The Doctor Diaries Ch. 08


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I walked closer and, as I did, I could see that the normally white cheeks of her arse were quite red, like she might have been slapped there. Moving right up close to the bed, I was shocked to see a trail of creamy white liquid leaking from the crack of her arse down into her crotch, flowing toward her vagina, the lips of which were quite puffy and open. Bending over the bed to check it all out, I noticed that her anal opening looked to be quite stretched, as wide as a a small coin. The white substance had to be a man's cum and it was still slowly flowing, like her arse had only just been vacated.

What had gone on here? My wife had always disapproved of anal sex. She had denied me several times earlier in our marriage and had claimed to be disgusted when my patient Victoria told her how she had tutored me in the pleasures of it. Then only recently, my wife had related the close call she had with tantric Geoffrey, who had actually got the head of his cock into her anus before she managed to stop him in what appeared, from her description, to be her abject fear of the consequences.

"Honey, what's been going on here? Are you alright?" I asked anxiously, now diverting my attention to her face to see if she was awake. Her eyes were watching me, but half-lidded, like she was drowsy.

"I'm fine, James … just fine. Don't worry about me."

"But honey, your arse, it's all red … and open. It looks to me like you've had a man's cock up inside you there. Don't tell me … did he force you to do this, are you okay? Do you want me to call someone … a doctor, the police … at least the organisers of this weekend?"

She sounded panicky when I suggested that I should bring in some authority, "No, no … nobody! I don't need anyone but you to see me like this. I told you not to worry, darling, I'm okay with it all … really! I did encourage Jeremy, you could say I started it."

"You did, but why? You don't even like the thought of that?"

"James, so many people seem to be doing it that I began to think that I was the odd one out for not trying it. You have always wanted me to, but you respected me and never pressed me too hard. And then Victoria did it with you … I guess you must have liked it with her, and Geoffrey wanted to do it with me. Last week, I went to lunch with some women, so I asked around the table and three out of five had done it. That was it, I determined I had to at least try it, find out what it was like."

"But why not with me? Why did you pick a stranger to initiate you?"

She seemed to open her eyes a bit wider now, "I had rejected you enough already over anal sex. I figured that if we tried it and I still didn't like it … couldn't go through with it … it would have been terrible to reject you and leave you frustrated with a hard penis once more. I also thought I would be less inclined to chicken out if it was with another man who could get angry with me."

"But a stranger…"

"Well, he was … and he wasn't…"

"What do you mean by that?"

"When you told me about this swinger's weekend and asked me if I wanted for us to do it, I saw this opportunity arise. I filled in the form and on it, I asked for somebody very caring and proficient to do anal with me for the first time. I didn't know if the computer would be programmed to understand such a request. But it turns out that Jeremy is one of the founders of this swinger's club. The young woman processing all the client details brought my form to his attention. He considered that he himself fitted my requirements for an anal teacher."

"I can't believe it. So was that right, was he good and caring or just an opportunist who saw a chance to fuck a woman up the arse?"

"I have nothing to compare his technique to, so I can't really answer that … other than to say that he did seem very considerate and he stopped whenever I was getting in a panic about pain and such … which was often."

My eyes scanned over her naked arse once more and I touched a hand down on one of her red cheeks. She flinched from my touch. "Why are they so red?"

"He spanked me too, suggested that was part of the whole anal experience. I wasn't that much into the spanking, it stung, although maybe in some way, it primed my arse for what was to come."

"Honey, I am intrigued, you better tell me how it was. It looks to me like you two only just finished your arse fuck just before I came in. Why did it take all night to get around to that?"

"Yes, we did only just make it by the skin of our teeth, although we must have started around 5.30 … or was it a quarter to six this morning. Anyway, he was literally coming inside my arse as that voice was saying for all men to leave the rooms. That's why I'm still lying here like this. He took about a minute to lie on me enjoying his moment, his cock still pumping his cum into me. I really expected you to come to the door while he was still up inside me. But you didn't and then he realised he must go, so he just pulled out, threw on his clothes, his cock still dripping, and he was gone. Then you came in."

"But if you started before 6am, why did it take so long? Surely he wasn't up inside your arse for over an hour?"

"Oh no, I couldn't have taken that. No, it took me a long time to adjust and he was so considerate that whenever I'd start hyperventilating or even crying as I did at one stage, he would stop and give me about ten minutes to recover. I have to tell you, James, it wasn't easy. There were several times when I considered calling the whole thing off. I'm still not greatly into it, but I do have to admit that, after he got all of himself up inside me … and he waited for me to adjust to it all … his strokes in and out weren't too bad. I think there was enough for me to actually like at the end to want to try it with you some time. But definitely not right now," she added with a little laugh.

"I appreciate that you would go through something like this, that you really didn't want to do, just for me. So you still haven't explained why it took until nearly 6am to try something that you had asked this man to perform on you?"

"Well James, when he arrived last night, we first sat and talked our way through it, then he took off all my clothes and had me lie face down on the bed. He touched me there with his fingers."

"You mean on your arse?"

"And in it … he got me to lay here passively, almost like I am now, with a pillow under my body to raise up my arse. Then he fondled, even kissed me there, and he wet his fingers and he pushed in one and moved it around. Then he added another and I freaked out a bit. He told me that I had to be able to take at least two fingers because that was getting up toward the size of his cock. He said it would be more like three thick fingers. I started to get nervous about my decision then, but he was gentle and gradually I got used to two fingers."

"I am just knocked out by your willingness to try this, honey."

"I don't like you doing things with your patients, you'll likely get into trouble again. I figure if I can make home sex more exciting for you, then you're less likely to be tempted by all those 30-something patients of yours."

I saw her logic, but privately wondered if it wasn't already too late. I was hooked on the fun I was having with the willing patients. "I admire your attempt, honey," I told her encouragingly, urging her to continue the story.

"When I resisted his third finger going into my arse, he told me the only way that anal sex could happen for me would be to wear a butt plug through the night. He said it was to open me up back there. Darling, I'd never even heard of such a thing, have you?"

"Yes I have," I admitted.

"Good God, I've led a sheltered life, haven't I? Don't bother answering that, I know I have. So anyway, I let him put it in me and I wore that all night while we had normal sex."

"How often?"

"Does that matter, darling? Do I ask you how many times you do it with the partners you had?" My wife didn't wait for my answer, "Let's just say two or three times."

"So he was good at it?" I asked.

"Oh I see, that's where you're coming from. You want to know how good he was at making me feel good. Let's just say very good, darling."

"By the way," I interrupted, suddenly recalling the fetish subject that came up in the car on our journey here to the hotel. "Why all that talk about golden showers?"

She turned her head away from me, facing the wall as if she didn't want me to see her face. Was she blushing or just plain embarrassed?

"You have to tell me, why did you ask about golden showers?"

She turned her face back around to look at me. If she had been blushing, it had cleared now. "I only asked what it was back in the car, you're the one that's made something of it several times since we got here."

"Did you really tick that on your form?"

"No!" she said quite emphatically, "I'm not stupid, I wouldn't tick something that I didn't know about. I honestly hadn't heard of it until I saw it as an option on the form. I asked about it in the car because with all that talk about special needs, my guilty conscience told me that you might have guessed that I had ticked anal. I only asked about golden showers to throw you off the scent. Just because I was thinking about anal all the time this week, I was expecting that any moment, you would guess about my anal request."

"So you never ticked golden showers then?"

"No I didn't," but as she said it, she gave a strange look at me.

"There's something more about golden showers that you don't want to reveal, isn't there?"

Again, she turned her head away, but this time, she brought it back quickly. "Darling, I really didn't tick it, but sometime in the early hours after Jeremy and I had already had sex twice, we were just lying in bed, talking about stuff in general. I thought all our talk about golden showers had been funny, you know, my trying to throw you off the track about wanting anal … so I told him about how you thought I wanted golden showers. We both had a good laugh about it, but then he asked me if I wanted to try it. I was stunned, I didn't see that coming. Jeremy said that he was into various fetishes, but that he never pushed them on partners unless they mentioned it."

"Don't you tell me that you did it?"

"Just a little bit, darling. I was feeling so good from all that sex with Jeremy, and from the night before with Alan too. At that stage, I was actually excited having the butt plug in my arse. I had got used to it stretching me by then, and knowing that I was about to actually go through with anal sex for the first time … darling, I was on a high without drugs. Jeremy was telling me all about golden showers and he asked if I'd like to try it. I said that I didn't think that I could handle his peeing on me, but I admitted that my peeing on him could be interesting."

"Interesting is a funny word to use for something that's supposed to be a turn-on for the devotees."

"I told him that I had been about to get up to go and pee. He looked really excited, he jumped up out of bed and nearly dragged me into the bathroom. I still didn't know how this was going to happen without it becoming a mess. He climbed into the bath, no water in there and lay down looking up at me. Then he told me to get in the bath too and straddle him … it was lucky that it was a wide bath. I managed to get my feet either side of his hips and I squatted down, assuming the position where we felt I would be able to pee. He positioned me so that he estimated my flow would be directed at his penis. Women aren't that good at directing it like a man does, I was a bit sceptical that this would work for him. Even though I wanted to go badly, it took me about a minute in this strange position … you know, not sitting on a toilet seat and with this man watching me. Anyway, at last, it started, just a few spurts and then he got me to hold it and adjust my position. Then the flow started and I couldn't stop, the position was right this time and my warm pee splashed all over his cock. Darling, you wouldn't believe it, despite him having cum a couple of times that night, he got a stiff one, just from my peeing on him. While my pee was still flowing, he scrambled further down under me so that now I was hitting his chest and even his chin. He said he wanted it in his mouth, but I ran out of pee before he could get that under me. I don't think I would have liked that."

"You didn't like any of it, did you, honey?"

"No, not really, but then he wasn't doing it to me, he was getting me to do it to him … and if he got his kicks from that, who was I to not go through with it. You wouldn't believe how hard his penis got, just from feeling my warm pee on it."

"What happened then, I bet he wanted you to reciprocate?"

"He did ask if he could do it to me. I told him that I didn't think it was my thing, and he accepted that. So we both got in the shower together to wash off, and one thing led to another and we had one standing up in there."

"You really have become a sexy woman, honey."

"So how was your night, darling?" she asked politely, but I didn't think that she was as into hearing about it as I was.

"Just great, darling, we went out and had sex on the beach."

"Really, what for?"

"Because Christine wanted to emulate a movie scene, but that was the only highlight that was different. The whole night pales into insignificance against your exciting night."

She accepted that, confirming my belief that she didn't care to hear about Christine and I, and keeping it to myself that she had been a patient … and after tonight, would be again. I realised that I had developed a boner, weird after all of the night's sex. Maybe it was thinking back to rolling with Christine at the water's edge, but then I realised that it was more likely looking at my wife's leaking arse and hearing the story of her first anal sex encounter. Just maybe we would try it together one day soon.

I slipped my finger into the cleavage of her arse and lightly touched her still open anal ring. My wife jumped from my touch, "Ooh, sorry James, much as I am keen for us to try it now that I can cope with it, now is definitely not the time."

I told her I agreed with that but suggested that she might need a shower before we went down for breakfast. She seemed to flinch with pain or discomfort at every movement of her legs and body getting off the bed. She walked very gingerly to the bathroom and we both got into a warm shower. I gently soaped all the vital parts of her body that had been so used by Jeremy through this night.

I still had that boner and when my wife saw it, she was naturally surprised that I could still get it up after Christine. Of course, I didn't admit that it was more likely the result of her telling me of her anal experience. She did thoughtfully suggest that we could do something about it, and so we did. I held her up against the wall of the shower and inserted my hard cock into her well-used vagina and finished the weekend with one final sexual act.

She reminded me just before I came that she had been in this exact position with Jeremy about five hours ago when they too had sex in the shower after washing her piss off his body.

This may well be The End, I don't know if there are any more adventures left to relate.

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tkh3nkey2110tkh3nkey2110about 3 years ago

An enjoyable story. Funny in parts. The characters are believable. The doctor’s wife is very forgiving, but having been married for over 50 years myself I can understand how many things can be forgiven or over looked. I enjoyed this last installment the best. I can see where further chapters could be penned particularly with the different kinks in the partners that James would draw at swings.

rdc2rdc2over 8 years ago
A very interesting and well written story!

Thanks for a very interesting and well written story! I sure would like to read about more sexual adventures of the doctor and his wife!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Well done!

Quite well written, almost as if from a real doctor's standpoint. If I was a writer by any way shape or form my stories of being in practice on a tropical island in the Western Pacific for over 30 years would be quite interesting. Island girls, fiancé's, wives, then the oriental community included Japanese, Thai, Korean & Vietnamese into the mix.

Ms. the 3rd was British so reading your stories was easy for this Americano to grasp, heh,heh. Again, well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Great Writings

Concerning all your Dt. Series - a Serious Well Done! You caried the theme throughout the writiings, never slipping from the story line, Quite an accomploshment considering there are eight chapters and well over 100k words.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

perhaps a follow up with new patient Christine61e6

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