That Old House


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"Long enough," smiled Gary. "I had to get ready for you darling. I haven't got anything in to eat. I thought we'd go out. It's so dismal in here. There's a good pub about halfway into town."

"OK," said Holly. "That's fine by me."

She poured a cup of tea for herself and sat down alongside Gary on the battered old settee. She snuggled in close, her warmth giving him some of the comfort he needed. It also caused his cock to flex again. Holly noticed it this time and smiled to herself as she kissed her father on his nearest cheek again. She took his hand.

"Right," she said, "let's get up to date with all our news, such as it is. Then you can tell me yours and then I want to know what's on this weekend. What are these plans you've made?"

Holly knew better than to regale Gary with tales about her mother. She prattled on about what she had been doing with her friends before switching to her excitement about her forthcoming job. She actually refrained from mentioning anything financial!

Gary told her a few things about his boring life and mentioned that he had been in Birmingham today, hastily remarking that he had not been to her new place of work.

"But yesterday, darling, yesterday I did a very strange thing; strange for me anyway."

"What was that Daddy; tell me about it!" Holly gently put one hand on her father's thigh.

It felt red-hot. Gary glanced down but continued.

"I was wandering through Oakby thinking about work related things. Before I knew it I was in Beech Avenue."

"Wow, that is strange. What did you do next?"

"Believe it or not I got out of the car, walked up the path and rang the bell. It was only then that I realised what I'd done."

"Was there anyone in?"

"Yes a very attractive woman opened the door and asked me what I wanted. I spluttered and stammered something about living there a while ago and she surprised me by saying that she recognised me; she had a photo of us all that she had found. She invited me in."

"Was it very different? Did you recognise everything? Did you fuck her?"


"Sorry Dad but your cock has grown in your pants while you were telling me all about it. Tell me everything!"

So that was how Gary began to tell Holly all about Gerry, dinner at the Swan and how he was going to repeat the contact tomorrow night with the hope that the relationship might blossom.

"Into a good fuck you mean," giggled Holly. "You need a bit of good luck Daddy so I hope that you get your leg over! I like that bit about her inviting Ivy and me over to see the house again. Wouldn't it be amazing if you finished up living there again; with Gerry I mean."

"You are a very grown up and a very naughty girl Holly my darling. If you weren't so big now I'd put you across my knee."

Holly squeezed her father's thigh again, dangerously close to his cock this time. She kissed him on the lips again and Gary definitely felt her wet tongue this time.

"If I'm in the mood I might like that," she whispered. "You never ever put me or Ivy over your knee when we were younger. I'm sure that we were naughty enough to deserve a good smacking sometimes! Shall we go out to dinner now?"

Soon father and daughter were easing in to the atmosphere of a large town pub that seemed to be popular with diners. They sat close together in the bar while they waited for a table. Gary had a pint of best bitter in front of him and Holly a Smirnoff Ice.

At one point Holly put her lips close to Gary's ear and whispered to him.

"I wonder how many of these punters think that you're a dirty old man and that I'm your 'bit of fluff'. Isn't that what they used to say in your day?"

"No they didn't, that was before even my time! Anyway, those same punters, as you call them, might think that I'm your sugar daddy and that I'm a lucky old sod to have such a beautiful girl hanging on to my arm."

Holly put her hand on to her father's thigh again with her left hand and drained her Ice with her right.

"Do you think that I'm beautiful Daddy? You can tell me the truth, I'm your daughter and I know that you love me anyway."

Gary took a deep breath to try and control his cock. Things were getting out of hand.

"My darling Holly, you and your sister are just about the most beautiful girls that I've ever seen. Of course I love you both to bits but you are really beautiful. Do you want another drink? Don't you think that you should move your hand?"

Holly moved her hand, her right hand! She waved the empty glass at the barman and he saw her instantly! She was a more than pretty girl!

"Another pint and another Ice please," she called out.

"Coming right up Miss!"

"I meant your other hand," croaked Gary.

"Don't you like it Daddy?" Holly said coquettishly.

"You know damn well I do," growled Gary. "You're earning that smacked bottom, do you hear?"

"Yes Daddy," smiled Holly impishly this time.

Just then they were called to their table. Gary was relieved that they had to sit facing one another. Holly had to move her hand and Gary's stiffness began to ease. Now Holly looked him in the face and began to talk to her father about the main reason that she was there; well, before she had seen his cock move anyway. Money! Gary's money!

"Daddy, I've been thinking about that amount of cash I mentioned. I don't need five hundred really, not straight away anyway. I've listed what I need to buy and I've priced most of it on the Internet. I could manage with about three fifty, if you can see your way clear to help me. Please daddy, please!"

Gary breathed a little easier. He could manage that but he would make her work a bit harder before he gave in.

"Well, let's think about this. It will soon be your birthday. Then you will have your first month's salary before long. Then you should soon be able to get yourself a credit card. The minimum credit amount is about a thousand now, I believe. I could stretch to about two hundred, I believe. Can you manage with that my darling?"

Holly was breathing easier now; her father had just offered her almost what she wanted in the first place! One last try!

"Wellll!" she said as if she were thinking hard. "Could you make it two hundred and fifty? I can get most of the rest with my first salary credit."

"It's a deal!" Gary said. Holly beamed at him, rose up and kissed him on the lips again. They both raised their wine glasses in salute, both thinking that they had won the negotiation.

They happily strolled back to Gary's flat, arm in arm. Gary felt slightly guilty about this. Holly thought about being her father's girl friend again. She flushed as she walked, feeling a little damp down below.


"I can't possibly drive home tonight Daddy. I've had far too much to drink. I need to piss now too; wait a minute!"

Gary was thinking furiously as he heard loud water sounds in the bathroom, Holly having deliberately left the bathroom door open. How were they going to sleep? He only had one bed, not huge either. He also had few actual bedclothes. Neither of the girls had ever stayed over with him, even when he had had better accommodation.

"Don't worry about it Daddy," Holly said when he raised the subject. "We're both adults, consenting or otherwise! Lend me one of your shirts and I'll keep my knickers on! I'll be off first thing in the morning."

Holly laughed but Gary was not so sure. He usually slept in the raw but he would have to keep shirt and shorts on tonight!

"All right," he eventually agreed. "You will have to leave about seven o'clock though because I've got a busy day tomorrow. Phone your mother though and tell her where you are."

"You've got a busy evening too, haven't you," giggled Holly as she punched buttons on her mobile to contact her mother. There was no landline into the flat. "I bet that Gerry is wetting her panties already in anticipation of her handling your prick tomorrow night. Hello Mum, I'm still at Daddy's."

Even Gary could hear Maureen's voice squawking on the other end.

"It's alright Mum, we've already sorted all that. Anyway, I've had too much to drink to drive tonight. I've got to leave early because Daddy's got a very busy day tomorrow so I'll be home in time to do the housework. You'll miss me when I've gone won't you? Just make sure that that slob Alan doesn't leave too much of a mess lying around or I won't touch it! Byeee!"

"There Daddy, satisfied? I'll make some coffee, shall I? Have you got anything in to drink?"

"Th, there's some brandy in the cupboard under the sink," sighed Gary, relaxing as he watched his daughter's beautiful body move around his space. "The glasses are in here; I'll get two out. They're not proper brandy glasses though!"

"As long as they don't leak," grinned his daughter as she appeared with two coffees and the brandy bottle on a small tray. "At least you got quality brandy Daddy; I love Hine!"

They sat down and toasted themselves. Gary relaxed a little more as the brandy bit him; his cock was down now.

Then he showed Holly the bedroom and what they had for bedclothes. She asked for the shirt to wear so he fished a good one out of his drawer. She took it from him, studied it and then replaced it in the drawer and took out a much older one.

"This will do fine Daddy. You mustn't use your good work shirts. I'll get ready now, shall I?"

To his surprise Holly followed him back into the sitting room. She went over to the heater and he gasped as she pulled her woolly sweater over her head. All she had under it was her very well filled bra! Holly then dropped his shirt over her head and almost in one movement she pulled down the zip on her jeans and peeled them off. He had a tantalising glimpse of her pink panties before his shirt dropped to cover the strategic area. Holly turned and smiled at him.

"Did you get hard again Daddy? I'll get into bed now so that you can get ready. I remember which side you sleep."

When Gary finally went into his bedroom she was in bed, on the correct side and smiling up at him.

"I finally get to sleep with my dad," she whispered. "I've warmed the bed up nicely Daddy so come on in!"

Gary had to admit that it was a nice warm welcome. There was just enough room for them both. He felt very happy and began to relax. He was tired and hoped that his daughter was too.

"Goodnight Daddy darling," whispered Holly. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. She also gently wiped her tongue across his lips. Her bra was on the floor beside her side of the bed. Then she spoiled it all by placing her palm on top of his cock. "I love you both," she said with a quiet giggle.

"I love you too darling. Goodnight and sleep well."

Gary switched off the light.


Strangely enough both Holly and Gary had a good night's sleep, neither moving much at all in the night.

Holly woke first and almost jumped with surprise until she remembered where she was. She looked over to her father and smiled; he looked so much younger when he was asleep. She turned to face him and very gently laid her left hand on his chest; he didn't move but she distinctly felt his left nipple harden.

Holly moved her hand without touching her father. She found the bottom of his shirt ruckled up almost around his waist and moved on down until she could feel the heat from his crotch. She now risked a peek under the covers.

Holly had slept with only two boys in her life, one for only two nights and the other a number of times. She had almost fallen for Francis but then realised it was only that she loved sex. Since then she had trodden carefully.

She did know that boys usually had a hard on in the morning. Sure enough her father was no exception. Under the covers Holly perceived a wondrous sight.

Her dad had an erection, a hard on, a boner. His shorts showed a big ridge from his crotch to his waistband. Not only that, the tip of his penis was peeping out over the top of his waistband, such was the length of his cock. There was a bonus too; he was leaking pre cum. Her daddy was aroused as well.

Holly quickly slipped her panties off and felt into her vagina with her right hand. She was wet down there! She wriggled carefully until her face was close to the tip of Gary's knob end. She extended her tongue and wetly licked off his moisture. He didn't move.

Now she had a problem. In order to see more of Gary's cock she needed to pull his shorts down. Then she noticed a small button at the centre of the waistband. She oh so carefully eased it open and the elastic waistband parted; she was rewarded with a vision of about four inches of hard cock. It crossed her mind that this was probably the largest cock that she had ever seen. She made saliva and licked wetly at the visible portion.

This time her father reacted, albeit quite slowly. His right hand came down and grasped his cock. Although he was unused to wearing anything in bed he automatically pushed his shorts down and took hold down by his root. Holly took immediate advantage of this and sucked the top three inches or so into her mouth.

Gary woke up instantaneously, remembering everything about last evening! God, it was Holly with his cock in her mouth. Much as it felt marvellous he couldn't allow this to go on.

"Holly! Stop that! Do you realise what you're doing! This is all wrong!"

Gary let go of his cock and put his right hand on to Holly's head to stop her contact. She was a split second ahead of him, thrusting down and capturing as much as she could of her father's eight-inch tool. She also began to fight him off with her right hand. Now she clamped her mouth tight on to her prize.

Gary moaned; he couldn't resist any longer. Holly's action captured all his attention. It felt so good! No, it felt wonderful! He had been sucked off a few times in his life but never like this. As she sucked on him she now knew that her father had accepted her and she began to really love him. He suddenly realised too what the difference was; this was someone who loved him. She wanted to give him this pleasure with all her heart. He flexed his hips and pushed up into her mouth.

"Ohhhhh Holly darling, don't stop now, please don't stop!"

Holly managed to turn just enough so that she could wink at him. Then she worked harder on his shaft while grabbing his left hand and putting it down on to her pussy.

Gary groaned and began to stimulate his daughter's clitoris.

Holly too was in ecstasy! Her Daddy's cock was throbbing in her mouth and his juice was dribbling down her throat; his fingers and thumb were agitating her pussy and she was making her own juice! She thought that when he touched her clitty just right she was going to come, come big time!

Gary felt his cock grow to its full potential and harden just that little bit more. He knew he was going to come! The fingers of his left hand clenched and rubbed across Holly's firm clitoris; she was going to come too!

He gasped and bucked as his spunk shot out of his piss tube and hit the back of Holly's throat. His left hand seemed to fill with liquid and she moaned in her throat and through her nostrils. She drew back slightly and began to drink!

Gary just kept on spurting into his daughter's mouth. When he was finished she released his cock and opened her mouth to show him the remainder of his ejaculation. She lifted his wet left hand to her mouth and licked the excess off his palm with her tongue. She closed her mouth and mixed the juices before lowering her lips to his. As they kissed her tongue invaded his mouth, followed by the mouthful of mixed spendings. Gary thought that it was the most wonderful taste that he had ever experienced.

"Good morning Daddy! That was nice, wasn't it? You do have a lovely big cock, don't you? You go and have your shower while I put the kettle on!"

No sooner than Gary was in the shower he was reminded that he hadn't had his piss. As he turned to the back wall to let fly he felt a cool draught and then felt two warm hands encircle his waist and head downwards. Next the hands were holding his pissing prick and two warm breasts were rubbing across his back.

"This is fun, isn't it Daddy? Do you want me to piss on your bum or on your belly? Oooo, you have got a lot, haven't you?"

Gary held on to the shower stall wall for support.

"Do it like this Holly darling! If I turn around I don't think I could stop myself doing what I mustn't do!"

Holly didn't let go of Gary's tool and soon he felt hotter liquid spreading across his arse cheeks, trickling down into his crack and dribbling down his thighs. His cock hardened again.

In the end he did turn around. He smacked Holly's bottom and kissed her as he slipped past her into the bathroom. He grabbed his towel and rubbed himself dry. Holly turned off the shower and watched him from the shower doorway.

"I haven't finished with that by a long way Daddy. Next time it gets that hard in front of me it's going to go all the way up my cunny!"

They managed to make the coffee and eat some toast. Holly picked up her bag and kissed her father goodbye, this time unashamedly with open mouth and questing tongue. Gary allowed it without reciprocating too vigorously.

"Bye Daddy darling. I'll call you on Monday to find out all about you fucking Gerry. See you soon!"

"Bye sweetheart. I'll do the bank transfer for you today. Have a nice week-end shopping!"


Despite all the morning's loving activity Gary had a good run to the office and was behind his desk by eight-thirty. He was there before his personal assistant Janice and was pleased when she did arrive at about eight forty-five.

"Morning Jan," he smiled, "be an angel and make some coffee. I've got loads of work to do today before I can leave. I don't want to be late away as I've got a prospective heavy week-end ahead of me and on top of that I've got to go and see George at eleven o'clock. He says he's got something important he wants to discuss with me. Have you any idea what it's all about? Can you find out from your opposite number?"

Janice's 'opposite number' was Molly Adams, George's equivalent of herself.

"I'll see what I can find out," she replied. "I'll go and put the coffee on. Do you want biscuits?"

"Might as well if the budget can stand it," smiled Gary, looking at his assistant as she stood there before him.

Janice, he suddenly realised, was a fine figure of a woman. She stood about five feet six inches, with a mass of dark brown curls framing a round face. The face had always seemed to let her down as she had rather prominent top teeth and she wore what Gary called 'no nonsense' business glasses with large lenses and black frames. He suddenly wondered what her mouth and those teeth would feel like wrapped around his cock. He felt a small twitch down below.

He dropped his gaze to Janice's ample tits encased in a tight light brown sweater and then on to her form fitting medium blue skirt. He guiltily looked up into her face to find her smiling broadly at him.

"Will I do Gary? Do you like what you see?"

Gary took a deep breath. "You look mighty fine Jan, as always. If you weren't a married woman I would probably be trying to have my wicked way with you!"

"You could try it one day, if you like. The coffee should be ready by now."

Fuckin' Hell, now what did she mean by that? Gary had always assumed that Jan was happily married and was being properly serviced in sexual quarters. He resolved to pay more attention in future!

Jan returned with his coffee. In the light of his new resolve to pay her more attention he looked up and smiled openly at her. Geeze! He immediately noticed that she had obviously removed her bra. He could clearly see her nipples thrusting at the material.

He openly looked at her chest. "Very nice Jan, very nice; you should do that more often."