The Book of David Ch. 11


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"Oh, fuck..." she cooed.

I could see Brianna's beautiful body beneath me, her halo of dirty blonde hair spread across the pillow and her green eyes piercing into me. And then I let my eyes unfocus just enough so that I could imagine it was Danielle I was fucking and I could visualize Brianna bent over, just as she described.

We'd been on the island for two days already. Our time so far had been spent sunning ourselves on the beach, eating, and lots and lots of fucking.

It was the perfect vacation.

Presently, Brianna was on all fours, her head hanging down between her shoulders as she impatiently wriggled her ass in my direction. There was a creamy white trickle running down her leg as my latest climax leaked out of her sodden pussy. I finished lubing her asshole and fisted my reborn erection, placing the tip to her tight anus and gradually pushing through.

"Oh, fuuuuuck, honey... I've got your sister beneath me while we sixty-nine, her mouth is in my crotch as she slurps your cum out of my slimy, wet cunt. Oh, oh, oh!" Brianna began to chant as I started in a familiar pumping motion, her tight anal walls clasping at my rod as it stroked in and out of her.

"Fuck my ass, David... Fuck my ass..."

I was doing just that.

"Fuck my ass... Fuck my ass, little brother..."

I blinked, and as the dirty blonde head turned around, it was Danielle's face I saw screwed up in pleasure as I reamed her out. "Oh, yeah!" I growled and really began pounding her asshole.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

She tensed up and came, arching her back as her head thrashed around, sending blonde locks every which way. And as her muscles clamped down on me, she pulled me with her and I ejected blast after blast of scalding jism deep into the depths of her anal cavity.

Before I finished, her legs gave out and she collapsed. I fell down with her, my cock still buried in her rectum and spewing out more cum. And then we were done, panting deliriously. My throat felt raw, and belatedly I realized I'd actually been screaming as I experienced the biggest orgasm I'd felt in a long time.

Brianna hummed happily as she felt my weight crushing her to the bed. I went to move off of her but she whined until I settled back down. And when she caught her breath she giggled, saying, "I'll bet the neighbors got a real kick out of that."


As much as I wanted to, man does not live by sex alone. And besides, we were on a beautiful island and I didn't really want to miss out on everything it had to offer.

I thought we'd finally found a comfortable rhythm to our relationship, and it showed in the way I was much more attentive to Brianna, more empathetic to her moods and needs. I couldn't let her down. As I watched her dirty blonde hair flashing in the sun, I hummed happily with how much I loved her.

During the day, we bonded over hiking and snorkeling, sharing the physical challenge and the joy of discovery. During the afternoons, we hit the towns to shop for trinkets and took romantic walks on the beach. During the evenings, dinners became ritualistic seduction instead of just feeding times. Brianna especially got a kick out of sharing a lava flow with two straws.


I will say this, having sex in a tropical pool may look wonderful, but it's really impractical. Don't get me wrong, despite the cool water, having a naked Brianna undulating beneath a waterfall had me harder than a tire iron. But the water isn't really good for lubrication and the footing is sketchy at best. We managed to make it work, but I wouldn't be in any hurry to try it again.


It was Day 7 of our weeklong vacation. Tomorrow, Saturday, we would be catching a red-eye to return us to the mainland, our jobs, and the rest of the real world. Brianna and I were cuddled together in a hammock in the shade, lightly dozing while enjoying the trade wind breezes. I was idly planning the next adventure. We'd summitted Sleeping Giant and photographed Spouting Horn. We'd snorkeled at Ke'e and ridden ATVs all over Kipu. I'd been reading something about Ziplines, or maybe springing the extra money for a Helicopter tour.

Brianna had something else on her mind. "David... what are some of your other fantasies?"

I smirked. "Where to begin? Why?"

"Well, the Danielle one is getting a little old," she said quietly.

I hesitated a little too long before answering. I'd really, really been enjoying the Danielle fantasies. I didn't really want to let them go.

"I know they'll never go away since I'll always look like her. And it's my fault for dyeing my hair like this. But someday, I'd... I'd..." Her voice trailed off.

I just waited her out.

She finally said in a soft voice I could barely here, "I'd want to feel like you were making love to me again, instead of to her."

"I am..." I reasoned.

"No, you're not. I can see it when I look at you. You're using my body, but you're making love to her."

"Isn't that what you wanted?"

She sniffled. "No. I'll be like whoever you want me to be. But I still want you with me... like we're role-playing or something."

"Well..." I gave her a predatory smile. "I did see this skimpy hula girl outfit back in Koloa..."

Brianna blushed and then leaned up to kiss me. "Anything for you."


An hour later, I staggered out of our condo, holding my jaw in pain.

"Fuck off and DIE!" Brianna screamed at me, trying to hold up a T-shirt over her naked body as she kept yelling until the door was shut behind me. And still she kept screaming.

Everything had been going so well. A sexy little hula dance followed by a striptease had led to some seriously steamy lovemaking. We'd brought along some of the toys and I tied Brianna to the bed, with her wearing nothing but a coconut bra roughly shoved out of the way.

She was flat on her back while I drilled her asshole. If you haven't figured it out by now, Brianna was really into anal sex. Sometimes I thought I fucked her ass more often than I was in her pussy.

And then, just as we were about to cum together, I'd shouted, "Yes, Dani, yes!"

I still erupted into her bowels. Brianna got angry immediately and slipped out of her wrist-ties, cursing me out and hitting my chest as she sobbed pitifully. "You don't love me! You don't love me!"

I hadn't been a good time to say the wrong name.

I started to get annoyed. Wasn't she the one promising to become whoever I wanted? Wasn't she the one who dyed her hair and played on her physical resemblance to Danielle? If she didn't want me fantasizing about my sister, she should have left herself a brunette.

Whatever I ended up verbalizing, it was the wrong thing to say. I hadn't realized she had that kind of strength in her until she practically dislodged my jaw with a wicked right cross. And then she kicked me out.

Pissed off and in pain, I wandered off down the beach, absently rubbing at my jaw. It was going to seriously hurt in the morning. The sun was still up, but it would be gone in a few hours or so.

I trudged along in the sand, my mind going over and over my situation with Brianna. The fact was, I wasn't in love with her. I didn't know if I ever would be.

We'd had a wonderfully flirtatious chemistry in the beginning. Perhaps things should never have progressed beyond that. But somewhere along the way, Brianna started to really fall for me, and I was still with Amber.

Then Amber's fucking Stanford acceptance came in and everything got turned upside-down. Amber trapped Brianna into admitting she wanted me. An unrequited crush wouldn't have been so bad, had we nipped things in the bud then. But Amber encouraged it, and I was only thinking with my dick.

So Brianna and I got to where we were fucking. Or at least, I was fucking. Maybe that was Brianna's idea of making love. In any case, Amber was the only one with whom I was REALLY making love. And while Brianna fell harder and harder for me, I never even remotely committed emotionally to her. My heart had always belonged to Amber.

And now, I was still just fucking Brianna. She gave all her love to me, and I was taking it for granted. I hadn't done it on purpose. But the fact was, I'd never had to give her anything to GET everything from her. I never really earned it. Our relationship was never mutual. I got all the kinky benefits, but I never completely fell in love with her.

She really and truly deserved better. She probably deserved someone other than me.

But could I break up with her? I didn't really want to. I had to admit, it was easy being in control of the relationship and I knew my dick wanted to continue reaping the benefits. And if she really did love me, wouldn't it hurt her even more if I tried to break up with her?

What she deserved was my love. I just didn't know if I was even capable of giving it to her.

My ruminations had kept me on a straight line, and presently I stubbed my toe against a rock, the sharp pain bringing me back to the world of reality. I looked down and saw that I was on a dirt trail running along the coastline, the end of the beach a good quarter-mile behind me.

I stared out across the waters, a deep blue with foaming white a hundred yards offshore where the currents broke against the submerged reef. With the setting sun on the horizon, it was quite the picturesque view.

I was still lost in my own world, not really seeing things in focus or hearing much of anything. But gradually I became aware of an odd sound amidst the cacophony, something that didn't fit with the ambient noise of nature.

"HELP!!! HELP ME!!!"


I blinked as full consciousness snapped around me, and I was suddenly cognizant of the dirt trail, the short cliff, and the pounding waves before me.


The voice was high-pitched, girlish, and very, very panicked. My eyes quickly tracked across the waves, until off to the left I finally saw a pale arm waving weakly in the water.

She was perhaps twenty yards to the left from where the protective reef ended. Unfortunately, since she was outside the perimeter of the shielding coral, the raw power of the ocean was pushing full bore against any attempts to return back to the reef. Whitecaps were all around her, breaking erratically all the way up to the cliff base.


Holy shit. Was this really happening? Didn't this only happen in the movies? Frantically, I glanced around, looking for help. Wouldn't you know that there wasn't anyone around. The closest people I could see were down by the beach, way too far away.

I was a young male in good shape and a decent swimmer. And there was a young girl out there who needed my help. I didn't really have a choice.

As if in a dreamworld, scarcely aware that this was all really happening, I ripped my shirt over my head and kicked off my Teva sandals. I pulled out my wallet and ditched the watch. And then I started hurrying down the dirt path to the point closest to her.

Little pebbles and other sharp objects dug into the soft pads of my feet. Fuck, I should have kept the sandals until I got to this point. Stupid mistake, but it was too late to turn back. I got the cliff's edge, only a short four foot drop or so into the ocean. But I looked at the whitecaps and frothing water and silently cursed. What was that about invisible riptides that would suck you down and drown you in seconds?

I'd swum in the ocean before. But that was around protected reefs or on popular swimming beaches, known to be relatively safe. This was the fucking open ocean. There was a reason why signs were posted everywhere, warning that death was a possibility. Didn't like ten people drown last year on this island or something?

Still, for some reason, she wasn't moving anywhere. Every now and again, a wave crashed over her head, but her position wasn't changing. Did she really need help? Was this some kind of sick joke? She didn't look like she was drowning.


I jumped in. I didn't get more than six feet down before I landed on something hard that felt like a submerged rock. I surfaced and immediately a wave crashed over me unexpectedly and I swallowed a mouthful of seawater. Bloody hell...

I swam forward against the tide, and very quickly I came upon another rock. This one was just high enough for me to grab a hold and ride out the next wave. It was then that I realized why there were so many erratic whitecaps around me. The waves were breaking over a variety of submerged rocks, probably volcanic. The girl was probably holding onto a rock of her own, which explained why she wasn't sinking immediately.

I waited for the next wave to crash over my head, and in the lull that followed, I pushed off my current rock and swam hard ahead until I hit the next one. It was a plan. Keep leapfrogging until I got to her.

Six rocks later, I scrambled to the rock the girl was on. She was extremely pale and waterlogged, crying constantly as I slipped my right arm around her waist. "I've got you," I managed to croak and she wrapped both her arms around my shoulders.

I put her in a rescue carry, where she was floating on her back somewhat while I could side-stroke with my left arm and hold onto her with my right. And then we started back.

She was sputtering up water and there was nothing I could do to avoid the waves coming over us. I hit the next rock hard and felt a sharp, scraping pain against my left knee. I ignored it and when the next wave came, tried to body surf us to the next rock.

And then another rock.

And another.

The whole ordeal probably lasted five or ten minutes. It felt like hours.

At last, we got to the cliff, which was really a series of carved, spiky ledges instead of a sheer face. It made it easier to get up with obvious handholds and footholds. A good thing too since I hadn't considered how I'd get back up the four-foot embankment before I jumped in.

She was almost too weak to get up. Mindlessly, I heaved her up half-way and then pushed on her ass until she was able to flop over the top. And then with adrenaline still coursing through every millimeter of my veins, I scrambled up myself and then lay in the dirt, panting to catch my breath.

As oxygen flowed back into me, so did the pain all over my body. I was aching everywhere, especially in my arms. My lungs felt like I had a 300-pound woman sitting on my chest as I gasped for air. Little prickly points felt like miniature bee stings across my body, especially around my legs and my belly.

I looked down and saw ragged cuts everywhere on me from the sharp rocks. My abs were pretty cut up and one scrape on my left knee was bleeding rather heavily. But all in all, I wasn't in too bad shape.

The girl actually looked cleaner. That is, if you ignored that she was currently retching up her lunch plus a healthy volume of seawater. But she didn't look nearly as cut up as me, probably since I was the one clinging to all the rocks on the way back while I held her floating beside me.

But once she stopped vomiting and caught her breath, she turned to me, exclaiming "Merci!" and wrapping her arms around me. Only then did I realize that I had a well-developed young woman in a sheer white bikini hugging me.

"You okay?" I croaked while patting her back.

She nodded her head vigorously and then sat back, still breathing heavily. This had the effect of causing her chest to rise and fall dramatically, and I couldn't help but be drawn down to her bounteous breasts.

My gaze flickered down for just a moment before I looked back up into her face. I nearly melted right then and there. She was a PERFECT redhead. Her hair was a dark auburn right now, wet and slicked back against her scalp to fall just a bit below her shoulders. Her face was small and cute with pouty lips, the kind of face that immediately stirred up naughty girl fantasies. There was a light dusting of freckles across the bridge of her nose, and she had simply gorgeous baby blue eyes.

I'm such a sucker for those kind of blue eyes.

As for the rest of her... holy SHIT. Maybe 5'5", slender, but STACKED. Draw up the perfect comic book petite redhead, that was this girl. And from her delicate features, I guessed she was a late teen at best. My dirty mind silently begged 'please be legal'.

But then the seriousness of the situation finally managed to override my horny, young male instincts and I sat up to really take a good look at her. "You sure you're okay?"

I reached out to examine her arms and inspect her for more scratches. "No pain? You can move all of your limbs?"

"I'm fine. Perhaps a few bruises. But I don't think anything's broken. How can I ever thank you?" Her voice was a sweet melody and tinged with a strong accent. French, I guessed, but her speech was clear and easy to understand.

"Are you here with anybody? Friends? Family?"

She nodded. "My parents should be back at the beach."

"Okay, let's get you back to them. I'm David." I reached my hand out to shake.

She smiled ever so gratefully at me and shook my hand. "Claudine."

Still with her hand in my grip, I started helping her to her feet, ready to catch her should her legs give out unexpectedly. Gingerly, we both got up, and once we were standing she sniffled and threw herself into my arms once again, whimpering softly.

I patted her back and returned her hug, still catching my breath. I asked her again if she was really ok.

She pulled away and nodded, fresh tears in her eyes. "Oh, but I was so stupid! Stupid!"

"How did you end up all the way out there?"

She gave me an embarrassed smile, giving me a glimpse of pearly white teeth. "I wanted to take pictures of the turtles. I went all along the reef, and when they kept going, I decided to follow them." She waved back towards the waves. "I lost all my gear trying to get out."

My head immediately went into lecture mode. "You should never leave the reef. The open ocean is dangerous." Internally, I winced. What, like she didn't realize now that the ocean could be dangerous? With my gruff voice, I felt like an old man around her. "And at the very least, you should always go snorkeling with someone else. Never go out alone."

"I know, I know. I wasn't thinking. My little brother was supposed to go with me. But he turned one direction and I went to find my turtles." Claudine never let go of my hand as we made our way back to my clothes. We both were stepping gingerly. I knew I had a variety of cuts on the soles of my feet, and walking on rough dirt and sharp pebbles wasn't helping. Claudine was probably in the same situation.

I stooped to pick up my things and she just started staring out across the waves. "I was going to die out there. I knew it. I tried so hard to swim back to the reef. I let go of my camera and I lost my goggles. But I was so tired... so tired... I found that rock and it was all I could do just to hang on. My strength was gone."

She turned back to me, her clear blue eyes shining. "If you hadn't been there. Or if you had come just a few minutes later, I would be dead. I am certain of it. The waves kept crashing over me and I kept swallowing more and more water. I would have given up. I would have been too tired and just let go. You are a miracle. You came and rescued me."

I wasn't sure how to answer that. I looked down and offered her my sandals. "Please, the ground is rough between here and the beach."

She blinked a few times, still looking at me in absolute adoration. And then she finally slipped her feet into the sandals while I knelt and buckled them to her ankles.

I stood and Claudine grabbed my hand once again, holding on tightly as if letting go would lead to her death. I pressed my lips together tightly and nodded my head towards the beach. She let me lead her on.

"I can't thank you enough. I still can't believe you came when you did. Look around. Even now, no one has come walking this way. If it wasn't for you, no one would have ever come to rescue me. You really are my miracle."