Sweaty, Sticky Night Ch. 01

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Girl wakes feeling sweaty and sticky in motel with her dad.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/27/2024
Created 11/04/2022
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SUMMARY: This is a short story about Ellie and her father who are staying overnight in a very hot motel room near New Orleans. The girl wakes in the middle of the night feeling sweaty, sticky and... aroused. She can't help what happens next.

All characters in this story are 18 years or older.

DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction. Any character resemblances to real life personae are strictly coincidental. Copying, re-posting, storing (whether digitally or in print form) or redistribution of this material is prohibited.


[Ch. 1 -- Ellie]

I awoke with a gasp. It was insanely hot. I could feel the pressure of the humid air pressing down on me as I lay in bed next to my father. He was sound asleep. A quick glance at the clock showed me that it was nearly three in the morning. We were staying in a motel outside of New Orleans, on our way west. We had travelled all the way down the Atlantic coast, hopping from motel to hotel as we went. It had been a spontaneous decision to go on this trip. When he had brought it up, I had jumped at the idea eagerly.

Once we got near Florida, the weather had grown uncomfortably warm. There was a hurricane off the southern coast. It was a small one, but big enough to affect the weather, making it hotter even than what was normal down here. We're from Maine, so I wasn't used to the heat.

Something tugged at my mind. I had been dreaming. But not just any dream. A sex dream. Something with sex in it, anyway. Enough to make my body feel tingly. And hot. Oh god, so hot. I couldn't help but start stripping my way out of my clothes. Daddy was asleep, but I didn't think he would care anyway. It was just too hot. I had already kicked the covers away. A few seconds later, I had removed my shirt and shorts and lay beside my slumbering father wearing only a sheer pair of panties.

The air felt thick. I could feel beads of sweat forming all over my skin. My forehead was drenched. Glancing down my naked body, I watched as a big droplet of sweat started trickling down one of my breasts, pooling into the slight indentation in the center of my chest. My breasts were not big. I was eighteen, and I figured these were as big as they would get. Barely speedbumps on my body. I didn't mind, really. Only one boyfriend had seemed to care, and I had dumped him the second I realized it.

The heat started making me feel dizzy. My body felt funny all over, like I was buzzing. I stared down it, focusing on my stomach where more sweat was dripping. It shimmered in a soft, amber light coming in through a crack in the curtain. I sucked in a breath as I realized that I was heavily aroused. From my dream? I tried to remember what I had been dreaming about. I frowned. Why did I have the feeling my daddy had been in my dream? The two concepts didn't belong in the same thought pattern. Sex and daddy. But I couldn't shake the contradicting thoughts, nor the feeling of arousal.

I glanced over at my dad and saw how his body glistened, just like mine. He was covered in sweat, too. He was sleeping shirtless, and I stared at his hairy chest. The angle of the light coming in through the curtain made an odd silhouette against him. I could see individual strands of hair on his chest, highlighted by the amber backlight. I squinted and they blurred slightly. They were damp.

Reaching a hand out slowly, I brushed my fingertip through his chest hair, fascinated at how the little strands wilted under my pressure and sprang back up as I trailed past. Some of them stayed down from the sweat, though. I watched as another bead of sweat literally formed before my eyes, trickling down his muscular chest. He was a very muscular guy. I think his pectorals almost looked larger than my mosquito-bite tits. I ran my finger slowly around his chest, until I reached the edge of one of his nipples. I stared at it. It was ringed by a tiny fringe of damp hair. I lifted myself a little and stared. With the light playing against it, I could see his puffy nipple.

My pussy started throbbing just then. I don't even know why. The heat probably. I was out of breath. Carefully, I slid my finger along daddy's chest, feeling a sheen of sweat give way beneath my slight pressure. I reached the tiny forest of hair surrounding his nipple, fascinated by it. I felt out of breath, my heart hammering. I didn't know what I was doing. I only knew that I couldn't help myself. I slid my finger higher and watched his nipple flatten under the pressure of my caress.

My father sucked in a sharp breath, audible even over the night sounds drifting in through the open window. My pussy tingled strongly. I moaned softly, "Uhhnnn." And I continued to drag my finger back and forth across his nipple. Over and over I tickled it. More sweat formed on his chest, cascading down between his pectorals. Christ it was hot. I could feel it dripping down my body, too. I was slightly on my side, so it ran over the edge of my chest onto the bed.

My eyes opened wide as I watched my daddy's nipple slowly begin to change form. It stiffened, the puffiness around the outside matting down while the tiny bud in the center grew erect. As I continued dragging my fingertip across it, it tickled my skin. I gasped as a bubble of pleasure between my legs begged my attention.

Daddy stirred and I yanked my hand from his chest. I flattened my back on the bed and closed my eyes. I tried to slow my breathing, but it was impossible. I was breathing heavily into the room. It was just so hot. Instinctively, I lifted a hand to my face and fanned myself. My other hand slid down my body toward my pussy. I tightened my muscles suddenly, forcing myself to stop moving. My hand rested on my stomach, twitching to reach lower. My pussy was tingling with pleasure.

"Ellie?" my dad's voice whispered into the room.

Why did hearing him whisper my name send a jolt of arousal into my crotch, and butterflies in my stomach? My hand twitched and I held my breath. I felt a fresh bead of sweat roll slowly down the swell of one of my tits, into the depression between them. My fingers tugged themselves downward. I tried to stop them from moving, but I couldn't. There was an intense pulsing of pleasure happening in my crotch. It itched. I desperately needed to scratch it.

I glanced at my dad and saw him staring at my chest. At my breasts. That sent a new surge of pleasure up inside my pussy. I let out my breath and his eyes flicked up to my face. He saw me staring at him. My hand slowly slid down my abdomen, past my waist. I felt my lips trembling. I held his gaze, silently willing him not to glance down and notice what my other hand was doing.

"Hey," my dad whispered. Sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Hi daddy," I whispered back, just as my hand slid the rest of the way down and I felt my finger slip quietly between my slick pussy lips. I brushed right across my clitoris and my mouth snapped open. Oh no. I blurted out something to try to explain why I opened my mouth suddenly. I whispered, "Hot." Then I whispered, even lower, my voice quivering, "It's too hot daddy." My body started to tremble.

I could feel the sweat dripping down my forehead into my eyes. I closed them just as a sharp jolt of pleasure exploded outward from my clitoris. I bit my lip so I wouldn't moan. I couldn't stop myself from rolling my finger in circles against my clit. It was itching so intensely, I didn't know what to do. I felt my chest heaving as I breathed with effort.

I heard my father inhale deeply and then the bed rustled as he moved. I opened my eyes and watched him slip out of bed. He was wearing a pair of boxer briefs and nothing else. As I stared at his bare, sweat-soaked back while rubbing my pussy, I almost cried out as pleasure buffeted me. I gasped, completely unable to keep it in. He walked to the door and stepped outside without saying a word.

The second the door shut behind him, I slid my hand down further, where I discovered a deluge of sweat and pussy juice. I slipped two fingers up inside my pussy and then pressed my thumb against my clitoris again. I cried out, "Daddy!" into the empty room. Oh god, did I seriously just call out for my daddy? My body was trembling, though. And I was so aroused, I couldn't make myself comprehend the fact that I shouldn't be thinking about him. My body on autopilot, I lifted my butt and yanked my panties down, kicking them off into the room.

Lifting one hand up to my chest while the other remained buried in my crotch, I stimulated my nipples and pussy at the same time. Pleasure warred between my two hands inside my body, making me moan as I pleasured myself. It was so insanely hot already, I felt like my temperature was shooting up as my arousal increased. Sweat dripped everywhere on my body. I could feel it all over my chest, my neck, my cheeks, my forehead, my legs. I rubbed myself harder. "Oooohmmmmmm," I heard myself moan out loud. And all the while, I couldn't get my daddy's image from my head. His hot, sweaty body. I gasped.

I heard a shoe scuff the sidewalk outside. I was so close, though! My body was trembling. Just a few more seconds. Don't come back yet! Footsteps echoed through the window. Gritting my teeth, I put all my strength into my arm, yanking it up out of my crotch. My fingers slid out of my pussy with a soft slurp, soaking wet from my juice and sweat. I laid both hands on my stomach, panting.

The door opened and I heard my daddy walk back into the room. I was still panting hard. He sat down on the bed and I heard a grinding sound and then he whispered, "Here." Just then, I felt something cool against my forehead. No, not cool. Ice cold. He had an ice cube pressed against my forehead. I gasped. And then my body shuddered, but not from the cold.

The ice cube was turning me on. My dad slowly pushed it back and forth across my forehead. It was melting and I felt cool water dripping down the sides of my head and into the corner of my eyes. The rest of my body was still intensely hot and my pussy was throbbing with pleasure. My hands twitched on my stomach. I felt the ice cube move down the edge of my nose and my entire body trembled. Oh god that felt good. My lips parted and I could feel my chest moving rapidly as I continued breathing heavily.

Words spilled out of my mouth, whispering into the hot night, "Can you do that on my chest, daddy?"

I sensed his hesitation, but he didn't say anything. A moment later, the cool sensation on my face dripped the last remnants of the ice cube onto my upper lip. I felt him pull his fingers away from my face. After ten seconds, I opened my eyes a slit and stared up at my father. He was lying sideways on his hip, legs sprawled out before him. I stared at his glistening, naked chest and felt my pussy give another pang of pleasure that almost made me gasp. When I looked at his eyes, they were glued to my chest. I let out a soft sound, "Mmmmnnn."

The sound seemed to get him moving again. I watched as he reached his arm over and dug his fingers into a plastic cup. The same grinding sound reached my ears and then he lifted out another ice cube. It was glistening and dripping as he carried it across the space, hovering above my chest. A drip of cold water landed right between my breasts and I inhaled sharply. Then I watched as his hand descended, as if it was moving in slow motion.

When my daddy reached my skin with the ice cube, my body literally convulsed as a jolt of pleasure exploded in my pussy. The cold contrasted against the hot night, driving me crazy. I didn't even realize my hand was moving until I felt it nestle down between my legs again, two fingers nestling between the soft folds of my pussy lips. I tickled my clit just as I felt my daddy drag the ice cube around the top of my chest, above my breasts.

His hand froze. I pressed a little harder against my clit, feeling my hips rise off the bed. Pleasure swirled. When I lifted my gaze to my daddy's face again, I saw his eyes staring at my crotch, watching what I was doing to myself. He licked his lips and then whispered, "What are you doing?"

I was breathing heavily as I pressed my finger harder against my clitoris. I started rolling it around in a slight circular motion, matching the spiraling pleasure in rhythm. I breathed out a whisper, "Sorry daddy. I... I can't help it."

He didn't say anything so I continued. I doubt I could have stopped even if he had ordered me to. I felt an orgasm churning deep within my abdomen, deep inside my pussy. I tickled my fingertip across my clit, gasping. The ice cube on my chest had stopped moving, poised just a few inches above one of my nipples. I shivered. Then I let out a long, quiet moan, "Oooooohhhhhhmmmm mmmmmmmmmmm."

My moan seemed to spark my dad to action again. I felt the ice cube moving on my chest, down between my breasts. It was melting rapidly, the cool water pooling between the subtle swells of my boobs. I felt him lift his finger from my chest and then I heard him rummaging in the cup once more. A few seconds later, a fresh ice cube pressed against one of my breasts. I shuddered, pressing harder against my clit. My mouth opened wide. Yes. Please daddy. "Help me," my last thought came out of my mouth as a whisper.

His hands were shaking as he dragged the ice cube slowly across one of my breasts. When he reached my nipple, my hips jumped into the air. A spike of tingling pleasure shot directly into my pussy and I gasped loudly. Daddy slid the ice cube down the other side of my breast, but my nipple still tingled like crazy. I realized suddenly that I could hear him breathing heavily. I looked at his face and saw that he was still staring at my naked body. His eyes wandered back and forth between my breasts and watching what my hand was doing between my legs. I gasped again.

"More," I breathed into the room. He lifted his hand from my chest, leaving the mostly melted ice cube sitting directly between my breasts. He grabbed another chunk and brought it once more to my body, where he placed it on my stomach. I moaned at the sensation, my hips bucking upward. Mashing my finger against my clit, I felt my orgasm churning up to the surface, ready to fire. I diddled my clit faster.

My dad ran the ice cube around my stomach in a slow circle. It felt amazing. The ice cube he had left between my breasts had melted and the pool of cool water was already heating up. God it was so hot. I pressed once more against my clit and my hips lurched upward as pleasure spiked. "Daddy--" I gasped. I could hear his breath coming out in quick breaths. My orgasm started vibrating beneath the surface of my skin, just below my clitoris. It was close.

I whimpered, barely audibly, "You're going to make me cum, daddy..."

Daddy's hand on my stomach froze. I felt the ice cube rapidly melting away to nothing. After it was gone, he didn't pull his hand away immediately. I felt his finger begin to move again, tracing circles against my skin. I could feel it trembling. Oh god. The oppressive moisture from the air pressed harder against me as I inhaled deeply, completely consumed with arousal. My finger pressed against my clit was mashing hard, gyrating in circles as it pulled me right to the cusp of my orgasm.

With the ice melted completely, my body started heating up again rapidly. My breathing sped up, chest heaving. The pleasure in my pussy rose to even greater heights. I felt my hips lift higher into the air. I was unable to check myself as words spilled out of my mouth in a rushed whisper, "Make me cum daddy."

I felt him trembling beside me on the bed. His fingers lifted from my stomach and I heard him fumble another piece of ice from the cup. I was breathing heavily, my heart slamming the inside of my chest. I felt like I was poised over the edge of a chasm, my orgasm churning inside and ready to push me over the edge.

Suddenly I felt the cold of an ice cube press against my pussy and I cried out, "Oh goddddd!" Daddy was pressing it against me with his finger, right against my opening, pressing it into me slightly. My body started trembling. I diddled my clit faster, inviting my orgasm to push me off the cliff. Just then, I felt him push the ice cube inside of me and at the same time, I felt something hot against my chest. Daddy's lips surrounded one of my nipples. His tongue lapped at the tip just as the ice cube slid the rest of the way inside me.

I screamed as my world blew up. Pleasure bloomed within me, firing off in every direction. My clit tingled out of control. The ice cube inside my pussy created a pulsing bubble of pleasure within me. My stomach tingled and my chest was on fire. My orgasm raged out of control, surging all over inside of me. My body was shaking wildly, convulsing in the throes of my pleasure. I was panting and moaning as my body bucked on the bed. Jesus I had never had an orgasm so intense! Daddy's tongue lapped at my sensitive nipple as his lips suckled my nearly flat breast. I couldn't breathe.

And then daddy's finger slipped inside of me. I thought I had already been feeling pleasure. I was wrong.

"DADDY!!!" I cried out as my hips lurched upward, forcing his finger to penetrate deeper. I felt something pumping out of me. Liquid. Spraying all over daddy's arm as my orgasm took on new levels of pleasure. Pleasure was swirling so fast and so hard throughout my body, I couldn't hang on to reality. My father's lips sucked harder against my tit, lapping almost hungrily at my nipple. Meanwhile, he was pumping his finger in and out of my pussy, fucking me with it. I could still feel the ice cube inside, melting rapidly. It was intense beyond words.

My muscles gave out all at the same time. I felt myself drop back down to the bed, chest heaving. I was gasping as I tried to catch my breath. Daddy's mouth on my nipple was still suckling, his finger still pumping my pussy. I couldn't fight him off, despite the growing discomfort of continuing to be stimulated after an orgasm. I slid my finger off my clit and down my pussy lips until I made contact with his hand. The second I touched him, he yanked his finger out and lifted his head off my chest. He was breathing hard, rasping.

My body trembled, pleasure still swirling through me in the aftermath of my orgasm. My chest heaved. I looked up into my daddy's eyes and saw that they were glazed with lust. He was clearly turned on. With a shuddering breath, I whispered, "Give me an ice cube."

He stared at me a minute and then reached over and grabbed another cube from the cup. I took it from him and felt it melting between my fingers instantly. I looked directly at him and whispered, "Now it's your turn."

End of Chapter 1.

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SometimeintheMorningSometimeintheMorningabout 2 months ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you. You don't know how much I needed this right now!

Saving part 2 for later tonight!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Incredibly hot and also plausible like so many of your stories..Love that she’s small breasted and he has biggish pecs, almost like they could wear the same bra…knowing that she’s getting herself off, so so hot for daddy….so many possibilities..Keep going!


KachinaDollKachinaDoll2 months ago

Stunning. I found this after your posted Part 2. Now to read that. 5*

bridgetrosebridgetrose2 months agoAuthor

Just wanted to pop in here and let you guys know that Chapter 02 is FINALLY coming for this story! It's already submitted, so now I'm just waiting for it to be reviewed and published. :)

Plus... I already have two more chapters to come soon after!

(And another couple stories that I'm working on, too...)

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