Teacher does New Orleans


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"Twelve inch cock on a white guy? I've got to see that!"

New Danny had a quick response.

"Hey, we aren't here for me. We're here for the little married Mormon chick."

"Mormon? Really?" The black guy looked at Jennifer. She shook her head yes.

"I hear you Mormons like black cock."

It was the husband's turn to answer.

"This one sure does!"

The room was really nice. T.J. the black guy was pretty decent. Danny watched his wife undress and T.J. climb on and begin to fuck her. The guys observed the black cock to be eight or nine inches. Was that just the luck of the draw for the Mormon wife or was eight or nine inches going to be the average. In either case Jennifer was enjoying the hell out of it. She was enjoying getting back to one guy at a time.

The legs were up, her heels like spurs atop his ass and the rhythm from it all was triggering orgasm after orgasm as the fucked away. For T.J. it was probably the revenge fuck for his fiancée fucking her old boyfriend. For Jennifer it was a cock, a black cock, and her husband and new Danny were watching her get fucked to a goodly depth and awaiting the black man's seed.

T.J.'s phone got a text. He kept fucking Jennifer and ignored it. New Danny looked at Danny.

"This is probably too good to pass up."

He picked up the black man's phone and checked the message.

"Hey, T.J. Do you know some cunt name Keesha Proctor?"

He keep fucking his white conquest.

"Hey, T.J. Do you know some cunt name Keesha Proctor?" New Danny repeated.

"Yeah, man. She's my fiancée."

Both white mean had big grins on their faces.

"She's asking where are you? Want me to answer that?"

"Hell no man. Let her worry and wonder."

"I guess she's finished fucking the ex-boyfriend, huh?"

T.J. grunted for his answer and lunged into Jennifer a little harder. This was perfect. The aggravation and interruption put off T.J. shooting his load. Jennifer felt the extra strength of the thrust into her pussy and went up a notch in her response to it. They were going at it pretty good when the next text came in. Again New Danny read it aloud.

"She's asking, 'Where the fuck are you?"

It seemed to intensify the action. The idea of fucking a cheating fiancée was getting to Jennifer.

"Fuck me with that cock. Keeping fucking me hard. Keep fucking me. Keep fucking me!"

Most of the stuff after that was slobbering drivel. Again the white boys looked at each other and smiled. They had realized that when white women fuck black guys it speaks badly of the black guys. Jennifer was totally fucked up.

Another text: "You better be fucking dead! Where the fuck are you?"

New Danny read the message to T.J. and goaded him a little.

"Man! Come on now. You need to be scared."

T.J. and Jennifer started to laugh, but continued to fuck each other. She got her arms around his neck and pulled him to her mouth for a kiss. It was a serious looking kiss with mouth and tongue and moaning as they fucked. It was the kind of kiss a white man hated to see his wife share with a black man even though he was already fucking her.

It changed the mood from laughing at a slut to anger as she showed a personal involvement. It was the kind of shit that could get the black man's ass kicked. Still, they were kissing full on as they fucked.

Jennifer! Enough of the kissing. If you want to fuck, fine!

"Fuck you, Danny. I'll kiss who I want and fuck who I want!"

Bloop! Another text. It sort of saved the moment.

"Oh, Dude. It's says."


"Whole bunch of exclamation points and it's all in caps."

T.J. was really pounding into Jennifer's cunt. Fucking her too hard to kiss her. She fucked back with equal urgency."

Five minutes later they exploded on each other. A few deep breaths later T.J. asked for his phone.

"No worries, Dude. I answered her for you." New Danny laughed.

"What the fuck did you say?"

New Danny showed him the text.


"Notice how I put it all in caps." New Danny smiled at him.

T.J. Looked at the three of them.

"You fucking white people are insane!"

Bloop! The black man's face sank. New Danny grabbed the phone.

"Oh, man! Is she really burning your shit? You don't want to marry her anyway. Sounds like a real bitch. And, she cheats on you already."

The two white guys gave each other a huge grin. The black guy sat on the edge of bed with his head in his hands.

"Hey, don't worry. We can stay in the room until about 5:00 when Avery goes off shift. You can't go home, but maybe you can fuck my friend's wife again. You'd like that, wouldn't you Jennifer?"

The slightly embarrassed wife went into the bathroom.

"I expected a little more sympathy for you, Dude. I guess you're just another black cock to her."

When she came back into the room she knew that her husband was enjoying the dismay New Danny was causing. Still nude and somewhat cleaned up she went directly to T.J. and started fuck teasing him. In addition to feeling sorry for something he couldn't have save his own ass from she still wanted to fuck him.

Soon they were on the bed fucking again, quickly followed by the make out kissing that wasn't popular with every one in the room. That got ramped up when New Danny made his next comment.

"Man, I ain't never gots to watch pity sex before. It's kind of fun."

True to his word New Danny had the key card back to Avery before her shift ended at 5:00 A.M. He went back to Jennifer and Danny's hotel with them and T.J. had gone to wherever T.J. went. Probably not home.

Sunday was a bit of wipe out. The three adventurers got to the room about a half our later. Hungry but too exhausted to go out. Horny but too tired to fuck the three of them collapsed on the beds. Jennifer with New Danny. The husband, worn out from watching was out like a light on the bed my himself.

Around 2 P.M. Danny awoke to the sound of the shower. Brain focus took a few minutes. He looked at the next bed. New Danny was still sleeping. Danny's wife would be in the shower by herself. Still in a fog the multi-cuckold husband started to remember the latter part of the New Orleans trip.

"Dear God, Jennifer. What have you done?"

For a few moments her thought about that. Maybe he should give her the real morning after pill. Maybe it wasn't too late. No, he'd leave it at the allergy pill her gave her to fake the real pill. She was going to be so knocked up with a black baby the guilty husband could hardly contain himself. Satisfied with what he had done he went back to sleep.

A few minutes later he was awakened by foot steps on the carpet. His wife, still naked from the shower was trying to wake New Danny on the other bed. Her husband faked sleeping and watched. Jennifer straddled his chest and rubbed her tits on his face.

"Come on! Wake up! Fuck me!"

Not even a second look at her husband. Jennifer wanted New Danny's foot long cock back inside her and was determined to get it deep in her cunt.

New Danny was a little slow to come around. Jennifer pushed back and took the head of his cock in her cunt.

"Come on, God Damn it! Fuck me!"

Even though she said it in a nice way New Danny's reply was, "No, shower first."

"Then you'll fuck me?"

"Yes, then I'll fuck you."


"Yes, I promise."

Any cock outside of marriage was the young wife's new mantra. Well, no. Any large cock outside of marriage, especially if it was black. That's the way Danny saw it. "What a fucking cunt!"

He watched her. She thought he was sleeping. She rolled naked on the bed as she heard the shower start. A quick brush of a hand over her pussy and the knees came apart. The fingers rubbed her outer lips and clit. Little noises started to escape her mouth as the motion rushed her into the start of orgasm. Knowing where to touch made her cum almost at will now. All that cock had given her a hair trigger.

Her feet mashed into the bed as she lifter her ass in the air. Her nipples looked like little rockets. It looked like she was pumping her pussy into her hand. Fingers had to be in her vagina. Just a suddenly as it had all began it was over. Her ass dropped back to the bed. She lay quietly waiting for New Danny to return from his shower.

Still faking sleep Danny watched New Danny reenter the room. That twelve inch cock was hardening as the steps brought him closer to the very unfaithful wife. Her husband lay thinking what a nymphomaniac his wife had become. Only time will tell if this becomes an ongoing thing and if he would be able to deal with it.

New Danny, the street hustler with the big white cock was fucking her again. Her husband wondered if she had to decide between this foot long cock or an eight inch black which would she decide? New Danny could make it an hour long experience. No wonder the women in New Orleans loved him.

The rest of this day and this night was their last in New Orleans. Monday morning they would leave for home. Back to normal if there would be such a thing. Jennifer and her stud had reached the end of what in ever fuck this round number was.

"Let me show you the town a little before you leave."

New Danny was jealous enough to try to slow down the pretty teacher's African lust. Most of the tour was more tourist than historic with New Danny catching waves from people with friendly faces. Mostly places where the hustler could pick up married women eager to try some vacation cock with New Danny's size being a surprising extra. The walked by one his favorite haunts for picking up women. A near downtown hotel complex.

"This place is great. You should shop here."

His hand waved towards a brand name place that a couple on teacher's salaries could never afford.

"Oh, we could never ... " The embarrassed wife started.

"No, come on. I know somebody. I'll get you a discount. I know someone."

Jennifer cringed at the price tags. Ridiculous!

"Lisa." New Danny hollered at the clerk at the register. "This is my friend Jennifer. Help her out, okay?"

He told Jennifer to pick out some stuff.

"I'll just wait over here ... off camera."

Jennifer smiled at the hustler's mentality. She could pick out some stuff. When she couldn't afford it, even with the discount, she knew she could laugh it off as a lark and put the stuff back on the shelf. No one else was in the shop. It would be fun.

She had never had a brand name purse before. Then a blouse, skirt, and shoes went to the counter. Lisa start to ring them up.

"I guess you and I have something in common." Lisa paused. "We both love Danny's big cock. I fucked him before my marriage and even now I still can't get it enough"

They exchanged glances and smiles. Then came the total for about two grand of over priced designer shit.

"Fifty-Seven Dollars and sixty five cents." Lisa smirked.

Then some of Jennifer's values returned.

"Uh, never mind. We'll put it back. I'm a bit of a whore, but I'm not a thief. It would hurt the store owners."

Lisa gave her a look like "Really?"

"Okay I love the purse. It could be my souvenir of New Orleans."

"Twenty-one eight six. It's a three hundred dollar purse." Lisa deadpanned.

"Okay, I'll take it" So, maybe she was a little bit of a thief.

Her husband handed over twenty-two dollars and took back the fourteen cents change.

Lisa smiled. "Don't wear him out. He owes me another good fucking for this."

An hour later they were back at the hotel and New Danny had his cock in her as Jennifer lamented going home and back to boredom.

"Why can't you go home with us for a little while?" Jennifer whined.

"Hey, Babe. It's three hundred dollars for a ticket. I don't have it."

"Yeah. We pretty well loaded up the credit card getting us this far." Danny conceded.

There was no way he wanted to see another week, or weeks of his wife taking the foot long cock. It was still summer break and she'd be wanting fucked several times a day. It was likely to get personal. Maybe though her could off load her on New Danny and get out from under the slut. Let him raise her black kid.

"Well ... " New Danny paused. "We could sell your new purse."

"Oh, no. Not my purse!"

"Okay there is a guy that would probably let us have three hundred. There's one condition."

"What's the condition?" She asked.

"You would have to fuck him?"

"Is he black?"

That's how New Danny got the ticket to go home with them!

The next morning before they left the hotel Jennifer sent Danny for more morning after pills. He still had the package and the allergy pills from before. He faked his trip, stopping in the lobby. He put a allergy pill in the package and sat back in a chair for enough time for his fake trip to a drug store. He threw the extra pills in the trash.

Danny felt better of his bride in knowing that she really didn't want black babies, or any babies yet. Still, let the little cunt hang. There would be price to pay for fucking all of those black men and then fucking another one to get New Danny's plane fare.

Then with a last second trip to the toilet before they left the room New Danny saw the morning after package in the trash.

"So, that's her game." He reasoned. "He won't have to be worrying if he was the one that knocked her up."

Two weeks later Jennifer told the guys together.

"My period should have started and didn't. I bought a kit and it seems I may be pregnant."

"I guess one of those myriad of black guys got some pretty potent sperm into your womb." Her husband tried to sound concerned.

"But, wait. I saw the pill container in the trash at the hotel." New Danny showed a bit of panic.

"Could be you, Dude. You got in there deeper than anybody!" Danny piled it on.

"Damn it! The pills you bought didn't work." Jennifer accused her husband.

It was pretty obvious that Jennifer was pregnant when the morning sickness started. She was already beginning to show the tummy. New Danny was still fucking her pretty regular while Danny would take an occasional poke at her.

New Danny had gotten a part time job. With his third paycheck he had enough for a plane ticket back to New Orleans and the hustle that went with it. He didn't like crawling around on what was probably someone else's baby to get some pussy. Plus, Jennifer was starting to pork out a bit.

With New Danny gone and the new baby on the way Jennifer didn't attract much attention from her husband.

"It's just us now, Sweetie. Why won't you fuck me?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's the image in my mind of you with dozens of black men between your legs and all that cum rushing out from your cheating cunt."

"I didn't think you could be like that. What about to have and to hold until death do us part?"

"Well, I'm not dying any time soon. What about the forsake all others part?"

"You don't think I'm the Mormon wife to fuck a black guy around here do you?"

"So, that's your excuse? Everybody is doing it?"

"You are the one that said it was okay. You wouldn't get mad."

"Why don't you find some other black guys to fuck? I'll watch if you want."

"Well, your school teacher buddy Dayshard is always coming on to me. Maybe I can fuck him!" She sounded spiteful.

"It's not like we are fifteen hundred miles away in New Orleans. Call whoever you want. It's your reputation."

They weren't really having an argument. Jennifer threw out the challenge.

"Why don't you call him? Get him over here. I'll fuck him!"

Danny scrolled through his contacts and punched Dayshard's number.

"Hey, we were just thinking of you. Thought we might catch up a little. Want to come over and have a beer or something?"

"Really? Sorry to hear that." Danny continued.

"Okay, see you in about thirty."

Danny was pleased with himself for calling her bluff. Then he realized what he had done.

"What is it that you told him were were sorry about?

"Oh, him and his girlfriend broke up."

"Which one?"

"I don't know. He goes through a lot of girlfriends."

Dayshard showed up wearing a muscle shirt, cut off jeans, and flip flops. He commented on how good Jennifer was looking, nodded to Danny and flopped into a chair. There were a couple of the usual flirty exchanges before Danny brought up the recent break up.

"Not a big deal. It was kind of a new relationship anyway. She didn't have much going on like what you've lucked into here, Danny."

"Well, if you ever get too lonely let me know. I can fill in the gap for you."

Jennifer's comment caused Dayshard to sit up and fall back in the chair. He looked to Danny and got a shoulder shrug. Dayshard laughed. He had fucked other teachers and staff, some white students' mothers, but never anything like Jennifer.

"We got pregnant in New Orleans so it's not like you are going to hurt me any."

She patted her slightly swollen tummy.

"Come on. Come fuck me!"

She turned towards the bedroom. Both men watched her ass sway as she led the way. She turned to kiss him as she got to the bed. Then her t-shirt came off. He could tell it was just her under there from her nipples poking out as soon as he got there. Same for the shorts. She had kept her pussy shaved. His buddy's beautiful Mormon white wife was naked before him.

She lay back on the bed, spread open in wanton invitation for him to fuck her. His clothes came off and he got between her legs. His intent was to fuck her until his face came even with her pussy and the script tattoo above it, "Don't just stare at it. Eat me or fuck me!" He paused. She teased him.

"Well, Don't just stare at it. Eat me or fuck me!"

"God, Jennifer. I never imagined ... "

"It was Danny's idea. He thought no one would ever see it."

It wasn't even a minute when his tongue had her coming.

"Hot little thing, aren't you?"

"Hot to get your black cock in me. Come up and fuck me."

Jennifer looked over at her husband. Dayshard had forgotten Danny was in the room.

Dayshard started to feed his black cock into her while Jennifer watched intently. She was fucking her husband's friend. No black stranger this time!

"Oh, my. I was hoping it would be big! God, it feels so good going in me!"

The young couple each got a good look at Dayshard's dick as it went. It looked like she was getting a fat eight or nine inches. Put that in the wife's small body and that's a lot of cock.

Dayshard stayed and fucked her again before heading home.

Life was good. Dayshard was saving date money and the pussy was a sure thing. Jennifer was getting fucked two and three times per night four and five times per week. Dayshard loved fucking the pregnant white wife and the cover was great because anyone seeing him there would think he was just a friend of Danny.

Danny was cool with it until the baby was born black. He filed for divorce before the baby got home from the hospital. Dayshard hung around for a while, helped with the house payment and groceries. After the divorce was final Danny offered the ex-wife some advice.

"If you are going to take morning after pills you might want to be sure that you know what the fuck they look like!"

"God damn you! Fuck you, Danny!"

"Never again. Not in this lifetime!"

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mfbridgesmfbridgesover 1 year ago

That's some justice for you!!

D_O_LondonerD_O_Londonerabout 2 years ago

Rocketed from a 2 star to a 5 star on the last page. Liked the way the wife was stitched up. Somewhat uncomfortable with the BBC angle which I consider has a racist tinge.

OGHMNWOGHMNWabout 2 years ago

A true BTB story for Jennifer’s self centered attitude and disregard of a loving husband.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

I have yet to this day read a seriously good story by this author!

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Moron chicks strike again, and they named their useless black dildo Dayshard! Lowest possible level LW story.

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