Sweet Feet


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'It depends just what you mean by 'very high' of course - but let me get what we have in your fitting. But, if we don't have just what you are after I can always get a special order in for you of course.'

In a way I hoped that what we had in stock wasn't what she wanted, I was determined that this time she wasn't going to just get up and walk away without getting something that either brought her back or which gave me at least a tenuous link with her, and a special order was a perfect way of doing that.

Once again I left her while I searched through the stock-room, even more nervously than the last time and this time I returned with fewer boxes.

'Not too much to choose from I'm afraid. But -' I went on quickly. '- they may help to give me an idea of just what you would like, then I can order a pair in for you. Of course if they didn't turn out to be suitable you wouldn't be obliged to buy them.' I added, removing that possible excuse for her not being prepared to commit herself.

Once again we quickly slipped into what I hoped had become our private world. She allowing me to lightly caress her feet in between removing and helping her into shoes, then standing, taking a few paces, turning, testing the fit of each pair, becoming more visibly relaxed as time slipped by. In between, allowing me occasional glimpses up along the line of her legs and lower thigh as she lifted her foot into my palm. Glimpses that seemed to me to become more frequent and a little more blatant each time - and by the time we were down to the last two pairs to be tried I had not only seen that she was again wearing stockings, I had also been treated to a brief glimpse of the pale curving creaminess of her thighs, immediately above the top of them.

Neither of us had spoken a word to each other, we were both too absorbed in what we were each experiencing. Obviously I didn't know just what was going on in her head - but had become very aware of what was happening to my own body. The constant stimulation I was getting from holding, caressing, fondling her feet, plus the brief displays of her legs above, had quickly started an erection, an erection that had got steadily bigger as time went by until I felt sure she must have noticed the uncomfortable bulge in the front of my trousers.

Then there was only one pair left and the other shoes and boxes were scattered around me - I had taken off the pair she had just tried on and still had hold of the other foot. As I half turned to pick up the final pair I somehow lost my balance on the stool and started to slip sideways, twisting, falling awkwardly - and as I did, my hand pushed up the foot I was still holding, pushed it high.

In the split-second it took me to regain my balance I found that I had an unobstructed view straight up under her skirt. There was no doubt about what I saw - up past the sheerness of her stockings, across the dark welts, on up over the smooth curve of her thighs - right on up to where they joined, where I saw a mass of dark, curling hairs.

Underneath her skirt she was naked!

As I regained my balance, our eyes met and I saw that her face was now vividly flushed - but not, I thought, with embarrassment, the look I saw in her eyes, was excitement!

Still neither of us said a word, each only able to guess what might be passing through the other's mind. But she confirmed my thought that her display was in some strange way as exciting for her as it undoubtedly was for me by putting both feet up on the stool, so that as I lifted each foot to ease on the final pair of shoes, for a second or two I was again treated to that provocative view of her - and I felt my cock getting even longer, harder.

After I had fitted the shoes she again stood, took a few paces in them, a turn or two, flexed each foot and ankle, smiling as she read the growing excitement in my eyes then returned to offer her feet to my waiting hands. By this time my cock was at full stretch of course and, sitting as close as she was, I had no way of hiding from her the solid bulge it made in the front of my trousers.

I took off the right shoe first and as I did, saw her take a quick look around behind her, then, apparently satisfied that there was nobody in the immediate vicinity, she again lifted both feet up on to the stool and as I went to take off the other shoe too, she again parted her knees. Naturally my eyes automatically flicked up to take another look at what she was offering me and, as I did that, she slid her right foot up between my legs, until her toes found and explored the hard length of me.

I held one foot, fondled her toes and, as I thrilled at the feel of it, my eyes were fixed on the triangle created by her pale rounded thighs and the dark curls nestling at their apex - all this time feeling my cock being gently pressed and squeezed by her other foot - I was in heaven!

Then suddenly, from the other side of the department I heard my name being called and looked up with a start, to see one of the girls coming towards us. Luckily we both moved equally quickly, she pulled her foot from where it had been giving me such thrills, while I tried to cover the grotesque bulge in my trousers by searching around the discarded boxes around us for her own shoes. The assistant's question was easily answered but it had broken the erotic atmosphere and instantly brought us both back to reality.

But by then I was absolutely desperate to find a way of seeing her again - in more private surroundings - so as I was trying to put the various shoes back in their boxes I risked everything on the fact that she had been just as excited by what we had done as I was, and indicating the boxes on the floor, said.

'I'm sure none of these are what you were actually looking for. We do have a supplier of somewhat more specialised footwear, for special occasions or outfits, you understand. If you would like to trust my judgement, I'm sure I could arrange for several pair that would interest you.' Hearing my voice gain confidence as I spoke, I went on, more quietly. 'It's so difficult to choose this way, with people around us I mean - I would love to help you make your selection, perhaps at your home? I could easily bring them over for you, one evening.' I added quickly.

I waited patiently, guessing the turmoil in her mind - I wasn't really sure just how I expected her to answer - but finally she gave me a smile, leaned forward and said softly. 'That would be most helpful of you. How long would you need, to arrange for the shoes I mean.'

I felt my heart pounding as I considered the likelihood of the supplier I had in mind actually having what I was thinking of in stock, in her size. I took another chance and answered. 'Oh, a week, perhaps a little longer - no more than two at the most.'

'Ah! If you'll give me your card I'll see what I can arrange - I'll give you a phone call in, let's say about ten days.'

'Perhaps I could ring you,'

'No, I think it better that I phone you. You do have a card?'

'Certainly.' I answered, digging in my inside pocket for one of the blank cards supplied to us by the company. I carefully wrote my name and the department's phone number, handed it to her and stared longingly into her soft brown eyes - although she returned the smile, she turned on her heel and again walked away.

Although I was bitterly disappointed that I hadn't been able to get her to give me her number - and of course I still hadn't the faintest idea what her name was - at least there was now hope. If her reactions had been even half as strong as mine had been there was a good chance I would hear from her again. If she hadn't meant to stir me so much why had she left off her panties? If she enjoyed the 'game' as much as she appeared to wouldn't she want to play it again?

Chapter 5

Special Shoes

I spent most of the following morning ringing the few suppliers I knew of who specialised in theatrical and other kinds of speciality footwear. I knew what I was after, it was a question of finding one that had not only the right shoes - but the right shoes in the right size - and that was prepared to send them to me 'on consignment', so the company I worked for didn't get billed for them unless I actually sold them.

After about seven or eight calls I finally got lucky, a small, interstate supplier who was obviously impressed by and probably saw $$$ signs when he heard the name of the company I worked for, who not only had the shoes I described, in the size I needed but was prepared to ship me a pair of each, 'no charge', obviously in the hope of getting us as a regular stockist. Try as I might to tell him it was a 'one off' customer, he was obviously convinced that was just my way of testing his service - and our business would have made such a difference to his that he was literally falling over himself to prove how efficient it was.

So, just two days later I had the shoes, almost identical with what I had described to the supplier, all I had to do was wait - how long? - for a phone call.

I admit the shoes themselves weren't wasted! They were quite beautiful and, to a man with my somewhat unusual tastes, they were as stimulating as most other men would find the arrival on his doorstep of the latest film or TV star - naked and panting!

I managed to smuggle them out past the security people and although I spent the days waiting and the evenings hoping that the following day would be the one she called me, in between I used the shoes - and almost more importantly, the memories of what she and I had already shared - to masturbate myself, some nights quite furiously!

It was exactly six days after the shoes arrived, that meant a total of eight days, not ten, when, just before closing time I happened to answer the phone and heard the voice I had been waiting for - I was both stunned and elated when I heard her say. 'Is that you Peter?'

'Yes. Ah, that's the lady with the exquisite feet isn't it.'

She laughed softly. 'I suppose I have to say 'yes' to that don't I. Can you talk?'

I looked around and saw that as luck would have it one of the assistants was completing a sale right behind me, so I had to answer. 'Not really - but please go ahead.'

'I understand.' she said. 'But I would like to take you up on your suggestion, if the offer still stands - and if you have been able to obtain the shoes you had in mind.'

My heart was literally pounding with excitement! My hand shaking - and heard the nervous tension in my voice as I answered. 'It certainly does - and yes I have. When did you have in mind?'

'You mean you have the shoes already?'

'I've had them for almost a week now.'

'A week!'

'Yes. But that doesn't matter now does it. Just tell me where and when - and I'll be there.'

I could hear the suppressed excitement in her voice and my hand was trembling so much I could hardly write down her name, 'Natalie' and the address she gave me - which I instantly recognised as being in one of the expensive suburbs - but somehow I did and then asked her 'what time'.

'Would around seven o'clock be all right for you Peter?'

Of course I said it would be and then she simply hung-up on me, leaving me staring at the phone and the scribble on the paper in front of me - as my mind raced and I felt my blood pounding through my veins.

I had plenty of time to get home, shower, grab something light to eat and change. Remembering the way she had come to me in the store - and with a touch of unjustified bravado, I made a point of wearing no underpants - then took a cab, arriving exactly at seven o'clock. The building had one of those security phones and I think it was only when I actually heard her voice in answer to my ring that I really believed all this was actually happening to me!

Another few minutes and I was standing outside her apartment door - which I found was already slightly ajar - so I pushed it open, went in and closed it behind me.

The short hall-way was in total darkness but ahead of me was another door, also partially open, through which I could see light. And, moving on and through it, I found myself in a very long room that was lit only at the far end and there, I could see Natalie, sitting, waiting!

As I walked slowly towards her I had to admire her sense of theatre - she was sitting in the centre of a small pool of light on a carved, high-backed chair. In front of her, a low foot-stool, obviously meant for me. One of her legs was extended to rest on the floor beside the stool, the other was bent high, the heel of her shoe resting on the edge of the seat of her chair.

She was wearing a tailored white blouse and as I came closer I could see, through the clinging fabric, not only the outline of the curve of her breasts but also the tell-tale points to her nipples. Her skirt was black with small, tight pleats and the way she sat stretched it taut between the thigh of her extended leg and the high pointing knee of the other. Sheer black stockings flattered her long legs and I noticed that she was wearing the same court shoes that she had on the first day she had come into the store. But in spite of the mouth-wateringly attractive display she had of herself it was the memory of how she had previously done that for me that flashed back into my mind - and I felt positive that if were able to see beneath her skirt I would again find she was not wearing panties.

I felt my palms grow moist with anticipation as I recalled the fantasies I had already created around our brief meetings and slowly walked the length of the room towards her until I finally stood directly in front of her. As neither of us had said a word until then I decided to play the 'game' by her unspoken rules - at least to begin with.

'Good evening Natalie. I have obtained a few pairs of shoes that I think will interest you. And it will be my pleasure to help you try them on.' I said as I put the boxes down on the floor beside her.

She just smiled and nodded. But, as I sat down on the stool, she shifted her legs so I was denied the view I had been looking forward to, then as I settled down, she lifted one foot to rest it on my already outstretched palm.

Although I had now done it many times before, this was the first time I had touched her when we were totally alone and I began to tremble as my fingers felt first the smooth hardness of the leather and then the soft warmth of her foot inside it. Using one hand to support her ankle, I eased off the shoe and gently enclosed her foot in the other.

Keeping my eyes lowered and focussed on her foot I began to speak; slowly and quietly - explaining the beauty of a well structured foot and attractive toes, the points that were the marks of a foot that, when compared with others indicated that it was well cared for and the various ways there were of doing that for feet as lovely as hers. All the time lightly massaging and caressing her toes, the well defined arch of her instep and the delicately narrow ankle joint.

I was in heaven again!

I don't know for sure how long my caressing monologue continued before I felt the first, positive tremor running down through her leg and into my hands - when I felt that, I rested her foot on the stool between my legs and reached for the first shoe box.

Then our game began in earnest - and progressed with tantalising slowness. I took my time, caressing each foot in turn before easing it into a shoe and, when I had fitted both, just as she had in the store, she stood and took a few steps around me, testing the fit and the feel of them, before returning - so I could start again with another pair.

I purposely began with a pair that were only mid-height and gradually introduced her to shoes that were progressively more sophisticated and which had increasingly high heels. Sitting there, thrilling at the feel of her feet, finally being able to watch her walk around in the various shoes I had chosen and then fitted for her, soon had me wound up like a clock spring - and my cock spontaneously jerking.

The second last pair I had brought for her to try were a dark, cherry red colour with very high, stiletto heels which looked fantastic against the sheer blackness of her stockings and I took my time fitting them, feeling my cock swelling to full size as the excitement of the combination of the shoes and handling her feet grew to almost unbearable proportions. When I finally let go of them she stood, looking down at them for a moment and, before taking her short walk, her eyes travelled across to my crotch. I saw a small, tight smile appear on her lips as she obviously saw the results of the effect she had had on me.

When she returned and sat down so that I could take off the shoes, she stretched out one foot and, lifted the other, repeating the pose I had seen her in when I first came into the room and, as I fumbled to slip off the first shoe, my eyes travelled up the long line of her legs. Up, past her stockinged thighs, up, up to where I could see the dark welts of the top of the stocking, up along the pale smoothness of her upper thighs and, higher still, to where, as in my memory, I saw the triangular shadow that drew attention to her sex.

Moistening my lips at the thought of what might still lie in store and, without taking my eyes from the sight she was offering me, I removed first one, then the other shoe - and reached for the last, the very special pair of shoes. They were the kind of shoes that were usually only used for display purposes - brilliantly highly-polished, made from a bright scarlet leather, cut high at the heel and low at the toe - and, with incredibly high heels!

Few women could stand in shoes like that and walking in them was definitely an art. As I balanced one on my hand, letting the light reflect from its high gloss surface I dragged my eyes away from the view of herself she was still offering me, looked up into her eyes and saw that her reaction was as I had hoped it would be - both longing and delight!

'Ooh, ooh - yes!' she finally said, quite breathlessly.

Chapter 6


I put the shoes on the floor beside me, where she could still see them while I put the previous pair away and while I was doing that she lifted her foot up on to the stool and slid it forward between my legs until she found what she was after, curling her toes over the top, while the sole of her foot pressed against the already rock-hard length of it. When she found that as I had no underpants on, she could move it about quite freely, her eyes stared hard into mine and she gave me a small, tight smile.

I sat quite still, enjoying the thrills that ran through my body as she played with me, rolling the length of it back and forth across my stomach, squeezing it as best she could with her toes, slipping her foot up and down the length of it - and I felt the ache in my balls growing and a surge gathering deep inside me.

But, exciting though it would have been, I had no intention of simply coming in my pants, as I knew I would if I allowed her to continue - so, gently removing her probing foot from between my thighs I picked up the scarlet shoes.

I felt the tremors that had been running through her increase as I eased on first one and then the other - then when I had finished, she sat there for several minutes, just looking down at them.

When she did stand it was immediately obvious that she was no stranger to ultra high heels, her poise and balance were perfect and when she moved it was gracefully and with confident ease. Their height of course stressed her ankles, calves and pelvis, forcing her into a stance and creating lines that feature in most men's fantasies. Then when she finally looked up from the shoes and our eyes met again I saw that hers had become quite heavily misted, then she looked down to where my cock was dramatically outlined - and moistened her lips suggestively.