The Black Wedding


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"I'm sorry... it's just, this is all happening at once, and it's all so fast, and I've got no one to help out..." Mandy said, everything hitting her at once as she felt the tears welling in her eyes once more. Vanessa studied her young secretary for a moment before coming to a decision.

"I tell you what, come into my office. Let me make some calls." Mandy followed her boss into her large office. Vanessa dropped her bag unceremoniously onto the floor and tossed her sunglasses onto the side couch. As Vanessa sat behind her large oak desk and skimmed through her leather notebook full of phone numbers, Mandy sat in front of the desk, not sure what to expect. Vanessa rolled up her sleeves, cracked her neck, and picked up the phone.

For the next hour, she watched her boss do in an hour what had taken Mandy months. Using her knowledge of the city and her many connections, she had rearranged everything, using her sway to get new expensive caterers, one of the best florist's in the city, a highly regarded photography company, a new banquet hall for the reception and a new church, which was one of the oldest and in-demand wedding spots in the city. Every time Mandy tried to speak up, Vanessa would silence her with a mere wave of her hand. Mandy was in a panic, thinking this was all way beyond her budget, but when she brought it up, Vanessa said simply, "Don't worry about it.", seemingly implying that she would be footing the tab.

Mandy had occasionally been with Vanessa in the boardroom before and seen her at work, but it was as she made these calls that she truly saw what had allowed Vanessa to rise to where she was now. She was firm and imposing when she had to be, and smooth and charming when she had to grease the wheels. It was clear that Vanessa was enjoying this process as well, as any exhaustion she might have felt at the end of a long work week was gone. Her perfectly presented look became slightly mussed the longer she was on the phone, her blouse becoming untucked, a few hairs of her perfectly styled hair moving slightly out of place, a button on her top becoming undone, and a bit of sweat forming on her brow. But an hour or so later, when she hung up the phone after booking the new church, she finally sat back and smiled at her young secretary, her work done.

"Ms. Jones, I... I don't know what to say. I mean, like I said, I can't afford any of this, and that church is just amazing... But it's too big, and too fancy, and we don't have that many people coming..." Mandy stammered.

"Mandy, like I said, I'll cover it... consider it a wedding gift." Vanessa replied. Mandy was blown away. While Vanessa was always kind to her, she didn't think Vanessa particularly liked her this much. And plus, she wasn't even coming to the wedding. How could this be happening?

"It's too much... I can't accept that." Mandy said, her Midwest sensibilities not allowing her to accept this gift outright.

"Nonsense." Vanessa said, waving her hand at Mandy dismissively. "Hon, I've got more money than I know what to do with. Don't worry, I'll be fine. And besides... I like you Mandy. I sense something in you. You're young and you're shy, but you've got strength in you. You're tough, and trust me, as someone who's been in business for a long time, us girls have to stick together." Vanessa explained with a warm tone, her velvety voice soothing her worries. Mandy exhaled, and smiled at her older boss, finally accepting the gift from her.

"I don't know how I'm gonna fill up that church." Mandy said with a laugh.

"Oh, don't worry about that. I know some people who are happy to show up at any event where I'm picking up the check. We'll make it a big event. Trust me, there won't be an empty seat." Vanessa said confidently. Not being able to find the words to express her immense gratitude, emotion finally began to overwhelm Mandy. She put her head in her hands as tears began to pour from her eyes. Vanessa smiled warmly as her young secretary began sobbing into her hands. Vanessa stood up, her heels clicking on the floor as she approached her. Mandy looked up and smiled at her boss standing over her, spreading her arms invitingly. Mandy smiled through her tears as she stood and hugged her boss. She couldn't help but notice Vanessa's massive boobs pressing into her own slim chest as they hugged, but as her boss patted her on the back warmly the only thing running though her mind was relief.

As the hug finished and Mandy stepped back, she looked up at her boss with affection.

"Thank you so much," Mandy said, as Vanessa gave her some tissues to wipe her tears away. "This has been so hard and I don't have many people to talk to about this... I can't say thank you enough! I really, truly appreciate it!"

"No problem, honey. I think I've put together a pretty amazing wedding for you. I look forward to it." Vanessa said.

"So, you're gonna be there?" Mandy asked, knowing she had been told previously she was too busy to attend.

"Hey, I put this whole thing together, I've got to see it through." Vanessa replied with a warm smile.

"Thank you... again," Mandy replied.

"Now, you talk to me if any of these people start giving you some shit. I'll kick them into shape." Vanessa said.

"Totally," Mandy said.

"And you keep me in the loop. As you're unofficial wedding planner, I want to be in the know on everything." Vanessa said.

"Of course. Totally." Mandy said.

"Now..." Vanessa said, moving to retrieve her sunglasses, "If you'll excuse me, I do have to get going. I have a very hot date with a very hot doctor who I plan to do some very bad things to, so..." Mandy stepped aside as Vanessa stepped past her, before bending down to retrieve her purse. As she did, Mandy couldn't help but notice the tiny, solid yellow thong appearing above the hem of her skirt, pulled up over her hips in an obscene whale-tail. Mandy surmised that Vanessa's doctor friend was in for a very good time.

As they stepped out of the office together, Mandy thanked her boss again before departing. She was amazed at how kind her boss was being, especially considering her reputation. Vanessa Jones was known as a fierce, cutthroat businesswoman, but at this point Mandy had nothing but warm feelings for her boss. She was forever grateful for her boss's help and kindness, and for the first time Mandy saw Vanessa as something of a mother figure. No matter what happened, Mandy would think warmly of Vanessa.

That feeling was about to be tested.


For the next few days, Mandy was walking on air. The many obstacles she had faced, things were finally beginning to work out. Fate was finally beginning to be kind, thanks to Vanessa. This made her think about her journey to this point, how she came to work for the notorious Vanessa Jones.

Initially, Mandy was told to be afraid of her boss. When she started at Tredex Enterprises as a lower tier assistant, she had been told to steer clear of the CEO, to stay away from Vanessa Jones. But for someone in Mandy's position at the time, it wasn't like they were running into each other often. Vanessa was on a whole other level of existence it seemed.

Mandy's job was to help out whoever she was assigned to, taking notes, delivering paperwork, boring stuff like that. The company itself was a very competitive environment, as they handled the logistics of handling products from the factory to the shelf. The sales team was in charge of finding the cheapest and most efficient modes of shipment, as well as selling the products to the big chain stores. Success was dictated by who brought in the biggest savings and the highest profits. The sales team was hyper-competitive, and the work environment could be rather tense.

Whether she knew it or not, Mandy Robbins was built to last within this competitive environment. She was an extremely shy, quiet girl, and her attitude towards her job was to simply keep her head down and do what she was asked. She stayed out of conflict and did her best to help out wherever she could. She had no background in this line of work. She had only applied because it was the first job listing that popped up on the job website she used.

Mandy had had a rough upbringing. Her parents had died in a car accident when she was young, and she was raised by her grandmother. Living with her grandmother instead of her younger, more vibrant parents limited the kinds of things she was able to do in her youth. So, Mandy became very quiet and bashful. She was super nice and friendly when called upon, though she never jumped out from the crowd. She was pretty, but the type of pretty that grows on you. Her pale complexion, her frumpy red hair, and her plain wardrobe meant she never really made a mark in school. People knew her and were nice to her, but she didn't have many real true friends.

Mandy's grandmother had passed soon after her high school graduation, so Mandy was on her own with no real support system. Mandy didn't have the money to go to college, so although she was a very bright girl and a great student her options were limited. That is part of the reason why she moved to the big city. She was a young woman looking for a fresh start in a new location that was bustling with opportunity. It was a tough job search, but it eventually paid off. So despite the warnings about the big boss and that innate feeling that she didn't belong with all these high rolling business people, she knew she had to stick it out at Tredex. She had gotten her foot in the door and she'd be a fool not to let things play out. And it actually worked out for the best. Her quiet and eager-to-please demeanor allowed her to gain a good reputation around the building. She steadily climbed the ladder, working as an assistant for some bigger figures in the company. Her reputation grew until, eventually, she had caught the eye of Vanessa Jones. Before she knew it, Mandy was applying to work alongside the company's CEO. Despite being told to steer clear of the big boss, she was now being offered to work directly alongside her.

Mandy was filled with a lot of trepidation when she waited to be interviewed by Vanessa. The rep she had been working for had retired, leaving Mandy floating, not sure where her services would go, until she was called by HR and told she had an interview with Vanessa Jones the next day. Mandy nearly dropped her phone when she heard this. Then she steeled herself, calmed her nerves and made sure to be ready at 8 AM to talk with the big bad CEO for the first time. But despite her best efforts, as she sat in Vanessa's office waiting for her to enter, she found herself kind of completely terrified. So it was no surprise that when the door opened behind her Mandy jumped in her seat. She smoothed her gray, department store skirt and turned to face Vanessa Jones.

Mandy had seen Vanessa around a few times, and it quickly became clear she was the woman she had heard the horror stories about. Vanessa Jones was a 42-year-old African-American woman when they first met, and she was very, very intimidating. She had started out in sales, and her forceful, aggressive personality made her an immediate success. In business and in life, she was a bulldozer, intimidating her rivals, bowling them over, making them too scared to do anything but give her exactly what she wanted. Within a few years of starting in the company, she was running the place. And while she definitely ruffled some feathers, and she certainly wasn't always the most popular person around, her success couldn't be argued with. Under her guidance, the company had gone from simply having some small, humble success to being internationally known and widely regarded as the best in its field. They collaborated with many well-known companies, as well as being brought in to help smaller companies distribute their products. And in doing so, they raked in the cash. Under Vanessa's leadership, they ascended from having a small, humble stand-alone building to now working within multiple floors in a skyscraper. People in the business world, old money mainly, were surprised that this black woman could have such success in a mainly white world. Then they met her and figured out why people fell in line with her. Vanessa's methods weren't always for the weak at heart, but they were definitely effective.

As much as Vanessa's persona was forceful and intimidating, her looks and body were even more so. Her intense beauty combined with her demanding personality made her a very imposing woman. She had done some modeling in her younger years, and it showed. Her skin was a rich, dark chocolate brown, smooth and sexy and luscious. Her hair hung in smooth curls down her back, always perfectly styled. Her eyes were almond shaped and striking, her hazel irises perfectly complimenting them, and her perfectly groomed eyelashes made her gaze alluring. Her lips were plump and smooth and naturally formed a slight sneer. Her face was elegant and striking in its beauty, making it clear why she was a model in her younger years. And it was clear she could still model, cause even at 44, she was absolutely gorgeous. Age had not done a number on her yet, as her face was wrinkle free. Vanessa could still be on magazine covers and her looks would still blow away all those younger bitches.

Her beauty was striking, but it was her body that was that made her truly imposing. Her frame was very fit, showing off the fact that her disciplined fitness schedule payed off. Despite her fitness, she maintained her luscious curves. She constantly wore tight, body hugging business suits, her tight pants hugging her long firm legs and showing off her juicy, sexy thighs, trim calves and her round imposing ass. Vanessa had a grade-A, top-shelf rear-end. It jutted out from her luscious frame. Her ass was so large and round, each cheek so firm and juicy, even the cleft between the cheeks was alluring and sexy. Her butt could make a grown man weep. The rest of the body held up to the high standards of her lower half. Her stomach was fit and sexy and her arms were lithe and firm. And her most important feature, other than her sexy round ass, were, of course, her big round tits.

Vanessa Jones had enormous breasts. Just, like, absolutely enormous. Vanessa's mammoth jugs were her secret weapons in the boardroom, allowing her to both intimidate less endowed women, as well as dominating men's attention. She couldn't count the amount of times that those guys, those old money guys who protested a woman 'like her' being in a position of power, she caught their eyes falling into her deep, black cleavage. And when caught in that lustful gaze, it made business rivals a lot more open to do business. They were just so eye-catching that even the most professional business rival, man or woman, would find them just impossible not to stare at. The massive, round, smooth FF cups on her chest were simply mammoth. And she knew how to use them. Not only were they weapons in the boardroom, they were weapons in the bedroom as well.

Her love life was the stuff of legend. She had been married four times. The first one was when she was younger, an engagement to an older, successful businessman that gave her only child, a daughter. Needless to say, with her husband's great wealth, the divorce paid out well, and she parlayed the contacts she made when married to advance her career. Her second marriage was a volatile one, a short-lived relationship to a basketball player, and the divorce was very public and messy. Her third marriage was to a wealthy real-estate developer, and this marriage went pretty well, but as her fourth husband also found out, carrying out a long-term relationship with Vanessa was nearly impossible. She was such a dominant force, that dealing with her on a day-to-day basis, as well as hearing the rumors of her many naughty exploits, led to those relationships being torpedoed. It was either submit to her will or run, and most of these guys were simply too proud to let Vanessa dominate their lives.

Unfortunately for Vanessa, her stature limited her choice of men, and her reputation seemed to follow her. The men she encountered that were on her level were either too intimidated by her gorgeous looks and hot body, or they knew enough of her history to keep away from her. So, with her romantic life stagnating, she threw herself into her work, doubling down on her intensity. She had driven her last assistant away into retirement and she was in need of another one immediately.

You would think that Mandy would be a bad match for Vanessa. The older woman was intense and aggressive and all business, and the younger woman was shy and demure and unassuming. Vanessa noted the contrast upon glancing at the young woman during the interview. Mandy's nerves were apparent to the older black woman. Vanessa smiled lightly when she saw the young woman in front of her, shaking like a leaf. Vanessa knew she could destroy the poor girl in an instant with a single harsh phrase, but a funny thing happened.

Vanessa took pity on her.

Vanessa was intense in business, but she had a smooth, charismatic charm, and a surprisingly generous heart. Vanessa hadn't forgotten her humble beginnings, and looking at the young woman, and hearing a bit of her story, Vanessa saw a bit of herself in young Mandy. The young woman was a good worker, sure, but Vanessa typically favored people with a bit more experience. Less magnanimous people could take advantage of the young woman's quiet nature, but Vanessa wasn't wired like that. She knew that in the male-dominated business world, girls had to stick together, so instead of shoving this young woman away, Vanessa vowed to build her up. Make something of the young wallflower.

Mandy nearly cried when Vanessa gave her the job, and in that moment, she vowed to be the best assistant the older woman had ever had.


In the two years Mandy had been working for Vanessa her confidence had only grown. Working alongside the experienced businesswoman, she had grown to greatly admire her. Even though Mandy greatly appreciated her late grandmother and the work she had put in to raise her, she was never the vivacious, worldly figure that Vanessa was. Vanessa was the strong, vibrant feminine role model she always wished she had.

She had seen Vanessa at work, and seen her powerful demanding side in the boardroom. But, in their personal interactions, Vanessa was very patient and kind. The older woman had a soft spot for Mandy. Vanessa was always teaching her, giving her the knowledge she needed to grow from a shy young girl to a self-assured confident woman.

And it had paid off.

Mandy had branched out in life, getting out there, no longer being satisfied with spending her Friday nights alone watching reality TV. She had made some friends, had some fun and made some mistakes, the type of things a 25-year-old should be doing. And for the first time in her adult life, she had a man.

His name was Zack.

Mandy had always dreamed of being part of some crazy love story like in the movies, but she never thought it could actually happen. But... it had. She had gone out to a bar in the city, and while her friends' eyes were on the morass of people with drinks in their hands, scoping out for any possible winners among them, Mandy's eyes were on the bartender. Not only because he was a hunk, but also because she recognized him.

Zack Wade wasn't just a bartender. Mandy knew him from back home, thousands of miles away. They had gone to high school together, and while she was the wallflower, he was the popular guy. He was the guy who the girls flocked to. He was the guy who all the guys wanted to be best friends with. To put it simply, in high school, he was THAT guy. And while Mandy would freely admit that she barely knew Zack, they knew each other enough that whenever they would run across each other, he would give her a friendly cute smile and nod, and she would respond in kind, but in a far more nervous, less cool manner.