The Big Tits Club Ch. 07-08


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I arched an eyebrow. "Never really thought of myself as 'gorgeous'."

"Why do you think we've all been rubbing ourselves all over you for the past few years? It's not because you're ugly." Sam reached up and traced my cheek with her fingertips. "It's in your eyes, really. The intensity of your stare when you look at us with such... heat."

I started to look at her with heat in my eyes, thinking about all the things I'd done to her last night... Thinking of all the things I could be doing to her right now. But I took a deep breath and forced myself to once again be patient, to think rationally instead of hormonally.

"But what changed?" I asked. "You've been attracted to me for a long time, you say. What was different about last night?"

Sam sighed and stared back into her lap. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and said quietly, "Maybe I should just go home."


"This wasn't a good idea."

"You can't dodge this forever. And you don't have an excuse that you need to beat your parents home." I blinked, realized I didn't actually know that, and added, "Do you?"

She shrugged. "They think I'm visiting Zofi. She'll cover for me if they call for any reason. She knows I'm here."

I arched an eyebrow. "Does she know what we did last night?"

Sam shook her head in the negative. "But I don't know how long I can keep that under wraps. I don't like lying to her. And I can't lie to the BTC for very long."

I raised both eyebrows. "But you intend to lie to them for a little bit?"

Sam bit her lip and started to hug herself. "Just... Just until I can figure out what I'm gonna say to them. I never meant... You and I weren't... Ugh, I'm being so STUPID!" She buried her face in her hands.

"Sam..." I intoned soothingly as I hugged her with both arms. "You're not being stupid."

"Mounting myself on you last night was pretty stupid," she muttered while picking her head back up.

"Best night of my life," I commented sincerely.

She managed to smile at that, and quickly leaned over to give me a peck on the lips. She sighed, stared into my eyes for a little while, and mumbled again, "I'm not in love with you. But..."

I waited patiently when her voice trailed off.

Eventually, she found the words. Sitting up straight, she narrowed her eyes and asked rather interrogatively, "Who's your favorite in the BTC?"

I blinked, surprised by having the tables turned on me. "What?"

"Which of the six of us is your favorite?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "I'm not answering that."


"I'm serious. I'm not answering trap questions like that. I love each of you for different reasons and I will NOT pick favorites."

"Belle and Neevie are already your favorites. Everybody knows it."

I sighed and shook my head. "Belle's like my little sister."

"A little sister who apparently can't go more than 48 hours without swallowing a load of big brother sperm down her throat."

I blushed and glanced down. "Well... she has more opportunities than the rest of you."

"And you've wanted Neevie since you first laid eyes on her. She's the one girl you'd actually want to date if only we didn't have The Rule."

I sighed. "True."

"Alice has been your buddy since grade school."


"Zofi I'm less sure of. I mean, you're friends and she definitely gets a kick out of holding your hand everywhere you two walk around campus. But your favorite? No."

"I like Zofi just fine and I don't rank you all."

"And Mari's super sweet. She's so shy and innocent. But then she pulled that deep-throat like it was so easy for her and I got super jealous and..."

Her voice had trailed off again.

"Is it really that simple?" I asked quietly. "You wanted to deep-throat me so badly, and when you couldn't do it for me, no matter how hard you tried, you impulsively decided to give me your pussy instead?"

Sam frowned and stared at the floor in front of her. Rather, she stared at some point a thousand yards beyond the floor in front of her. Her breathing came in slow, rhythmic streams. And she went so quiet that I dared not interrupt her train of thought.

Eventually, she answered my question as if nearly four minutes hadn't passed since I'd asked it. "Yes... and no..."

When no further explanation came forth, I sighed and muttered, "Well that's clear as mud."

Sam blinked her way out of her trance and looked over at me. "Wednesday and Thursday nights alone with you were some of the best nights of my life. I'd had some amazing orgasms with you going down on me with all the other girls around, but it's hard to get into rhythm when you're sharing with a bunch of other girls knowing they're all waiting for their turn. But when it was just you and me - no rush, no worry - getting to have you focus on just me for as long as it took..." She sighed in rapturous pleasure, staring a thousand yards and four nights away.

"I had this big night planned for us," she continued while still staring off into the middle distance. "I went out in the morning and bought that black lace ensemble, just for you. I was going to be SO super-sexy you were gonna squirt in your shorts like Jake Pedson at the mere sight of me. I was gonna make you fall in love with me, not that I actually want you to be in love with me or anything, but I wanted..."

Her voice had trailed off again.

Shaking her head slowly, Sam furrowed her eyebrows and muttered, "I don't want you to actually be in love with me, but I wanted to know that I could make you fall in love with me. I wanted to be irresistible to you. That even after all these years of playing it cool, being the 'safe' guy friend who would never quite grab my ass no matter how invitingly I shook it in front of you, never quite bite my nipple no matter how close I brought it to your mouth, that I could make you crack. I wanted that rush."

Sam's eyes were on fire.

But a moment later, she blinked and that fire was gone, replaced by an abyss of darkness and a... haunted... expression on her face.

"I'm supposed to be the sex goddess. All men are supposed to lust for my body. Even my dad's co-workers are hitting on me. I am Venus. I am Aphrodite. I'm supposed to inspire incredible, transcendent sexual experiences!" Her voice trailed off, and when she spoke again, her volume had gone way down. "But I've only ever had disasters. Antonio was popular and experienced, but he said I was lousy... I begged him to give me another chance, and we went out one more time, and he stopped calling me after that."

"Sam..." I tried to hug her reassuringly.

"That one drunken college thing, he couldn't even..." Her voice trailed off as she stared out into space. "I just knew that the problem was ME. I mean, I'm fucking Aphrodite. Of COURSE I was gonna be this incredible lover when the time came. And yet... I... I mean Mari of all people could... Don't get me wrong, I love Mari. She's soooo sweet, how could you not love her? But despite the fact that she has that massive rack, she's not ME. She's never been as sexy as me. So when we went on that date and we got back to your house, I knew... I just KNEW... I was gonna be SPECTACULAR for you. I wasn't going to fuck you. I wouldn't need to. I was gonna burn the image of me in that sexy lingerie into your fucking retinas so every lover you ever had after me would pale in comparison. I was gonna deep-throat your monster dick. I was gonna fuck you with my big titties until you unloaded all over my gorgeous face. And Gawd. Fucking. Dammit! -I- was gonna be your FAVORITE!"

I blinked in surprise at the vehemence in Sam's words. She was crying again, bawling really. Why the hell were girls always crying next to me? But I realized she was going through an epiphany and needed my support more than ever. So I held her close with both arms and let her let it all out while she sobbed in my arms.

"I couldn't do it," she whimpered in abject misery. "I couldn't do it. I'm so sorry I couldn't do it."

"Shhh," I shushed her soothingly. "I know you tried your best."

Bleary eyed, she turned to look up at me. "If I did, would it change the way you feel about me?"

I gave her a reassuring smile and began to say the same thing I'd said to her last night. "I told you: I won't love you any le-"

I stopped as I was suddenly seized with the sense that I was about to make a huge mistake. I remembered what Sam had said to me the last time I'd said those words, complaining that I wasn't listening.

But I was listening now, and I realized that last night I'd gotten everything backwards. So instead, I tilted her face to look up at me and stated evenly, "Deep-throating me isn't going to make me love you more. I don't need you to do something like that... or even have sex with me... to try and make me think of you as 'my favorite'. You can't buy my love with a blowjob. I care a great deal about you and I'd never want to hurt you. I also don't want to lead you on. So I need to make this crystal clear: How much I care about you is NOT tied into whether or not you can deep-throat me. How much I care about you is NOT tied into whether or not you'll have sex with me. I won't love you any less for not being able to accomplish one sexual act or another, but I also won't love you any MORE if you do. You can't BUY my love like that. And your self-worth should NOT be dependent upon these things."

"But..." Sam looked crestfallen. "But you said last night that you DID love me more for what we did."

I rubbed my forehead and grimaced. "Sex changes things. You're special, you're my first lover, and nothing can ever change that. And after years of fantasizing, I was THRILLED you let me finally have sex with you."

"And wouldn't you be disappointed if I stopped?"

I sighed. "Of course I'd be disappointed."

"Sounds like your love IS dependent on these things."

I set my forehead against hers and took a deep breath. "I loved what we did, using the term 'loved' as a substitute for 'really, really liked'. But I don't want you to leave here believing that my feelings for you are conditional on you putting out for me. Make sense?"

"Yeah... Makes sense..." Sam's words said she agreed, but her tone was that of a six-year-old accepting the fact that broccoli is good for you.

"I get that you're competitive. I get that you want to feel like you're my favorite. And I'll be honest: Yes, I'm thrilled that we had sex. I don't regret it in the slightest, and if I had the chance to do it all over again, even knowing what I know now about why you chose to mount yourself on me, quite frankly I'd still do it. You were my FIRST. I'm never going to forget that. I'm never going to forget YOU. The sex... I mean..."

"Was pretty spectacular," Sam drawled with a small smile of reminiscence.

"REALLY spectacular. You truly did become my Venus, my Aphrodite." I assured her with a smile, although I held up a finger. "But that's in the past now. If you and I are going to have sex again in the future, I have to know it's for the right reasons. I have to know it's because you want me for me, and not to try and one-up the others."

She shook her head. "I'm not trying to one-up the others. I... Okay... Maybe that had something to do with it last night. I saw where the wind was blowing, realized things were going to escalate between you and the girls sooner than later, and I'm willing to admit I may have gone into last night's date intent on doing something to really knock your socks off before the others could get their claws into you. And when the deep-throat failed, I panicked and decided to fuck you."

"Simple as that?" I asked gently.

Sam blinked, her eyebrows furrowed as she studied the front of my shirt, even though she clearly wasn't looking at my shirt. "Well... okay..." she sighed and looked away from me, mumbling, "Mbbemltllvwyu."

I leaned forward and cocked my ear. "I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that."

Taking a deep breath, Sam looked up at me, her luminous brown eyes looking large and liquid. She gave me a brave smile that nevertheless revealed all of her teenaged fear. And in a voice that was still quiet but at least intelligible, she muttered, "Maybe I am a little in love with you."

I arched an eyebrow.

Sam chuckled and shook her head. "I didn't want to be. You were Matty, the BTC's personal plaything. You belonged to the club, not to me. But then Holly showed up, asked our permission to seduce you, and my first thought was, 'Of course. Go right ahead!' You were our friend, not our boyfriend, and it wouldn't be right for us to stop you from getting laid."

"But then...?"

Sam exhaled slowly. "I'd been so careful to keep myself and the other girls from doing anything actually sexual with you, you know? To keep everyone 'in balance'. Because I was afraid... I'm still afraid... that things will fall apart once we start crossing those lines. But then Holly started messing around with you on the couch under that damn blanket, and I got SOOOO jealous. I just KNEW she was doing stuff with you that you'd never done with any of us yet."

I nodded. "Which is exactly why I turned her down in the end."

Sam quietly seethed. "I could visualize her hand in your shorts stroking you off, when I'D never even touched your bare cock yet. How unfair was that? I was looking at her thinking, 'Get stuffed, bitch!'"

I chuckled at that. "Well, Holly DID want to get 'stuffed'..."

Sam frowned, not understanding right away, but then she cracked a smile and laughed. She rubbed her forehead again and sighed. "I never thought I'd be jealous over you until suddenly I was. Over and over in my head I kept thinking, 'He's mine! He's mine!' Alice was the one to talk me down and I finally said it was alright. But..."

"But it wasn't really alright?"

Sam shook her head mournfully. She looked up at me with those big eyes, looking ready to cry again. "I want you to be mine."

I blinked. "You mean, like a real boyfriend?"

Sam made a stink face. "No... But..."

"You don't want me to be Holly's or anyone else's. You don't want me to mess around with anyone except you."

"Well, me and the BTC girls. I've watched all of them messing around with you and never felt an ounce of jealousy."

"But you'd still prefer it if you were my 'favorite'." I did the air quotes for her.

Sam blushed. "Is that so bad?"

"Not bad. Just... I'm not going to pick favorites, even if you're having sex with me. I can't be bought that way, and more importantly to me, I absolutely DON'T want to put pressure on girls like Alice and Mari to feel like they have to fuck me in order to stay in the club."

Sam nodded fervently. "That was exactly why I didn't want things to escalate this fast."

"Even though YOU were the one to cross the line first."

Sam held up her hands helplessly. "I'm a bundle of contradictions."

I smiled. "You're a teenage girl. You're allowed."

"And I AM a little in love with you," she admitted with a bit of a hopeful smile. "I swore to myself I wouldn't, but I can't help the way I feel."

"Well, if it's any consolation," I replied warmly, brushing her hair back from her face and behind her ear. "The feeling's mutual."

She leaned into me, so I leaned into her, and the next moment our lips met softly. We kissed tenderly, reassuringly, with none of the passion or heat of our first kisses when she'd arrived at my house tonight.

But a moment after that, her lips weren't so soft anymore. She pressed firmly, moaned into my mouth, and tilted her head to the side so that she could kiss me even harder than before. With her hands on my shoulders, she rotated me so that I started falling back across the bed. And I suddenly found her on all fours above me not unlike the position we'd first been in upon entering the room.

The bodacious blonde bombshell grabbed my hands and pulled them around to her ass. I fondled her cheeks happily, groaning as the intensity of our lip-lock grew and grew. But a moment later I broke my lips away from hers and gasped, "My mother's still downstairs!"

"But I wanna fuck you," she whimpered.

"You are NOT gonna stay quiet."

"So? She's heard us fucking before. She won't care."

"-I- care."

Sam thought about that for a second before staring down at me with an impish grin. Her eyes sizzled amber. "Fine then. Lemme go down on you. I can't scream if my mouth is full, right?"

I blinked in surprise but narrowed my eyes immediately afterward, sensing a rat. "You're gonna mount me mid-blowjob again, aren't you?"

Sam giggled and put on an innocent face. "Worked once before, didn't it?" She was already scooting off the edge of the bed and fiddling with my pants.

I sighed and gave her a look. "You're not trying to buy my love again, are you?"

"Nope. I'm just a happy girl who had the GREATEST sexual experience of my life and I wanna feel that good AGAIN."

"And the thought never crossed your mind that the more you fuck me, the more I'll think of you as my favorite?"

"Are you suggesting that strategy will work?"

"Sam..." I warned.

"Sorry, just part of my nature."

"And you figure that if you go down on me, I'll feel obligated to return the favor and give you a few spectacular orgasms tonight, mother or no mother."

Sam giggled, didn't respond verbally, and yanked my shorts down. A second later she had my growing erection in her mouth.

And that's precisely when somebody knocked at my door.

"Matthew?" Mother called.

Sam froze for a second, still with my dick in her mouth. A second later she jerked away and hurriedly tried to stuff me back into my shorts.

"Uh, yes, Mother?" I called back after a short delay.

"You have another visitor," she explained through the door.

"Hi guys," Belle called. "Sorry to interrupt."

Sam and I stared at each other.

Um. Shit.

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midatlstorymanmidatlstoryman13 days ago

Well written with excellent character and plot progression.

mitchawamitchawa21 days ago

I like this story a great deal. It is well-written, has an unusual plot, properly describes characters, and The Rule makes for interesting interchanges. I believe this author and many others need to check a diagram of the female reproductive system. A penis can touch the cervix which has an opening that allows sperm to enter, and menstrual material to exist, but it can not enter the uterus or womb—just a technical point.

brunnzlbrunnzlabout 1 month ago

I am so tired of this "pussy stretching" myth - guys, are your peckers really so small you have to make up these fantasies of invincible monster sledgehammers that don't fit in a woman's vagina?! this is ridiculous!

I've heard stories of some girls with very small vaginas (yes, they exist) who had some difficulties with their 10"-dick-boyfriends (yes, they exist), but never, NEVER like this!

dear honourable, self-indulgent monster cock owners: if you experience situations like the one descripted above, there's a good chance that you have vastly overestimated your abilities as a lover, and your foreplay induced more pressure than pleasure in the lady of your heart. relax, talk with her, try to find ways to make her feel good, maybe use lube, but never, NEVER believe your supernatural meat hammer could be capable of stretching a birth canal for good, because even birth does not do that!

you can believe me, I have three kids with the same woman - who also happens to be a midwife, so the expertise is even more on her side!

gunmakergunmaker3 months ago

Three stories in and I'm really impressed.

Ravey19Ravey1912 months ago

What a pickle things ard becoming.

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