The Angry Husband


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I'd reformatted every floppy by the time Alice returned. She looked a lot more comfortable with her clothes on, and the look of hatred she directed at ShitForBrains was classic. She handed me a bunch of carrots, a couple zucchinis and two cucumbers.

Asking Alice to start reformatting the five zip drives I found, I started inventorying what was available in the bedroom.

Now I am no homosexual. As the saying goes, I've nothing against the lifestyle as long as they keep it away from me. I mean, if you get hot buggering some guy, or sucking him off, that's your thing. I've got something with whole different plumbing that lights my fire. Real hot! But what I saw in SFB's house, he was possibly a real homophobe. Lots of these big rough men were. I always figured they were worried because they had maybe done some experimenting when they were real young and were worried down deep that they were gay.

Hell, I read that almost every guy has experimented with loving another guy when he was just learning how his own plumbing worked. No big deal! Girls are kind of hard to cum by when a fellow is just into puberty. With the way he was treating my gentle wife, he was probably very loud in bragging about hating those 'motherfucking queers.' With his size and temperament, I guessed he'd be aggressive about it, too. It would surprise me if he hadn't been picking fights with men who he only suspected of being gay. Damn, I knew of a couple pro football players, and a pro wrestler that would like to ask to discuss his problem with him.

I found a pair of scissors in a bureau drawer and used them to cut Shit-For-Brains shirt off. He was now sickenly naked. It was really an unappetizing sight. I had been intent on rescuing my wife, but now I really felt sorry for her. There was no possible way she had been with this slug willingly.

Calling Alice over, I handed her the video camera and told her she was now the family cameraperson. She was to take some really nice pictures, with as many good shots of SFB's face as possible. She was to make sure my face appeared in NONE of the shots she was taking.

With that I stripped my clothes off. What I wanted to do, I might not be able to do. I mean, looking at this pile of lard did anything but make my cock hard. But maybe if I thought of Alice's sexy body or Victoria Principal's things would work right.

SFB was lying on the bed, on his belly and with his big ass stuck up in the air. I grabbed the biggest carrot, and just shoved it up his ass.

He let out a bellow, and tried to lurch up, but the relaxant was really working now. He couldn't even get his knees under him. Reaching over I pinched his nostrils shut again, then told him to shut up if he wanted to breathe. Picking up the sock he had spit out, I added the one off his other foot to it and crammed them into his mouth again. Working the carrot back and forth, then in and out a little, I told him it was all right to hurt, just not to make any noise while he did so.

As I worked with the carrot, it began to go in easier. At the same time SFB seemed to be relaxing a little. I guessed his bowel was opening up a little bit. So I switched to a zucchini, a little bigger. That seemed to get his attention again.

While I was doing this, Alice had been video taping the festivities. Every once in a while she would put down the camera and swap one Zip disk out of the computer and put another one in. She had just finished setting up and taking a close-up when she told me all the Zip's were reformatted. One close-up is worth describing, and it was Alice's idea. She turned SFB's face to the side so it could be in the shot and made sure his mouth was fully closed. She didn't want the socks to show. Then she got behind him and got a great shot of the zucchini being fucked in and out of his ass, while we could see the agony on his face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. SFB was blubbering like a baby!

When the video shoot was over I asked Alice if she wanted to play with a cucumber while I finished with the computer. She very literally jumped at the idea. My sweet, gentle wife, the one who couldn't see me setting a regular mouse trap, hated this sack of shit so much she wanted to shove a cucumber up his ass. And she wanted to do it before his pucker expanded enough to really take it in.

While she was amusing herself I began a complete reformatting of the hard drive. When I left there, he would be able to boot it up, but that was all. Once the format was completed, I started the computer on a loop, endlessly copying the number 8 onto the hard drive.

Picking up the carrot that had started his ass reaming, I knelt beside SFB's face and pulled the socks out of his mouth. Before he could say anything, I shoved a couple inches of brown stained carrot into his mouth and told him to start eating. He seemed reluctant until I reminded him that it was much more comfortable to breathe than not. Reluctantly he began chewing. The faces he made were classic. But by the time he had finished both the carrot and the zucchini one couldn't tell by looking at his face that he really didn't want to eat the polluted food.

With Alice manning (womaning?) the video camera again I shoved the other cucumber up his ass and fucked him with it for the camera. Then carefully, so that the tape clearly showed what was happening, I pulled it out of his ass and held the cuke to his mouth. Without prompting he started biting off large chunks, chewing carefully and swallowing. That sequence was worth the whole tape, but the best was about to come.

It was obvious now it was not going to be possible for my little soldier to grow to his task, so I asked Alice to take me in her mouth, and make me hard. She looked shocked, but I whispered to her that we would together make sure my little soldier had been thoroughly scrubbed and disinfected before any other use was made of him.

Once I was as hard as I was going to get in the circumstances, Alice took the video camera again and took a marvelous sequence of SFB's sodomy. His face was clearly visible the entire time, while I was never seen above the waist. After it appeared that I had shot a load up his ass, which was a clear impossibility, I was having enough trouble just maintaining an erection, I shoved my cock in his mouth.

I had been worried about this step, but by that time Shit-For-Brains was a sniveling, whining excuse for a man. He was completely broken. His vaunted size and strength had completely failed him and we had forced him to commit acts that truly turned his stomach. And we had video taped the entire procedure.

Leaving Alice to guard SFB I ransacked the house, looking for anything else that might prove an embarrassment to Alice. The only thing I found was an address book, which I put in my pocket. Since I wanted to be thorough in my search, the house was turned upside down before I was finished. I could easily look around and spot anything that still needed to be pulled apart.

Giving Alice the videotape I sent her home. She had explicit orders to drive safely, and I made sure she knew I still loved her.

After disabling the only phone in the place, I snapped his car keys in two. Then I gathered all of his clothes that I could find. After tying his ankles together and soaking the knots with water, I untied SFB's arms and left him on the bed. Oh, I did a few other little mean things, like turning off his hot water heater and leaving the hot water running in the kitchen sink, and taking the float out of the toilet cistern. Just little mean things that I'm really not too proud of now, but really liked thinking about when I did them.

After letting the lard pile know about the tape, and letting him know how widely I could distribute it if he bothered me or Alice again, I left taking with me all the formatted zip drives and floppies. On the way home I left the bundle of SFB's clothes in a Salvation Army drop off site.

Oh yeah! You probably want to know about the address book. That was pretty satisfying work. There weren't many names in there, but some were pretty interesting. There were seven names listed under 'S'. Alice's was next to the last to be listed. All the names were women, none of the names began in 'S', either the first or last names. And they all had little symbols next to them.

I called the first one at 9:30 the next morning and got a very timid woman's voice on the line. I introduced myself, and asked if she knew a man named ____ . The poor thing choked back a sob and said, "Yes."

Speaking quietly, trying to calm her down, I asked if she would prefer not to hear from ___ again. She asked me what she had to do.

Telling her she had to do nothing. But if he called her again to tell him she had videotape that she was going to release if he bothered her again. She was to refuse any of ______'s demands. If she wanted any more details I would be glad to meet her at a restaurant of her choice. With a tremulous voice she mentioned a Denny's not too far from my house and I made a date to meet her there that evening.

I met with her, and met separately with all but one of the other women listed in the book under S. One phone had been disconnected. In each case I told the woman that I had 'discussed' ___'s relationships, and if the man ever contacted them again to tell him that his vegetable chef told them SFB was not to contact them again. If he did the chef would see that SFB's demonstration video was released in volume and a complete copy would be sent to everyone in his address book.

When I told them they were free from his harassment each of the women, broke into tears.

All of the women were attractive, all were wearing wedding rings. They all looked like soccer moms to me. I let none of them tell me how they had gotten into SFB's hands, but gave each of them the option of letting me tell other women on the list that they would like to talk to others that bad been caught up in his clutches. They all gave me permission to do so, including Alice.

My wife has talked to several of the others, and tells me they will be holding a meeting in our home in two weeks. She plans to send the kids to the grandparents that night, but has asked me to stay home. My instructions are to remain in the den unless she comes to get me. Alice feels the women will want to meet me. If any of them don't want to do so, then I should be sure I have a good book in the den with me. She tells me it may be a long night. Something about forming a survival group to support one another.

= = = = = =

Oh, you probably want to know what Alice did to get into such a mess. Damned if I know. I love the woman, and know she loves me. I don't plan to ask her.

She did start to tell me that night when I got home, but I wouldn't let her.

However she got herself into that pickle it wasn't something that didn't have a rational and OK explanation. I expect she may insist on telling me sometime in the future but I don't really care what it was.

And you know what? I would bet everything I own that she'll never get in that kind of a fix again. In a way, I really am making that bet.

And as I said, I never bet except on sure things.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

This story did not meet the LW criteria.

As another posted

Some people write good stories. Others write crap - like where a bullshit sleazy excuse is used to omit the plot entirely. Making it vacuous, vapid and hollow; vacant. Such as this one.

Schlouis57Schlouis5710 months ago

Encore une mauviette ?

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Waste of my time!! If you are going to write stories finish them!!!

miket0422miket042212 months ago

So, SFB was being physically violent and abusive towards her. She obviously wasn't enjoying what he was doing to her.

Yet, from the little bit of info we were given she made the choice to be there. Seems likely she was being blackmailed but, she chose to go to this man's house rather than confide in her husband.

So, it's still cheating.

I understand feeling bad for her. I understand him helping her out of the situation. I can even understand choosing to stay together with her. But, the way this story was ended? That was two pages worth of my time I will never get back. Ugh

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Some people write good stories.

Others write crap - like where a bullshit sleazy excuse is used to omit the plot entirely. Making it vacuous, vapid and hollow; vacant. Such as this one.

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