The Diary


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to snuggle up close to me and for one nasty moment I thought he had put his

hand the cum. Even though he hadn't, I had to wait until he got out of bed first

because I dare not leave him lying there alone.

The more the merrier. Honestly I am happier that she is fucking lots of blokes rather than it being the same one every time. There is probably some logic behind this thought but I'm not sure what it is. I have tried to analyse my feelings but they are ambivalent - I have a constant gnawing knot in the pit of my stomach but at the same time I don't think I have ever felt more alive.

At this point I realised that it was going to be a long night because I was determined to reach the end of the diary. With this thought in mind, I made a cup of tea and prepared myself a sandwich before settling comfortably to read the remainder.

Sun Mar 9

Don was unusually affectionate today and it made me feel my first twinge of

guilt. He is a decent caring man and a wonderful father and it's not his fault

that he can't give me what I now know I need. I still love him - this has

nothing to do with love. I also started worrying if what I am doing might

affect the children. For a while today I was quite determined to stop going

with other men but the next minute I found myself wondering if I might get

a chance to suck Derek's cock at work tomorrow.

Mon Mar 10

Managed to fellate Derek as planned - in the cleaner's cupboard. It was quite

funny because he carried a clipboard so that we could claim to be doing a

stock check if anyone asked why we were in there. It was really lovely - I

could very quickly become addicted to the taste of his spunk. I teased him,

bringing him to the brink and then stopping. The trouble was that when I did

let him cum he made far too much noise and could easily have given us away

if any-one had been listening. I can hardly wait until Wednesday to have him

inside me again.

Tue Mar 11

Hoped to give him another blow-job today but Derek disappeared at lunchtime

and didn't reappear until the middle of the afternoon.. There was no chance to

speak because from then on either he or I was always busy. Went home in a foul

mood because of this and poor Don couldn't understand what he had done wrong.

Wed Mar 12

What a wonderful, wonderful fuck - certainly the best one yet and this time it

was me who made too much noise when I came. One quick shag a week with Derek

is not enough for me but I can't possibly see how we can meet outside work. I don't

know if we went on too long or whether Joe came back early but he saw us

sneaking out of No 3 Storeroom and the look on his face said that he knew exactly

what we had been doing. I went home all aglow and was especially nice to Don to

make up for being nasty - he was as bemused as yesterday but for the opposite reason.

I remember that day and her special glow in particular. It reminded me of how she was when we first met and I took it as a sign of her continuing love so it is dispiriting now to find that the glow was inspired by another man's big cock and not my personality.

Thur Mar 13

Derek said that we dare not use the storeroom now that Joe has seen us but

there's nowhere else to go. Joe is an old bloke, late fifties or even early

sixties but he always looks at me in a certain way and that gave me an idea.

I went to him and took him into No 3 Storeroom saying that I wanted to explain

what Derek and I were doing in there. Once inside I knelt in front of him and

undid his zip. I said that if he turned a blind eye to me and Derek in future and

stopped other people barging in on us then I would suck him off once a week.

I knew he would agree. His prick is a decent size and gets reasonably stiff

with a bit of encouragement. He said it was over twenty years since his wife

had done it to him and I felt really good for making him so happy.

Fri Mar 14

I copped for that big blond hunk that I nearly pulled the other week. He says

he's called Sven but his accent is too local for him to be really Scandinavian.

We went to his bed-sit. His prick was about seven inches but his bulk had led

me to expect a lot more. I can imagine a disappointed East coast maiden saying

to her Viking ravager, "You ought to stick to just pillaging next time." The sex

was adequate but I was looking for a top-up by the time the girls and I got into

the taxi. Disaster - it was a different driver. However, at the end of the ride he

parked under the trees. "I am Costos - the cousin of Andreas," he said and I

don't think that we exchanged another word. I started off with what was intended

as just a quick suck to start the action but I am developing a taste for un-cut

Mediterranean cocks and went on a bit too long. Before I knew it my mouth

was swimming with creamy cum. I kept working on him and pleasingly quickly

he was ready to go again. He screwed me with him on top which was not so good

- I guess that his cousin has more experience fucking fares. I find I get quite a

kick from getting into bed beside Don with spunk actually dripping out of me.

Sat Mar 15

Don wanted his conjugal rights before we got up this morning. Lately he has been

happy for me to just toss him off as if he gets more sensation from my fingers than

from my quim but this time he wanted to put it in me. That made his the third dick

within twenty-four hours (if it was actually in - he assured me that it was).

Somehow he got the impression that I was extra eager for him.

Sun Mar 16

Don brought me breakfast in bed as he usually does on Sunday mornings. I lay there marvelling that in a month I had changed from a loving faithful wife into a real slut. I love it! I love It! I love it! I could never understand phallic worship, thinking what the dickens is so special about men's dicks - but that has all changed now. I think about cocks all the time and wonder what the next one is going to be like. Don may have managed to impregnate me twice but, compared to Derek's, his pitiful thing hardly counts as a real penis. And to think I used to believe that all men were like that. All I can say is that God must have a really nasty sense of humour to give some men so much and others so little.

Since the start of this saga I kept switching between numb horror at the infidelities and shameful arousal inspired by the activities described. The above entry allowed me to adopt a philosophy to cope with whatever may come and it was Sandra's disparaging reference to my reproductive equipment that provided the key. If she goes with other men solely due to the relatively diminutive size of my manhood then it is not my fault whereas were the attraction kindness or loveability then the shortfall would be in my character. If all that she seeks are sensations I am unable to give her then I can understand her cheating and even excuse it. Thus it is not illogical to believe that Sandra gives her body to other men with no lessening of the love that she feels for me. To sum up - if I were to think of her with another man then I would far rather picture his cock rammed down her throat than imagine them sitting quietly together holding hands.

Mon Mar 17

Told Derek it was OK to continue using the storeroom but avoided explaining that

I had to drain the old man's balls with my mouth, to clear it. I hoped we could go

in there every day but Derek says he could never do it with Joe outside listening -

so it looks like I'll have to make do with Wednesdays. Derek says that he would

like to go away with me for a whole weekend. I'd love that too but it's just not on.

Tue Mar 18

Derek disappeared again at lunchtime without explanation. When I couldn't find

him it made me so frustrated that I went to Joe and told him I would give him his

reward for the week early. I know that he would like to shag me instead but I just

daren't let him - I mean, what if he had a heart attack or something and died right in the middle.

Wed Mar 19

It gets better with Derek every time. It would be marvellous to have a whole

weekend especially with all the things he says that he would like to do to me.

He has been thinking and said he wondered how Don would react to me going

away on a two day training course. It might just work but I won't just come out

and ask him - I'll try to get him in a really good mood first.

My heart was suddenly beating out of control again. Even having discovered from the diary that my wife was betraying me with all and sundry, it had still not crossed my mind that the so called training weekends were anything other than what she pretended. It did not escape me now that she was currently away on the fourth of these weekends. At that instant I knew with absolute certainty that even as I read the words, Sandra had her lover's big cock embedded deep inside her. It was too much. Carefully setting the diary aside, I sought relief with my hand.

Fri Mar 21

Got laid but it wasn't anything to write home about. The guy's dick was only

average and he could only manage to get it up the once - thank God for my

two tame taxi drivers. Going back in the club afterwards the doorman gave me

a kind of funny look. He's really very good looking but I'm not sure if I could

go with a black man. It was Carlos was driving the taxi this time - he has started

giving me cash back as well.

Sat Mar 22

Acted very sexy and loving with Don. I mentioned the possibility of going

on a course and he didn't object at all except to say that it should really take

place in working hours rather than a weekend. He did ask if there were any

leaflets about the course and like a fool I said I would bring one to show him.

If I hadn't said that I don't think he would have made an issue about seeing


Sun Mar 23

When the kids went out to play, I went back to bed and had sex with Don -

I'm starting a campaign to keep him happy until I get my weekend with Derek.

I did quite enjoy it, especially the snuggling up afterwards because that's

something I can never do with the others.

Mon Mar 24

Derek says he will knock up something about a pretend course that I can show

Don - we just have to decide which weekend it's going to be.

Wed Mar 26

Katie brought a picture home from school in which she had portrayed me as an angel. It caused me a twinge of conscience because I'm more of a fallen angel these days.

Fri Mar 28

Went with Jake again. I like to broaden my experience but after last Friday it was nice to go with a known quantity. Jake is getting better but with a bit of imagination he could be fantastic. He's got a beautiful cock but that's part of the problem because he thinks that all he has to do is stick it in my cunt. I mean why doesn't he ever go down on me even after I drop hints. Come to that why do none of them seem to want to lick my twat. The girl in the taxi who gets out before me is called Della. She's got a very attractive sensuous face and I would literally kill to have her legs. She remarked that I looked as if I had enjoyed a nice time and we started talking. We've chatted before but never really about sex. I told her about Jake and she nodded understandingly when I said he'd got no idea what his tongue was for.

Wed April 2nd

After the sex Derek showed me a leaflet about our planned pseudo course. It's going to be the Friday 23rd April weekend. He says that Angie from accounts knocked it up for him on the computer - it's even got a photograph of some Hotel or other to make it look really official.

Thur April 3

I was in such a good mood that I let old Joe poke me. It didn't kill him so I'll bribe him that way in future. He wasn't at all bad for a dodderer and it was definitely more rewarding than getting an aching jaw for very little reward.

Fri Apr 4

As I approached the club, Marcus the bouncer pulled me to one side. He asked if I had a date and when I shook my head he said did I want one. I thought he meant himself and hesitated because of the colour thing. He guessed my mistake and said with a laugh, "No not me - you're not that lucky yet."

The guy he had lined up for me walked forward then - an older man with a hard Italian looking face and as soon as he spoke I knew he was American. He took me to an expensive hotel. I started by sucking him off and then we had a long satisfying fuck. His cock was a very nice size and uncut. Later he wanted to go again so I got on all fours as he asked. He got behind me but his dick kept jabbing my anus and I said, "You're aiming too high." That didn't stop him trying so I got a bit angry and told him, "Either stick it in my twat or we can forget the whole thing." It turned into a very pleasant doggie style shag that went on nearly as long as the first session. When we were dressed again he got out an enormous roll of notes and peeled off a fifty that he gave to me. "If you'd opened your butt to me like I wanted, it would be more than double that," he said. Then he gave a funny little laugh and went on, "They told me English tarts were tight assed - I guess I must have misunderstood." By this time it was way too late to catch the taxi with the girls so he rang up another that took me all the way home and didn't cost me a thing.

Tue Apr 8

At work I was thinking about the fact that I had sold my body for the first time without realising it. I must have been smiling to myself because when I looked up Ken Fisher was there and he obviously thought I was smiling at him. The sneaky little runt has no chance but it can't do any harm to let him dream.

Wed Apr 9

After we had finished screwing in the storeroom, Derek confessed where he disappears to other lunchtimes. He said that for the past two years, since long before we got together, he has been stuffing Angie from accounts. He explained that Angie's husband is very jealous and watches all the time like a hawk but lets her come to work in their camper truck. So nearly every lunchtime Angie drives it to the local woods and Derek joins her there. I'm hardly faithful to him so I can't really be jealous about her.

Thur Apr 10

I've done a really stupid thing. I was so miffed about Derek screwing Angie instead of me that on the spur of the moment I let Ken Fisher fuck me in the storeroom. It was horrible and I'm going to have to keep doing it with him or else he will spread it about me round work. This means that I have to shift old Joe to Friday when I do like to keep myself fresh on Fridays for the evening. On top of all that, I will now only manage to get lunch in the canteen on two days out of five.

Fri Apr 11

Marcus collared me again but not to offer another companion. "Did my pal see you all right last week," he asked indicating with his fingers that he meant cash and I only realised then that more money had changed hands the previous week than the £50 I earned. Marcus is actually a bit impressive and I don't mean his brilliant white teeth - unless it was a trick of the light he's got a fair sized snake tucked down his pants. The bloke I pulled for the evening was not terribly well hung but you can't hope for a big one every time and it can be enough just to get hot and sticky with a new body - especially when I can generally finish off the evening in the taxi.

There was a gap of a full week and I can't think of the reason for it. She did catch a small dose of flu but was only off work for three days.

Fri Apr 18

Got myself a young guy (possibly younger than twenty) and although his cock wasn't overly big, it never seemed to go soft. He'd hardly finished shooting one load before being ready to go again - and of course I was happy to take all he'd got to give. We were at it so continuously that I was barely aware of the wind and rain lashing against the window and I was rather shocked at all the water on the streets on the way back to the club. The taxi had to go very slowly because the visibility was so bad even with the wipers at full speed. After a message came through Andreas said he couldn't get me home because the road was flooded near the river and I could tell from his face that he was pig sick, knowing he was going to miss his usual fuck. Just then Della said there was no problem as she could put me up overnight. In her flat she showed me that there was only the one bed and asked if I minded to which I said no. After supper she asked if I got laid every Friday. I told her 'Yes' and asked how she got on. "I only go the club to appear normal," she said, " - actually I don't like men very much." I must have gazed at her open mouthed because, taking advantage she held my face in her hands and pushed her wet tongue between my open lips. It was only the briefest contact because she then stepped back laughing and said, "You're cut off by the flood, you find you have to share a bed, I tell you that I'm a lesbian and then to confirm your worst fears, I kiss you. Just where are you going to run to?"

I felt a very different kind of excitement and told her, "I'm not sure that I want to run anywhere." We kissed some more to seal the bargain but while drinking the hot drink she prepared we spoke not of sex although what was to come lay unspoken between us. In the bedroom we both undressed ourselves. On other occasions I have seen other women's bare breasts, studying them objectively for size and shape, inevitably comparing them to my own. But with Della stripped to the waist it was very different seeing her small tits and pert nipples, knowing that I would soon be touching and taking them in my mouth. The revelation came when she removed her pants because she had no pubic hair and I have never seen anyone look so completely naked. A woman particularly, even without clothes, still has hair to protect her modesty. Della had no such protection and her cunt has got to be the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen. I will skip the initial touching and fondling to skip straight to the sublime moment when I lowered my head between her thighs. The skin of her vagina was perfectly smooth, silken even, with not the slightest trace of roughness or stubble. At my touch it opened like the skin of a peach to reveal the rich moist flesh within. I have often enough sucked my fingers after frigging myself to know that her taste would not be obnoxious but I was still unprepared for the honey-pot of delight that my questing tongue encountered.

When a man and women engage in sex together they each pursue their own gratification with only the vaguest idea what sensation the other will experience. Two women together know exactly the feeling inspired by their touch and can thus co-operate to create one big shared mutual orgasm. The night seemed endless and can only be summed by the evocative word 'heaven'. I could have happily spent the rest of time with my head between her legs, constantly breathing in that intimate aroma and gaining complete sustenance from her internal secretions. It was without doubt the best experience of my life. In a small amount of snatched sleep I dreamed that Della was sitting on my face peeing. The golden liquid overflowed my mouth, formed a rivulet between my tits and continued downwards to plunge into the cavern of my cunt like a moorland stream disappearing down a pot-hole. I wonder what a psychologists would make of that. I had hoped that I might be marooned for another night but just before Saturday lunch we heard that the road was passable with care.