The Cunt of Monte Cristo


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"Mr. Cummings, I would offer you another beer, but I am afraid that you might not be able to handle another. Am I correct?"

"I can handle another beer, Dr. Baron," Jimmy said, straightening himself in his chair. Hell, I can put away a case of these when I want to. "Give me one more. Please."

Time to move to the next phase, Christine thought. She went to the refrigerator, extracted another beer, opened it, and then walked over toward the sofa at the opposite end of her office. She set the beer on a small side table, reached for the laptop computer, set it on the coffee table in front of the sofa, and opened it.

"Come and sit over here, Mr. Cummings. The next set of files that I must review with you are on this computer, rather than the server. Come and sit beside me."

She purposefully sat near the center of the sofa so that Jimmy would be forced to sit uncomfortably close to her. Christine handed Jimmy his beer, and then paused for a moment while the computer booted up.

"Mr. Cummings, the file I am about to show you contains the assignments for the remainder of the semester. I keep them on a separate computer that is not connected to the college network so that no student can ever hack in and steal the assignments. I also keep a duplicate copy of the course grades just in case one of your cheating friends, or someone else, were to attempt to hack in and alter grades. Don't look surprised. It happens every year. This is my safeguard against that occurring in my classes.

"While this computer continues to load up, I have to ask you to do a favor for me. Watching you enjoy those beers has made me rather thirsty, myself. On the table next to this sofa there is an ice bucket with a bottle of white wine. Please open the bottle and pour me a glass of wine. Can you do that for me?"

"Of course, Dr. Baron."

Just as Jimmy turned to get the bottle of wine, the computer finished booting. Christine quickly clicked on the hot-key that activated the camera program. She then opened the folder containing the education files. With any luck, the first pictures the camera captured would be of Jimmy opening the bottle of wine and pouring my glass. It will look like he is trying to wine and dine me. Jackass.

Jimmy looked at the table next to the sofa, finding the ice bucket, the bottle of wine, two glasses and a corkscrew conveniently arranged on the tabletop. With practiced ease he opened the bottle of wine, lifted a glass, and poured the wine into the glass. He then handed the wine glass to Christine, who immediately took a long sip of the icy liquid, leaving heavy red lipstick marks around the rim of the glass.

"Thank you, Mr. Cummings. I do not normally drink during the afternoon, but this is a rather special occasion, wouldn't you say?"

"Uh, yes, I guess so," lied Jimmy. Fuck you, fat whore. What is so fucking special about you ruining my life?

"Now look at this file, Mr. Cummings. This is what I was talking about earlier. I have an image of every paper and every test scanned and saved on this computer. I can compare your test to that of every other student in class and determine precisely from whom you copied the answers of the only test you passed all semester. Should we do that now, Mr. Cummings, or is there something that you want to tell me?"

Jimmy sat still for several seconds. He tried to pleadingly look up into Christine's face in a feeble attempt to use the charm that had served him so well throughout his entire life, but he was unable to raise his eyes from her tits. They were huge, they were nearly naked, and they were hanging just inches from his face.

"Would you like a minute to think about that, Mr. Cummings? Finish your beer. You can give me your answer when the bottle is empty."

Jimmy looked down at the bottle of beer in his hand, and then took a long drink. Slow down, I have to think for a minute. Can she prove I cheated? Or is she lying? If she can prove it, why is she giving me a chance to confess? Will she go easier on me if I confess? Hell no, this is The Cunt of Monte Cristo. She doesn't go easy on anyone. She must be bluffing. She has to be. Jimmy nervously sipped from his bottle as he continued to weigh his options. Reaching the bottom of his bottle, he made his decision. He set the empty bottle on the coffee table, and then turned toward Dr. Baron.

Christine waited until Jimmy had finished his bottle of beer. She moved the laptop to the table next to her side of the sofa, and just as he turned toward her and was about to speak, she raised her glass to her mouth with her left hand, tilted her head back, and emptied the glass of wine into her mouth. As she was sitting on Jimmy's left, he saw her in profile, her back arched, her left hand in the air, her head tilted back, and her chest thrust out in maximum extension. Her massive breasts swelled, straining the thin silk of her blouse. Her thick nipples protruded obscenely, jutting upward at a forty-five degree angle like little cannons mounted on the bows of twin battleships. Jimmy was unable to speak, his words frozen in his mouth. Christine held that pose for about five seconds, and then slowly set her glass on the table. Then she pounced..

Christine turned to Jimmy, swung her left leg over both of his and sat on him, straddling his waist. Before he could react she wrapped her arms around his head and planted a sloppy kiss on his face. Realizing that she needed a better camera angle, she turned to his side so that the camera would capture the two of them kissing in profile. Still holding his head and with her mouth attached to his, she counted to ten before she felt him starting to fight back. One picture down, three to go, she thought. Now it will get interesting.

Jimmy was about to respond to Dr. Baron's threat when he was stunned by the sight of her nearly naked titties jutting out from her body, her thick nipples begging to be pinched and sucked, as she finished her glass of wine. He was momentarily hypnotized, when all of a sudden Dr. Baron jumped on him and started kissing him. Even though he was powerless before the sight of those jugs, her mouth touching his lips was enough to shock him back to reality. What the hell is she doing?!

Jimmy pushed Christine off of him, but she was back on a second later. Jimmy grabbed her by her wrists and tried to push her backward, but she leaned forward, offsetting his defense. She climbed on top of his lap, planting her knees in his thighs to give her leverage. Her big boobs were now hanging directly in Jimmy's face, entirely blocking his vision as they jiggled back and forth. He could smell her aroma, a mixture of flowery perfume, womanly perspiration, and even a little alcohol on her breath. She outweighed him by nearly one hundred pounds, all of which was directly on top of him and forcing him down on the sofa.

"Suck my breasts, Mr. Cummings. Go ahead. Suck them. You know you want to. You have not stopped staring at them since you entered my office an hour ago. Go ahead. Suck them."

Christine shook her breasts in Jimmy's face, battering his nose and cheeks with her massive orbs. She continued leaning on him, pushing him backward, forcing his body to recline on the sofa. When she had him fully reclined, she shifted her weight forward, pinning his torso with her body. Jimmy tried to fight back with his one free hand, but he was helpless as he laid on his back with her entire weight pressing him into the sofa. She forced one of his hands into the space between the sofa and his torso, and then bent it under his back. Confident that she now could hold him with one hand, she let go of his other hand and grasped the front of her blouse, ripping it open. She pulled her breasts over the top of the demi-cupped bra, allowing them to hang unfettered in Jimmy's face.

What is this crazy bitch doing?! I've got to get her off me! Jimmy continued struggling, even as his face was battered by Christine's enormous tits.

"Suck it Mr. Cummings. Suck it. Stop fighting. Just do what comes naturally. Suck it."

Seeing no hope of escape, Jimmy gave in, stopped struggling, and opened his mouth. I have no choice, he thought. I'll go along for a few minutes.

Sitting aside his groin, holding his hands above his head and leaning over so that her breasts were in Jimmy's face, Christine felt his mouth open and his lips wrap around her thick, engorged nipple. Two pics down, two more to go, she thought. I can't believe the little shit is giving up so easily. He's nothing but a spoiled little bitch.

Basking in the glow of her triumph, Christine did not notice that she was becoming aroused. Her nipples had been rigid for the last hour, but that was due more to the thrill of springing her trap than any carnal desire. But now, as Jimmy was obediently sucking her nipples, alternating from one thick stem to the other, she felt a growing warmth between her legs.

What the fuck? Am I getting turned on by this little monster? It cannot be. Despite her refusal to believe it, Christine felt herself becoming more and more aroused. It's been so long. So god damned long. Three years since James last made love to me. No wonder I am getting aroused by this asshole sucking my nipples. I better start lining up the next shot before this situation gets out of control.

"That's enough, Mr. Cummings. That's enough," she said, sitting up straight. Now comes the hard part.

Jimmy relaxed when he heard Christine say 'that's enough.' Fat whore got her titties sucked, now I can go, he thought. She sure went through a lot of trouble to get my mouth on those jugs. Bitch must be seriously hard up for a good fuck. I pity the poor fool who falls into that trap.

Placing her hands on Jimmy's chest, Christine lifted her ass off of Jimmy's torso and shifted her weight. Jimmy let out a long sigh and then took a deep breath, his lungs unrestrained by her mass for the first time in several minutes. Instead of standing up, however, Christine quickly spun on her heels and turned her ass toward Jimmy's face, intending once again to pin him to the sofa with her body. An instant before he was about to be pinned to the sofa for the second time, Jimmy recognized the danger and rolled toward the edge of the sofa, facing the floor. Christine dropped her weight on him, causing the two of them to fall to the floor, knocking the coffee table over with the impact of both bodies.

Christine landed on top of Jimmy, her weight crushing his sternum. The impact knocked the wind from him, leaving him momentarily stunned. Christine pulled her skirt up over her ass, bunching it around her waist. I hope the camera can capture this, she thought. Is aimed it at the sofa. Sitting on Jimmy's chest, this time with her face pointed toward his feet, she removed her torn blouse and unclasped her bra. She was now naked from the waist up, and her ass was totally exposed. She started inching her ass backward, moving closer and closer toward Jimmy's face.

Jimmy regained his senses just as the light went out in the room. What the hell?! He recovered his breath, only to find his face totally smothered by Christine's thick thighs and fat ass. He could hear her talking, but the words were muffled. He realized that his ears were completely closed by the nylon covered flesh pressing in on the sides of his head.

"Lick me Mr. Cummings, lick my pussy,"Christine chirped. "Taste my ass. Eat it Mr. Cummings, eat it all. Eat it like it's your last meal."

Christine rocked backward, pressing all of her weight on Jimmy's face. She rocked back and forth, pressing her cunt on his mouth. Christine continued pushing down on Jimmy's face, oblivious to the fact that her body had completely covered his mouth and nose. Jimmy knew, however, that he was running out of breath, and started bucking desperately. Despite his best efforts, he could not throw her off by bucking. Realizing he was about to pass out, Jimmy started slapping her back, flailing his arms wildly and striking her with open palms. The sound of his hands smacking her back -- and the sudden stinging -- finally got Christine's attention.

"Oh, so you want to get rough, Mr. Cummings? I will show you rough. I have great big box of rough with your name written all over it.

"NOW LICK MY PUSSY!" she screamed, bouncing her ass on his face.

As she lifted her ass in preparation for another downward thrust, she heard Jimmy pleading.


Smash. She dropped her ass on his face.


Smash. She dropped her ass on his face again.






Christine finally realized that she was actually suffocating Jimmy. She leaned forward, lifting her ass off his face, giving him a chance to breathe.

"Alright, Mr. Cummings. I hear you. Do not ever say that I am unfair. You will start licking until I tell you to stop, and I will let you breathe. But if you struggle, or stop licking, then you might find yourself waking up in the campus health center. Do we have an understanding?"

"Yes," he gasped.

Christine leaned forward, lifted her ass slightly, and repositioned herself so that she was now lying directly on Jimmy's torso, facing his feet, with her crotch resting on his nose. Her face was now inches from his groin. Christine noticed, for the first time, that Jimmy had a rather prominent bulge in the front of his shorts. She put that thought out of her head and started rocking back and forth on Jimmy's face.

"You can start licking me now, Mr. Cummings."

Jimmy took a deep breath and was instantly repulsed. Christine's vagina was not exactly foul, but with no time to freshen up before their 'meeting,' she was not exactly pristine, either. Jimmy inhaled a noseful of sweat, a faint residue of piss, and the overpowering musk of female arousal. He held his breath once again and extended his tongue, tasting those same aromas in concentrated form. As her lips met his tongue, Jimmy was both amazed and repulsed by the amount of moisture and the thickness of the fur covering her fat cunt. Of course she has a full bush, he thought. Anything to make this more difficult. And her cunt is soaked. This bitch is really turned on! She's fucking whacked.

Christine was shocked at first to feel Jimmy's wet tongue making contact with her vagina. How did he get my panties off?, she wondered. Then she realized that she forgot to put them on when she was changing in the restroom. After a few seconds she allowed herself to enjoy the sensation of Jimmy's tongue as he licked her pussy and ass. Still not realizing that she was becoming sexually aroused, she involuntarily rubbed her soaking wet slit all over Jimmy's face, from his chin to his nose. The warmth between her legs increased, spreading down her thick thighs, causing her to increase the pace of her rocking. She almost forgot to let Jimmy breathe, but was startled out of her growing bliss when she once again felt him slapping her, this time on the cheek of her ass. She lifted her crotch from his face, let him take several deep breaths, and then once again lowered her crotch to his mouth. After a few minutes the two of them developed a rhythm, with Christine rocking forward far enough for Jimmy to catch his breath before she rocked backward and rode his face and tongue for several seconds.

I think I'm going to have an orgasm, Christine realized. In all our years of marriage, James never licked me to an orgasm.

Even though Christine continued to feel the warmth spreading and intensifying, her orgasm eluded her. She rocked back and forth and rode Jimmy's face like a dildo, but she could not cum. Jimmy was not interested in her pleasure, and was doing no more than he was required to do in order to breathe. Having never before experienced an orgasm through oral stimulation, Christine did not know how to direct Jimmy to provide the proper stimulation. Once again, I am disappointed by a man named 'James,' she thought. I might as well get this over with and then go home and take care of myself. I only need to get one more picture, but this one will be the most difficult.

Christine rocked forward, placing her face just inches from Jimmy's groin. Time to see what he has inside these shorts. She grabbed the edge of his shorts and pulled the velcro tabs apart, completely opening the fly. His erect cock sprung out of the shorts, standing straight and proud, obscenely relishing its freedom from confinement.

Oh my god! Its beautiful!, Christine gasped. Jimmy's prick stood up straight and tall, jutting eight and one half inches into the air. Its so long, and so thick. Its so much more, what's the word? Massive! So much more massive than James' penis. Oh my god!

Before she could even realize what she was doing, Christine reached for Jimmy's cock and started stroking it. Mesmerized by the power of his erection, she forgot about riding Jimmy's face. She was suddenly overcome by the irresistible urge to taste Jimmy's prick. Holding his cock in both hands, she inched her body forward until her mouth was poised over the plum-shaped head. She simultaneously extended her tongue and inhaled deeply.

God damn! The little shit's cock smells like pussy. The fucker already had sex today! He probably fucked that skinny whore, Megan, before class. Christine suddenly felt a wave of jealousy overwhelm her. That wave triggered an unexpected feeling of possessiveness. By the time I'm done with this cock he will have my scent permanently affixed to him. All his whores will know he belongs to me.

Christine licked the purple head, bathing it with her tongue. She cupped his balls with one hand, and continued stroking his long shaft with the other. Its so beautiful. So big and beautiful. Its perfect. She continued licking and stroking, enjoying the tactile sensations of the rigid shaft in her hand and the spongy head against her tongue. She had blown her ex-husband before -- and actually enjoyed giving him oral pleasure -- but never before had she felt such a need to have her lips wrapped around a cock. She opened her mouth and lowered her face, swallowing the bulbous head. Mmmmmmmmmm, its so warm and delicious. This cock is a work of art. I cannot wait to get it inside me.

Jimmy was stunned by this turn of events. He cursed his cock for betraying him. How in the fuck can I be hard? Why is my cock responding to her? He tried to force his dick to resume its flaccid state, but it refused to obey. To make matters even worse, he felt his balls beginning to tingle. The fat bitch is going to get a face full of cum if she's not careful.

Gripping the steel-hard shaft with both hands, Christine lowered her mouth, intent on swallowing Jimmy's entire cock. She opened her mouth as wide as possible, being careful to avoid scraping her teeth on that beautiful piece of male flesh. I never worked so hard to satisfy James, she thought. But James never gave me such a glorious prize, either. Despite her best efforts, Christine was only able to get her mouth halfway down Jimmy's shaft. Her jaws just would not stretch wide enough to take the rest. With that realization, she concentrated her efforts on the part of his cock that was firmly lodged in her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down, pausing occasionally to lick the underside of the head, which she knew to be the most sensitive part of the entire cock. She felt her saliva drooling out of her mouth and running down the shaft, providing extra lubrication for her hands that were busy pumping the base of Jimmy's cock. She completely forgot about Jimmy's promise to lick her pussy. She was mesmerized by the cock she held in both hands and her mouth.