The Debauchery of Hope Ch. 03

Story Info
She follows LJ to a special place.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/28/2022
Created 03/04/2009
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The fallout from the evening in the locker room showers was much easier for LJ to process than it was for Hope. Being a man, especially one with military training, it was more natural for him to compartmentalize what he'd shared that night with Hope. Hope, on the other hand, found herself overwhelmed by the complicated and intertwined directions she was being pulled. She'd remembered standing there after he'd ravaged her body, allowing him first to shower her, then help dry her off before watching her get dressed and finally sending her on her way.

That could have easily been the end of their arrangement, but when Hope walked into LJ's office two days later for their next scheduled appointment to work on the Farmhouse Project, she surprised herself way more than she surprised him.

Her body still sore and battered from the sexual ringer he'd put her through, the physical toll was nothing compared to the mental gymnastics Hope had to do to walk back into LJ Addison's office 48 hours later. If not in a state of outright denial that it all had happened, Hope was still feeling the shock of seeing what she was capable of with the right man pulling her strings. That level of unease wasn't diminished in the least when she walked back into the Coach's office two days later and saw just how unfazed he seemed.

Sitting at his desk, sipping a cup of coffee behind a packet of Xeroxed papers, LJ looked up and smiled at Hope when she appeared in the doorway.

"Hi Hope..great to see you," he offered between sips.

"..H..H..Hi," Hope managed to reply, the pit in her stomach only growing as her feet went numb.

"Downloaded some financial forms a few minutes ago and printed them out..left them laying right over there by the computer if you want to look them over," LJ smiled with absolutely no hint to what had happened two days earlier in the boys locker room.

Sizing Hope up as she turned towards her tiny, modified work area in the corner of the office, LJ half studied the game plan he'd printed up for his team's next opponent at the same time he subtly and silently gauged the shape the woman taking a seat across from him was in.

The longer he sat there feigning attention to the basketball prep in front of him, the more fascinated LJ became in the dichotomy of the woman sitting on the other side of the desk. Hope was the unquestioned epitome of what everyone should strive to be. Virtuous, charitable, humble and keen, she was the type of person that would gladly go without food for a week if it meant no one else around her would have to fall asleep hungry. Then there was the primal part LJ had managed to cull from deep within Hope's psyche a couple of days earlier.

A long time student of human psychology, LJ knew everyone possessed that sort of potential, but the thing he truly marveled at was just how stunningly vivid and pronounced the two different sides of Hope seemed. The contrast was almost as night and day as the two colors of their skin pressed together. LJ couldn't help but take a measure of pride knowing he might perhaps be the only person in the world who'd seen Hope at both ends of her extreme. It was then he felt his cock throb in his pants, thinking back to two days earlier and the way Hope shouted and begged for him to fuck her, not to mention just how gloriously tight her almost virgin-like cunt felt twisting around his manhood.

Shifting in his seat as he continued to study Hope, LJ decided to excuse himself for a couple of minutes to catch his breath.

"Headed to the teacher's lounge..want a cup of coffee?" he asked as he rounded the desk.

"Sure," Hope nodded, trying her best not to make eye contact with LJ for fear he might see what was internally consuming her.

"How do you want it?" he started to ask before knowing he'd bust out laughing if Hope replied "Just black."

"Cream and sugar?" he asked instead.

"That's fine..double of both," she offered, keeping her eyes glued to her paperwork.

Besides the obvious reason to freshen up his coffee, LJ ulterior motive was to take a quick trip around the school just to see if anyone else was prowling the halls at that time of the evening. When he was pretty sure he and Hope and the run of the building, just as they had the other day, LJ knew he had an opportunity to try something he'd been pondering for quite awhile.

Strolling back into his office and handing Hope her cup, LJ spent the next 15 minutes or so working out some details with the project. Watching how Hope had steadily lost herself in concentration, it wasn't until he'd slipped quietly out of his chair and eased up behind her to look at some of the financial numbers on the computer screen that he decided to make his move.

Smelling that same sweet perfume from the other day fill his brain, LJ placed his right hand on the small of Hope's back as she recited some information from a website. Freezing in place when LJ touched her, Hope's voice became jumbled then finally went mute when he leaned down and softly caressed his lips along the right side of her neck. Sliding his left hand beneath Hope's arm, LJ reached around then closed his hand tight over her left breast.

"AAHH," Hope shuddered, her fingers making a scratching noise as they fidgeted nervously on the keyboard.

"Come with me," LJ whispered down to her.

"To the locker room?" Hope asked, her voice sounding distant and dreamy.

"No," LJ calmly replied, "Somewhere even better."

Hope's breath instantly lodged in her throat contemplating what LJ would have in mind that would match what they'd shared two days earlier in the locker room showers.

Helping the shaken woman to her feet, LJ braced his left arm around Hope's back and led her to the door.


Walking side by side with LJ down the hallway leading from his office, Hope couldn't help but feel the pangs of Pavlovian excitement shoot through her system when she passed the door to the boys locker room, remembering in graphic detail what had happened inside. Instead of stopping however, LJ kept walking until the couple was standing in front of the entrance to the school's gymnasium and basketball court.

Hope's impression of walking between the large wooden doors was one of entering a large castle or fortress. That vision was heightened by the metallic sound of the heavy door closing behind them once they were inside.

"There's no one else here?" Hope half mumbled as she stared out into the cavernous surroundings.

"Nah..I checked a few minutes ago..even the janitorial staff has split for the its just us.....but just in case...," LJ smiled before turning his school issued key and locking the doors to the gym. "The place is all ours."

Watching LJ take several steps away from her side, Hope couldn't help but picture an alpha lion in the wild, roaming confidently around his territory. The echo of LJ's footsteps, along with the dull hum of the fluorescent lights on the ceiling were the only sounds in the gym as Hope tried figuring out just what the man had up his sleeve.

"God..I hope he doesn't expect me to climb those ropes hanging from the rafters," Hope laughed to herself, re-living one of the many bad gym class memories from her childhood.

"Where is he going?" she asked herself, seeing LJ hop up on the bleachers and make his way about halfway up the stands before he sat down.

Just before she was about to turn and attempt to join LJ, he shouted down and told her to walk to center court. Seeing LJ ease backwards and fold one foot lazily over the other, Hope was at a loss as to what he meant.

"Take your clothes off Hope and walk to the middle of the floor," LJ said a second time, nodding in the direction he was prodding Hope to go.

Despite the craziness of what LJ was suggesting, Hope found herself reaching for the buttons of her blouse as she began the slow and lonely walk to the middle of the basketball court.


LJ amazed himself with the sway he'd developed over Hope in such a short amount of time. Watching her glide across the polished hardwood from his perch about 10 rows up, a tingle darted down his spine knowing he had Hope in the palm of his hand.

"Turn around and let me see," LJ shouted down to her, his baritone voice drifting back and forth between the spacious concrete walls.

His dick twitched and instantly began growing down the inside of his right pants leg when he saw the front of Hope's blouse unbuttoned and opened. Seeing her shiny and conservative white bra covering her small breasts, LJ licked his lips and raised his eyebrows, imploring her to continue. The trust level for someone of Hope's ilk to give herself so completely was something LJ was going to treasure forever, but when he looked deep into her eyes and saw the unquestioning mixture of submission, want and fear, LJ felt the primal need to push her as far as he could.

"Pull down your dress," he told her, loving the way Hope every so often would tilt her head to the left and right just to instinctually make sure no one else was hiding in the gym.

He was almost tempted to remind her they were indeed all alone, but decided it was more fun if she did retain just that inkling of trepidation.

Since Hope had undressed in the shower before he arrived a couple of days earlier, LJ took special joy sitting there like a fan in the stands watching her undress. Squirming in his seat to adjust to the strain of his growing cock, LJ steadily leaned forward as the pile of discarded clothes grew around Hope.

"A church going little girl standing in the middle of this inner city gym in nothing but her bra and panties," LJ gleamed, his eyes nearly penetrating Hope as she stood before him.

"Stick your hand down inside your panties," he briskly suggested.

"MMM....Rub yourself Baby...rub your pussy for me," LJ brimmed, seeing the woman's small pale hand disappear under the elastic band before her knuckles visibly began protruding the front panel of her underwear.

"Damn..look at her knees start to buckle," LJ thought to himself as Hope started to cautiously and gently manipulate herself.

Watching for nearly a minute until Hope's eyes gradually began swooning in their sockets, LJ told Hope to remove her hand and put it up to her mouth.

"I wonder if she's ever tasted herself?" LJ openly asked the imaginary devil sitting on his right shoulder.

"Quite a few times...late at night when no one's looking," that same devil replied, having sat on Hope's shoulder during her occasional moments of lurid and depraved weakness as well.


When it came to her own body, Hope Andrews was about as self-conscious as they came. Even during the early years of school, she always dreaded Phys. Ed. due to the fact she had all the coordination of a flag pole, with much the same build. When high school rolled around and she was required to shower after gym class, having to measure her flat-chested frame up against all the other girls further added to her nightmare. At some point she just assumed her hormones would kick in and she'd somehow catch up, but once she was old enough to see how meagerly endowed most of the women in her family were, Hope knew winning wet tee-shirt contests would never be a side source of income.

Thankfully those days were behind her and in the years following, she'd more than adequately learned to fill her esteem needs in other, much more important ways. Still, there was always that young, pubescent girl in Hope's psyche that yearned to be physically desired and perhaps that, along with all the other complicated psychological factors, was what had drawn her to LJ Addison.

She'd always felt a twinge of apprehension each time she'd undressed for the first time in front of the lovers in her past. Doing it in the middle of a high school gymnasium, even with no one around, would have been unimaginable for Hope, but somehow there was an element of trust with LJ she'd never had with a man, and for that she found herself willing to do anything he asked.

The fingers of her right hand now sullied with the stickiness of her own arousal, Hope slipped them around the front clasp of her bra and undid it under LJ's watchful and steady eye. Her nipples erect and pointing like three-quarter inch bullets once she pulled the cups apart, Hope meekly tried to cover her nakedness, but LJ wouldn't give her the chance.

"Now your panties," he said from the stands and Hope quickly obliged.

"Sit down..right there on the center jump circle," LJ told Hope once he'd surveyed her naked body several times.

The freshly buffed and slick hardwood floor was chilly on the bare skin of Hope's rear end and thighs as she sat Indian-style facing LJ. The only warmth came from the man's persistent and penetrating gaze as she waited for him to tell her what to do next.

"Lean back on your elbows Hope...spread your legs and let me see your pussy," he told her a few seconds later.

Hope did as she was told. Scanning the bleachers as she spread her thighs apart, she couldn't help but guiltily imagine the gym completely full, everyone gawking down at her as an excited hush fell over the place. It was then she felt several droplets of her vaginal sheen ooze from her exposed cunt, creating a slippery pool below her crotch on the floor.

Next thing she knew, Hope had her feet spread wide as she straddled the half-court line, her puffy and throbbing labia clearly visible, like a pink beacon to LJ as he leaned forward on the seat.

"Now slide back and masturbate Hope....I want to see you fuck yourself the same way you did all those nights thinking about me," LJ cocksuredly urged.

And Hope did just that. Easing backwards until her shoulder blades were flat on the floor, all she could see as she stared up were the dizzying strips of lights on the ceiling as she slipped her fingers into the sopping wet warmth of her flared vagina. For several minutes, LJ just sat there patiently admiring the beauty before him. Every so often he could see Hope's head and back lurch off the floor when another wave of building euphoria swept through her loins, not the mention the way her outstretched legs twitched and quivered out to each side when she sank her fingers all the way inside her steaming slit.

He'd almost became entranced watching Hope pleasure herself, witnessing something he was sure she'd only ever done with the full guarantee of privacy in the past, but here she was now doing it freely and openly for him. Holding his breath, LJ could hear the soft, wet sound of Hope's digits twirling through her glowing fissure, and when he squinted his 43 year old eyes, LJ couldn't miss the pool of wetness growing beneath her.

Standing to get a better look, LJ's pupils danced like pinballs in their sockets as he tried to follow every jerk and gyration of Hope's body. His original plan was to simply stay there and watch Hope frig herself to completion, but the insanely aching presence growing inside his pants eventually forced LJ down from the bleachers.


"Keep going Hope...Keep fucking yourself," she heard LJ's voice, seemingly closer than it had been before.

Everything above her a fluorescent blur from the overhead lighting, Hope glided her right thumb back and forth over her clitoris as she used her index and middle fingers like a talon to dig into her pussy. It was then she began to feel the vibrations of LJ's footsteps rising from the floor against her back.

Raising her head as far as she could into the air, through her ravaged and bloodshot eyes, Hope could see the hazy outline of LJ approaching. Her feet cocked and bouncing in midair, it appeared as if she was beckoning the black man closer as she reached up and squeezed her tits hard with her left hand.

"Do you want me to come down there and fuck you?" she heard LJ smirk from above.

"YES," she gurgled, feeling the man's pant leg against the bare skin of her left calf.

Using his lower legs to spread each of Hope's feet apart as he glared directly down into her glassy eyes, LJ squeezed the slab of his throbbing cock through his pants as a reddish hue broke out across Hope's pale chest.

Looking straight up at LJ towering above her, his face appeared to be shrouded in an almost dream-like mist by the bright lights on the ceiling as Hope watched him rub the log of his manhood to full erection inside his pants. Continuing to blindly jab her right hand in and out of her own sweltering crotch, Hope's breath caught in her throat when she saw him reach for his zipper.

Pinching each of her fat nipples between the fingers of her free hand, Hope found herself pressing her bare calves tightly around LJ's legs when she saw him begin to fish his cock free. Her hips involuntarily rocking off the floor when LJ's dick swung into view, Hope franticly sliced her fingers through her pussy until her arousal was literally spitting into the air.

She'd been on her knees, face to face with LJ's cock the first time she'd seen it two days earlier. It had been an ample enough presence to grasp under those circumstances, but seeing it jutting directly above her as she laid flat on the floor, juxtaposed with the surreal, almost heavanly haze of lighting above, Hope could have simply came right then if LJ had let her.

Sensing Hope was about orgasm, LJ snuck his right hand down and eased Hope's sloppy and drenched fingers from her cunt with the look of 'not just yet' on his unflinching face.

He wasn't going to waste any time taking his pants all the way off. After releasing his dick, LJ knelt down to the hard floor, the adrenaline in his system masking the pain in his 40 year old knees until he could press his weight down on top of Hope. The first thing LJ did was plant a soulful kiss on the center of Hope's soft belly before gracefully sliding up and kissing each of her tender white breasts. He could feel Hope's hands clutching at the back of his head as he worked his way up until his lips pressed straight down on hers. It was the first natural kiss between the two and it lasted for several minutes as their bodies intertwined at mid-court.

Using his thighs to nudge Hope's knees all the way apart, LJ reached down with his right hand and swung the pulsing slab of his cock up to Hope's crotch until the head of it was nestled at the gate of her musky and welcoming womb.

"You ready," he looked straight into Hope's dazed eyes and whispered.

"....Please," she swallowed hard then begged to the man waiting to mount her.

As he always loved to do when he penetrated a woman, LJ eagerly watched the transformation take place on Hope's face as he sank his dick into her. Concentrating on the way the woman's eyes lit up, then comically widened each time he plunged another inch of it deeper, LJ planted his hands to each side of Hope's head and pressed down until he'd bottomed out inside her.

He immediately felt Hope's fingernails dig into the sleeves of his shirt as she held on for dear life. Her body quivering beneath him, LJ slowly pulled back feeling Hope's vaginal sheath clinging to his cock like the tentacles of a squid before he shoved it all the way back inside her. Over and over LJ repeated the cruel and lurid process until Hope's sticky fluids had completely saturated the length of his stabbing black onyx.

"UUHH..UUHH...OHHHHGGGGGGGODDDDD....UUUHHHHHHH," Hope croaked, her spastic breath resembling that of a woman giving birth, only this time something substantial was taking root inside her instead of trying to crawl out.

Taking each of Hope's hands into his, LJ pushed forward and pinned Hope's arms flat on the floor, their black and white fingers intertwined as he plastered his pelvic bone down on hers. Suddenly it appeared as if their two bodies had morphed into one, and for the next several minutes LJ rhythmically churned his hips until Hope's body was a writhing pool of sexual mush beneath him.