Temporary Girlfriend Ch. 01


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I caught his eye and said, "Then don't."

He looked puzzled and so I added, "Just take one day at a time. You don't have to commit to anything other than being here right now -- with me." I added, "OK 'boyfriend'?"

He laughed and said, "OK 'girlfriend'." We both got up to leave.

I then said, "Oh, you have homework. I'd like to know what you told them about your erstwhile girlfriend when you were out there. I hope you didn't give them a name or tell them I was blond. What expectations will I have to meet?"

He laughed and said, "I'll make a list. Until tomorrow - and thank you, thank you, thank you so much. You don't know what this means to me. I'll be forever in your debt."

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. I squeezed his hand.

With that he turned and strode away from me with a happy flair to his walk. I think my mouth was hanging open again. My cheek still burned from his kiss.


Each of the next three mornings we spent an hour learning about each other. Josh also realized we'd have some time to talk on the plane ride to Aspen.

I brought a framework I found on the Internet about relationships so that I could focus the discussion on particular parts of our lives besides our jobs. We spent Wednesday on genealogy and how we felt about our families, member by member. We also talked about our resumes, where we'd lived, our work, career paths, and what we sought by working.

Thursday we talked about our religious upbringing that for both of us left us spiritual yet not churchy. We also talked about our exercise regimes and goals. We breiefly talked about our hopes and aspirations for our lives and then our life goals breaking off to go to work and expecting to meet for dinner.

Josh called me about one o'clock on Thursday and told me he'd booked dinner at Radius -- one of the more upscale restaurants in Boston and one that was far out of my league in terms of prices. I'd never been there.

Given the nature of the restaurant I figured I'd better rethink my 'going out for a bite after work' mode of dress. What worked in the office would definitely not work at Radius. Thus, for a change, I left work at four o'clock much to the surprise of my colleagues, went to the hair dressers and got the works, and then headed back to my studio to change.

Josh had said he'd pick me up about seven-thirty. I was ready about seven and pacing the floor but doing little adjustments to my 'look' every other circuit. Pacing in my studio is hard to do because it is so small. I had to circle the coffee table to get any steam up in a pace. I was nervous.

I'd decided to wear my LBD -- my little black dress. I picked that for several reasons. First, it is probably the nicest and sexiest dress I have, the wavy hemline oscillating three to six inches below my crotch. One of my girlfriends called a 'Greyhound Dress' since it was three inches from the hare (hair! Get it?). Second, it is the only dress I have worthy of the Radius.

I also had on my black spike heels. The combination of the dress and the heels made my legs look like a million bucks. I do have great looking legs. The dress also did very nice things for my ass too, even though I wouldn't have time to lose the extra weight that I needed to.

I tried to decide what jewelry to wear with the outfit. I'd gotten as far as picking a pair of earrings that were simple two-inch gold loops. With my new hairdo I thought the earrings did a nice job of giving me an enticing and sexy look.

I paused in front of the mirror again. What did I know about this guy for sure other than he liked Starbucks? He could be a mass rapist or some kind of axe murderer that preyed on women my age? This could be the date from hell. I could have committed to the weekend from hell. What if his family were all looney tunes? Was my acceptance of this weekend just a flight of fancy for me that I'd regret all the rest of my days?

The doorbell rang. Josh was early? Did I have the time wrong?

I peaked through the eyepiece in my door and there was a floral deliveryman at my door. I opened the door with the chain on.

"Delivery for Megan Watson," he smiled and held out a corsage box.

I adjusted the door and opened it all the way.

Florist man handed me the box and wished me a good evening, turned and disappeared down the stairs of my building.

I took the chilled white box into my living room and opened it. There was a beautiful orchid corsage, small and not too flashy, yet carefully crafted. All the bad thoughts about Josh vanished from my mind.

There was a small envelope with 'Megan' written on it. I opened it and read the enclosed card: "Pretty flowers for a much prettier woman. See you soon 'girlfriend'. Josh."

My heart melted. Maybe I'd let this guy get lucky on our first date. What am I thinking?

I sat and smelled the flowers for five minutes. I decided I'd better stop or there'd be no more odor buds on the flowers by the time we went for dinner. I went and touched up my makeup for the fortieth time that night and paced some more, now wearing the corsage pinned to my dress. I changed my earrings for the fifth time in the past half hour. My fake diamond studs replaced the hoops.

On the dot of seven-thirty Josh knocked on the door. I opened it to find my handsome prince standing there in a very fashionable tuxedo. My God, the last time anyone had picked me up in a tuxedo was my high school senior prom. This man was scoring points he didn't even know about. I expected my mother would want photos of the event.

"Wow," he said. "You look magnificent. I think this may be the best date I've ever been on." His comment didn't betray even the slightest hint that he wanted to feed me a line.

More points, I thought.

"Come in for a minute," I said. "I'd show you the place, except you can see it all from where you're standing." Josh stood and gazed about my neatened studio. Everything was packed carefully in the vertical racks and bookcases -- not a cubic inch was wasted or empty, floor to ceiling. I was a packrat.

A few pieces of my own art that intrigued me decorated the walls. He asked about them and I explained each piece briefly.

Finally, I picked up a paisley shawl, put it over the one shoulder that didn't have the flowers on it and gestured to the door. We left and locked up.

I let Josh escort me down to his car that was double parked at the curb. His car turned out to be a vintage Porsche 944 Turbo.

I'd never ridden in a Porsche. I jumped up and down a little with glee. Josh laughed at my antics.

Fifteen minutes later, after entrusting the Porsche to a valet, we were seated in the posh amber glow of the restaurant's many chandeliers and sconces. My chair had a velveteen finish on it and I thought that I might do nothing but rub the edge of the chair all night long to enjoy the tactile sensation from the fabric.

Josh got us both chocolate martinis -- something I'd never tried before and after one sip declared as my new favorite drink. We were sitting side by side in a booth and it gave me the opportunity to study Josh as well as touch his arm with little flirty gestures.

Josh apologized ahead of time for any infraction of manners that he might incur; "You have to understand that I haven't been on a real date in four years. The foundation has taken up all of my time so I just haven't felt I could leave it. I guess I'm a control freak -- certainly about the foundation."

I looked attentive and nodded encouragingly to hear him talk.

He went on, "I think things are getting to where I could at least let them coast every now and then rather than feel that if I wasn't in personal control things would fly apart. I guess I'm a control freak."

I admitted that I had 'control' issues too, particularly about the quality of the art and other studio work that my company produced for our clients. We bounced around talking about business.

Over appetizers, I asked, "Tell me your life philosophy? Also you haven't told me what you told your family and friends about me -- about your girlfriend?"

Josh said, "Let me take the second question first. Under great duress and having had a tad too much wine, I told Van, Katelyn and Fiona -- my sibs -- that I did too have a girlfriend but that you'd had to spend the holiday with your family outside Boston somewhere. I think I said you had dark hair and a nice figure. I said you had your own business, so you'll have to waltz around how I got that wrong. I avoided saying what business you were in and I told you I didn't give a name -- you are just 'nameless girlfriend' to them." He laughed at some internal joke.

I said with a touch of sarcastic humor, "Well, you certainly spilled the beans and left them knowing all about me, didn't you?"

"I've always been terse." He thought and then said, "Oh, I did tell them you liked to jog and ski -- so it's a good thing you opted for the ski day. I told them you volunteered -- charitable work of some kind; that scores points in my family; it's one of the family values. I think I also said you were intellectual and liked to read a lot."

"Did you tell them how we met?" I asked.

"Fiona, the one getting married, asked me that," Josh said. "I told her we'd met at a party -- some mutual friends through Charles Schwab that handles the investments in the foundation."

I muttered under my breath, "Party, Schwab, investments," trying to memorize the small points to buttress Josh's white lie to Fiona.

"You've mentioned your friends, but you haven't talked about them yet. What did you tell them?"

Josh continued between bites of a carefully crafted shrimp cocktail, "A few of my five best friends may be around sometime over the weekend -- all are my age and we were in high school together: Fiona invited them to the wedding but I don't know if they're coming. Dave is now a flight instructor at small airport outside Denver; Bud is an insurance agent; Paul's a computer jock of some type; Jim's a marketing guy for Coors; and Scott is a software designer and consultant."

"Are you the only one that's left town?" I asked.

"Yes and they're all married and I seem to be the holdout. Lots of pressure on that front." Josh rolled his eyes skyward. "Your efforts will go a long way towards removing the stigma that has haunted me for years." He laughed at his own humor.

Our entrees arrived with a great flourish and our conversation continued with me asking questions of Josh. To play the role of 'temporary girlfriend' I figured there was a basic body of knowledge about each other that we should know.

As we talked we shifted closer and closer to each other. I felt the flush of interpersonal chemistry with Josh and from his attention he did too.

We started to touch each other, first just small gestures to the other's sleeve or shoulder. Then we sought skin by a touch to the neck or face. I dusted a crumb from a dinner roll from Josh's cheek, surprising myself by letting my fingers linger a second longer than required.

As our dinner plates were cleared Josh reached over and held my hand. There was no pretense, just an open wish to be in contact with me. I welcomed his advance. The chemistry got thicker.

Over coffee I pulled Josh's arm around me. We were in a booth and we both found comfort in my move.

At one point I put my head on his shoulder and could feel him nuzzle his face into my hair. This ride was suddenly going very fast and I welcomed the speed.

I turned to him and we kissed. We'd both wanted to kiss each other for the past hour -- at least. I would have kissed him Monday in front of Starbucks. Hell, I would have screwed him in front of Starbucks by Tuesday.

Our first kiss became a noteworthy milestone in our new relationship. The growing affection and attraction we both felt for each other came through loud and clear.

Josh said, "Will you come back to my condo with me? You need to see it anyway before we go to Aspen."

I nodded my agreement knowing that there'd be further kisses and some decisions about how fast and how far this relationship was moving.

We kissed again and with greater frequency as we finished our coffees and Josh settled the bill. The Porsche had been waiting at the door for our departure.

The building with Josh's condo looked modest from the outside, however, the inside impressed immediately. Hallways were spotless and carefully maintained. The building faced the impressive Bunker Hill Monument.

Josh parked in a private garage under the building. A private elevator whisked us up to Josh's penthouse and when the doors opened and Josh flipped on a light switch I instantly came to an abrupt stop taking in the great room. This was no little condo.

Josh nudged me further into the room as I twirled around looking up at the high ceilings and around at the ultra modern décor.

At one end stood a modern kitchen with granite countertops. Modern lighting lit the room from every direction. Bar stools allowed guests to talk to the cooks while meals were being prepared. A thick glass top dining room table sat midway across the room surrounded by robust swivel barrel chairs. The living room centered on a fireplace and hearth with modern sofas built into a conversation pit that guests descended into. A large glass coffee table was centered in the pit. Modern paintings decorated the walls here and there.

Tall windows filled the two exterior walls, each with a settee built into the window alcove. Outside through the darkness I could see the Boston skyline as well as the lights from the new Interstate bridge over the Mystic River. The effect was startlingly beautiful.

Josh stood with obvious pride as I marveled at the splendor of his condo.

"Oh wow!" I muttered as we walked deeper into the room. I was in awe at the simple luxury of Josh's home.

Suddenly I realized the expense of what I was seeing and what it meant about Josh. I turned to him with a huge question on my face. I skipped about ten obvious questions and went right to "Why me?"

Josh came to me and held me by the shoulders at arms length; one thumb lightly stroked my neck. "I like you. I need you. I think you like me. You have a beautiful smile. After talking to you all week I know you are what I need."

"The wedding?" I asked.

"We leave here at noon tomorrow if you're still willing?"

"Josh, you obviously come from money. I didn't realize it but now the pieces fit. The foundation -- family foundation -- your foundation; the Porsche; and now this." I gestured about the condo. "I'm pretty poor actually. I'm making about eighty thousand a year -- and in my family that's a record. When my parents retire they'll need some of my financial help to get by. College professors are not big bread winners."

"Megan, please don't think about the economic differences between us. Please don't think of any differences between us. I know you're not a gold digger. I could tell after talking to you for five minutes. The rest I don't care about and I don't want you to either."

Josh pulled me into him slowly and I went quite willingly. We leaned into each other and kissed. This time it was one of those explosive, TNT packed kisses full of tremendous potential and loaded with promises of greater things to come.

Josh touched a control on the countertop and the main lights dimmed, leaving a few pieces of art spotlighted as well as a hallway that I assume went back to his bedroom. He touched another button on the control console and the fireplace leapt into flames. He also shed the jacked and tie to his tux, draping the jacket over a dining room chair.

"Come," Josh said. He led me into the living room 'pit' pulled me beside him on the sofa. As I snuggled against him I remembered the flowers; I unpinned the corsage and put it on the glass coffee table; I didn't want it crushed. When I turned back to him, he held his arms open to me and I melted into them.

Adult necking is exciting because you know sooner or later where it could lead. In this case I really wanted to be seduced or to be the seductress. I didn't care; I just wanted to be loved by this man -- even as a 'temporary girlfriend'.

Josh was being very proper about where to put his hands. He stroked my arms and my neck and of course was kissing me in those places too. After a while I realized he was not going to make 'the' move. I also noticed that my skirt had ridden up almost to my hips clearly exposing my little black lacy bikini underwear and the tops of my hose.

Eventually as we were locked in a long French kiss, I took one of Josh's hands and moved it to my left breast.

The hand went to work immediately bringing me pleasure, stroking and smoothing me through the material of the dress.

I know we could both feel my nipples harden to his touch. The more he touched the more I was certain where I wanted this to go.

As we kissed again a few minutes later, I took Josh's hand and this time brought it to the skin above my stocking tops and below my black lace panties. Josh moaned his pleasure at my invitation.

I had had other lovers in my life that were more experienced but they were also more presumptive. Josh did not assume anything about where we were going. I'm not sure he knew. I did.

As he stroked the skin and my thighs, I gave a little moan of pleasure too. I finally said, "You can touch me anywhere you want, Josh, anywhere. I give myself to you tonight."

Josh whispered, "That's a big responsibility and I accept. I give myself to you too."

I thought I must be luckiest girl in the whole world. Here I had this hunk of a guy who could be in movies and instead he was with me. Further, he was nice and level headed and wasn't the dork that so many of the guys I'd met recently seemed to be. He actually paid attention to me and I didn't detect any of the negative traits that finally drove me to leave Roger.

Josh started to rub my pubic area through the lace panties. I could feel myself flood with girl juice in anticipation of our coupling. I know my attractive sexual odor was proliferating through the night; I hoped it was working.

I reached over to Josh with one hand and rubbed his thighs up to their union with his groin. Beneath the pants to his tuxedo I could feel a firm bulge. I stoked with different levels of pressure and in different ways all around the area. Things grew bigger and harder. I was impressed and wanted more.

We made better use of our hands and mouths now that I'd established the permissible landscape for travel -- anywhere!

Finally, I could stand it no longer and slowly stood in the dim light, the gas fire flickering behind me. Josh watched me with a questioning look on his face.

"Too many clothes," I said. "Let's get more comfortable." My tone of voice was imperative, demanding that he move into action. He quickly followed my lead.

I shimmied a little in front of Josh just to catch his attention and then magically lifted the little black dress up over my head. I stood in heels, dark stockings, bikinis and push up bra; I looked at Josh. He'd become mesmerized by my rapid strip and stopped removing his own clothing. I was actually pleased I could elicit a look of such awe from such a handsome guy.

I reached behind and slowly undid the clasp to the black lacy bra. I held the bra close to my chest with one hand as I let the back and sidepieces come to the front. Josh realized that only my one hand and the flimsy fabric covered my breasts. His eyes widened.

I dropped the lacy bra on the sofa next to Josh with a dismissive gesture. I rubbed my breasts then held them forward to him as eye candy and for his enjoyment. I felt unbelievably sexy and most definitely the seductress of the evening.

Josh quickly lost his shirt and started to work on his pants, at least getting them down to his knees as he sat on the low sofa.