The Card Game


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Again I pounded my fist into his boot cover foot, but not so hard this time, and struggled slightly to get free as I felt a hand roaming all over my backside.

In shear pleasure I felt the hand stop roaming over my naked ass and a finger position itself at my anus. Knowing what was to happen, I stop my futile struggling and just shivered from head to toe.

I suppressed a groan as the finger pushed itself hard into my rectum and began to finger fuck me up the ass with god knows how many onlookers behind me.

Knowing that if I did not get free then I would be raped, and I really did not want that to happen yet so early in the party. I lifted up the cuff to the guy's jeans and bite him on his ankle. His legs moved enough for me to scamper free across the floor, crawling on my hands and knees with my panties down around my thighs I managed to get most of the way across the room with only a few swats to my ass.

Once at the end of the room I stood up and figuring most had seen my ass anyway I pulled my skirt up and adjusted my thong in place. They fit a little more loosely than before from being stretched.

Walking through an entryway I entered another room. This one was crowded too, but not nearly as much as the room I had just left. I walked across and felt a few more hands try up my skirt, but I had enough manoeuvring room to twist away from any errant hands. Totally separated from Cindy I wondered is she was having as much trouble as I at keeping from being outright raped at the party.

Down a hallway I looked for a bathroom. When I found one the line was just too long, but I was relieved to see a fair amount of the people waiting were girls.

I was beginning to think that maybe all the other girls had left the party after getting the same kind of treatment I had upon entering.

Seeing a mirrored closet door I used it to reapply my makeup and adjust my cloths in a presentable manner. Making my way down one hallway and another and through a room or two, I finally came into the kitchen.

"You seem lost," A guy shouted at me over the music.

I could barely hear him, but nodded back and yelled

"I came with some friends and we got separated."

"Your boyfriend should not just bail on you at a party like this," The guy screamed back, and I smiled at his obvious attempt to assess my availability.


I screamed back letting him wonder about my dating status for the night.

I had no idea if I would ever find the guy that invited me in this crowd, nor even if I did, if he would not have a date of his own.

He handed me a cup with some luke-warm beer inside and I made a face as I took a sip.

"Guess that has been sitting a while, let's go get some fresh drinks," he screamed over the noise.

He moved to a door and I followed him. Outside was like a library compared to inside. The cool night air felt good on my bare midriff and on my face. I followed the guy around the outside of the house, marvelling at his athletic build and boyish good looks. He was just an inch or two taller than me and had a rugged chin, but his eyes sparkled of a devilish side as he spoke that intrigue me.

We made it around front and after standing in a short line he poured two beers from the metal kegs that sat in tubs of ice and handed me a cup. Walking over to the front of the house I naturally just followed his lead.

There were still a bunch of guys without dates sitting along the steps. One seem to be pointing me out to another and I wondered if he was one that had felt my ass up inside or had stood by watching as I was pinned on all fours between a guys legs and my ass finger fucked. But now there were also a lot of couples out in front of the house. Probably seeking refuse from the loud pushy party raging on inside.

Some of the couples were engaged in various stages of making out. Some kissing lightly and some more passionately. A couple of the girls were letting their dates openly fondle their breast of ass for anybody that looked their way. A few more couples were sitting on the front lawn talking and smoking both cigarettes and joints.

"By the way, my name is Steve," the guy said as I followed him out to the far side of the house.

"My name is Kathy," I replied, relieved I no longer had to shout over the music.

I figured Steve to be around 23 years old and I grew self conscious at not coming across as a much older women like I was. But, I thought that he would maybe enjoy fucking an older women.

It was not long before Steve had fetched me another beer. I was feeling a lot more relaxed when almost done with my beer, Steve leaned into me and kissed me lightly on the mouth. I froze and did not know how to respond. I did not want to appear too eager like I was easy, yet I did not want to put him off in anyway.

Before I could settle the debate in my head, he leaned down again and kissed me harder. I let out a little giggle as he placed his beer-chilled hand on my bare hip while pulling me into him for a passionate kiss. I let him kiss me long and hard before I gently pulled back. Coyly I escaped his hands on my hips and smiled so he knew I was not offended.

Steve moved to kiss me once more, but I held up my cup in front of his face.

"Beer?" I giggled.

Steve sheepishly backed away and smiled. He took our cups and soon was back with more cold beer. Not being a big drinker I did not know how much of my feelings were because of the relaxing nature of the beer or because of the pure lust I felt for Steve at that moment.

As I took another sip of beer, Steve moved in for one more kiss. This time I held my arms out wide with my beer in one hand and my other hand up in the air.

His lips pressed hard on mine and then I felt his fingers at my blouse. Feeling a rush of excitement I stood with my lips pressed to his as I felt my blouse being opened up and his hands cupping my naked breast. There were others near enough to see me letting Steve reveal my breast and the idea of them looking excited me as much as Steve's hands touching my erect nipples.

After several long minutes our lips separated, and Steve's hands moved to my hips as he looked down at my bare breast. Laughter erupted nearby and I turned to see a small group of guys looking at my bare chest along with Steve, so I quickly set my beer down on the grass and grabbed my top closed, buttoning myself back up.

Steve took me by the hand and we walked off. He led me around the house and even into the garage. It was obvious he was looking for a place for us to be alone, but everywhere we turned was already overcrowded with other couples making out or the dateless just hanging out.

"Let's go back into the party and see what is happening," I suggested.

Steve took me around through the back door and motioned me up the stairs just off the kitchen. The stairs were steep and I notice Steve hanging back several steps as

I climbed up the flight of stairs.

"Are you trying to look up my skirt?" I asked with a flirty giggle.

"Maybe," Steve said with a shrug like I had asked a very dump question.

It was probably the effects of too many beers, but I reached behind me and lifted my skirt up so show all of my half-torn thong.

"Okay then, look," I said laughing as I held my skirt up around my waist and stood several steps above Steve's face.

"NICE ASS" Steve replied, and I looked past him to see several other guys crowding around the bottom of the stairs to look too.

For the rest of the climb up the stairs I held the back of my skirt up letting Steve and those behind him to look at my ass all they wanted to.

The second floor was like a second living room for the house. Music from downstairs still blasted away, but up on the second floor you could actually talk over it and be heard. There was a large group of people dancing, but this time it was almost all couples.

I asked Steve to get me another drink and he trotted off to get me another beer. Wondering around I saw many people standing around talking, some dancing but not to the tune of heavy metal beats.

As I got to the far side I saw one group standing around a circle and went to see what they were watching.

As I peaked over the shoulder of one girl shorted than me I looked down on a table with five people sitting around in various stages of undress. Cards were strewn about the tabletop along with chips and a pile of clothing in the middle.

My eyes grew wide as I looked at one young girl sitting at the table topless and another wearing a very skimpy bra. Then I spotted Mop Top Tom gathering the cards up from the table and arranging the deck. He looked to be winning the game of strip poker still wearing his pants.

In wonder I stood and watched as Tom dealt the next hand and wondered why the girls were even playing a game like this in front of so many people.

The topless girl was very nice looking and looked like the All-American girl. Blonde, Blue eyed and well portioned breast that the guys standing around were drooling looking at. Her breasts were at least two-cup sizes larger than mine were, but in a conical shape Vs my balloon shaped breast. The one in the skimpy bra was small breasted but they looked perky and high set. I took notice that only one guy was even down to being shirtless.

The topless girl took her cards and asked for three back and I could see the disappointment on her face as she read her cards. All around the guys reacted to her reaction with smiles. Each person at the table then laid their cards down. Tom first then the rest. The topless girl seemed reluctant to even show hers, but soon put hers down on the table.

"Look's like you lose," Tom said with a smile.

The topless girl stood up in just her panties. Tom stood up and motioned her over to a nearby chair. Tom indicated for her to bend over the back of the chair and the girl looked around for help and seeing none she draped herself over the back of the chair with her feet dangling off the floor.

My breathing grew rapid as I watched the scene play out as Tom slowly pulled her panties down her legs and then hesitating around her ankles he pulled them off the rest of the way. The crowd watched as he ran his fingers up the back of her legs and then tapped the inside of her thighs till she parted her legs.

With her pussy clearly visible Tom used his fingers and traced them along her slit as it peaked out from between her legs. Girls have never turned me on, but I felt myself getting hot at just watching the girl being played with in front of so many people. Tom then pushed his fingers inside her and pumped her cunt and it became shiny from the wetness her pussy was producing.


Someone yelled and Tom removed his fingers from inside her cunt. The girl slid off the back of the chair and she turned to face the rest of the crowd and her face was blushing red. The girl sat back down at the table and Tom collected the cards.

"Okay now you have one more bet to make if you want," Tom said to the now naked girl. "You can play one more round and if you win you get all your clothes back. Or not play another hand and remain naked till 1 am serving my guest drinks."

The girl nodded anxiously still blushing deep red, and Tom added "But if you play again and lose, I will let six guys from the crowd at random pull cards from the deck and you will have to fuck any two with the highest cards."

Amazed the girl agreed to the bet and Tom dealt another hand. The topless girl took two cards and seemed happy with what she got back. Everybody in turn laid their cards down and the topless girl jumped up with joy as she did not lose, her breast bouncing as she jumped and clapped naked in front of everybody, while the crowd of guys nearby moaned in defeat.

She quickly sorted her panties out from the pile on the table and put them on and then found her short skirt and put that on. Soon she found her bra and was dressed once more and quickly left the table into the crowd.

The girl in just the bra stood up and another guy from the table stood up and made her put her hands up on her head like a prisoner. He reached around her and unhooked the bra and let it fall to the floor and stood back letting everybody see her naked breast as she stood there in nothing but a skimpy pair of blue panties. He did nothing else to her but made her stand in front of everybody topless.

She decided to pull out of the game and so Tom ordered her to remain topless for the rest of the party serving drinks and that if anybody caught her covering herself up she would automatically lose and be offered up for a gang bang. She agreed and went off to fetch everybody at the table some beers. I wondered what the dateless guys down by the beer kegs would think when she would come walking out in just her panties to get some beer.

Steve returned with my beer and I took a heavy swig as I explained what had just occurred.

"Sorry I missed it," Steve said jokingly and then added. "Tom is known for some really kinky shit happening at his parties."

"But why do the girls even want to play strip poker at a party like this and in front of a crowd?" I asked.

"Because Tom is very rich, this is not his parents' house, he is 23 and this is his house. He made a ton of money with an Internet company and made millions selling just some of his stock options. His buddies are the other guys playing the game; they also made a lot of money in the same company." Steve said solemnly

"SO the girls play just hopping to meet them?" I replied.

"NO, each of the guys pools some money into the pot. The girls get it if they can win the game. Last party one girl walked away with $10,000 dollars." Steve said

"10 grand?" I repeated, astonished. "That's a lot of money."

"Don't think about it, more often than not you will lose. One party he made a girl do 15 guys in the middle of the living room"

Taking another swig from my beer I though about what I could do with 10,000 dollars. Steve manoeuvred me over to a dimly lit area of the room and leaned over me as my back was against the wall. We talked and flirted and he leaned down kissing me between sips of beer.

"HEY YOU MADE IT," a voice beside me said loudly.

Both Steve and I turned to see Tom standing there.

"I knew you would show up."

"You did?" I replied matter-of-factly.

We exchanged some banter and I could tell Steve was getting a little irritated at me flirting with another guy. But, we had just met, so I did not think Steve had any claim on me yet, so I flirted with Tom and Steve fumed.

"Hey you're not interested in some big money are you?" Tom asked.

"Don't start Tom -- don't start," Steve said in a heavy growl.

"If you don't like my party Steve you can leave, I am talking to my guest."

Flattered by the idea that two men were fighting over me I smiled to myself and replied to Tom. "You mean by playing your little card game over there?

"Yes," Tom said and added; "You could win 10,000 dollars."

Maybe it was my fifth beer of the night, maybe it was Steve making my Adeline pump, but I felt silly and foolish and ready to try almost anything. Almost in jest I stood up straight and faced Tom and replied "10,000 is chicken shit or feed or whatever" my words now slurring from the drinking. "I will play, but only for $100,000" and laughed myself dizzy thinking how outrageous that demand was.

Steve also smiled at me thinking that I was turning Tom down in a very insulting manner.

Tom eyed me up and down like merchandise and let out a low hum.

"Okay," he said brightly, "$100,000 it is, but the stakes on your side go up too," he added in a sinister tone.

"No don't do it," Steve said in a panic.

But $100,000 was a lot of money to me; it was more than my whole family made in a year. I thought I was not a virgin by a long way, and I had been gangbanged quite a few times in my life, and I was a real slut most of the time, so the idea of having to fuck a couple of guys with some people watching seemed like very little to risk for that much money.

I found myself being lead by Tom across the room and his buddies soon gathering around the table. As each guy took his seat I realized I would be the only girl in this game. A large crowd gathered around to watch how much I would have to strip off in front of them.

Tom pulled out a video camera and set it up on a tripod near the table.

"Just to make sure there are not false accusations later I want to make sure everybody understands the game"

"State your name," Tom said as he started the camera and sat down next to me.

"Kathy," I replied.

"Now listen carefully as I explain the rules," Tom said as much to me as to the camera.

"We play strip poker. If you can win enough hands to get any of the guys around the table naked you win and we will pay you $100,000. When you lose you can choose which item would want to have taken off, but the guy with the highest hand gets to take it off.

He can make you get into any position he likes to remove the clothing. He also gets to play with whatever portion of your body you have exposed for two minutes before we play the next hand.

You lose if you lose so many hands that you are completely naked before anybody else at the table than, because of the stakes involved, there will be no second chances, you must do any and all depraved sexual acts that I demand for the rest of the weekend."

"Now, do you agree with all this?"

"Yes," I replied without thinking.

"We need to make sure you understand -- I want you to look at the camera and tell us what you are agreeing to do if you lose," Tom said sternly.

Looking up at the camera I said,

"I am going to play strip poker. When I lose a round a guy will take a piece of clothing off me and get to play with my body for two minutes. I will play strip poker till I win and get $100,000 dollars or I lose and then must have sex with some of the guys"

"No, no," Tom snapped, "Repeat after me."

"I Kathy."

"I Kathy."

"Am going to play strip poker."

"Am going to play strip poker."

"If I lose a round, I will get into any positioned ordered and let a guy undress me."

"If I lose a round, I will get into any positioned ordered and let a guy undress me."

"And touch my body in any way he likes."

'And touch my body in anyway he likes."

"If I lose the game."

"If I lose the game."

"I become the sex slave of the guys around this table."

"I become the sex slave of the guys around this table."

"For the rest of the weekend."

"For the rest of the weekend."

"And I will perform any lewd, depraved or perverted sexual acts they order me to do for loosing the game."

"And I will perform any lewd, depraved or perverted sexual acts they order me to do for loosing the game."

"All right let's play," Tom said satisfied.

"All right let's play," I repeated as a joke and giggled.

Tom shuffled the cards while Steve stood in the rather large crowd that had gathered as word spread of the $100,000 game.

My first hand was a pair of twos and I took three cards getting nothing but a King back. As each player laid their cards down it became clear I lost the first hand.

"My Shoe" I said and a stocky guy across from me stood up.

He had me pull my chair back from the table. My face turned a little pink as the guy made me lift my legs up and hold them by my ankles with my legs spread and everybody getting to look up my skirt and between my open legs. He took my shoe off and began to tickle my feet. Within a minute I was begging him to stop, but he continued to tickle. He then offered to stop if I would bend over and let him swat my ass. Before I could decide someone yelled "TIME" and he stopped and I let my legs fall to the floor.

Another guy shuffled the next hand and one by one the cards were dealt. This time I had nothing but an ACE high and asked for four cards, but was told I could only get three. I took my three and ended up with a pair of ten's which was good enough to win the round and the guy said "SHOE," but unlike me he had socks on so tickling his foot was not as effective as it had been on mine.