me this job isn't just an excuse to get extra nookie - I really do get all my satisfaction from helping inadequate men," she said. "And anyway - if I wanted an out of mind experience, I'd go with Isla rather than Denis any day."

Nothing much happened the following day but on Friday, Sally mentioned that three ex prisoners with psychological problems had moved into the ward and that these men were discussed in the common room. Pam said they were a waste of time. She believed that while the women would spend the day persuaded such men that they liked women, Denis would be equally busy at night convincing them that they really were gay. Later that day it seemed that Dorothy again disappeared with the randy co-ordinator. Pam took the opportunity to whisper to Sally, 'Dot tells her husband everything about her work but she plays down these unofficial sessions with Denis. If you happen to get involved with him, I advise you to do the same'. Having related this to me my wife looked in my eyes and said, "I have no intention of getting involved with Denis - and whatever happens, I'm not ashamed and I'll continue to tell you every single thing."

I took great reassurance from my wife's words - not as a guarantee against wrongdoing but in the hope that I would not suddenly find myself left in the dark. The next Monday night when I got home Sally was very exited and told me that she was starting on her skills training the following day. "The first subject is fellatio," she said. "Dennis wants to do the whole topic in depth but it will only be the basics tomorrow."

I was pleased for her but puzzled. Hating to show my ignorance I asked, "What exactly is fellatio?"

"I don't really know but Dennis did say that it was vital for the kind of work that I want to do," she replied and we said no more about it. For the first time I regretted that we did not have a dictionary in the house but then I didn't even know how to spell the word.

At work the following day I was still wondering but did not know any of my employees well enough to ask. Except one. There was a pretty newly married girl who invariably gave me a shy smile whenever I passed her desk so, finding her alone in the office I drew up a chair near to hers and said quietly, "I wonder if you can help me."

"Oh anything Mr Wood - I'll do anything you want," she gushed.

"Fellatio," I began but before I could say, 'What can you tell me about it?' the poor girl blushed to the roots of her hair, jumped up and ran out of the office in tears.

Only minutes later, still upset by the girls reaction I found myself in a lift with one of the salesmen. "Remind me what fellatio is?" I ordered.

"Cock sucking," he said. "Why do you want to know boss - you queer or something?"

"I just came across the word in a magazine but had quite forgotten what it meant," I explained lamely.

"Which magazine was that," he asked perking up. "I've got some really hot foreign mags I can sell you if you're interested.

It was only after some difficulty that I managed to extricate myself from that situation. I had discovered the meaning of the word but in the process had badly damaged my reputation in the firm - and knowing the meaning brought no comfort because I hated to think what my wife was being taught at that very moment.

That night, Sally told me happily, "Fellatio means taking a man's penis in your mouth," but I did not mention that I had already found out that information. "Denis took me and Pam into one of the therapy rooms," she said. "I thought he was going to demonstrate on her but later she told me she had insisted on coming to keep an eye on me. Denis asked me if I took your cock in my mouth. I said no but told him that I sometimes kissed the end of it." Suddenly she giggled and said, "I didn't mention that just kissing it could be very risky."

I smiled too remembering the number of times I had to grab tissues to wipe her face.

"Anyway," she went on, "He started pushing his cock slowly into my mouth. When it tried to get into my throat it made me choke but he pulled back saying that in a later lesson I would learn ways to overcome that. That was more or less it because nothing happen and all the time, knowing you, I expected it to get messy any second. I think it is going to need a lot of lessons before I get good at it. Denis said that I should practice with you. We'll start tonight - the nice thing is that I should be able to get all of your cock into my mouth without choking a bit."

We did try that night but unfortunately I got so excited that it proved impossible to get my prick anywhere near to her mouth without losing control.

My wife's second fellatio lesson followed the next day - apparently without her friend in attendance. "Denis explained it all to me before we started, because we were going to do the whole thing," Sally told me. "He said that patients were very prone to ejaculating when they were being sucked and it was vital that the therapist should not show any surprise or distress, so to get me used it he was going to cum in my mouth. I told him that there was no need for him to bother because I would be getting get plenty of that kind of practice with you. Denis said that was a very good thing but he still needed to tick it off as having been done officially as part of the course. When we did it, he let me take my time, told me how to breathe, how to move my head and use my tongue. Then when the spunk started squirting in my mouth, he very kindly head my head firm to stop it jerking away and continued to stroke my hair until I had swallowed it all. It made me feel really good having done so well at my first try and Denis made it better by saying that I had a whole lot of potential."

Any reservation that I might have felt at this new was negated during a fun filled evening and night where my wife constantly devised ingenious way of getting her lips round my dick without giving me time to react. After one such successful foray she grinned at me and said, "Until this afternoon, I would never have dreamed the stuff that comes out of men could taste so good. To think that your cum has been flying about my head for years and I never thought to put any in my mouth."

Wednesday Sally watched Dorothy gain moderate responses from one of the ex prisoners and the next day I got home to finding her looking like the cat that got the cream. "I've done it again," she said happily. "They gave me a try with the last of the men who have been in prison but I was warned not to be disappointed because he was a hopeless case - what they called a real closet queen. Well I took my dressing gown off, lay on the bed and within three minutes he was fucking me - he went on and on and on. His cock wasn't that much bigger than your is but he knew what he was doing. I didn't actually have an orgasm but he kept going solidly for almost the whole hour and it was lovely, feeling his thing moving in and out of me all that time. All the other women said that it was incredible how the man reacted to me. I think it's because I'm so much younger than they are but they all say that it has got to be more than that. Just before I came home, Denis told me that I am wasted as a probationer."

I do not remember much of the following two days or the weekend except that my wife talked constantly about her wish to let Dennis upgrade her to a full status trainee therapy assistant while I remained consistently resistant to the idea. In the end she wore me down and the following little speech went a long way to convince me. She said, "Ben, I have already had sex with two men beside you and it hasn't affected us one little bit - has it? I don't see how it possibly could because we have such a special relationship when it comes to sex. It has always been so much fun with us. You have all your problems and we both laugh about it so that it turns into fun. I love you for it. Sex should be a happy laughing experience so if people try to be serious about it then it can't possibly be the same."

Monday Sally went in to work armed with my permission and she rang my office in the middle of the morning to say that the big event had been scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. That morning I wished her luck but neither of us mentioned shagging - her last sentence before leaving started with the words, 'Tonight, after Denis has upgraded me....'. My morning at work was not too bad but after lunch I grew exceptionally tense and had the feeling that an ominous cloud was hanging over me. I had planned to knock of early and be waiting outside the school when Sally arrived to collect our daughter. It turned out to be one of the rare occasions when my presence was required at work because the accountants had called a special meeting that I had to attend. In the meeting there was much talk about 'cash flow crisis' but my mind was so centred on Sally and her upgrade that I grasped almost nothing about what was being said.

In the event I was over half an hour later than usual getting home. Sally threw me a rather subdued smile but then in contrast pursued her game with Sophie in what seemed an excess of enthusiasm. Other days, eager to tell of her day, my wife would put our daughter in front of the TV long enough to give me a quick outline of events at the clinic, filling in all the details later when we were alone. This time she seemed determined to keep Sophie by her side, even calling her back when the child would have naturally run off to do something else. So I waited patiently until our little girl was in bed and we had eaten a full meal in silence. Even then my wife was reluctant to speak and in the end I had to ask, "Well, what happened then?"

Sally's eyes flicked only briefly past mine as she said bluntly and briefly, "He fucked me as we agreed that that he should."

Her lack of detail was a glaring omission. I decided not to pressure and instead, forcing a degree of lightness into my voice, I said with equal brevity, "At least you've got it over with for a year."

"Actually I haven't Ben and I don't know how to tell you."