Talent Spotting


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Driven by some darker imperative I began to rub my face against her sex and her thighs smearing myself with her compelling spoor.

I feared that my unnatural behaviour would upset her but it had the opposite effect. With a deep throated growl she clutched my head with both hands and held me tightly to her.

The warmth of my quickened breathing was enough to set off her climax taking her by surprise. At first she remained still, almost disbelieving, but then she ground herself against me as if fearing to be left bereft.

When, at last, her unyielding grip was relaxed I knew that I had been used but felt no sense of indignation. In fact, I would have found it hard to put into words exactly what my feelings were just at that moment. Suffice to say I remained on my knees and began to preen her, lapping up the warm residue from her inner thighs before venturing blindly onto the smooth swell of her pudendum.

Guided only by the touch of my tongue I encountered the occasional snag where she was not quite perfectly depilated but then I reached the honeyed folds of her sex.

The first touch yielded up a rich ooze and drew from her a pleading whimper. She wanted to feel my tongue inside but I made her wait as I savoured her sweet offering.

As I continued a slow sweep of her labia I enjoyed the way they seemed to cling to me as if reluctant to let me go and all the while they continued to weep.

The softness contrasted with the growing tension in her body as she was slowly lifted back towards the summit. To offer encouragement, she dismissed any qualms she may have had and slipped the mask from my eyes.

I noted her dishevelled hair where she had cleared it from her face and a tell tale creasing of her blouse where she had sought out her breast but then I returned to the task in hand.

In reality her sex was more modest than I had imagined but her labia stood out in vivid pink. I needed no fresh invitation and simply eased my tongue inside.

As I did so she held her body rigid and the only movement was the press of her inner muscles in response to the flexing of my tongue.

I burrowed deeper still to discover a well spring of moisture and, as I slowly began to suck, she was racked by a series of tiny convulsions. Almost immediately she placed her hands at the sides of my head and I thought that she wanted me to stop but then I understood.

Pressing with my thumbs I revealed the hidden nub of her clitoris and quickly brought the tip of my tongue to bear.

I was surprised by its firmness and it felt larger than it actually appeared. I was a little unsure, and concerned that I may have been clumsy, but I need not have worried as her body was wrenched by paroxysms of pleasure.

Each time I thought it was over she found another reserve and held herself aloft until, finally, she could take no more. She slumped in her seat, totally spent, and I was flattered by the look of gratitude that I saw in her eyes.

Chapter 6

I left the cabin without another word and stood at the ship's rail to try and clear my head. By any rational judgement I had been degraded but then why the hell had I found it so exciting?

For a moment or two I seriously thought about getting some professional help but then dismissed the idea. I convinced myself that all I needed was little time and space away from the others to think things through.

I decided that I would finish the trip by doing all that was professionally asked of me and nothing else no matter what the consequences. Strengthened by this new resolve I returned to my cabin.

Sophie was not there and I found myself mildly disappointed; I guess that I was unconsciously looking for a way to prove my determination.

I took a long shower and I was asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. It was mid morning before I finally rose and then it was a rush to prepare for disembarkation.

The next few days passed in a blur. Hannah introduced Carl as our tour manager and he ensconced us in The Marriott on Fifth Avenue, which was to be our base for the duration of our stay; it qualified as the height of luxury after our recent experiences in the UK.

The first gigs went well. The club only had a capacity of four hundred but we generated some good press and set ourselves up for the larger venues to come.

Hannah and her people proved themselves consummate professionals and kept things rolling smoothly in what was otherwise a frenzied atmosphere.

I saw little of Hannah herself, which suited me perfectly well, but then I received an invitation to join her for lunch at the Plaza hotel. The choice of venue set an alarm bell ringing but I wanted to clear the air.

She had booked a table in "The Oak Room" and she looked completely at home in the opulent surroundings. She had refined the more casual look that she had begun to foster at sea and was wearing a white linen two-piece.

We both ordered mineral water and then she stared at me for a moment before she spoke.

"I want to be straight with you. For every band that turns me a profit a dozen fail completely. I liked the look of 'Samois' from the get go. Roxy is definitely going to make it in this business one way or another but it was you who was the real attraction."

I tried to keep my expression neutral as I waited for her to continue.

"Now you probably think that I am the devil incarnate, and not without some justification, but I pride myself on being able to spot certain nuances and I'm betting that you have done a lot of soul searching of late.

The point is, you have a rare talent, musically speaking, and I am going to everything in my power to promote it. You can rest assured that, from here on in, our relationship will remain strictly professional unless..."

She left the sentence unfinished, took a sip of water, and paused before continuing.

"I have even forgiven that bitch Eva for stealing Laurel from me. She wants you to write some songs for consideration by Astral's management."

She gave it a moment to sink in. Astral represented so much that I hated about the music industry. A manufactured girl band, all show and no substance, but they were the current big thing in on this side of the Atlantic. If they chose to sing one of my songs I would be made.

As we ate my mind continued to buzz and I paid only cursory attention to what Hannah was saying. At the end of the meal she dropped another bombshell.

"Astral are headlining the Central Park gig at the weekend and following Johnson's drug arrest they are going to be down one support act."

I looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you saying that you can get 'Samois' on the bill?"

The gig would attract a television audience of millions; people would kill to take up the spare slot even if it only meant playing a couple of songs.

She smiled as she dabbed her mouth with her napkin.

"If you're ready we can go and meet them. They're staying in the Royal Plaza."

I followed her in a daze barely taking in my surroundings but as we exited the lift she turned me to face her.

"Listen carefully. However this pans out you will be a star in your own right someday soon.

The girls do not know about the song deal; so far as they are concerned you are simply representing a prospective support band. They've seen the video shoot from the ship so they know what to expect. It is up to you to convince them. The choice is entirely yours.

I was still trying to make sense of her enigmatic remark when the door was opened and there they were.

They were no less beautiful in reality than they appeared on screen but there was something odd about seeing them on a human scale. They were sharing a sofa, which would have accommodated five with ease, in front of which was set a single armchair presumably for my use.

I desperately tried to dredge up what I remembered about them. Were they all still teenagers? I had a vague recollection that one of them had just turned twenty but I could not remember which. Then, to my chagrin, I realized that I did not know their real names

In keeping the 'Astral' brand their management had christened them with the names of constellations and so I knew them, as did the rest of the world, as Cassie, Delphi and Lynx.

As I sat I wondered if they had been rehearsing one of their much copied dance routines; the suite was more than big enough. They were each wearing a skimpy cheer leader outfit and they were glowing in spite of the ruthless air conditioning.

Delphi, sitting in the centre acted as their spokeswoman. Her questions proved quite astute, given her stage persona as a California beach blonde, and I answered as best I could whilst trying not to look at her long tanned legs and her eye catching breasts.

In fact their bodies could all have been cast from the same mould and I felt like a poor relation.

Whilst Delphi spoke Cassie seemed to develop a fascination with her own hair. She hailed originally from South East Asia and her long sleek tresses had recently won her a lucrative contract for a series of shampoo ads.

Lynx seemed equally bored with proceedings. She was blessed with the dark beauty of her Brazilian heritage and had carved out a successful solo career before 'Astral' was formed.

It occurred to me that she may have provided the link between the band and Eva, although I would not normally have associated Eva with such a blatantly commercial enterprise, but there proved to be a more sinister connotation.

Hannah tapped me on the shoulder and excused herself.

"I'll leave you ladies to finish up. If we are all agreed I will meet with the organizers tomorrow and flesh out the details"

Once she was gone Delphi turned to me once more.

"We were told that you would be prepared to audition."

Was she expecting me to sing, right there, unaccompanied? I missed the odd stress that she put on the final word and my silence seemed to exasperate her.

"When we are on the road we leave our boyfriends at home but we still have certain needs. We were told that you would be discrete."

The import of her words hit me like a cosh. Clearly anonymous men, or even professional women, hanging around the band would be a publicity nightmare but the idea that Eva, or perhaps Hannah, would instead act as a procuress left me stunned.

I should have felt disgusted but, instead, I almost succumbed to an urge to touch myself.

Was this what Hannah appreciated about me from the very outset; that, deep down, I was little more than a lesbian slut?

As I looked at Delphi I found it incredulous that she had sat there throughout the whole interview confident that, by the end of it, I would finish up on my knees before her.

I began to understand what Hannah was referring to when she spoke of my choices. The deal was done, 'Samois' had the gig. Anything else was entirely up to me.

Dephi continued to stare intently and she recognized the moment of transition even before I did myself.

"She wants to play...."

Cassie gave a triumphant whoop but I only had eyes for the young blonde as she stood up and casually removed her skimpy underwear. I immediately noted that she was not sporting an all over tan. A single glance was enough to confirm that her smooth sex was delineated by the pale shadow of an abbreviated thong.

She smiled as she watched my reaction and then ripped off the Velcro fastening of her skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. The others, taking their cue, moved a little closer to her and I then knew, for certain, that I was not the first.

Despite their relative youth they looked down on me with that same uncaring disdain that Hannah and Eva had manifested. I was here to provide a service and my own feelings counted for nothing.

I cursed my own weakness but the warm dampness of my panties told its own story.

Delphi sat back down with her legs wantonly parted and tossed a cushion on to the floor.

"You'd better make yourself comfortable, this may take a little while..."

Lynx sniggered as I went to my knees, almost in a trance, to take my place between her thighs. They seemed impossibly smooth; there was not a single hair in evidence leading me to suppose that her beauty regime was very high maintenance but then they could afford the very best.

I felt disembodied, as though it was not really me kissing at the inviting hollow at the top of her leg. The taste was a little salty and I began to lick until all traces had gone. Only then did I shift my attention and begin all over again on the opposite side.

"She's a tease...I like that."

Delphi gave my head an encouraging pat but I needed no inducement. I continued to lick her tanned skin avoiding, for now, the pale path leading to the real treasure.

At some point Cassie leaned over and flicked my hair clear of my forehead the better to witness my subservience but I did not miss a beat. Delphi's sex had visibly swollen and the sharp line that defined it was becoming less distinct.

This slow revealing of her inner pinkness reinforced the intensity of her heated musk and I closed my eyes and breathed it in.

I had to taste her and it was a craving I could no longer fight. With a broad sweep I took in the perfect curve of her mons and the sharp sensation began to spread out from the centre of my tongue mellowing as it reached the edges.

I continued to move the flat of my tongue up and down, not quite entering, and taking a perverse pleasure from her ever increasing agitation.

"Look at her. She really loves the taste of you."

Cassie's laughing remark seemed to come from some distant place as I began to apply an insistent pressure that slowly split her sex asunder in a welcoming surrender.

My tongue was suddenly rooted deep inside her greeted by a wellspring of moisture. I felt myself shiver and any cares I may have had simply evaporated. I was living in that moment and my tongue seemed to connect her sex to mine. As I lifted her to her zenith I was rising with her.

Delphi began to pant in anticipation but I kept her on the boil for a few moments yet before relenting. It took a conscious effort to relax my tongue and withdraw sufficiently to tease her clitoris.

It was firm but indistinct, eluding the tip of my tongue, and so I used my fingers to spread her sex and pin it in place. Now I could take it gently between my lips and lick it without mercy.

The others were quiet now and I suspect that they were a little awed by the manner in which Delhi visibly lost her composure.

"Oh God....please..."

She was lifting her hips as she begged me to bring her release and I did not disappoint. I began to flick my tongue with a rapidity that I would have considered beyond me but I could feel the resonance deep in my own sex.

Her body started to jerk but I kept to my task and kept on licking as she rode the crest and then reluctantly began the inevitable fall.

I was surprised when she thanked me in a manner that was clearly heartfelt but the others still awaited.

As I drew back from the confines of Delphi's thighs it was to find that both Cassie and Lynx had both stripped themselves of their skirts and panties so that all three were now attired in just their cropped tops and white track shoes.

For a second I was struck by the absurd thought that they were keeping their breasts secret from me but the image they presented was almost heart stopping in its immodesty. If I could have taken a photograph at that moment I could have sold it for a fortune.

Cassie could not contain her impatience. She tossed aside the magazines from the surface of the marble topped coffee table which was almost large enough to qualify as a single bed. She grabbed another cushion and set it at one end.

"Lie down. I want to ride your face."

She said it with an almost careless cruelty but her words stirred something in me that I could not define. As I took my place I knew that, just days earlier, I would have poured scorn on anyone who would have been prepared to debase themselves in this manner but I was seeing the world anew.

She wasted no time in mounting the table and kneeling up over my head. Like Delphi she was perfectly depilated but her sex was less symmetrical. Her labia were more obvious and appeared, in some way, to be more mature.

Looking up I noted tiny details; the faint track of an appendix scar, suggestive of a very expensive job of work, the unadorned navel piercing and the undercurve of her breasts still held captive by her tight top.

For a few seconds she seemed to welcome my appraisal, with the arrogance of a young woman used to being adored, but it was a brief respite. Using the fingers of both hands she slowly peeled her sex open to reveal a wet rawness.

Fairy strands formed silvery catenary curves that stretched and broke as she held herself wide and then, like a queen taking her throne, she settled herself on my face.

At first I thought her weight would break my skull but, having shimmied herself into a comfortable position, she relieved the pressure just a little. It seemed impossible that one as slender as she could so completely envelop me in suffocating darkness but I could now only breathe at her whim.

She rocked herself gently, coating me with her sap, so that when she allowed me to finally draw a breath it was heavy with the scent of her.

This became the pattern of the next few minutes as she continued to slide herself over the topography of my features pausing only at broken intervals to allow for air.

In my past life mild claustrophobia would have caused me to panic but the new me embraced the perverted indignity. With every tiny thrust of her pelvis I felt my own sex responding.

I was surprised, knowing that she had not yet climaxed, when she slid back altogether and rested on my chest. She shook out her long dark hair and I saw that she was perspiring with effort.

I was wondering if something else had been expected of me. Had she wanted to be licked? If this was so the abuse of my face did not allow for it. The answer came when Lynx spoke.

"Let her see it."

Cassie straightened up allow me to see Lynx standing beside me. Had the sight not been so menacing it would have been comical.

Secured by straps around her waist and thighs she had a vinyl phallus jutting from her sex. It was not a facsimile but a simple rounded tube in garish pink. She stepped closer and I could see that it was not as smooth as it first appeared. At intervals there were narrow rings of almost invisible dimples which shone with lubricant.

It must have been six or seven inches long and so thick that I doubted if I could have closed my thumb and middle finger about it. Only now did I notice that she had a corresponding proportion buried deep inside her.

I was about to protest when Cassie slid forward and silenced me. Sealed in once more I felt oddly soothed but then I felt insistent hands easing my thighs apart. I began to struggle but Cassie rode me down and then I felt Lynx positioning herself between my legs.

The first cold touch terrified me but she was in no hurry. She teased the smoothed tip around my sex with a welcomed gentleness which developed into an arousing stimulus.

Cassie must have felt me relax a little because she began to take her own pleasure once more picking up exactly where she had left off. Again, she controlled my breathing but then she held me under for a longer spell.

I was getting desperate and, when she finally permitted, I gasped a deep breath. At that precise moment Lynx leaned into me and the phallus sank home with obscene ease.

It took a few seconds to come to terms with what had happened but there was no discomfort simply a delicious feeling of fulfilment.

Now Cassie did demand my tongue. She set herself over my mouth so that I could attend to her heated sex. I had no sooner started than Lynx began to work her hips with a languid easy rhythm.