The Collapse Ch. 03


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"Of course I would! That's your right and it's what I agreed to, isn't it?"

He walked me over to a rock and had me put my hands on it. I heard him fumble with his belt behind me and then heard the rustle of his pants as they crumpled to his ankles.

I went to hold up my dress.

"No," he said. "I want to do that."

He pulled up my dress and ran his hands over my ass. I liked it.

A finger ran through my pussy lips and then I felt him press his hardened cock against me. He was holding it with his hand as he swabbed it between my legs.

I spread my legs a little wider and then heard myself say, "Mmmmmmm." as he slipped inside me.

This was no quiet lovemaking. I knew what it was to just fuck and this was just a fuck. He thrust into me hard enough to make me brace myself on the rock. It wasn't exactly a pleasure for me but I was doing what I was supposed to do and I was kind of enjoying being his whore. I liked having him use me. Somehow I found it very satisfying when he caught his breath and I knew he was cumming inside me.

When he was done he stepped back and grabbed his kerchief from his neck and cleaned himself before pulling up his pants. I let my dress drop down and went to go wash myself in the creek.

"Amy, wash yourself when you get home. I like you this way."

He took me by the hand and we walked back to the house. When we walked past the farm ladies I saw this one older girl named Raychelle look at me. She looked at the stream of cum running down to my ankle and I heard her say, "Whore!", under her breath.

After I cleaned up and changed into a sleepshirt Mr. Evans told me that I was going to stay in the house for a while and that he wanted me to always wear a sleepshirt, even in the daytime, and nothing else.

Maggie heard him say this and she smiled. I saw this and when I asked her what she was smiling about she told me I'd find out.

And I did.

Seems Mr. Evans liked the idea that I was always available to him and as the spring gave way to summer he made sure I knew that he liked it.

There were days when he'd have me stay naked all day just so he could watch me walk around the house. There were afternoons where he'd have me lay down and then he'd lay beside me, getting himself into me and then gently making love to me as we talked about the gardens and the mining. He loved to fuck me on the porch and didn't care if the farm ladies saw it. I slept with him every night and every morning I'd awaken to him being hard and burying himself into me.

There was almost no point in cleaning myself up because as soon as I did he'd fuck me again. Some days I didn't bother cleaning up and I smelled of his musky cum all day. I didn't care if it ran down my legs.

And then the first day of June arrived and when I got up I felt sick. I didn't vomit but when I told Maggie that I was nauseous she smiled that smile of hers.

"Okay, I asked before and I'm asking again why are you smiling like that?"

She snorted a little laugh. "Because he's done fucked a baby into you, that's why."

I looked at her a little incredulous.

She looked right back at me. "Amy, you're pregnant and you're going to have a baby!"

I was shocked. I mean I knew this would happen but part of me didn't really think it would happen. Yet here it was and here I was.

I'm going to be a mother!

I hugged Maggie and ran to tell Mr. Evans the news and he was thrilled! Of course, he kissed me and hugged me and then told me to get on the bed so he could really let me know how happy he was!

* * *

The house/fortress was a small community and word got out fast that Mr. Evans had made his slut whore pregnant.

Sure enough, Raychelle was the first to call me a whore to my face and tell me that my baby was going to be a whore just like me even if it were a boy!

I didn't let it bother me but a few days later Mr. Evans was having a business meeting with the overseers. He liked me being at these meetings because he said the other men better understood who was in charge when they saw me. They talked a lot of boring things like the mining and all that Texas stuff but then one of them brought up that a farm boy named Bill wanted to take Raychelle for himself. That kind of thing required permission from Mr. Evans and he was about to say yes when I spoke out.

"Raychelle's the one who always calls me a whore."

Mr. Evans looked at me for a moment and then called for Maggie. He looked at me and told me, "When Maggie gets in here you don't say a word, you understand?"

"Yes, sir." He had his serious voice on so I gave my serious reply.

When Maggie came in he wasted no time.

"Maggie, I hear Raychelle has a name for Amy. What is it?"

Maggie chuckled a little, "Oh, Raychelle likes to call Amy a whore. Amy don't seem to mind it much but Raychelle does seem a little mean about it."

Mr. Evans turned to one of the overseers. "You're going to the Cuba Colony tomorrow to trade for vanilla and pepper. You take Bill with you and when you get there you tell Bill he's free and his debt is paid so long as he never comes back here. You give him five gold coins to get himself a start in life. He's a good man and he deserves it. But he never comes back here, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir." replied the overseer.

"And Bill doesn't know this deal until you get to the Colony, right?"


I didn't understand what all was happening but I kept my silence like I was told and the next day most folks were happy to see Bill get to go on an important trading trip. Men who did good on trading trips could make extra money and maybe even buy their freedom so it was a very happy occasion, especially for Raychelle who expected Bill would also buy her freedom.

The truck bounced down the road and headed off for Elko so the men could get the train for Galveston and then on to the Cuba Colony. I'm pretty sure that will be the last we see of Bill.

When the truck came back from Elko the next day Mr. Evans confirmed that Bill and the overseer were on the train and then he nodded like he was making a decision.

He called for the overseer of the farm ladies.

When the man showed up Mr. Evans gave him a very brief instruction. "You send Raychelle up to the house right away. I have some work for her to do."

It was a dirty and sweaty Raychelle who showed up at the house. She'd been out in the wheat field making sure the irrigation was working right when the overseer told her to go to the house straight away and no delay.

Raychelle was filthy and she smelled pretty bad. I wrinkled my nose a bit but then realized that it wasn't that long ago that I was the one walking into this same house wearing rags, dirty, and starving, too.

She stood in front of Mr. Evans for a good five minutes while he read some papers and made some marks on them.

Then he looked up at Raychelle.

"Raychelle, you're going to go with Amy here and she and Maggie are going to clean you up. You wear what they give you to wear and I intend to see you for dinner."

She stood there not moving as he went back to his business.

He looked up again and said one word, "Go."

I led Raychelle to Maggie who had a hot shower going. Raychelle was embarrassed when we had her strip down but even more embarrassed when Maggie had her get in the shower. Maggie got in there and her dress got wet but she didn't care. It took a good four hours of cleaning and nail trimming, and brushing out hair but we eventually got Raychelle cleaned up and into one of my satin sleepshirts. Her other clothes were sent out to be boiled clean and she'd eventually get them back.

She was thin but strong from the farm work but where she always wore gloves her hands didn't look too bad. Her black hair was kind of pretty and it was a lot smoother and straighter than my yellow hair.

I guess the big surprise in cleaning up Raychelle was discovering that she wasn't older than me after all. She was a bit younger and you could tell. I guess with her nasty attitude and her hate for me she just seemed older to me is all.

At dinner she was surprised when she was sat at the table and she got a nice dinner. She tried to avoid Mr. Evans staring at her and I have to admit I was wondering what he was up to with all of this.

"Amy," said Mr. Evans, "I'd like some of the sweet sherry for dessert tonight. Why don't you go get four glasses of it and bring it back here for us? You make sure that Raychelle gets the glass with the gold on it, okay?"

I did as I was told and went to the wine room to get the glasses. I found the glass with the gold rim and just as I was about to pour the wine I noticed a few drops of a clear liquid in the bottom of Raychelle's glass. I understood and I smiled.

When I returned to the table I gave a regular glass to Mr. Evans and Maggie, one for myself, and then the gold rim glass for Raychelle.

After that we sat around and talked for a while although Raychelle was clearly uncomfortable wearing just the satin sleepshirt. I sipped a little at my sherry but didn't finish it because of the baby. Maggie didn't complain when I swapped my mostly-full glass for her empty one. Mr. Evans sipped away at his glass and Raychelle soon enough finished hers.

I watched Raychelle and saw her discomfort grow. You could see she was getting warmer and then she moved in her chair a few times, trying to grind herself on it. Her nipples were firm and poking through the satin.

Mr. Evans saw all of this and finally spoke.

"Raychelle, I understand you think Amy here is a whore. Care to tell me why you think that kind of thing?"

She fidgeted nervously. "I..I'm...uhhhh, because she's your whore, that's what you bought her for!"

Mr. Evans put down his napkin, pushed his chair away from the table and then stood up.

"Raychelle, it is true that I bought Amy but I also bought you, didn't I?"

He walked behind her chair and put his hands on her shoulders. She fidgeted at his touch.

"I bought you from your family and you're mine for the next nine years. I can do whatever I want with you, can't I?"

Raychelle looked up at him and realized what he was getting at.

"Oh, no Mr. Evans! I was going to marry Bill and he was going to buy my freedom from you! I can't do that!"

Mr. Evans walked around the table so she could see him. He was shaking his head.

"Raychelle, Bill isn't going to buy your freedom. When he gets to Cuba I've ordered for him to be set free under the condition that he never comes back here. I can do that, you know. So your plans with Bill are now over."

I don't think Raychelle even noticed that she'd put a hand in her crotch to scratch the growing itch that was there.

"Please, Mr. Evans! I swear I'll make it up to you! Please let me go with Bill!"

Again Mr. Evans shook his head as he came back around the table to Raychelle.

He looked at Maggie and somehow she understood him with just a glance. She got up and I was about to get up, too, but she gestured for me to stay where I was. She quietly left the room as Mr. Evans got behind Raychelle again.

This time when he put his hands on her shoulders her eyes closed at his touch and she trembled.

"See, Raychelle, Amy isn't my whore. As a matter of fact, Amy is very special to me and she's going to be the mother of my baby."

His hands rubbed her neck and she sighed as he did this.

"Would you like to be special to me, Raychelle?"

I could see her fighting it. But when he took her by the hand and started leading her to the bedroom she went along with him. He looked over his shoulder at me and quietly said, "Come watch if you want."

It was my choice.

I mulled it over for a moment and then got up and followed them to the bedroom.

I walked in and sat down on the dressing chair.

Mr. Evans was taking off his clothes and neatly folding them before he put them down.

Raychelle was somehow tortured by this.

When he was naked he turned to Raychelle. She saw his cock and licked her lips. A hand darted between her legs and then she caught herself and looked at me before looking at Mr. Evans.

"Take off the sleepshirt for me."

She looked at him and you could see her dilemma.

"Please, Mr. Evans...Bill would never have me after that!"

Mr. Evans walked up to her and just stood there.

She looked at him for a moment and then her hand moved to touch his cock.

"Take off the sleepshirt, Raychelle."

There was no argument this time. She simply shrugged it off of her shoulders and let it fall to the floor.

She still had hold of him when he reached out to touch her between her legs.

"Unnngggghhhhh" was all she could manage.

He took her face in his hands. "Raychelle, I'm going to give you a choice right now. I can send you to be with Bill and maybe in a few weeks you'll catch up with him in Cuba."

She waited for the next choice but he made her ask.

She caught her breath and managed to gasp the words, "Or what?"

Mr. Evans smiled and leaned down to kiss her. She eagerly responded and tried to get closer to him but he held her back.

Then he let it drop.

"Or you can get on that bed and give yourself to me as my whore. You like calling Amy a whore so maybe you need to show Amy what a whore acts like."

He pushed her away from him and she looked shocked at the apparent rejection.


She got on the bed.

She went to get on her back but he grabbed her by the hips and turned her around to face me. Then he got on the bed behind her as she tried to get on her back again.

"No, that's for later. Right now you're going to fuck like a whore."

He got himself in the right place and then stopped for a moment. She looked back at him.

"Look at Amy while I make you my whore."

She did as she was told and looked at me. Her eyes were pleading for two things at the same time. She wanted this to stop so she could be with her Bill but she had a burning need to feel a man inside of her and that need was going to have to dominate her plans.

I saw her mouth turn into an 'O' as Mr. Evans started to get inside of her and then when he drove himself into her she went face down into the mattress as he fucked her. You'd have never known from how she acted that this was her first time. She pushed her ass back at his cock every time he pulled back. She wanted it...badly.

He ran his fingers back and forth on her spine and she made sounds of lust.

I could tell he was enjoying this. He'd taken someone else's girl and here he was deep inside of her getting ready to claim her as his woman.

Just like he'd done with me.

Her breasts swung back and forth with his thrusts and it seemed funny me at the same time.

Then he slowed down and started going deep into her. She grimaced as he did this but then she'd press herself back at him to ask for more.

His fingers dragged down her spine again and that was what set her off. She was lost in the delirium of the orgasm that was exploding inside of her. Her face rose from the bed and her eyes rolled back as he plowed her harder and harder.

And when he finally started pumping her full of his cum she went limp. He held her by the hips and continued thrusting into her until he'd pumped himself dry. And then he let her drop to the bed, used, her life changed forever.

"Amy, I think I'll be busy with Raychelle for a day or so. Let Maggie know we'll have breakfast in here. Maybe even lunch."

I turned to walk out the door.

"Oh, and Amy?"

I looked at him. His cock dripping onto Raychelle's hip.


He smiled. "I don't think she'll be calling anyone a whore anymore."

I turned and walked out, closing the door behind me.

As I made my way to my bedroom I ran a hand over my belly and realized that my baby was going to have someone to play with.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You will live forever in your work

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

We should start writing continuations of her work and themes to honour her great works

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Christie has a great erotic imagination and her stories are well written.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

It's too bad there probably won't be any more of these stories, this series is one of the best I have ever read. The coercion, reluctance, totally being overpowered by an older man and impregnated, no contraception and no choice, and a girl coming to accept her place as a slave. Too bad we won't get any more developments. Best of luck Christie

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Thank you!

Thank you so much for continuing this series. It's amazing and you are incredibly talented. I was wondering if you'd thought about doing a "prequel" detailing exactly what happened to the lead character during her first sex romp on "kicks"? "The things he did to me....and the things I did to him" line leaves me breathless and curious. I'd imagine it involved her giving him oral sex, rimming him and getting fucked in her ass? Am I far off?

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