The Challenge

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Intriguing game offers a challenge for lonely young woman
3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 02/17/2003
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(The events and people involved are entirely fictitious. The author welcomes feedback.)

She was lonely…she had finally admitted it to herself. Her friends at work had been right. She needed to get out more, and meet people. But the reserved side of her held back.

Now…as she sat alone in the back seat of the strange limo, she had to admit that there was a certain… excitement … that tingled through her body. She watched the lights in a daze. The two glasses of wine she drank, (as per the strange inscription on the note that arrived that very afternoon by special delivery in a package), were quickly relaxing her.

Her mind drifted back to the arrival of the package. She had wanted to take special care for this evening and prepared a very long luxurious scented bath. After a lot of persuasion from her co-workers, she joined in the weekly ‘game’ that had quickly become an obsession for the women. She had joked and laughed at them but they informed her that ‘if’ she were ever the one to win the game for the weekend, she would never be the same again. Intrigued, ‘the challenge’ finally haunted her until she decided to see what was so special and made these women so excited.

At the close of Friday’s work, they all gathered around the back desk and placed all names within the ‘game file’ to be drawn as to who would be the one to be “wined and dined” for the weekend. She really did not know how everything worked…’who’ this person was that promised these women an irresistible and romantic weekend. But he must be some type of lover for these women to week after week gather with such enthusiasm in hopes of being the chosen one.

With heated excitement, a sudden hush fell upon the women as the names were mixed up and the one who had been the winner the week before would pull out the name of this week’s winner. The perky secretary quickly stepped up with a big smile, reached into the game file, and pulled out a name. She gasped as she looked directly at the winner. All the women were so excited that ‘she’ was finally getting a chance to have some fun and excitement.

As per the routine, she was to fax her name and address to the mysterious number, and her instructions would arrive on Saturday.

As she was about finished washing her hair she heard the doorbell ring. With hair dripping wet she grabbed her robe and went to the door, her heart beating rapidly. A stranger patiently waited and upon seeing the door open, he quickly informed her she had a special delivery package. She thanked him and as she closed the door saw the limo parked in front of her house.

Perplexed, she carried the package to the living room and opened it. A note embossed in gold trim lay upon white tissue paper that also was trimmed in gold. The anticipation was profound. She opened the note and read:

“My dear, I promise you a night filled with exquisite temptation and enjoyment. Please do me the honor of adorning yourself with this simple sheath…which shall only enhance your beauty. While you prepare for the evening, please drink two glasses of the wine also included in the contents of this box.”

She sat stunned, not sure to open the package or not. Her trembling fingers slowly opened the paper to reveal a gown of sheer black fabric, if it could indeed be called ‘fabric’. She held the gown up and stared in awe at the beautiful yet sensuous way it was made. Below the dress was another note,

“I also request that the remaining items be worn along with the gown. Nothing else please. You can expect to be accompanied to my residence at 7:00 pm this night.”

She found black satin heels with black stockings. Her eyes scanned the contents of the box…but no other undergarments were to be found. She could feel her face warming at the thought of this gown against her bare skin…and nothing else.

The afternoon was filled with such anticipation of the evening ahead. Her telephone rang consistently with her friends asking if she had yet received “the package”.

Finally, she stood before the mirror and was quite stunned how well the gown and shoes fit. How did this person know her exact size? The sheer gown left little to the imagination yet was sensuously alluring. It was a sleeveless gown, cut very low which had tiny satin buttons at the bodice. The back too was cut low and formed a ‘v’ just above her hips, then flowed out generously to the floor. The skirt gave a hint of her stockings beneath. She blushed as she realized just how much of her body could truly be seen. Her nipples were already hardened …looking quite tantalizing and teasing.

Now…she was on her way……..

The drive seemed to take forever and since the windows were dark she could not tell where she was. She knew she was arriving as the limo slowed and finally stopped. Her heart began to beat faster as the door was held open and she stood before a huge estate mansion. The entire place seemed to be alight with radiance. She was assisted up the steps and ushered into a large foyer and realized that she was not the only guest.

Part 2

Music drifted around her and soon she was greeted by a tall young man who proceeded to smile while leading her into a ballroom. She could now see the other guests dancing closely. She was quite stunned. For she realized that all the men wore half masks. And she could not help but guess why this was so

She was greeted by male after male as she was whirled around the dance floor. Pausing occasionally for a break from the dancing, she was quickly handed glass after glass of wine. She had barely ate anything during the day so the wine was quickly altering her normal façade of control. She began to nibble on food but never seemed to be able to eat very much for yet another was claiming her for the next dance.

Her head was becoming quite light as she smiled and gave into the music and attention. She noticed how some of the other women were dressed, and they too, wore scantily or sensuously enticing dresses as bold as the one she wore. She still wondered why the men were concealing their identities….and it made her wonder just ‘who’ in this crowd of people….was her date.

Across the room, he watched her. He smiled as he began to fantasize about his ‘date’ for the evening. She was a beauty and he enjoyed watching the men dance with her; enjoyed too, the fact that her inhibitions were falling away one by one. She had a dreamy look in here eyes now….not the scared look of a trapped rabbit that she had when she first entered the room. He admired her body from a distance …waiting for the right moment to approach her.

Finally the dance concluded and as she was led to the table he allowed his gaze to linger on her heaving chest…and smiled. As he approached the gentleman beside her smiled and kissed her palm and then left.

When she looked up to the tall stranger beside of her she held her breath for a moment. He had the darkest brown eyes she had even seen….they were so….hypnotizing yet… they were full of merriment and passion.

Suddenly a tango was started and he did not wait for her answer as he held out his hand with expectation of her accepting. Chills ran down her spine at the look within his eyes. Her body moved easily as he led her into the most sensual dance she had ever participated in. The dance floor was free of anyone else as he guided her effortlessly while their bodies danced with unleashed passion. No longer did she see anyone else in the room, for he was all that her thoughts could consume. The passion….awakened from this dance was a prelude of what was to come throughout the evening.

As the dance concluded, he bowed before her and left her standing alone in the middle of the dance floor. She was speechless for a moment…and the she could feel all the passion just awakened turning to rage at his audacity. Suddenly the floor began to fill with people again. She saw several side doors that were opened out onto a verandah and headed in that direction quickly….almost running. She was fuming and the cool air quickly took her breath for a few seconds, but that was what she needed…to cool off.

As she stood alone, she could see a body of water in the distance and concentrated on that to help her calm down. Thoughts ran wild and free through her cloudy mind. She closed her eyes enjoying the serenity the night now offered.

She did not hear anyone approach and gasped as she felt someone behind her, slowly pulling her back against his chest. His arms began to enfold her as if protecting her from the chill of the night air. He moved her hair aside and began to kiss her neck. She closed her eyes again….and enjoyed. At the moment, she did not care who it was…it just felt so good to be held….to be loved. She heard his chuckle and tried to move away.

“To what is the problem madam?” he asked arrogantly.

She quickly turned and took a few steps away from him and the look upon her face told him that she was surprised. Finally speaking she almost spat at him.

“Why did you leave me like that alone…in the middle of the dance floor?”

He only smiled at her which only infuriated her even more. Her temper began to flare again as she turned to walk off this time. But he easily caught her…blocking her escape. He was finding their game of cat and mouse amusing, but she was not.

She finally stopped and looked up at him….again finding his eyes the most beautiful she had even seen on a male. He looked at her as though he could read her thoughts. Then his eyes rested on her lips and he moved closer. She made a move to back away but he was too fast as he pulled her closer to him and began to kiss her. She melted instantly as his lips kissed and teased her. Breaking their contact while still holding her, he looked into her eyes and spoke….almost a whisper….

“I left you alone on the dance floor for one reason my dear….”

She looked at him in anticipation….

“To see just how much ‘spirit’ my date had.” He smiled while he allowed his words to sink in.

Her eyes widened as she realized who he was, and the she blushed remembering her thoughts throughout the day…..

Part 3

She was stunned beyond words as she gazed into his eyes. But his audacity and smugness made her apparently furious as once again she turned to leave. He quickly blocked her path and actually laughed at her feeble attempts to leave.

“Going so soon?” his words dripped with challenge.

“Get out of my way!” she screamed as she tried once again to leave.

Ahhhh he thought to himself. She will indeed be the spirited one I’ve searched for each weekend. His thoughts quickly compared her to all the other females he had seen recently and none could even begin to compare to her. Yes, he had been to her office. As a matter-of-face, he had been there for months upon months. His enticement with this ‘game’ throughout the office building had left her unscathed and very unmoving as to participate. She was the ultimate prize he had sought. He couldn’t help but wonder as to what predicament made her change her mind and decide to finally participate. He had almost given up that she might even want to. She always seemed so aloof under that sensual exterior. His thoughts returned as she darted past him quickly.

Within three steps he had captured her within his arms as she tried desperately to fight against him. He could feel her heartbeat as he languorously held her waiting for the precise moment of her surrender. He had patience and would give her time.

As she finally realized that all her efforts were not helping she calmed down but inwardly she was still fuming. She admonished herself for even thinking this would be an enjoyable weekend. She shivered slightly but not from the cold. His nearness was playing havoc on her nerves as his hands began to move up and down her arms. Such delicious tingles coursed through her.

When he began to kiss her neck again he could feel the fight leaving her and being replaced by desire. He no longer had to hold her as his hand moved around to begin roaming over her body. The wine had left her quite mellow yet had heightened all her senses.

He leaned down close to her ear and whispered.

“You didn’t really want to leave my little vixen, did you?”

He turned her slowly as his eyes looked deep within her own. Her body was now shaking as his gaze penetrated her defenses as if he could see completely into her soul. He saw what he wanted, what he had waited for months to see, her desire awakening …for him.

His lips claimed hers in a simple kiss yet quickly turned to the most passionate kiss she had ever known. She needed him and wanted him. He was right, for she did not want to leave. His hands found her breasts and began to tease her nipples. Soft moans escaped as she felt tingles rushing throughout her body causing her knees to feel weak. His hand pushed the flimsy material aside and his lips began to roam over her breasts spreading kisses which elicited even more sighs as she gave herself to him. She no longer cared where she was…all she needed was him…

As he sensed her complete surrender he kissed her lips again. She did not realize what she did to him as she leaned against him …invitingly.

The music, the party, were forgotten as he lifted her small frame into his arms. She asked no questions as he easily carried her. All she wanted now was to be completely alone with him. For him to extinguish these flames he had awakened…ease the aching that now seemed to threatening to consume her.

Alone in his room, he watched her as he began to undress. Their eyes met and held. No words were spoken as she reached for the zipper and slowly allowed the only garment separating them to fall to the floor. She stood before him in only her stockings as she waited for his touch.

His eyes devoured her beautiful and sensuous body….admiring the rosy tips of nipples that spoke of her desire, her hips so shapely. The few candles that burned softly in his room cast a romantic glow as he stepped towards her.

He looked deep in her eyes and smiled. He could see the question she left unasked. And as if hearing her thoughts he reached up to remove his mask.

Her eyes widened at the recognition of ‘who’ he actually was. She backed away instinctively and stopped as the bed prohibited any further movement.

“Where are you going?” he asked as his smile disappeared. The want and need was now quite evident in his eyes.

She did not answer as she stood…waiting. He came up to her and again started kissing her dissolving all doubts once again. His body was now so close to hers that she could feel his desire as well. His hands began their exploration of her body as he pushed her back on the bed. His lips caressed her like a gentle breeze covering every inch of her and causing her arch against his fingertips….wanting….more.

“aahhhhh …..yessss,” she softly moaned as her eyes closed and she enjoyed each new sensation that he gave. His lips began to lick and caress her breasts, sucking on each nipple causing her to moan even more. She held his head close….closer….as the tingles that raged through her body seem to be edging her nearer and nearer to release. His lips continued to kiss and tease as he felt her clinging to him and began to tremble. Suddenly her body arched against him as she cried out and gave way to the waves that claimed her body.

With wild abandon she now reached for his body…..wanting him closer. He looked up into her eyes and smiled as he lightly kissed her and allowed his hands to roam down her body. He watched her intently….seeing the emotions building. The depth of her desire was like a mirror for his own. The most beautiful eyes he had ever seen.

His hand teased her legs, slowly opening them to his gentle touch. His breath caught at her beauty as his fingers caressed her smooth nether lips. As her eyes closed again he began to kiss his way down her body. Her arousal was evident as his lips kissed the insides of her legs which opened further…..invitingly. She softly moaned as his tongue licked, moving closer to her petal of desire. At the first touch of his tongue on her soft mound she gasped and arched against him. He held her hips as his fingers and tongue began to tease her clit with small circles around and around. He felt her wetness as his fingers began to explore within her soft folds.

“mmmmmmm oh yessssssssss….” she moaned as her body moved against him. He licked and sucked until she war writhing and bucking against him His finger was now joined by a second one as he moved them in and out of her faster, and faster. Once again she felt the waves of impending release as he continued to suck on her while his fingers found the exact spot to send her spiraling into orgasm. He felt her muscles grasping at his fingers as she climaxed. She cried out with intense moans as she rode the waves of passions release.

His body moved over hers slowly …

(to be continued…)

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