The Art of Revenge


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You must know that the three husbands did exact some of their own revenge on Roger before they left. Each man in turn beat on him a while as they said, "This is for what you did to my wife and me."

No serious damage was done, but he won't be forgetting that beating any time soon.

The body builders hog tied him for me and they also left. He was groaning a bit but basically was not hurt.

With him hog tied, even in my condition I was able to handle him by myself quite easily and I let him know that he was mine for quite a few hours.

It was time for "The Art of Revenge."

I had arranged for a local Asian tattoo artist to arrive about that time and a few minutes later there was a knock on the door. He came in with all of his tools and started to look Roger over.

"Yes sir," he smirked, "This is going to be one fine subject for me to work on boss."

I held him in place and over the next several hours the tattoo artist tattooed the following on Roger:


Left Arm: I fucked Sue Johnson and ruined her marriage.

Right Arm: I fucked Mary Jo Lewis and destroyed her marriage.

Left Pectoral: I fucked Jane Baldwin and her husband left her.

Right Pectoral: I fucked Sally Doral then dumped her, she had a breakdown.

Back: I have fucked a lot of married women and have ruined their lives.

Abs: I fucked Nancy Carlson and her husband did this to me.

Each tattoo was embellished with little symbols: an asshole, a dripping pussy, a dagger in a heart and so on. It was truly a work of vengeful art.

The process of all those tattoos was very painful for Roger. He was groaning almost the entire time. I didn't care.

When we got through with him I knew he wouldn't be so proud to show off his buff body anymore. We left him hog tied in the room and left the motel. It was around 10:00 a.m. and we were long gone from the motel when I called the motel manager and said, "I left a hog tied asshole in Room 17 and you need to go free him."

Then I just hung up.

Now I needed to attend to Nancy. I went home and walked into the family room where she was sitting. I held out my arms to her and she rushed into them. Only I wasn't looking to give her a hug, instead I restrained her and took her up to the bedroom and tied her to the bed. The Asian tattoo artist had followed me home and I went out to have him come in.

Over the next several hours he tattooed the following on her:


Left Breast: "I am John Carlson's Slut Wife"

Right Breast: "I was Roger's Slut Whore"

Right and Left Legs: "I Opened these Legs for an Asshole"

Belly just above her pussy: "If you Fuck me, John Carlson will Fuck You"

She was in pain from the tattooing also. But again, I didn't care.

When we finished with her I untied her and left.

When I got back to the condo, LA's finest were waiting for me. They handcuffed me and took me downtown. Roger had filed charges against me. I didn't care. I was charged with kidnapping and assault. Nancy never filed charges. During my trial, Nancy was in the courtroom every single day. All of the tattoos on Roger indicated he was a slime ball, but the evidence of what I had done was overwhelming.

They showed pictures of each and every tattoo and it was really quite a show. The prosecutor asked me about each tattoo, if I had done that one to Roger and I always answered truthfully that I had.

When my attorney revisited each photo he asked me why I had done that tattoo and I gave him the entire story behind each one. I testified about each and every marriage that was ruined. While I testified I kept my eyes on Nancy. I could see the pain she was in with each new revelation. Everyone in court heard what a slime Roger was and that made me happy.

When the guilty verdict came in Nancy sat in the courtroom and cried her eyes out.

The judge asked me, "Is there was anything you want to say before sentencing?"

I simply said, "All I have to say is that if my wife Nancy wants to stay married to me she needs to serve her sentence while I serve mine and be here for me when I get out. Her sentence is to live with the marks of her betrayal until I get home."

I added, "If she is unwilling to do that then she should just divorce me."

I was sentenced to five years in prison to be served at North Kern State Prison. Nancy cried out again. The judge told me that the nature of my crimes was pretty disturbing but the circumstances under which I had committed them did weigh on his decision in the sentencing procedure.

When I got to prison I was worried about how things would go there. You know how you hear about the sexual abuses that take place between prisoners and that had me a bit anxious. Word of what I had done must have gotten around though because lots of guys would slap me on the back and say "way to go."

No one messed with me the whole time I was there. A couple of times I heard whispers about what I had done and how one would be crazy to mess with a guy who would do what I did. I wasn't proud of it. It had been the result of my temper blowing, plotting revenge and, because I never got it under control, the executing of my revenge. But, they didn't mess with me at all and for that I was thankful.

I know that there are many in your ranks who think I must have been one sick man to do what I did. I know you are right in a way but that action was brought about by the devastation of my heart and mind from what I had discovered. I had changed my life for the better, but my anguish over her cheating on me had moved me out over that edge.

One day I received a long letter from Nancy. I really didn't want to read it, but frankly the isolation of being in prison had really gotten to me. Personal contact of any kind was something I really missed. I set her letter aside for a while but finally I couldn't take it anymore and I read it.

Dear John:

I have tried to visit you in prison but they keep telling me that you do not want to see me so I am writing this letter to you. I hope you will read it.

I am so very sorry for what I have done to you. When you came into our bedroom and found Roger and I having sex I could see the rage in your face and hear the rage in your scream. I was shocked into the reality of what I had done. I knew that moment that I had hurt you beyond repair. I knew that I had destroyed our wonderful marriage. I had never seen you like that and it scared me so much. I am so sorry. I knew that you had lost control and I had no idea what you might do. I knew I had made a horrible mistake.

I shouldn't have had the affair with Roger. I will tell you how it started and all the details, but I want you to know that I was going to end it that night. I obviously never got the chance, you ended it for me. I am so sorry you got hurt John. I never thought you would find out. I thought I would have this one fling and it would be over. Oh John, I just want to die. How could I do this to you? I love you so much and now I have gone and destroyed you.

I suppose it doesn't matter much now, but I want to tell you all about what happened.

Roger is the only person that I ever cheated on you with. There were none before him and will be no others now either. Roger had been working with me at the club and all of the women were drooling over him and I thought he was attractive too. I honestly didn't know he had caused problems in so many marriages. I know it isn't an excuse, but if I had known I would not have given in to his advances, I would have stayed away from him.

He was so attentive to me. He never came across as an asshole. Just complimented me on my workouts, on how attractive I was, how well toned my body was, you know all the things a woman wants to hear.

I let my ego overrule my common sense.

He created excitement in me John that is all I can say. I know I love you more than anything in this world, but there was less excitement in our lovemaking and in our life than there used to be. It isn't your fault and it isn't my fault. It is just something that happens to married couples. You become familiar with one another and the excitement cannot remain as intense as it had been. Anyway, he excited me and I liked it.

Two months before you caught us he knew you were out of town and asked me if he could take me to dinner. I enjoyed his company and his flattery and I didn't see any harm in going to dinner with him so I agreed. It was a stupid mistake. As you already know, one thing led to another and we ended up in our bed having sex. He left that night at around 2:00 a.m. In the morning I felt so guilty that I cried almost the entire day. I also knew that I liked the excitement he brought out in me.

That afternoon Roger called me and asked if he could come over. I told him yes.

I wanted that excitement again. That night he spent the night and left in the morning before you got home.

We didn't get together again for almost a month and we never got together while you were in town.

When you left for Tokyo, Roger knew somehow and called me. We did the exact same thing this time as we had the first time. We went to dinner and he came over to the house and we had sex until 2:00 a.m. when he left. I felt guilty again the next morning and knew I needed to stop seeing him before I destroyed our marriage. On Friday afternoon he came over again and was going to spend the night and I was going to break it off in the morning. It was going to be over.

John, I can't lie, I liked what he did to me. You heard me tell him that he fucked me better than you and it is true. I am so sorry you had to hear me tell him that and I know that it hurt you but it is true. He did things to me that you and I had never tried and I liked them.

I was going to figure out a way that you and I would do those things together after I broke it off with him, to put some more excitement into our lovemaking and lives, to improve our lovemaking, but now I know we won't get that chance. I cannot believe what a fool I have been. I am so so sorry.

John, you have hurt me badly with your revenge. The tattoos were extremely painful and the humiliation I feel every day is overwhelming. I damaged our marriage with my actions, but it was never my intent to hurt you. I know what happened that night to bring the vengeance out, but I sure don't understand it. I also don't know how you could hurt me like you did, but I know that I am responsible for that change in you and I will never forgive myself for that.

I don't know if there is a chance for our marriage to survive after what I have done to you and what you have done to me, but I want to give us the chance to find out.

I will serve my punishment. I will wear the tattoos you put on me. I will face the shame, humiliation and looks of disgust and disrespect that I get every day. I do deserve them all and I will endure them as my sentence as you asked in the courtroom.

John, I will be here when you get out of prison. Please come home to me and give our marriage a chance.

I love you,


I was paroled after two years of good behavior. I was released after a psychiatric evaluation. The evaluation determined that the incident that triggered my actions was an isolated event and that in general I was not a threat to society as a whole. I was to be on probation for five years and would undergo psychiatric therapy during that time.

While I was in prison, Roger had sued me in civil court for the disfigurement of his body. My lawyers settled the case for a sizeable amount of money. I really didn't care about the money, but I still did take some consolation in the fact that he would no longer be the ladies man that he had been. I was happy that women would reject him in the future.

I had not divorced Nancy and she had not divorced me.

When I got home she was there with all of the tattoos looking exactly as they had when I had left.

She said "I hate you for what you did to me. These two years have been a living hell for me, but I know that I still love you. Do you still love me and want me?"

I said, "I hate you for what you did to me and our marriage but I will allow you to stay. It will have to be on my terms. I love you, but we will have to see if that is enough and if we are able to make this marriage work."

She agreed.

We stayed together.

Her life wasn't miserable, but everywhere we went people saw her tattoos and knew she was a slut. I could see the humiliation on her face every time we met someone who had not seen her before. I treated her well, never denying her anything except the outward demonstration of my love. I don't really know why Nancy stayed with me but she did. Maybe she saw that I really did love her.

After one more year my anger and vengefulness were gone. During that year we gradually became more sexually intimate. Nancy demonstrated to me that she really did love me and I realized that I really did love her too. We had gone through some counseling and had worked through most of the problems we had.

It was a long haul but we loved each other and our marriage was important to us both.

I hired the best plastic surgeon available to remove the tattoos.

Well, I should say all but one. She insisted that "IF YOU FUCK ME, JOHN CARLSON WILL FUCK YOU" remain. I didn't argue.

Roger didn't fare so well. He was of course fired from his job for sexual harassment of patrons. He had the money from the settlement, but I heard he burned through that in a hurry because he couldn't get a job anywhere else. He had all of his tattoos removed, but his surgeon wasn't as good as the one I hired for Nancy and there was significant scarring.

Very few women are interested in sexual interludes with a man who is severely scarred on his face, chest, arms and back. So, his life is kind of miserable. I don't care.

As a result of my therapy I now have mini explosions once in a while when I am angry, nothing that causes anyone alarm. I no longer plot my revenge and I feel the anger within me subsiding very quickly. No rage is allowed to build up in me. I believe with proper counseling years ago the tattoos would not have happened but I do not know how I would have reacted to Nancy cheating on me. Maybe I would have left her. Maybe I would have just forgiven her. I do not know. We will never know.

Will Nancy and I ever regain what we had before her affair with Roger? Probably not.

Will I ever forget that she betrayed me? Probably not.

Will she forget the depths of my revenge upon her and what it cost her? Probably not.

Will we live happily ever after? Probably not.

But, we will live.

And, we will enjoy what we can with each other.

And, we will never give up trying to regain what we once had.

The End

Author's Note: There have been no more broken bicycles and I never lose my temper. All my revenge is in my mind, but now I also have the outlet of writing stories of revenge.

Please feel free to comment on this story with suggestions and your likes and dislikes, but if you vote, do it based upon the quality of the story not whether or not you agree with the outcome. I believe each author has the right to end his or her story as they see fit.

Also, if you feel the need to criticize, sign your name. Nothing is as insulting as criticism from someone who does not have the balls to sign their name.


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Just_WordsJust_Words2 days ago

A disturbing story and an interesting lesson in the price of revenge.

desecrationdesecrationabout 2 months ago

This reminded me of internet meme: when he had five guys dressed in black surrounding him, I thought for sure he was going to get raped. The tattoos are a nice touch however. I like how efficient this story is and how clever and funny your writing is.

BertishamBertisham2 months ago

That's the stupidest revenge I've ever read. Just because he have money, he actually rewarded the ashhole Roger with the settlement. He ended up in jail & giving money to the offender ??!!!!! What kind of revenge is that ?! Stupid, nonsensical story. REGRET READING. Minus 10 *

arnowolarnowol2 months ago

I am a very emotional person and expected worse after her warning.

This is the first revenge story I've read from them and I hope the others are as good or better.

What I didn't like about this story is that he neglected to accuse Roger. Because I think that the compensation he would have had to pay him was more than the money he had to pay him for the tattoos. That's why only 4 stars!

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