The Dream Job Ch. 19


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"That's up to you, Sir." Shriya said "But I am still fully available to you. Whenever you want to have me, just call me I will be there in two minutes."

Shartan said "That's fine, but I want you to be closer to me. So, I will move you to my floor, in a proper office. Your office is too small right now."

"Ok, Sir. I will go where you take me, Sir."

"And I want to give you more responsibility."

"I will do whatever you want, Sir."

"What story are you working on now?"

"Umm, Sir you put a story on hold which was going in August issue, I am trying to find a story fill that gap."

He nodded "The Beauty Queens series. Ok. What story are you using to fill the gap?"

"I have a story about an NGO who organise fashion shows to raise money for charity. I have a doubt that that will be approved so I have a backup story about the married life of fashion models as well.

"Why wouldn't the first one be approved?"

"Sorry, Sir, I shouldn't have said that. Usually we don't run serious stories, so it's just my feeling."

"Hmmm. Who approves the stories?"

"Shweta ma'am, Sir."

A waitress came and took their order. Shartan continued.

"How far along are you with the stories?"

"Very close to finishing them, Sir." Shriya said "May be a couple more hours to finish them both."

"Bring them both to my office before you show them to Shweta."

"Yes, Sir. This afternoon?"

He nodded "Yes, I will make some time in late afternoon. Talk to Amrita then come over."

She nodded "Yes, Sir. I will be there."

Just then Shweta came over to their booth.

"Good afternoon, Sir." She said "You could just order your lunch from your office, Sir. You don't need to face all this crowd and noise. I can bring your lunch, if you like."

He reached up and she bent over lower. Shartan took her hair in his grip and pulled her to him for a kiss. Shweta pressed her lips on his and kissed him fully as if she were kissing him in the privacy of his office.

"Come, sit." He said after the kiss. Shweta took the seat opposite him.

She was wearing a sleeveless black mini dress which had a deep neck cut in a triangular shape. In order to comply with the 30% rule the dress was fully backless. It stopped about her mid-thighs, showing Shweta's nice, shapely long legs. Her black high heels were 8" high with 2" platforms. Her dark, glistening hair was loose because she knew her boss liked that. She was wearing simple dangly earrings. As always she had no panties on, following the boss' rule. Shartan looked her up and down and nodded approvingly.

"I stay in my office all day, Shweta," Shartan said "sometimes it's nice to mingle with other colleagues and enjoy the vibrance and fun of the crowded cafeteria."

"Aw, Sir, you are just so sweet." Shweta said "I hope it's ok for me to join you. I didn't want to interrupt but I saw you so just came over to say hello."

"No, no, it's perfectly fine. We were talking about editing department so it's good that you are here." Shartan said. He was well aware of how office politics worked and he half-suspected that someone had tipped Shweta off that he was there with Shriya. And Shweta had come down. But he didn't say any of that.

"Sure, Sir. What were you talking about?" Shweta said.

A waitress came over and placed food in front of Shartan and Shriya.

"Darling, would you bring something for Shweta as well?" Shartan asked the waitress.

"Sure thing, Sir." The girl turned to Shweta "What would you like, ma'am?"

After the waitress was gone, Shartan said "I usually don't like to talk about work while eating. Given the state of Angels I am tempted to relax this rule, but then I realise that it's a slippery slope once you start relaxing rules. So, let's talk about something else. Shweta, you tell me about yourself."

"I am happy to obey your rules, Sir. It's your choice. Myself, I have a simple life, so there's not much to tell but if you want to ask anything I will be happy to answer."

"Okay, do you live locally or you travel?"

"I live in Nadi city, Sir. About half an hour's drive from here."

"With husband?"

"Yes, Sir. And a daughter."

"Nice. Hold old daughter?" Shartan asked.

"She will be 20 in a month or so, Sir."

"How is that possible when you yourself look like you are on the good side of 30?"

"Thank you, Sir, but unfortunately, I do have a 20 year old daughter."

"I will just keep using you like my young whore." Shartan said.

"Sure, Sir. That's your right, and I would enjoy that." Shweta smiled.

"Who's your favourite hero?"

"Salman Khan, Sir."

"Have we ever had him in Angels?"

"Not yet, Sir." Shweta said "I doubt if we will."

"Oh, I don't know. Angels is going big." Shartan said "Don't lose hope."

They continued talking about normal things until they all finished their food. Then over coffee Shartan allowed the chat to come back to work.

"You are both intelligent, talented girls." Shartan said "I don't want you to be a bottleneck for each others. So, I want you both to work on stories and if there's any bottleneck it would be me, as I will approve or veto stories, where needed."

"Sir, I will do whatever you tell me to do," Shweta said "but do you think it will be a good model to work?"

"Don't worry, slut, it's not your demotion, it's Shriya's promotion. I want her to have more responsibility. She's a smart girl and I want to use her fully."

"Mmmm, I like the sound of that, Sir." Shriya said with a cheeky smile "Please, do use me fully. Over and over again."

Shartan grinned and slapped her cheek lightly "Naughty girl."

"No, Sir. I am not worried about that." Shweta said "I am just thinking you may be spreading yourself too thin if you take on the load of the detail work."

"Well, right now Angels is in a shithole," Shartan said clearly "so I need to work harder than necessary, we all need to, which means I have to take on things which a normal MD would not. But we all know that these are not normal conditions, if we don't go beyond the job right now, there won't be a job in a few months."

"It's not that bad, Sir. Things are not ideal, for sure but..." Shweta started by Shartan lifted his hand and stopped her.

"Let's go into that kind of detail at a later date, darling." He said "I am still taking inventory of all departments and not liking what I see so far. But maybe you will prove right and on the whole things won't be that bad. I will be happy with that. But let's talk about that in a few weeks. For now, I want both of you to do your best work and come to me for any problems of any kind."

"Yes, Sir." Shweta said.

"On the by-line you will both be co-editors from now on instead of chief editor and assistant editor. I am also going to move Shriya to my floor, so she is under my direct control just like you are. Who handles Building Facilities?"

"Is it Namitha?" Shweta looked at Shriya.

Shriya nodded "Namitha, Sir."

"Ok, thanks. I will talk to her."

He noticed a waitress and called her over.

"Sweetheart, who is the manager for the catering service?" He asked.

"Raveena Tandon, Sir." She said "She is the owner and manager of the catering company."

"Is she around?"

"No, Sir. She's gone to bring some supplies for the afternoon tea. She will be back soon. Anything I can do for you?"

"You can't, my love, but thank you for offering." He said "Please ask Raveena to come and see me when she is back. I am Shartan Silverstar, my office is on the 37th floor."

"Of course, I know who you are, Sir." The waitress smiled.

"You are very sweet." He smiled back "What's your name?"

"Mithila, Sir."

"Beautiful name. Mithila, would you give my message to Ms. Tandon."

"Yes, Sir. Definitely, Sir."

"Good girl. Thank you, darling."

"You are welcome, Sir."

Shartan turned back to his editing sluts "That reminds me, Shweta. You haven't come to suck my cock in a few days, slut."

"I will come whenever you want, Sir. I am your whore." Shweta said with conviction "But you have been busy."

"Yes, this cover party and then getting the August issue out, I am not the only one working hard, everybody is." Shartan said "Once this issue is out, we need to have a private party, we have been working too hard."

"Sounds great, Sir." Shweta said "The night you took us both home was amazing, Sir."

"It was a fun night." Shartan agreed "You girls are such wild whores when you get started."

"You bring out our whore side, Sir." Shriya said "I would love to have a night like that again."

"Me too." Shweta said.

"We'll plan something like that then." He got up "Come on, let's get back to the grind for now."

In the elevator, there were a few other people, so Shartan stood with his back to the wall. But both Shweta and Shriya boldly stood close to him, facing him, each straddling one of his legs. He closed his arms around both and kissed Shriya, sucking her lips. She responded by kissing him back and rubbing his chest with one hand. Then he broke that kiss and kissed Shweta the same way. She also responded eagerly and sucked his tongue.

The other people got off on the 12th floor. After that both the girls hiked up their short dresses and started to grind their hot pussies on his thighs. He let his hands caress down their smooth backs and even go down to knead their tight ass cheeks.

It's no surprise that Shriya was soaking wet when the elevator stopped on her floor.

"See you later, Sir." Shriya kissed him quickly.

He nodded "See you later, my whore."

They were both on the 37th floor so Shweta and Shartan continued sucking each other's lips for two more floors.

Shartan walked her to her office and Shweta said "Won't you come in for a moment, Sir? Please?"

He nodded "Sure."

"Lunch with you was so pleasant, Sir." Shweta said as she walked to her desk and turned around to face him "But I remember at your place when you kept both me and Shriya naked. You fucked us before dinner and after dinner. Mmmmm, eating your cum for dessert was exquisite."

Shartan walked in close between her legs and pressed his hard rod on her pussy mound as he closed his arms around her soft, slender body. Squeezing her tight against him, he kissed her thoroughly this time. Shweta turned her face up and pressed her lips on his in a way that showed how hungry she was. His hands rubbed her bare back and she pressed her tits hard into his chest. She moaned as his tongue pushed into her mouth. She rubbed the back of his head with her long, warm fingers while she drank his saliva.

Her hips moved against him. She ground her pussy into his hard rod, feeling his thick shaft pressing into her pussy mound and parting her pussy lips. She was soaking wet, had been for a while now. Her pussy was buzzing with the sexual charge, even her kiss was driven by the hunger in her cunt. She was loving the way his tongue was fucking her mouth and she was imagining that his dick would do the same to her cunt very soon.

"Oh god, how I want you, Sir!" Shweta groaned as they broke the kiss "Please take me and fuck me like you do, make me your bitch."

A smile played on his lips as he leaned in and slowly kissed her cheek "Not yet, my whore. I have an appointment and you need to wait your turn. We do have a lot of editorial work to do for the issue soon so I will be pounding you a lot."

"Mmmm, just check out how ready I am, Sir." She took his hand and pushed it under her short dress.

He inserted two fingers up into her tight, wet cunt and fucked her slowly in and out.

"Yes, you do seem quite ready, my bitch." He smiled "And I do like my sluts to be wet around me."

"I get wet even when I think about you, Sir." Shweta breathed as she pushed her hips forward to fuck herself on his fingers "You can simply jam your magnificent cock in me any time you see me."

"Good that you know your place." He kissed her cheek then her neck while his fingers continued to fuck her cunt "That's how I plan to use you. But we both have work. So, you need to wait a little."

Shweta groaned with need as he pulled his fingers out of her hungry cunt.

"I will nail you soon, my beautiful whore." He kissed her lips "Bye for now."

"Please do, Sir." Shweta whimpered "Bye Sir."

He was sucking his fingers which were soaked in Shweta's pussy juices as he exited her office.


Malaika found a breathless, panting Shweta standing next to her desk when she entered a moment later.

"Are you free to go over these model requirements now?" She said then noticed her condition "Are you ok?"

"Yes, it's that man. He just does something to me and I can't think of anything but his dick."

"What man?"

"Shartan. I become this horny little whore any time I am close to him. I can't even think straight."

"Oh, did I miss boss?" Malaika pouted "I was so hoping to show him my dress."

"It's a great dress." Shweta said "You were hoping he would like you so much in this dress that he would fuck you on the spot, weren't you?"

"Well, of course. I always want his cock." Malaika said "But then you were saying the same thing just a second ago."

"Yes, I know. I always want his cock, too." Shweta sighed "I don't know whether it's because he's so good or because I can't get satisfaction at home."

"Sorry, I can't help with that. "Malaika said "Arbie has never been able to give me good sex. He's just barely adequate. That's why I still masturbate so much. But after boss first banged me, oh god...well, I don't mind telling you, I think of Shartan now when I masturbate."

"Hey, me too." Shweta said "I even think about Shartan when I am fucking my husband. It improves the sex a lot."

"Oh, I know. I do the same. Of course, Arbie doesn't know that."

"Does he know that Shartan fucks you?"

"Yes, I have told him that. But he knew about the old MD too, and he's not that worried."

"So, he doesn't know that Shartan is a totally different kind of beast?"

"No, but I don't care if he finds out." Malaika shrugged "He knows I have to belong to boss for the other reasons."

"Are you going to invite him to Saturday's party?" Shweta asked.

"Mhmmm. Boss has said to invite our partners." Malaika said "What about you?"

"Yes, I will bring Shekhar, I am actually thinking of bringing Palak, too. She could meet Shartan this way." Shweta said.

"That's a good idea." Malaika said "Is she getting any luck with her modelling?"

"Not so much." Shweta sighed "And she can't understand why she has to struggle when her mother is the editor of a big fashion magazine."

"Kids never do." Malaika said "Abraham thinks he should already be a model because you know, his mother recruits models."

Shweta shook her head "After that thing with Manushi story, I dare not take a chance. I keep thinking Kareena got the whipping that I deserved."

"No, honey, Lara deserved that more than anyone else." Malaika said "But Kareena just got caught in the crossfire."

"Maybe so, but still, I dare not do anything that is not to his liking." Shweta said "That reminds me, what are you wearing in Saturday's party?"

"I have a micromini in mind that's completely backless and almost fully sheer." Malaika said.

"So, no bikini?"

"Nope. Although bikini is not panties, I am sure Shartan will count it as panties because they block access to my holes."

"I followed the same logic," Shweta said "I know Shekhar will be in that party, but I still must keep myself open to being fingered or fucked by Shartan when he wants."

"Goes without saying, hon." Malaika nodded "When Shartan is there, we are his bitches. I would risk a fight with Arbie later rather than make Shartan frown at me. He scares me."

"Me too, when I think about displeasing him, but at other times, I just want to have his cock in me and feel him pound me until I can't walk."

"Speaking of pounding," Malaika said "did you arrange for that girl Sonam to meet Shartan? She won't be in the issue until he approves her."

"Yes, she will go and meet him tomorrow."

"And she knows Shartan will fuck her?"

"She's a model." Shweta said "Of course, she knows the big boss will drill her if she wants to get into the magazine."

"Good, let's talk about the other girls for the party."

"Ok. Let me open my list..."

[End of Part 19]

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Please bring out new chapters of Dream job series .. and include manushi's story too.

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