The Boss's Wife


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Brad's eyes went wide at his wife's shameless display. She had never acted like this before. He wondered fleetingly what had come over her.

With her eyes locked on his, Andrea reached down and cupped her gently rounded mound in her hand and squeezed it lovingly. She wriggled excitedly against her own palm as her eyes smoldered into her husband's.

"Now drive the car! Later you can drive me!"

"Mmmmm!..." Brad groaned, forcing his eyes back to the road as he caught back up to the cruising Mercedez. His erection was throbbing for more attention! He intended to set a new record for being polite, having a drink, then driving home and screwing the shit out of his wife. He hoped his boner would go down soon. He didn't want to embarrass himself in front of the boss. As he drove along he tried to think of swimming in a frozen lake, but it didn't seem to help.


They pulled into the Ross's driveway about fifteen minutes later. The house was set in a very upscale neighborhood. Big gates in the front, long driveway, turn-around in front of the house. Very impressive. And once inside the entranceway it was even more so. Gleaming chandelier in the entrance, spiral staircase to the second floor, hallways going off in different directions.

David took their coats and Holly led the way into what must have been the living room. There was a fireplace, a wall of books, a big screen TV, coffee tables and cushy leather chairs and sofas. There was one half wall that presumably overlooked a lower level. Holly stretched out luxuriously in the corner of one of the sofas and indicated the other chairs to her guests with a languid sweep of her hand. She picked up one remote and pointed it at the fireplace. Voila...instant fire. She picked up another remote and pointed it at the Christmas tree in the corner...the lights started twinkling...instant Christmas cheer! Brad and Andrea got comfortable on a nearby love seat with Andrea laying her hand high up on her husband's thigh and squeezing it warmly.

"Well that was quite a party!..." Holly laughed.

Before Brad or Andrea could answer, David bustled in, rubbing his hands together.

"Now what can I get everyone?..." he asked as the congenial host.

"I'll have a child's portion of Drambuie darling..." Holly said.

Andrea hesitated and then said..."That sounds very nice."

David looked at Brad and said..."I'm going to have a drop of MacCallan. Why don't you join me?"

"Sure. That sounds great!"

"You have a lovely home. I love your tree..." Andrea enthused over the ten foot Fir that sparkled merrily on the side.

"Well thank you dear..." Holly said to Andrea, although her eyes were clearly focused on Brad. She picked up the remote again and soon a quiet Christmas choral was playing in the background.

Then David arrived with the drinks.

He passed out the potent liquors and then proposed another toast.

"To our lovely wives who have never been more beautiful! May all your unspoken dreams and wishes come true!..."

Holly smiled conspiratorially at her husband as she sipped her drink. Andrea seemed spellbound by David who never took his eyes from hers, even as she sipped from her glass. She was very flushed and a little fidgety.

Everyone made a few quips about the party, some joking asides about who might have been going home with whom, but the intimate congeniality from earlier in the evening didn't seem to be there.

Brad was the most quiet. He was very warm. For the most part he simply sat there, staring at Holly and smiling. He was feeling distracted and yet sort of agitated at the same time, he assumed from his wife's provocative teasing earlier in the car. Even Andrea's casual hand on his thigh had his balls tingling with excitement. He kept shifting back and forth on the couch. He was trying to contain his unruly cock which was threatening to swell into a full blown erection at any moment.

And then Andrea laughed at one of David's droll observations. Her hand slipped higher in her husband's crotch so that the edge of her palm nudged his balls. That was it for Brad. His cock unfurled beneath his trousers like the Michelin Man at the Sears Parade. Suddenly his pants were bulging obscenely with his inflated tool. He started crossing and uncrossing his legs to try and hide his predicament which somehow seemed to be lost on Andrea. She carelessly started sawing her hand up and down between Brad's clenched thighs, only inflaming his already embarrassing condition.

Holly immediately noticed Brad's bulging pants and smiled at his distress. She exchanged a meaningful glance with her husband. Then David turned back to his guests.

"It's very warm in here isn't it? Is anyone else finding it warm? I have a suggestion. Why don't we all go for a quick dip. And then a little relax in the hot tub. Why don't we do that?..." he asked expectantly.

Brad and Andrea looked quizzical.

"But where?...How would we?...I don't understand..." they responded in unison.

"Why right here. Come see..." David answered, pointing to the half wall and beckoning to Brad and Andrea.

The young couple got up and went to take a look. Beneath them was a large rec. room and as an extension to that there was an enormous indoor pool that was enclosed by glass walls. There was very muted lighting around the pool. There was a change room, a bar, a gas fire pit in one corner, a number of cushioned chaises with side tables and a hot tub that was elevated a few feet with water spilling down in and endless stream into the pool. It did look very inviting.

"Oh I don't think..." Brad began

"Honestly...I don't have a suit..." Andrea stammered.

Holly went over and touched Andrea's shoulder.

"Not to worry dear! There's plenty of swimwear in the cabana..."

"Ahhh... Thank you Holly... but... I'm not sure...I don't think you an I are the same... know..." Andrea said, looking meaningfully at Holly's voluptuous bosom.

"Spandex really is a miracle fabric honey. I'm sure you'll find something you'll be comfortable in."

"It really does look tempting doesn't it Brad?"

"Ummm!...It certainly does!..." said Brad, his eyes also locked on Holly's gently rising and falling bosom as she stood next to his wife.

"Oh you mean the pool...Well...We don't want to overstay our welcome."

"I'll tell you what..." Holly began, looking at Andrea.

"Why don't you and David go for a quick swim. I know he's dying to show off for you. David tried out for the Olympic team during his mis-spent youth. Brad can keep me company here for a little while..." Holly said, walking back to the couch, sitting down and taking another sip of her drink.

"He can continue to ply me with liquor and see where that gets him. When you're ready for the hot tub, give us a yell. Maybe we'll join you then.'

Brad obviously liked this suggestion. He headed over to join Holly on the couch. Without even looking at his wife he said...

"Sure babe. Why don't you and Mr. off a little bit. I'll just stay here with Holly. I'll be good. I promise."

Andrea was a little dubious about her husband's intentions. She knew how horny he was at the moment. But she didn't seriously think he would try anything with his boss's wife. And she was feeling ...very ...adventurous. David made up her mind for her by taking her hand and saying...

"Come on. I'll show you where everything is.


A couple of minutes later Andrea was in the change room, David had gone off to change as well and said he'd meet her in the pool.

As promised, there was an abundance of towels and two swimsuits to choose from. Andrea's original concern was that Holly's outfits would be too big for her. But these outfits obviously weren't Holly's. There was a one piece suit that was extremely tiny. The other was equally small, a two piece with little yellow triangles that reminded her of 'post-it notes'. They would barely cover her conical breasts or her crotch. She tried on the one piece. It was so small that, in order to pull it up high enough to cover her breasts, the gusset in her crotch disappeared in her ass crack and split her labia wide apart. That wouldn't do. At least with the bikini she could more or less fasten the top in place over her nipples and the bottom over her crotch although beyond that there was very little left to the imagination. Oh well. She was in good shape and not ashamed for Brad's boss to see her body. She slipped back into her high heels and went out to the pool.

Fortunately David was already in the water. Andrea watched him for a moment as he knifed towards one end of the pool, executed a perfect flip turn, then stoked strongly back the other way. He really was very good. Andrea kicked off her shoes at a table over by the gas fireplace that was burning quietly. She walked down the steps until she was in up to just above her waist. With the dim lighting, the flickering of the fireplace and the rhythmic sound of David's swimming, it really was rather calming. She paddled around quite happily on her side and on her back, trying to keep her hair dry. She was lost in her own little world when she realized that she couldn't hear David swimming. She stood up straight and looked around. David was treading water in the deep end of the pool smiling at her.

"Aren't you coming in?"

She smiled back at him and made a vague waving gesture towards her head.

"Hair..." she said.

"Well that's no excuse. You're coming in!.." he stated as he started breast stroking towards her.

Andrea found herself smiling girlishly as she started backing away. She stuck out her tongue at David.

"Am not!..." she said.

"Are too!.." he countered getting closer.

"Don't you dare..." she warned as David stood up ten feet away from her.

"Are too!..." he said again, walking towards her.

"Am not!..." Andrea laughed, still backing away as she playfully swung her arm in an arc and swooshed a fan of water toward David.

"Oh now you're gonna' get it!..." he said, returning her splash of water with one of his own.

"Don't...My hair!..." Andrea laughed, now using both hands to frantically splash water on the man who was advancing on her.

"You started it!..." David laughed as he palmed water back at Andrea.

They continued at it until Andrea had backed herself up against the edge of the pool. Even then she continued to slam her hands into the water to douse him as David walked right up to her.

He reached out and grabbed both her wrists and pushed her arms out to the side, up against the lip of the pool. She was panting and laughing as she struggled against his hands trying to free herself, but not too hard. She was having fun. But when she felt David's body pressing against hers, his chest against her heaving breasts, his stomach against hers, another emotion entirely washed over her.

She could feel the strength in his arms, in his torso, she could feel it where his groin was pressing into hers and suddenly the heat that had been building inside her earlier was back. Only now it was much stronger. There was a fire in her, in her breasts, in her belly, in her groin. She continued to breathe heavily but it wasn't because she was winded. David's face was just above her, his eyes smiling down into hers. As he moved his lips towards hers Andrea leaned up to him, claiming his mouth with hers in a searing, molten kiss.

Andrea drove her tongue into David's mouth and he met it with his own. He continued to hold her arms pinned to the side of the pool, though now she was struggling not to hold him off but to draw him closer.

"Mmmmm!...Mmmmm!...Mmmmm!..." the excited young blonde gasped into David's mouth as their torrid french kiss went on and on. Even though her arms were restrained, she writhed against the older man in a burst of desire. She could feel his cock stiffening against her groin. She hooked her leg around his so that she could press her seething crotch more tightly against it. She knew it was crazy but it felt like he was already inside her, although she knew he wasn't. But she could feel him getting bigger and it felt like he was stretching her and filling her in her deepest center.

David could feel Andrea's heat and it fanned the flames of his own arousal. This was going to be sweet! But he had to be careful not to break the spell. He released her arms and she threw them around his shoulders as she twisted and turned her mouth against his.

Finally they had to come up for air.

"Wait!...Wait!..." Andrea gasped, although David was doing nothing other than holding her.

"We can't!..." she whimpered, now pushing herself away from him.

"No!..Of course not!...That would be wrong!..." David said with feigned concern.

"We should dry off and go back upstairs..." he said reaching down for Andrea's hand. Andrea clutched it like a drowning person. She didn't move, she just stood there, biting her lip and looking in David's eyes in confusion.

David waited for her to make her choice. Then she shook her head like she was waking up from a dream. She kept David's hand in hers as she led him out of the pool and over to the fireplace where the towels were draped over a chair.

They both picked up a towel and began to dry themselves. Andrea continued to look at David, her mind obviously racing a mile a minute. David looked back with a confident smile, fairly sure where this was all going. After a minute he said...

"Let me dry your back.."

Andrea slowly turned her back on him and David stepped up behind her. He used two hands to gently caress her back with the towel, starting at her shoulders and moving downwards. Like a gentlemen he swept past her virtually naked buttocks and crouched down behind her to dry the backs of her legs.

Andrea had her eyes closed and was practically moaning with excitement as she felt his breath gusting between her legs.

"Let me help you with your shoes..." he said, dropping the towel, gripping one ankle and lifting her foot up and into her high heel. He did the same with her other foot but once she had her second heel on, he didn't let go. He kept his hands on her ankles then moved them up the outside of her calves as he slowly stood up. He moved his hands up the outside of her thighs and onto her hips as he finally stood behind her. He moved close so that he was gently pressing against her from behind. He let her feel his hard cock against her ass but he didn't force himself against her.

"Put your hands behind your head..." David whispered.

Andrea complied, leaning back and turning her head so that David's lips were poised right at her ear

He moved his hands slowly around her waist, moving them in towards each other as they glided over her tummy. They were slowly approaching the undersides of her swollen, aching breasts when Andrea whimpered and went to turn towards him.

"Wait..." David murmured and he held her still. Then his hands left her for a moment. He fiddled behind her, there was a quiet swish and Andrea glanced down to see David's swim trunks fall between her feet. Then his hands were on her waist again, lightly caressing her. But now she could feel his naked cock brushing against the contours of her ass. He whispered into her ear...

"Now you have a decision to make...."

"Ohhhh!..." Andrea moaned leaning back against the strong body behind her.

David reached down, pulled her creamy buttocks apart and slid his rampant tool into the cleft of her ass.

"Ummmm!..." Andrea moaned again, her hands still clasped behind her head. The feel of David's bare cock against her had her loins seething with excitement. Helplessly, with her eyes closed, she opened her stance a little and began to rock her ass up and down in a lewd humping motion.

"Why don't you make it for me..." she purred.

"No! That wouldn't be fair..." David chuckled as Brad's hot wife writhed against him.

"I don't care..."

"Yes you do. You have to decide what you want."

And with that Brad bent his knees behind her. He thrust his pelvis forward then stood up straight again, pulling Andrea's ass tight against his stomach. In her high heels she was tall enough that David's rigid tool jutted up from between her thighs. He bent slightly forward at the waist, making Andrea do likewise, and began a subtle back and forth motion against her that made her vagina burn.

"Oh God.!...We can't!..." Andrea moaned her eyes locked on the crimson spear jutting under her groin. It was bigger than Brad's, both longer and fatter. And the flaring head had an incredible heft to it that would stretch her excruciatingly. She could feel her meaty labia swelling and parting in anticipation.

"Of course not..." said David, his hands twiddling with the hook on the hip of her bikini bottom.

"Not if you don't want to..." he agreed. He unfastened one side of the bikini, allowing the minimal cover to hang loose in her groin. He shifted to the side and back and now her bare, engorged labia were spread against his gently thrusting cock.

"Ohhhhhh!..." Andrea whispered. The feel of his rigid flesh slicing through her meaty lips made her groin shudder with arousal. Helplessly she reached down to touch him. His shaft was as hard as marble, the veins bulging severely through the taut flesh. Even the plum colored cape of his cock crown was firm. Her fingers tested and teased his length, looking for a soft spot and finding none. She had to have him.

As she caressed him, she watched a clear drop of liquid emerge from his gaping pee slit and trickle down under her gliding fingers. She felt an answering trickle seep out of her smoldering pussy.

"I can't let you fuck me..." she groaned, bending further at the waist and raising one leg to get him aligned at her entrance.

"Of course not..." David replied, bending his knees a little to help her.

"I can't let you put it in..." she gasped, pressing with her fingers and wriggling back. Her swollen lips parted ahead of his rounded knob.

"I won't put it in..."

"Well maybe just the tip...'" she whispered, hunching backwards and then...

"Ohhhh!..." as David's bulbous cock crown entered her. He held himself perfectly still as the seething blonde settled on the head of his cock.

"Mmmm!..." she whimpered again as David stretched her deliciously. Biting her lip she threw her head back and twisted on his plundering tool.

"Wait!...Wait!..." David whispered into her ear from behind and stilling her eager hips with his hands.

"They can see!..." he said quietly.

Andrea hardly heard him, so excited was she at the feel of his lancing cock inside her.

"Who?..." she murmured.

"Brad, and Holly..."

"Where?..." Andrea asked with hooded eyes, looking around vaguely. And then...

"Ohhhh!..." as David gently thrust another inch or so into her.

"There..." David indicated with a smile and a nod towards a table nearby.

Andrea looked around blankly.

"Where?..." she asked again. And then...

"Naaahhh!..." as David pushed in even deeper. She was opening to him like butter under a hot knife.

And then she saw it. On one of the casual tables there was an open laptop computer. On the screen was an image of herself mounted on David's intruding cock. There was a smaller image that she couldn't see clearly, but she assumed was Holly and Brad in the living room. Her lewd coupling with Holly's husband was being monitored on a webcam.

"They can see us..." David whispered again.

Andrea reached down and took David' hands from her waist. She wrapped them around her and pulled him tightly to her from behind.

"I don't care!..." she moaned as she spread her legs open even further and lunged back onto David's unyielding spear.

"No you don't, do you!..." he replied with a broad smile, hunching lustily into her welcoming interior.

"Mmm Hmm!...Mmm Hmm!..." Andrea whimpered as David's cock began to saw in and out of her in an incendiary rhythm. An excruciating tension was building in her cunt. She put one hand on the back of the chair in front of her. She bent over further to fully accept his pistoning tool.