Teasing Lisa


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"You're not even wearing my necklace anymore!" she cried angrily, making all the other customers stare at us.


"I bet you took it off when you were trying to seduce Becky," she accused, her voice hard and cold, "and you didn't even notice it was missing. You don't love me; you've never loved me. Now you've fucked me you just don't care!"

A moment later the necklace I had given Cindy with my initial on was on the table in front of me and I was watching her back passing through the door and into the street. I raised a hand to my throat.

She was quite right! There was no necklace! What the hell could have happened to it? The metal was so thin and light that I usually forgot I was wearing it and consequently hadn't noticed it was missing.

Oh fuck! I had really screwed up this time!


For the next two days I searched high and low for that necklace but by the end of the week I had given up. It was lost. I had almost given up on Cindy too who had refused to respond to any form of communication with me.

Fortunately and to my surprise, Lisa's coldness had moderated. She was clearly awkward being alone with me but when we were together she was surprisingly friendly and I hoped like hell that her previous coldness had been because she was upset about her break-up with Bobby. This separation now appeared permanent; she no longer wore the engagement ring she had proudly donned over a year ago.

Her demeanour had changed in other ways too, though it was hard to put my finger on exactly how. She was still every bit as skinny and flat-chested as before and still wore her usual frumpy clothes but now seemed to be dressing a bit more carefully and even wore a little make-up, if badly applied.

There was something different in her bearing as well, something new which I couldn't fail to notice, even in my own stepsister. For a while I wondered whether she had found a new boyfriend already but there was no sign of one.

Several times I found myself staring at her, or watching her surreptitiously as she did her chores or just watched TV, trying to reconcile the sweet, naïve, boring girl I had known for so long with the hot body I had fucked only days ago. When I remembered my terrible deception and her wailing voice when she had realised what had happened, I slunk away in shame.

This went on for several days, days in which every one of my attempts to contact Cindy had failed and my own demeanour had grown more and more desperate. By Friday, the word was out that Cindy and her ex were now together again. A day later this was 'official' on Facebook, along with their plans to go away together that weekend.

As I drank my fourth beer in the shed in the darkness on Saturday night, my mind was full of Cindy and self-pity. She was probably being fucked by her new boyfriend even as I sat there, his hard cock where mine should have been; deep inside Cindy's wonderful pussy. Cindy's pussy; the pussy I had broken in, had known so well but would probably never even see again, let alone fuck.

I knew it served me right but I felt like shit.


On Sunday morning I had the house to myself while Dad, my Stepmom and Lisa went to church. I had been written off church-wise as a lost cause years ago so after a lie-in I showered, dressed and went to the kitchen for coffee to help with my hangover.

I had just sat down with a hot, steaming mug when I heard noises in the hallway. Puzzled, I sat very still and listened carefully; a moment later the kitchen door opened and Lisa came into the room.

"Hi," she said, helping herself to coffee.

"Lisa! Why aren't you at church?"

"I couldn't face it," she said quietly.

"Because Bobby will be there?" I asked. She shrugged.

"Partly that. But I had something to do here. In private."

She sat down at the table directly opposite, looked at me in silence for a moment then reached over and placed in front of me a long white plastic stick with a window in the side. In that window were two words:

'Not pregnant'

I looked into my stepsister's face, trying unsuccessfully to appear puzzled but my own face must have been a picture of guilt.

"I know it was you," she said, stressing the second word, "it took a while to work it out but I got there in the end."

"What was me?" I asked defensively, knowing my body language was giving me away.

Lisa said nothing. She just dropped something else onto the table in front of me. It was a thin gold necklace with the letter C for Cindy hanging from its middle. There was no point in pretending or lying any longer.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"On my bedroom floor under the dresser. Where you dropped it."

"Oh fuck!"

Lisa sat back in her chair and stared at me, a hard look on her pretty face.

"Why did you do it?" she asked, her emotion building quickly.

"Do what?" I automatically countered but there was no conviction in my voice.

"You know what, asshole! Don't you dare try and deny it."

For Lisa to swear was extremely rare. Understandably, she was very upset indeed.

"How long have you known?"

"Since I found Cindy's necklace a week ago."

"And you waited until now to tell me?" I was amazed.

"I needed to know if I was pregnant, stupid!" she said coldly, her anger beginning to build.

"Lisa I'm sorry..." I stammered, "I just..."

"Shut up!" she broke in, "I'm your stepsister! It was illegal, immoral, it was almost rape AND you could have got me pregnant you stupid bastard!"

Her pretty face was flushed and angry now, her eyes wide and staring as she continued.

"You knew I was saving myself for Bobby. You knew we were waiting until we were married but you couldn't resist adding another notch on your belt and you went ahead and fucked me anyway. You selfish, heartless bastard!"

"Lisa I'm sorry..." I mumbled again inadequately.

I had never heard her use such words before or seen her this angry.

"And all just to add another poor girl's cherry to your trophy list so you can tell your stupid buddies. Yes, I know what you all talk about in the shed. How could you?"

"I... I..."

"That's why I can't go to church, stupid. How could I face them after what we did; what you did I mean? I've lost my virginity. I've had sex outside marriage!"

"But it wasn't your fault. You didn't know it was me doing all that to you..."

"That makes no difference! Even if it had been Bobby, I still let it happen. I knew I wasn't married; I knew it was a sin but you got me so turned on I couldn't stop myself. Then you went and busted me and ran away! You made me a sinner and you don't even care."

"It's not true, I..."

"It's not true that you don't care? Or it's not true that you busted me? I'm a fallen woman thanks to you! How can I go back to the church knowing that? Who's going to marry me now?"

"But you're engaged..."

She snorted angrily.

"Bobby? He's history. Even if you hadn't done it I couldn't stay with him. He got scared and left me there to face the music on my own. What if it had been my Mom or your Dad coming in? What if they'd seen me like that?"

She had a good point. At least I couldn't take any blame for that.

"And what if you'd made a baby in me? What if I'd got pregnant? There's no way I could have an abortion and I'd have been shunned by Mom and the church. You could have ruined my life! You didn't think of that, did you?"

All I could do was look as ashamed as I felt and let the anger wash over me. She was right!

"But you aren't pregnant Lisa! You're safe!" I protested.

"Safe? Maybe I've been lucky but I'm still busted! I'm not a virgin anymore! How will I find a husband now? I can't just wait till our wedding night and say 'oh yes, I forgot to tell you...'""

For some reason this last sarcasm brought a fast and strong reaction from me. Turning defence into attack I summoned the courage to look her in the eye.

"It's simple Lisa. Find a man who doesn't expect to marry a virgin!" I growled.

"What?" she asked as if surprised.

"Your brain's been turned soft by that fucking church!" I continued, knowing I was moving onto dangerous ground. "The world is full of men and you could be hot stuff. Ninety five percent of the male population don't expect their wives to be virgins. Most wouldn't want it anyway. I know I don't!"

This outburst had clearly wrong-footed and puzzled her.

"What do you mean? You've always made a big deal about cherries..."

"That's just talk," I confessed, "popping a cherry is great but it hasn't happened as often as I let people think."

"You mean..."

"I mean there aren't as many virgin brides out there as your Father Michael tells you. And I should know! I've fucked enough of them!"

"And it doesn't matter? You wouldn't care?"

"I wouldn't care. In fact I wouldn't want my wife to be a virgin. I would want to learn something from her too!"

This obviously truthful outburst took the wind out of Lisa's sails long enough for me to put on a genuinely meant air of contrition.

"I'm really sorry," I mumbled again, "I didn't mean to hurt you; I don't know what came over me. You're right, I didn't even think about the implications."

She nodded as if pleased with this change of tone. I carried on; to my surprise, the words came out easily and truthfully.

"It's just when I saw you there... looking like that...so sexy... I just thought... well you looked so fucking hot and... I just couldn't help it..."

Lisa just sat there, her chest heaving. After a few moments she looked me in the face and asked:

"Don't you dare tease me! Haven't you hurt me enough?"

"I'm not teasing you," I said, again truthfully, "you were hot! You still are hot!"


"You're hot, Lisa. I didn't know it until then but it's true. You've got a great body; you just hide it under all those fucking awful clothes you wear so I never knew."

She frowned but for some reason didn't attack me back.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with my clothes?"

"Everything! You dress like a dork! All those flowery prints and prissy long skirts! You're twenty not fifty so don't dress like your Mom."

"What should I wear then?"

"I dunno! Stuff that shows off what you've got."

"You've always said I've got nothing worth showing!"

"Well... I was wrong. You've got a great body Lisa."

She blushed and looked away.

"Think about it. Ok, you've got almost no tits so don't wear blouses. Your Mom's got big tits so they look good on her but you... you should wear tight stuff like T shirts. Flat-chested, sporty girls look great in tight stuff."

She looked doubtful but at least I was distracting her from her rightful rage against me so I pressed my luck further.

"You've got great legs too. They're your best part; long and slim and really shapely. You should show them off more."

"But Father Michael says girls that show too much leg..."

"What does he know? He's sixty at least. You should wear short skirts and heels, and really short shorts; maybe even leggings, as long as they're tight. You'd look amazing. Hot as hell!"


"And you've got a really pretty face but you don't do anything about it. Use a bit more make-up and for God's sake do it properly. Let your hair down too - get a more modern style, it's not rocket science!"

I could see her wince when I misused the Lord's name but still she didn't chide me. Instead she thought for a minute as I went on.

"If you do what I say you'll have your pick of the boys, Lisa."

She looked stunned. I felt surprised too; where had all that advice come from? Wherever it was, it was certainly true.

"And there's one more thing you need to know," I continued in a much lower, confidential voice.

She looked at me as if bewildered. Encouraged, I took the last big risk. I don't know what possessed me but I took a deep breath and said it.

"You've got a really first class pussy, Lisa."


"I mean it! It's really sweet and tight; you're going to be an amazing fuck one day! You were a good fuck last week whatever you think. A great fuck, and you enjoyed it too - quite a lot I reckon."

"No!" she screamed, holding her hands over her ears, "It's not true!"

"It IS true," I persisted, "you've got the sweetest, tightest pussy I've ever fucked and I've fucked a lot of pussies."

"Shut up! Shut up! You shouldn't even have seen my pussy let alone know what it feels like!"

"But I DO know what it feels like Lisa and you should know too. Your pussy is amazing; who else could tell you? It's tight and deep and it grips you like a fist. The boys will love it and so will you!"

She stared at me in horror.

"Be honest with yourself; you were really starting to get into it, weren't you?" I asked straight out.

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

"Don't try to deny it, Lisa. Remember I was there! It was my cock inside you. I could feel you! I could feel what your pussy was doing to me! I saw what you looked like and what you did. You can't pretend to me you weren't really enjoying it."

"Stop it! Stop it!"

There was a long pause while tiny tears ran down my pretty, vulnerable stepsister's cheeks. I put my arm around her shoulders and hugged her gently, feeling her bony shoulders against my chest. We remained motionless for a few minutes, Lisa breathing heavily, unable to look me in the face.

"I'm sorry," I said eventually, "I shouldn't have said that." She shook her head.

"No. It's all true," she murmured, shaking her head, "You're right. That's the problem; I did enjoy it. Once it stopped hurting I enjoyed it a lot."

"Then relax," I tried to reassure her, "it's no big deal. It's not as if I can tell anyone, is it? It'll be our secret. You'll still find a husband - in fact I'd say you're more likely to find one now."

"And it really won't matter that I'm not a virgin anymore?"

"Not to most boys. A bit of experience is a good thing. No-one wants a slut though. There is a limit. No one wants to know everyone he meets has fucked his girlfriend too."

"But I can't..."

Whatever she meant to say was cut off in her throat as the front door burst open and her Mom and my Dad came noisily into the house.


It was the following Friday evening and I was getting ready to out with the lads for a late burger and a beer. Dad and Lisa's Mum had gone out for dinner to celebrate one of their many anniversaries so I was in the kitchen about to help myself to one of Dad's beers from the fridge when the door opened and Lisa came quietly into the room.

I had hardly seen my skinny stepsister all week after our extraordinary conversation of the previous Sunday and was concerned she had been trying to avoid me. After what I had said and done to her I couldn't honestly blame her; at the moment I was mostly relieved that she didn't seem to hold any grudges against me and wasn't about to tell our parents about my crime.

"Hi," I smiled at her.

"Hi," she replied. She sounded awkward and embarrassed but I was pleased to see she didn't just walk out on me.

Despite her stand-offishness, I couldn't help notice that Lisa seemed to have taken some of my advice to heart during the week. She was still far from trendily dressed but the more frumpy of her skirts had not put in an appearance since our chat, neither had the most mumsy blouses. She had worn jeans on at least two days to my certain knowledge and her eyes had been made up every day, if only very lightly.

That evening she was wearing a flowery skirt which could have been a style nightmare but in fact looked nice on her, reaching just above her slender knees and it wasn't too full-bodied. Her top was close fitting too, though not the tight, sporty style I had recommended. I noticed she had used rather more eye make-up than usual and was definitely wearing lipstick though the colour was a bit pale for my tastes.

"You look nice," I told her truthfully, "got a date?"

She shook her head and blushed. Of course she hadn't; it was stupid of me to ask. It was far too soon after her unexpected defloration and split up with her fiancé Bobby for her to have acquired a new boyfriend.

"Neither have I," I confessed with a grin, "I'm seeing the lads for a pint."

Lisa looked downcast.

"Are you ok?" I asked her, concerned, "do you want to talk about it? I know you might not feel you can trust me now but...""

"I've... I've been thinking about what happened," she interrupted, her voice hesitant and nervous.

"Ok..." I asked, genuinely concerned and still troubled by guilt.

"Well it's... Oh it's no use. It's a ridiculous idea..."

I saw tears forming in her eyes. I took her in my arms and hugged her in what I hoped was a brotherly manner, not wanting to upset her further by any sexual gesture.

"What is it Lisa? You've got to tell me if it's upsetting you this much.

"But you're younger than me; I feel so stupid; so naïve having to ask you things but you're the only person in the world who I can talk to."

This sounded serious.

"You can ask me anything, Lisa," I tried to reassure her, though feeling nervous myself.

"You promise you won't laugh at me?"

"I swear!" I said as reassuringly as I could.

She pulled away a little, looked out of the kitchen window for a moment, gulped, took a deep breath and spoke softly.

"When you did it to me... when we did it," she corrected herself to my relief, "It was my first time. You know that, right?"

"Yes, I know," I said shame facedly.

"Now I'm not a virgin any more. I've lost my cherry, right? However it happened, it's gone forever?"

"Yeah, that's right. The damage is done; you're busted now. There's no going back!" She looked up at me suddenly, her face flushed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound crude but it IS the truth," I added hastily.

"That's all right," she said quietly, "I want you to tell me the truth." There was another pause before she continued, gathering a bit of confidence and talking as if she had rehearsed what she was going to say.

"But I can only lose my virginity once, can't I?" she asked pensively.

I looked at her, surprised but she hurried on.

"What I meant was that... now I'm not a virgin any more... no one can tell whether I've had sex only once or a lot of times?" It was half question, half statement.

"That's right, unless you go crazy and 'get yourself a reputation'," I said, doing a fair imitation of her mother's accent.

Lisa laughed despite herself. There was an even longer pause as if she was plucking up courage. When she spoke, her words amazed me.

"Do you really think I could be good at it? Good at sex? You weren't just saying it? You really meant it?"

This was easy to be truthful about.

"Cross my heart; you're a natural, Lisa. You were amazing and it really was your first time. You don't even know what you're doing yet and it felt so good." She blushed. "And you really enjoyed it too, didn't you?"

There was the longest pause as if she was steeling herself to make a big decision. Then she took a deep breath and when they came, her words knocked the wind out of me.

"Would you... would you teach me?"

"What?" I couldn't believe my ears.

"Would you... do you think you could... could teach me... how to do it properly... how to be good at it... at doing sex?"

My jaw dropped wide open.


She turned away suddenly.

"You're disgusted! I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have asked..."

She sprang to her feet and made to run for the door but instinctively I grabbed her wrist, rising to my feet and pulling her back until I held her awkwardly in my arms. Her skinny body was pressed hard against my front and I realised I had a raging hard-on which she couldn't fail to feel against her belly.

"It's all right... it's all right... I'm not disgusted. No way! You just caught me by surprise, that's all," I said, trying to calm her down.