Surrogate Wives Club Ch. 03


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I scanned left and right at the neighbouring houses again, worried that we could be seen in our nudity and aroused state in Wally's case. He sensed my apprehension and putting an arm around my waist, began to quickly steer me toward the back door. The moment of truth was upon me! Still wine and vodka affected, my brain had flirted with will I or won't I from our kissing in the pool until the towelling down process and still I was undecided. It looked like the decision may have been made for me. I will always wonder if I would have resisted more if I had been stone cold sober.

Wally pushed me ahead of him to walk through the back door into my house then moved alongside me again as he somehow found the way to the main hallway and through to the bedrooms, but which one. As we passed through the kitchen, my fate to embark on adultery seemingly now sealed, he reached his free hand across to take my hand and place it on his solid horizontal erection. He didn't take his hand off mine until I had wrapped my fingers around his penis, its heat burning my fingers despite us having just come from the pool.

"Which is yours?" he asked when confronted by a number of closed doors.

"I don't know if I want to use my bed," I told him, but I realised that by using those words (I want to use my bed) I was basically conceding to what he was about to do.

"Sure you do, we want the biggest bed and that would be yours."

As hesitant as I was to do it in the bed I would share again tonight with my loving husband Brad, the thought of doing it in one of the kids' beds was even more gross. "Ok!" I answered meekly and steered us together to the door at the end of the hallway.

Wally reached out and opened it and we walked together into my bedroom and directly toward my bed. I hated that I felt so complicit in willingly going with him to my bed to commit fornication. I figured the only way I could feel easy about this was if he was dragging me reluctantly to my bed. But unfortunately, he wasn't and I was walking of my own accord. Worse, one of my arms was wrapped around his waist while my free hand continued to hold his extraordinary erection.

I still wore my bikini bottoms but I guessed he would remove them once I was on the bed ... there was no way I intended to assist in removing my last piece of clothing. He turned me toward him as we reached the side of the bed. To my surprise, he dropped to his knees, causing me to release hold of his shaft. He reached out and grasped the bottom of my bikini and lowered it off of my hips.

I was embarrassed to look down to see his face at pubis level, staring at my pussy that had just been brazenly exposed. "Beautiful," I heard him say and I watched his face come closer to my lower belly, felt his lips press at the top of my slit, then felt his tongue sliding within the folds of my labia. My upper body swayed unsteadily, his hands gripping my hips to hold me upright. I reached a hand out to place on his head to steady myself, trying to maintain my balance.

'Wouldn't we be better lying down,' I thought, but immediately felt guilty that I should contemplate anything that would make my entry into adultery even easier.

His tongue slid up and drew out my clitoris from beneath the hood and I gasped at the wonderful sensations. I slid my hand that rested for balance on the top of his head to the back of his head and wantonly pulled his face hard against me, pressing his lips tighter to my pussy where his tongue was now circling and painting my clitoris. Without any bidding from Wally, I shuffled my feet wider apart, hating myself for willingly doing it.

There was intense throbbing building up in my lower torso and I struggled to maintain my stance while Wally licked and sucked my sensitive clitoris. It was building very quickly and intensely, and then so suddenly I came powerfully, the first time I can ever recall climaxing while standing up. My body slumped forward and I pressed my two hands onto Wally's shoulders to keep my upper body from toppling over his and falling to the floor while my lower body jerked and pulsed through a powerful orgasm, all the while his lips pressed tightly to my labia lips.

Wally had kept licking away at my clit even as I came until I was forced to take a hold of his head in my hands and prise his lips off my pussy. He turned me so that the backs of my legs were pressed against the mattress and I fell backwards onto my own bed.

Wally rose up into a standing position once again and from my supine position on the bed I looked up at the challenging sight with his hard erection casting a giant shadow over my body. I looked at it intently, incredulous that he was about to try to press all of that inside my tiny vagina that had only ever accommodated one that was just two-thirds of his size.

This man, seemingly the trusted bedroom friend of most of my girlfriends, reached over and pushed my naked body toward the middle of the bed. Then he knelt on the bed and moved across toward me until his knees were positioned between my spread thighs. The centrepiece of his naked body was definitely the elephant in the room ... his hard penis greater in all dimensions than that which I had become so used to. My anticipation was building and, although initially reluctant, I was now ready to cross the cheater line and enter the land of adultery, whether eager and willingly or only from extreme intoxication.

Wally bent his head down to find my nipples with his lips and tongue. I had a fear as I began to cross the line to the dark side that Wally may only want a quick screw to satisfy his own needs, so I was greatly relieved when his oral work on my nipples developed into a long period of foreplay. Although the time was ticking away and the spectre of Brad being due home from work by 6.30 loomed large, Wally seemed to not be in any rush at all. He must have lavished his suckling attention on arousing my nipples into a turgid state for at least 20 minutes, all the while also stirring his fingers in and around my wet pussy. He eventually had me hovering on the edge, my expectations of a new sexual experience had risen excitingly by the minute. My emotions hovered between nervous anxiety and thrilling euphoria that at any moment over that 20-30 minute period, he could suddenly present his gargantuan weapon at my vaginal portal and sink it deep inside me.

I had undergone a strange metamorphous this eventful afternoon that had begun initially as indignant refusal to be drawn into being another of Wally's conquests among my friends and neighbours. I then felt annoyance and betrayal that those precise friends had deserted me at a time when I expected and trusted their protection. But finally, after his seductive moves in the pool, I had committed my body to Wally's sexual overtures. I will have to admit that the weakening of my resolve began as simply as observing the shape and outline of his erection before actually laying eyes on it in its raw state.

It was when he whipped the towel away, having already dispensed with his Speedo's, and I was confronted with this amazing structure of raw male sexuality, that the prospect of my marriage vows being seriously tested had become a distinct possibility. I was balancing, teetering on the edge of being sucked into seduction by this man with charm and personality to match his sex appeal. It may seem only a small gesture in the overall sequence of events that turned me into an adulteress but his taking of my hand to wrap around his erection may have been the catalyst to finally put me in my bed with him, placing my entire marriage in jeopardy.

What had happened to the one-man woman with the strict Catholic upbringing? As I lay on my back on the bed, my nipples stretched and taut, but becoming tender from Wally's lips and tongue working them over so thoroughly, and the juices literally flowing from my pussy, I had reached a point where I was ready to scream at this man, 'For God's sake, put that damn thing inside me and fuck me with it.'

Throughout that long foreplay of breast suckling, about every 4 or 5 minutes I would feel Wally nudge that big round head of his penis into the wet opening of my vagina and slide it around a bit in my juices. Each of those times while his lips never deviated from their suckling of my breasts, I would brace my pubic region in expectation that this was about to be it, that I was about to feel this large penis forge a wider path inside me. But on four straight occasions, my expectation and preparation accounted for nothing as I felt his stiff penis-head slide away to rub lightly against my upper thighs and his fingers return to swirling around in my juices.

The tease of these expected forays up inside my body kept me constantly on edge throughout this time. I began to wonder what he could be waiting for ... why was Wally teasing me like this? By now, I was more than ready, he had expertly seduced me, made a woman who expected to only have one man in her entire life now crave another. Surely he wanted to screw me badly, having pursued me as determinedly as he had to ensure that I wanted this too.

By the fifth time he presented the bulbous head of his penis at my opening, I had come to expect that this would be no different to the prior four. I was now more relaxed than apprehensive about the enormity of what was about to enter me and assumed, that like the previous four, this would not be my moment of truth. But Wally snuck it up on me and before I could even yell, 'What the hell is that?' my lower body was overwhelmed by the strange and filling sensation of the large head of his penis pushing enticingly inside my passage.

I gasped a loud, "Ohhh!" at the sudden entry of his huge erection but acceptingly, my arms encircled his broad shoulders, hugging his upper body to me, allowing his weight to smother my chest. My legs lifted up, my feet wrapping around the backs of his thighs, a move that opened my passage up wider for the intrusion of only the second man to possess my body.

Even though I now had this carnal connection that I had been anticipating for the past 20 minutes, this man was still not in any rush to press his entire length inside me. Brad would have been into the rhythm of screwing me by now, but what calm control Wally mastered as he patiently pressed forward, only inch by inch, each gain interrupted by a long pause. His lips had left my breasts and now Wally gazed down at my face from above, a contented, almost smug smile on his face. He looked to be enjoying reading my facial reactions as I felt his powerful core of broad human flesh and blood inch its way slowly but inexorably up inside me until finally, fully fitted, it nestled tightly within the liquid grasp of my vagina.

This man of apparent conquests had claimed another of the neighbourhood women. How long, I wondered, had I been a target of his? Had he even noticed me before, or had my trusted friend Lauren encouraged him to pursue me? I expected to have an earnest discussion with her shortly ... but for now, I was entirely in this man's hands to complete his seduction of this previously one-man woman.

Foremost in my mind at this moment was the fact another man's penis was deeply pressed inside me where no man other than my husband Brad had ever been. So far so good, I had managed to accept a penis of such proportions that I would not have expected to have it fit within me. I had given control of my body, my passions and my emotions over to Wally. I was curious now how different this experience would be to that which I had only ever enjoyed with Brad. The glowing terms in which my friends spoke of Wally made me curious as to how the next few minutes would play out. I assumed that if he was such a master lover, then there would be an orgasm or two.

He spoke -- I hadn't expected any more words, just action, "Are you comfortable, sweetheart?"

I couldn't form any words, I just nodded my affirmation.

"Ready for this?"

I nodded again and gave him a smile, seeming to be mute in anticipation.

"We'll start gently, let you become accustomed to the feel of my cock. I'll be reaching places that Brad has never been."

"Please don't do that Wally," I had found my voice at last, brought about by my indignation.

"Do what?"

"Don't make comparisons with my husband, don't even use his name. He's a good, caring loving man, and the last thing I want is to be constantly reminded of what I am doing to him by being here with you ... doing this in his bed. Please just go ahead and do it."

"You mean do you?"

"Yes, yes, whatever! Just do me!"

I felt Wally beginning to withdraw, but fortunately not totally. The size of him inside me felt wonderfully full, delightfully compact and his slide outward, although I knew it was only momentary, left a temporary void, a big newly created gap that had to be refilled. He paused and then that penetrating slide deeply back into my body more than filled the gap and my fingernails dug into his back as I relished the start of this adulterous fuck.

The pauses were over, no more teasing or torment. His movements, while still slow, were constant, pulling out until the head barely held within the grasp of my vaginal opening and then the inward plunge that completely filled my passage with its raw male strength. I was learning this was what a fornication fuck felt like.

I hadn't got a lot of detail from my friends, just that they all seemed unanimous in their praise of having regular daytime visits from Wally. I could only assume that this meant he was a master lover. I was soon learning that for myself, forming my own opinions as his penis built up a compelling, mesmerising rhythm that soon had my inner workings churning their way into an exhilarating orgasm that washed over and through my body. Would this be only the first this afternoon? It didn't take long to confirm that ... his oversized tool was hitting all of the right spots and my body was reacting powerfully. My second came and went, after which I opened my eyes again to look up at the man delivering me such intense pleasures to see how he was looking.

He appeared to be well in control, his face had the look of a man enjoying intense pleasures in spite of how controlled his screwing movements were. I took great satisfaction from that that me -- simple everyday suburban Becky -- possessed a body that could make this man derive such visible gratification from being in it.

Whoa! Hold that thought, hold all needless thoughts ... here comes number three. I had never experienced three orgasms in one session previously. How many more could there be? And it wasn't as if some were less intense. In fact, each seemed to become more penetrating each time they burst forth within me.

I opened my eyes to see his probing eyes still watching me intently as his face hovered above mine while he drove his penis powerfully inside my vagina. "I think you're liking this?"

What could I say, he could already see the look on my face, the constant smile ... he had now watched me thunder through three orgasms. "Ohhh YES! What's not to like?"

"Tell me when you've had enough?"

Had enough? What does that mean, isn't he living on the edge, on the verge of cumming like most mortal men would be? Brad always was on the occasions when he might have been able to get me to two climaxes. "NEVER," I expressed boldly and loudly, the grip of my hands tightening on his back, my thighs clamping around his, "you have to make that decision."

Hang on, go easy on the praiseworthy comments, don't go too far overboard or I will never get this man out of my life. And as wonderful as my body was feeling at this moment, I knew deep down, and beyond the alcohol haze of the afternoon, that a man like Wally was not worth losing my marriage for.

He was talking to me again, what was that he asked?

"Do you think you'll cum again?"

"Ohhh, I don't think so Wally, my body feels exhausted. I know you're doing all the work, but I am wiped out."

"Come on babe, cum for Wally, one more time, cum now babe."

Surely words alone couldn't do it. I didn't think my body could muster another, but somehow that initial tingling was returning, and then the pulsing, and then the throbbing, and finally the waves of pleasure as number four totally overwhelmed me. As it was hitting, as foggy as it made me, I was nevertheless conscious that Wally had kicked up the pace. He was now driving this large instrument into me with rapid momentum. My body was somehow coping, somehow even responding.

And at last the splash of his cum was hitting my uterus, it was warm and wet and I was so relieved to finally feel his release. Not so much glad that this wild screw was over, but just happy that my body could make him cum the way his driving penis had made mine cum over and over.

I hung on, still riding the after-glow of my fourth while Wally's body erupted wildly and violently on and inside me. As I experienced the finish, I could see now why my friends were so glowing in their enthusiasm for visits from Wally. He could become very habit-forming if I was prepared to let him although I don't think my marriage could cope with this becoming habitual.

I unwound my arms and legs from holding him tightly to me and when he was completely done, and not a moment sooner, he pulled out and rolled off my body to one side, laying facing my supine body that hadn't moved from the spot, his arm draped across my belly.

We must have both sweetly drifted off in our pleasant after-glow, because I was startled awake, initially thinking that since I was in my own bed, my own room, that I was laying in Brad's arms. But as I opened my eyes and looked around me, saw that it was Wally who held me, the memories of what had just transpired in this bed came flooding back. I moved my head to be able to look around at the bedside clock ... 5.45.

"Oh my God," I shrieked, waking the man sleeping half across my body.

"Humpff! What, what is it?"

"My God Wally, it's nearly six, Brad will be home from work soon. I can't have him find me like this, he would be devastated. I've never given him any cause to doubt my love and here I am, an afternoon with you and it could all come tumbling down. Quick, get up!"

Wally tried to hold me down with the arm draped across my body, "Hold on girl, don't panic, what time does he usually get in?"

"Err ... oh, err ... about 6.30, but I can't take the chance that he won't be early."

"I was hoping that we would have another go before I left. Come on babe, I'm sure we've got time for a quickie."

"You'd have to be joking, come on, get out of my bed, and now please Wally."

I managed to push his body away from mine and leapt out of bed, still stark naked. I could feel the remnants of his cum streaming from my pussy now that I was upright. I looked back at the bed, at the lazy man still lying there, "Come on Wally, NOW!"

I grabbed my bikini bottoms that still lay on the floor beside the bed, where Wally had discarded them when he removed them from me. I stepped into them and pulled them up to at least cover my pussy and arse. I looked back at the bed, Wally was at last rising on the other side, but my eyes were drawn to the large wet spot on my sheets. "Oh no, I'm going to have to change those before he gets home."

"Do you want some help sweetheart?"

"No, just go, will you please!"

"Well that's a nice friendly thing to say to the guy who just got you off four times ... but who's counting?"

"Ok, I'm sorry, I don't want to seem ungrateful. It was a truly amazing afternoon Wally. I have never cum so much, and so intensely." He was walking around the bed toward me, he was still naked and his penis, while floppy, was still an impressive size in its flaccid state. I allowed my body to slide into his arms and we hugged, "You were very good for me Wally, thank you. But it won't happen again, my marriage means too much for me to risk seeing you the way I guess my friends do."