The Clinic and Heartless Cruelty


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Linda, realizing that she was overacting, had the grace to blush in embarrassment.

Marie just shook her head at Linda's apparent display of cowardice.

Natasha, in her role as Jane, shook hers too, in apparent disgust. She would have to torment Linda extra long, as a show of 'good faith' to Marie.

The kernel of an idea on how to regain their freedom was now a full blown plan. But Jane / Natasha would have to wait until the right time. Timing and distance would be critical, if she were to succeed.

Jane / Natasha put it out of her mind and concentrated on the business (and pussy) at hand.

When she was a fraction of an inch from Linda's bare cunt, Jane / Natasha paused to smile lustfully. She felt the tension in the room go up a bit.

She softly, carefully touched the vibrating wand to the nude and bound Linda's bare wet clitoris.

Linda gasped at the intimate contact. The sound all but muffled by her gag.

Jane / Natasha began to rotate the wand in tiny circles. She concentrated on the clitoris. Then, as Linda began to relax a bit, Jane / Natasha let the circles grow so that she was now including Linda's entire exposed cunt.

As much as neither the parole officer nor her bound tormentress wanted to feel anything (because of the danger), both began to feel their own sexual heat rise from such an intimate activity.

Linda kept her eyes locked on Jane / Natasha's face. The powerful wand was now beginning to have a profound impact on her. She was unable to help herself as she groaned and ground her bare body back against the electric instrument.

"Surely, it's the drug!" Thought Linda desperately, "It can't be me!"

Jane / Natasha, as much as she knew that she had to lull Marie and her gang into a false sense of complacency, could feel her sexual desires climbing, as she worked the wand.

Jane / Natasha thought the same thing, "Surely, it's the drug! It can't be me!"

They were both right and they were both wrong. Natasha had taken the drug hours before so she was almost clear headed at that point. Linda was less so. The adrenaline they felt at being in such peril helped both women to sober up too. Yet the intimate connection and its resultant passion could not be denied.

Finally, just as Linda found herself at the very beginning of a powerful orgasm; Jane pulled the wand back an inch. It was now just short of touching the bound Linda.

Linda, in the throes of the beginning of a forced orgasm, gasped and groaned. She reached her bare cunt out to touch the wand.

Jane / Natasha smiled with cruel anticipation and pulled the wand back, just out of Linda's reach.

Linda gasped in surprise, at the woman's cruelty.

If she had been sober, Linda wouldn't have been surprised at all at what Natasha was trying to do but the drug had numbed her mind and complex plans were just beyond her comprehension.

Natasha, in her role as Jane, waited until Linda had quit arching to reach the wand. As soon as Linda relaxed (in frustration), 'Jane' reached forward and touched the wand to Linda's bare cunt yet again.

Linda groaned and humped the head of the vibrating instrument.

'Jane', let Linda's passion build until the climax was nearly upon her. Then 'Jane' pulled the wand back yet again.

Over and over, Linda would build to a climax, only to have 'Jane' take it away. The drug in Linda's system made it easy for her to feel and display very intense sexual passion.

Marie smirked at her hated cousin's helplessness yet she caught herself wondering how she would fare under similar circumstances. She quickly dismissed the notion and edged a bit closer for an even better view.

Her gang, ever mindful of their place, followed suit.

Chapter Four -- Linda's Orgasm

Now 'Jane' had everyone, nearly where she wanted them. Now she had to be even more vigilant. Now she had to be even more ruthless with Linda...

'Jane' looked up at Linda and said maliciously, "Nearly time, Honey!"

'Jane' pulled the wand off of Linda's cunt, turned back to Marie and asked, "Would you like to see her come while your man fucks her up the ass?"

Marie, who considered herself beyond such shocks, opened her eyes wide and let her jaw drop in amazement.

Marie looked at Jacques. Her naked husband was still behind the bound Linda, only now he was very erect. Marie watched as 'Jane' reached into the desk and pulled out a large bottle of lubricant.

'Jane' passed the bottle between Linda's spread legs.

All ignored the muffled pleas and cries of the bound woman who was the centre of their attention.

Jacques lathered up his condom sheathed erection and slowly, carefully began to press against Linda's bare butt.

Natasha, in her role as 'Jane', stood up, looked the bound spread-eagled woman in the eye and spoke softly, "Press back against him. Easy...Ain't nothing you can do to stop this anyway, so you better help."

'Jane' nodded sagely at Linda, as Jacque slowly carefully pressed his erection further into Linda's tight butt.

Linda, drugged and sexually stimulated to a level of intensity she rarely achieved, found herself groaning and pushing back against the hated (but still desired) erect penis.

It was apparent to all, that Linda was now completely unable to control her reactions. She was their sexual plaything and there was nothing she could do about it.

'Jane' knelt back down and gently pressed the wand back against Linda's hot wet cunt.

Linda groaned and pressed back against the wand. She was now humping her bound body back and forth between the electric wand on her cunt and the iron hard erection moving smoothly in and out of her muscular backside.

It was the work of only a moment for all to see that Linda was going to come hard in a second.

All four predators were now within a few feet of 'Jane'.

Jacques was sodomizing Linda from behind, Marie had stepped close so she could peer over 'Jane's' back at the wand as it worked its terrible magic on Linda. Jacob stood to 'Jane's' right so he could see better and his wife, Francine, stood to the left.

As much as she didn't want to, Linda knew...Knew... She was going to come. Worse still, she wasn't going to stop climaxing until someone else decided. Her worst nightmare was now becoming a reality!

She made a keening sound and looked away as she had when Jacque had first raped her.

Then she felt the orgasm take hold!

Linda pulled at the restraints that held her arms apart. She grunted with effort and tightened her muscles as much as she could.

Jacque's penis, buried deep in her ass, intensified her sexual passion. The wand pressed firmly against her sensitive cunt forced her to achieve a powerful orgasm before people she hated.

'Jane' watched Linda come. The bound woman shook and groaned and cried out in a sexual frenzy.

Jacque, unable to help himself, cried out, as he too, came hard.

Chapter Five -- Carnival Game

When Natasha had been in college, she spent a semester working as a barker in a local carnival.

They had stuck her with one game in particular called 'Gopher Heads'.

It was a simple game consisting of a large flat plywood box that had six holes in the top of it. A machine inside the box would push up a single plastic gopher head at a time. As soon as the customer hit that head, it would disappear and another head would rise from a different hole. A buzzer would sound and lights would flash after each hit.

The trick was to hit as many as you could in one minute. Natasha was never able to beat the wizened old man that ran the game. Try as she might, he was so much better than her, she finally broke down and asked him how he did it.

What was his trick?

He had smiled and cackled, "Don't try so hard kid."

She had looked at him suspiciously, which set him to cackling again.

"That's a hard mallet you've got! It can bash them critters easy." He had smiled again and before he admonished her, "Light an easy. Let the mallet do the work."

Natasha never got as good as the old man. But by following his advice she tripled her score the next time she played.

Now, desperately running the bluff of her life, the old man's words came back to her, "Light an easy. Let the mallet do the work."

Natasha had done her best to lure Marie and her three friends into a ragged circle where they were lustfully watching Linda's rape and torture. Natasha was close enough that she could touch them all with the wand without having to do more than turn her torso a bit.

The electric wand in Natasha's hands was about the same length and weight as that long ago carnival game mallet. Only the shape and balance were different. Under these conditions those made no difference at all.

Just as Linda's orgasm was reaching its zenith, Natasha acted. Without pause she turned slightly and backhanded Marie across the woman's temple with the wand.

Marie fell away unconscious but Natasha was already turning back to face the still climaxing Jacques. She brained him with an overhand blow and he too, fell back, out before he hit the floor.

Jacob was directly to her right. He had been stroking his hard erection through his pants as he watched the action. He never had a chance.

Natasha backhanded him across the temple as well and he went down like he had been hit by a ton of bricks.

Francine, directly across from her husband, had time to look shocked before Natasha brained her. Francine collapsed, as well.

The whole action had taken less than two seconds and all four attackers were down and out.

Natasha found herself shaking with adrenaline. Her eyes were slightly teary and she had a hard time controlling her breathing.

She realized that the wand was still going. Amazingly, the harsh use had not broken anything.

Natasha turned it off and set the wand on the desk. She turned back to take the hood off of Linda. She was careful about removing the gag.

"I don't know how to work...Which keys to press for the laptop to set you down. " She said in a shaky voice.

Linda, still mildly high, told her which keys to press to extend the cables from their winches. In a moment, she was free of her spread-eagled position of restraint.

Linda checked the four's vital signs with an expert hand. She nodded to herself.

Linda looked up at Natasha as she said, "Wouldn't do to have someone die of a concussion, would it?"

"So, what do we do now, oh-great-leader?" Natasha asked Linda.

Linda, still slightly high, sighed and said, "I have an idea, actually."

Chapter Six -- Joan Returns

Between the two of them, they quickly secured Marie and her three friends in the four separate holding cells that were in the back of 'The Clinic'.

All four were then stripped naked, gagged and bound in the spread-eagled fashion that Linda had just been in.

By the time the two women were done, the four predators had returned to consciousness. The last of the four to be bound was Marie.

Linda and Natasha ignored the muffled protests and wild eyes of Marie as they left the woman's cell.

As Linda and Natasha walked back to the main office, Linda explained the bare bones of her plan.

"Once my head stops spinning; I'll give them a choice. Confess and agree to 'treatment and incarceration at this private facility' or they will be transferred to another federal penitentiary." Linda said simply.

Natasha stopped and stared, "Th...That's it?!"

Linda smiled and responded, "It's not quite that easy but yes. I know that you don't know them but I do."

Linda saw the frank suspicion on Natasha's face and continued, "Both Marie Allard and her husband Jacques are convicted felons serving life sentences without possibility of parole. They are also unlawfully at large. At least that was the case until they were declared dead...A fingerprint match will confirm their identities and they know it."

Natasha started to protest just as they reached Linda's office but the older woman cut her off with a gentle restraining hand.

"Natasha, there is a lot that you don't know about me." Linda smiled sadly and continued, "I'll explain it all but let me get dressed first...And trust me. This plan will work. It's not the first time it's been done."

Just as Linda and Natasha were about to dress, Linda noticed the phone message light was blinking.

The two women finished dressing quickly.

Linda retrieved the message. It was Joan and she was on her way. Linda called Joan's office number only to be told that Joan should be nearly there to 'inspect' the clinic.

Linda turned to Natasha and said, "That was Joan. She is on her way here to inspect this place."

Just then, the front door buzzer squawked. Linda and Natasha realized that it was likely signaling Joan's arrival.

The two women looked at each other and Natasha spoke before Linda could, "The only way we are getting away with this, is if I'm 'Jane' and you condition me. That will buy us some time."

Natasha spoke with conviction, "If you do not distract her, Joan will inspect every inch of this place and she WILL find Marie and her friends."

Natasha continued fiercely, "Joan will want to know what is going on! No matter what you think of this woman or what you have on her; she is a Federal Officer with a scandal proof reputation. She'll shut this place down and have you locked up!"

Before the other woman could respond, Natasha said, "You have dealt in designer drugs and extortion! Those are federal crimes and they carry long sentences! Marie won't hesitate to spill her guts about what she knows and she thinks she knows plenty!"

Natasha continued, "Just the allegations could be enough to warrant an investigation!"

Natasha grabbed Linda by both arms, looked her right in the eye and said forcefully, "I am also a Federal Officer and I know where of I speak! I'll likely walk away with a slap on the wrist! I don't think you will be so lucky!"

Natasha caressed Linda's face and asked, "Please, don't you see that this is the only way?"

Linda looked at Natasha and was touched by the depth of concern she saw in the younger woman's face.

Linda didn't agree with Natasha's assessment of Joan's abilities but Linda could see that Natasha was afraid for her.

Linda also knew that distracting Joan in the way that Natasha suggested would be an effective way to solve a lot of problems.

Linda looked at her paramour and made a decision, "Get your clothes back off and go wait in the 'conditioning room'. I'll stall Joan."

Before Natasha could turn away, Linda added, "Look...Thanks for everyth..."

Natasha stepped forward, grabbed Linda's face in both hands and kissed her hard, effectively shutting the older woman up.

The buzzer squawked twice in rapid succession. Joan was becoming more insistent, obviously.

Linda went and peeked out the door and confirmed that it was, indeed, Joan. There had been enough surprises for one day and Linda didn't want anymore.

Linda looked back at Natasha, nodded at the younger woman and went to answer the door.

Natasha quickly took her clothes off, again, before she went into the 'conditioning room', as Linda had told her to. She could hear Linda greeting Joan as she hung her clothes up in the closet.

As Natasha exited through the office through the inner door (to the 'conditioning room'), Linda and Joan entered the office through the outer door.

There, in the 'conditioning room', Natasha assumed her role as 'Jane', once more. She knelt, nude and with head bowed.

'Jane' would have to suffer at the hands of her cruel Tormentress, once more.

"It's for the best!" 'Jane' told herself, as she waited...

To Be Continued...

To my readers;

Thank you for taking the time to read my works. I hope you had as much fun reading them, as I did writing them.

This first series about 'The Clinic' winds up with the next story, 'The Clinic and Indecent Acts'.

After that, there will be a three story prequel detailing the development of 'The Clinic'.

And after that, there will be other possibilities to explore...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
oh come on

this story is way beyond bad, who comes up with this stuff it is a good thing there is only 1 chapter of this

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