The Christmas Bonus


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"You don't bring deer to the woods, after all." Josh explained as his eyes scanned the room. "You just bring the gun."

Alex smiled in agreement and Joanna shrugged. There was a harsh screeching sound over the speakers as the music came to a screeching halt, eliciting groans of displeasure from the room.

"Come on, music!" Someone called as people grumbled at the interruption to their fun. There was some light chatter as someone fiddled with the CD player near the front of the room.

"Hey, what about the piano! Can anyone play?" came another voice. There was, indeed, a small grand piano on the small stage at the front of the room.

"Morrison, you play a little, don't you?" Harry Thomas, the leader of one of the other teams and someone that the team knew had been friends with Alex in high school. Alex laughed at the request.

"A tiny bit of jazz. Trust me, work on the CD player. I couldn't be more out of practice." Alex said, taking a sip from his drink.

"Come on!" came another request. That entreaty was soon joined by more and more people from throughout the room, all asking for Alex to again fill the room with music. It even grew into a bit of a chant of his name. It soon grew to the entire room, with only the people at his own table not joining in. He finally threw up his hands in mock surrender, stood up and took off his coat as he walked to the front of the room.

"Harry, I will get back at you for embarrassing me like this," Alex said, drawing a laugh as he took a seat at the piano bench. He let his fingers run over the keys a bit before beginning to play. The piano was clearly in good use as the familiar strains of "Let it Snow" began filling the hall.

"Well the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful," Alex began singing, his voice a rich and pitch-perfect baritone. A crowd began assembling near the stage.

"God, he's so good." Carrie said with a laugh as she sipped on her champagne. Like most of the women in the hall, she was looking on with quite a bit of admiration at Alex's performance.

"Didn't Alex book the room?" Phil said, looking vaguely annoyed as he saw the look on his wife's face.

"Uh huh." Josh said, clearly annoyed.

"So he'd have had to specially request the piano be here, right?" Phil continued, even though Carrie caught the jealous look on his face and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Mmmhmm" Josh sipped on his beer.

"So why..."

"This is your first time meeting Alex, is it?" Joanna said wryly as she saw a good number of the female employees in attendance congregate around the piano. One or two bold ones even slipped what Joanna assumed to be phone numbers into the large tip glass on top.

"C'mon honey, let's dance." Carrie said, standing up and yanking Phil to his feet. He smiled and walked after his wife. Josh also stood up.

"Excuse me," Josh said, finishing his beer, "I need to go write something in the woman's bathroom."

Josh walked off, giving Joanna no real impression as to whether or not he was serious, leaving Joanna sitting alone at the table. She sat there and sipped gingerly at her drink, lost in her own thoughts. She sighed with frustration. She still had Jessica on her mind. The entire week she'd had to avoid her as best she could, feeling ashamed every time she saw her. She was such a cute, smart girl and Joanna wanted her very, very badly but even the few times Jessica had tried striking up a conversation since their night at the bar, Joanna had just felt worse and worse that she'd agreed to try and seduce her just for the sake of the game. Joanna wished she could have been a better person, have not agreed to Alex's challenge and been able to pursue Jessica honestly. Then, as she thought of her already booked vacation days, she wished she was a worse person so she could have gone after Jessica, gotten her, and won the Bonus. She was lost in that confusing mix when Josh returned to the table.

"You won't believe it Jo," he exclaimed happily, "You see those two over there."

Josh pointed to a nearby table where two pretty brunettes were sipping on Cosmos and occasionally looking Josh's way with a giggle.

"What about them?" Joanna said, not really caring.

"Well, they both recognized my name and they both, I repeat both, seem to want to find out that the legends are, indeed, true." Josh said as he hastily assembled his things, clearly looking to make a hasty retreat from the party.

"Congratulations." Joanna sighed

"That's not even the best part, they're both Alpha Omega Pi's!" Josh said

Joanna just looked at him with a shrug.

"Sisters! Sorority sisters!" Josh explained, "We always had the 200 point bonus for sisters but we never clarified that it had to be blood or even family relations."

Joanna gave him a forced smile.

"Harry Connick Jr. up there can sing until he drops dead and he won't have enough time to make up this ground on me." Josh said, waving in the direction of Alex. Alex was still surrounded by a group of swooning women, having switched from "Let it Snow" to "Blue Christmas"

"Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree," Alex sang as he returned Josh's wave with a nod of his head, clearly misunderstand the purpose of the greeting, "Won't mean a thing dear, if you're not here with me. I'll be so blue..."

"You have a cigarette, right Josh?" Joanna said. She knew he would. Josh didn't smoke but he kept a pack on hand in case a pretty young thing with a nicotine addiction asked him for one as a conversation starter. He nodded and reached into his pocket and handed her the pack.

"Here you go, a consolation prize." Josh said before looking back to the two girls he'd apparently be sharing the evening with and gleefully exclaiming, "It's a Chanukah miracle!"

Joanna nodded as she watched Josh practically skip off in the direction of the two girls who were also making their preparations to leave. Joanna shook her head. She didn't know if Josh was more excited to be winning the contest or about to engage in an orgy with two girls that Joanna concluded were very pretty. She didn't pay the matter much thought though as she made her own way out of the banquet hall. She was nearly at the front of the building when the door flung open. Jessica was walking in the door and the two practically collided.

"Oops, sorry." Jessica said. Joanna just stood there, spell bound. Jessica was wearing a red velvet shirt, red velvet skirt and red velvet hat, all with the traditional white fur trim. The skirt was relatively short and the top was low cut to show a deep valley of cleavage. She looked like what any red blooded heterosexual man, bisexual or Lesbian would most like to ask Santa for.

"Wow, Jess, I mean, you look..."

"Ridiculous, I know." Jessica said with a laugh, "But my dad is dressing up as Santa again and he insisted I come as his 'Helper' for when the gift giving starts so I thought, fuck it. Give him a heart attack in return for the humiliation."

Ridiculous had not been the word Joanna was thinking of.

"You look unbelievable." Joanna said, smiling.

"You leaving?" Jessica asked

"No, just going out for a smoke." Joanna said, showing the pack in her hand.

"You smoke?"

"No. Not for years. But need one now." Joanna said as she took a step past the gorgeous, seasonally dressed girl. She was only a step past her when Jessica's voice stopped her.

"Can I ask you something?" Jessica sounded frustrated. Joanna turned around. At a bit of a distance, with the red stockings and heels of her outfit visible, Joanna thought Jessica looked even better. She could feel herself heating up.


"I mean, you like me right?" Jessica asked, "And not like, friend like me. You want to sleep with me, right?"

"God yes." Joanna exclaimed, her voice seemingly releasing days of tension.

"OK, right. So you're hitting on me all night at the bar and you're as bad as any guy in terms of checking me out so why didn't you take the shot when I asked to see your place?" Jessica said, looking more way more puzzled than hurt. Joanna sighed.

"It's complicated." Joanna said, "Can we talk somewhere?"

Jessica nodded and the two of them found a small, unlocked room in the corner of the hall. It appeared to be an administration office as there was a large wooden desk at the back of the room and a xerox machine in one of the corners. Jessica hopped up to sit on the desk as Joanna closed the door behind them.

"So what's up?" Jessica asked

Joanna launched into the full thing. About the game and how stupid it was. About the vacation time she'd booked and her desperation to go somewhere nice. About Alex and his stupid offer and her shame at accepting the challenge and how, when it came down to it, she couldn't go through with it. About her regret that she hadn't just approached Jessica honestly and made a legitimate advance. To Joanna's surprise, Jessica seemed to take it all in stride, even chuckling at certain bits.

"So, let me get this straight," Jessica said when Joanna was done, "You three are in a year long competition to sleep with the most girls."

"Well, when you say it that way it sounds skeezy and gross." Joanna said, acknowledging that it was kind of true.

"And I was some sort of big year end prize?" she continued

"At first but..."

"And if you give my panties to Alex, you get five thousand dollars." Jessica said, getting to the shameful end. Joanna could barely stand to look at her.

"That's about it."

"I mean, sure weird and a little juvenile and everything," Jessica said, "But, I mean, alright."

"Excuse me?" Joanna said, looking up to see Jessica's smiling face.

"I mean, I got them on sale for three for thirty dollars." Jessica said, still shaking her head with some disbelief, "I'm working a reception job to pay for a trip of my own. So if you want to cut me in on this for, oh, let's say fifty percent of the pool then you are more than welcome to them and I will come out pretty significantly ahead."

"Really?" Joanna said, relieved that the news was being taken so well and Jessica was, shockingly, a willing conspirator.

"Yeah," Jessica said, hopping off the desk, "I mean, why not?"

Joanna breathed a big sigh of relief.

"That's very, very cool of you." Joanna said, "The game works on an honour system so we can just tell the guys that..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, I said I'd help you win" Jessica said as she stepped closer to Joanna, backing her up against the door, "I didn't say anything about helping you cheat."

The shorter blonde girl pushed into Joanna and kissed her, her plump, soft lips pressing against Joanna's thinner, darker ones hungrily. Joanna was caught off guard at first. She was still caught off-guard by Jessica's reaction to the news, this was something entirely unexpected. Her confusion only lasted a second though, the warmth and the power of the kiss knocked her right back into gear and soon, Joanna was as much the aggressor in the kiss as Jessica was, the soft, warm lips that Joanna had admired so now being bitten and pulled on gently as they kissed. Their tongues pressed together softly and sweetly at first, feeling each other out. To Joanna's continued surprise, Jessica seemed every bit as experienced and interested as she herself was. There was no let up in the kiss, each woman willing to let the other one take charge for a while before reasserting herself. Joanna thought that Jessica must have put on some sort of mint flavoured chap-stick or lip balm and was savouring every cool, sweet bit.

"God," Joanna moaned as she finally broke the kiss, beginning to kiss and bite at Jessica's neck, getting soft moans from the girl in response, "I'm so glad you caught me before I had that cigarette. I'd have tasted gross."

"Mmmm" Jessica moaned as she undid the buttons on Joanna's coat, "It's not talking time."

Joanna nodded and, with two hands firmly on Jessica's firm, beautifully shaped ass, she lifted the younger woman away from the door and back up onto the desk. She tossed her coat to the side and went back to kissing Jessica, her hands cupping her face and pulling her into it. Jessica's own hands finally were able to undo Joanna's coat and, after some ministrations, tossed it onto the small couch in the corner. Joanna began undoing Jessica's shirt, her hands expertly finding the zipper at the back of her outfit's top and pulling it down to the small of Jessica's back. The red and white garment was the next to be casually tossed to the corner, letting Jessica's substantial, bra-clad breasts free as the tight top was stripped from her. The bra was the next garment to go, with Joanna first yanking the straps down with her teeth before Jessica reached behind herself and undid the hooks of the lacy garment. Joanna couldn't help it. She had to marvel for a second as Jessica's breasts came into view. Their significant size was something Joanna had expected but their flawless, teardrop shape, how high and firm they sat on her chest and the tan colour that matched the rest of Jessica's flawless skin was something she hadn't predicted.

Joanna didn't waste any time. She dove in, slowly kissing down from the top of Jessica's neck to the tops of her breasts, then down along them, letting her soft tongue trace around the small areola, causing the light pink buds of Jessica's nipples to stiffen to hardness beneath Joanna's ministrations. Joanna switched between the two orbs, wanting to pay each an appropriate amount of attention. Jessica wrapped her hand in Joanna's brown locks, gripping the warm, hungry mouth to her. Jessica moaned her encouragement. Her breasts had always been especially sensitive and Joanna seemed an expert at knowing just what to do to set her off. One of Joanna's hands would see to the one her mouth was not actively either licking, sucking or gently biting at, her hands filling with the soft flesh and gently kneading the flesh, her fingers occasionally rolling the nipples around softly. Jessica could hardly decide if she liked the attentions of Joanna's hand or mouth better. She was glad she didn't have to decide.

"You...oh, oh my do sleep with a lot of girls don't you?" Jessica said appreciatively. Joanna didn't reply. She was busy kissing down lower, her hands sliding the skirt up Jessica's thighs before finding the delicate material of her lover's panties. Joanna slipped her fingers into the waistband of the soft material and began sliding them down Jessica's athletic, toned thighs. True to her word, after Joanna had slipped them down Jessica's thighs, knees and calves, she leaned forward and took the garment in her mouth, yanking them down the rest of the way while gripped tightly in her teeth. Joanna giggled at the sight of it but was soon back to moaning as Joanna's mouth was quickly back on her, kissing its way up her thighs.

"Be...oh goodness..." Jessica's words were cut off by Joanna's mouth coming to it's apparent destination. Joanna licked along the length of Jessica's lips, noting the considerable wetness her earlier efforts had induced and savouring the taste. Joanna loved how unique each woman she was with tasted and Jessica seemed the sweetest of them all. Whether it was something natural or just the end result of the considerable anticipation she'd had being satisfied, Joanna didn't know. She didn't much care either. She spread Jessica ever so slightly with her fingers, letting Jessica's small, stiff clit catch her tongue. Jessica gave a satisfied moan and Joanna let her tongue swirl around the stiff little bud. Her attention to Jessica's clit was skillful, relentless but playful. She alternated between rapidly licks and soft, playful rolls. Jessica groaned, squeezing her own breasts. Every new touch from Joanna's tongue was a new one, keeping her off-guard. With everyone she hoped the next would be the exact same only to be delighted by the new technique Joanna applied.

"I'm going to..oh fuck yes...oh please" Jessica moaned, feeling the pressure build up inside her. Joanna took that as a sign to divert her attentions elsewhere. She again parted Jessica's lips with her tongue, pressing her mouth deeply against Jessica's sex and licking artfully inside her. She was as skillful with her tongue deep inside, Jessica thought, as she'd been with every other part of her body. Jessica could barely believe what Joanna was doing to her. She'd been with two girls in college but they were late night hook-ups. Weird things where neither one really knew what they were doing. As she bucked her hips and moaned with delight as Joanna's deftly experienced tongue worked inside her, she wondered if she'd ever been with anyone, male of female, who'd actually known what they were doing. Jessica again moaned with disappointment when Joanna removed her tongue but groaned as her tongue was back at her clit and, replacing the tongue inside her, were two of Joanna's fingers, sliding into her swiftly. Joanna crooked them ever so slightly and, upon finding the desired spot, began stroking it quickly towards her as her mouth clamped around Jessica's clit, sucking it gently into her mouth and then going back to frenzied licking.

Jessica couldn't take it. It was almost so good as to overload her senses. She almost thought about asking Joanna to stop, to let her brace herself. But she just kept bucking her hips, her moans now high pitched, breathless and ragged.

"I...I....Oh fuck...oh fuck...cuh-cumming!" Jessica screamed as she felt herself finally being pushed over the edge, her entire body shaking and squeezing as she felt herself gush her cum over Joanna's face. Joanna didn't let up for a second, kept fingering and licking at her, even though the walls encircling her fingers began squeezing so tight at her fingers that Joanna idly thought they might break. She just kept licking, kept fingering, savouring the feeling of the girl cumming due to her exertions. Jessica just shook, panting and moaning as Joanna kept at her, not relenting for a second. Every few seconds a fresh wave of her orgasm would tear around her, like aftershocks after a massive earthquake, causing her to shake again.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god" Jessica repeated as she felt herself finally descending. Joanna finally stopped slightly, kissing and biting at Jessica's quivering thighs. Joanna smiled as she looked up at Jessica, the sight of the beautiful girl in the contented, satisfied after-effects of a powerful orgasm really was a sight to behold.

"How was that?" Joanna asked softly.

"Good, god." Jessica moaned appreciatively before she shifted a bit, "Although I think my ass is a little numb from sitting on the desk."

"Want to, mmm," Joanna kissed gave Jessica another lick, getting an appreciative moan in response, "Get dressed and go back to my place for the night?"

"I do," Jessica said, "But I did promise my dad I'd help do the gift thing at eleven."

"What time is it?"

"Clock says 10:30." Jessica said, motioning to a small wall clock hanging above the photocopier.

"Damnit." Joanna said with a frown. She didn't want to wait for more.

"I know," Jessica said, running her fingers through Joanna's hair, "It means we can only fuck for twenty, twenty five more minutes tops before it."

Chapter Six.

The tiny couch in the office's corner had proven a far better, if still cramped and uncomfortable, spot for their efforts. Joanna had, after divesting herself of her little black dress and her appropriately slinky underthings, joined the rest of their clothes on the floor. Jessica had marvelled at Joanna's body. She was tall, willowy and graceful. Everything about her just seemed so elegant. Joanna had rejoined Jessica on the couch where they'd kissed hungrily some more and Jessica had returned some of the attention that she'd received to Joanna's smaller, perky breasts.