The Escape


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There was no panic on her face but I could tell from those clear grey eyes that she fully understood the situation that she was in. We straightened the limb and bound the rope round using the sticks to hold it straight. There was some chord left over so I asked Rick to cut it for me. He did so but retained the cut off section and knelt down. For just a moment, I thought that he intended to help but instead he roughly turned the unconscious man over and tied his hands cruelly tight behind him.

Aldo called that he had found some snout prompting the man with the knife to quickly join him. In the moment that we were left alone, the woman said urgently, "Please, don't let them hurt Lucy."

"She is just the age my little girl was the last time I saw her," I said. "If they try to touch her, they will have to kill me first."

She gave me a part smile indicated a degree of trust then stood up and walked determinedly towards the other two. "Gentlemen," she said in a loud clear voice. "I'm Liz and my daughter is called Lucy. If you will try to avoid frightening my little girl, I'll try and make you all a bit more comfortable. First thing is to dig out some dry clothes that you can wear and then I think some warm food is called for." Having thus made a brave attempt to control the situation, she disappeared briskly through a door leading to the back of the cabin.

Rick made a move to follow her but Aldo gestured for him to stay where he was. She returned two or three minutes carrying three pairs of trousers and a bundle of assorted shirts. On top of the bundle in her arms were three towels. We were handed a pair of trousers and a towel each but the shirts were left in a pile for us to select our own. Then while we were engaged with her offering, Liz led her daughter to the table, put some books and felt tip pens in front of her and said softly, "Be a good girl and do some colouring darling while I make these nice men something to eat."

Having settled the child, she set off back across the cabin but was intercepted by Aldo holding up the trousers he had been given. "No chance," he told her, "I couldn't even get one leg into these."

Liz nodded at the obvious truth and said, "I'm afraid that is all we have got - I'll get a blanket, you'll have to make do with that." Returning with the promised covering, she tossed it to him then opened a cupboard and began to take out tins. "I'm doing some soup first to warm you up and then there will be tinned meat and stuff to follow, I hope that will be all right," she informed the three of us in general.

We stripped, towelled ourselves dry then Rick and I put on the clothing we had been given but Aldo simply draped the blanket across his shoulders. He stood there with no sense of modesty, displaying his barrel chest covered with matted ginger hair, tree trunk thighs and long penis hanging obscenely between them. Feeling relaxed for the first time in hours I took the opportunity to study the woman. The other two were doing the same. She was aged about 28 and rather exceptionally attractive with shoulder length blonde wavy hair. The rather old fashioned dress that she was wearing could not conceal the fact that she had damn good tits and the short skirt revealed decent legs. Working with quiet efficiency, she opened three tins and tipped the contents into a cooking pot then, after pushing it onto the hot plate, added some other ingredients and started stirring. Less then ten minutes later, she ladled the contents into three dishes and called out "Come and get it"

We all grabbed a dish and automatically turned towards the table but, seeing the little girl still busy colouring, of one accord we perched instead on the settee and single armchair to eat off our knees. By the time that we had wolfed down the soup, Liz had placed a coffee table before us on which were, corned beef, ham, cheese, pickles together with home made bread and a butter dish. Despite the soup, I realised that I was still ravenous and for the next few minutes was preoccupied with eating but saw that she had gone to her husband, got him into a sitting position, eased a cushion under him and applied some medication to his head. Having made her wounded spouse as comfortable as possible, Liz did not linger by his side and by the time that the food was all consumed, she had five mugs of coffee lined up on the side. This time she handed out the mugs then removed a cigarette from the packet that Aldo had claimed for his own, lit it and carried one of the coffee mugs over to her husband where she crouched by his side.

For the next few minutes she fed him alternate sips of coffee and drags at the cigarette. I didn't see him speak and could not hear anything that she said to him. Mine was not the only gaze fixed upon her.

Suddenly she stood up and took a deep breath. Followed by three pairs of eyes, she walked swiftly to extract and light another cigarette, picked up her own coffee mug, then turned to lean boldly on the sink. For several minutes not a word was spoken but there was a new air of tension in the atmosphere.

I found that I could not look at Liz because her courage shamed me. Conflicting emotions forced me to stand up and walk to the window where I pulled back the curtain and gazed out into the darkness. I knew what was going to happen next and was not sure if I could handle it.

"Hey Jed, the lady is going to show us the rest of the house. Do you want to join the party?" Aldo called out.

I looked round to see that he was standing near to the door into the back holding the woman's arm in his big hand. Ricky was positioned just to the right of them, a lascivious grin on his rat face. "Later," I said nodding in the direction of the husband, "Someone has to keep an eye on him."

"I can stick him now and then he won't need any watching," Ricky offered taking a step forward.

"There's still the kid," I pointed out.

"Her as well then," my ex cell mate said, making a gesture to show that it was all the same.

"That's not a good idea. If we want to get really friendly that's not going to help is it," I pointed out, putting extra stress on the word 'friendly'.

"He's right, leave it," Aldo decided and started backing through the door backwards dragging the woman after him.

At this point, having possibly picked up the atmosphere of menace, the little girl panicked and ran to clutch her mother's leg crying, "Mummy, don't leave me."

Seeing Ricky's hand move towards his pocket, I called, "Kid, have you ever seen paper dollies?"

The child stopped and partially releasing the grip on her mothers skirt, turned to look suspiciously

at me.

Remembering the name that the mother had mentioned I smiled and said in my friendliest voice, "I've got a little girl just like you Lucy, if you come here I will show you the dollies that I used to make for her."

Lucy started walking hesitantly towards me and I could tell from her face that she was intrigued. I have always had an easy rapport with children and it was paying off for me now. I picked up a piece of the scattered paper and started to carefully fold it on my knee having motioned that she should come round and sit on the settee beside me. Seated thus she was unaware that her mother and the two men had left the room. With the paper properly folded, I asked if she knew where there were some scissors at which she ran happily to the table in the corner. On her return I was disappointed to see that the rounded blunt children's scissors in her hand, although adequate for the task in hand, were not the potential weapon that I had hoped for.

Having unfolded the hand holding row of figures I passed them to her and suggested that she might like to colour them. "Make every dress a different colour and don't forget to give them all eyes and a mouth," I instructed as she ran eagerly to her colouring pens on the table. Turning my attention to the guy on the floor, I could see that with that stiff leg and hands tied cruelly tight behind him he was lying most awkwardly and was therefore in unnecessary distress. Making him roll slightly to give me access, I managed after a struggle to undo the knot on the cord binding his wrists.

He painfully moved his hands round to the front and started massaging circulation back into his wrists. "Thank you so very much," he said.

"Nothing to thank me for," I told him brusquely, "I'm going to tie you again - but with your hands in front."

"Thank you all the same - for this and for Lucy." He was looking straight into my eyes and I could see that the strain on his face was not caused only by the pain in his leg and head.

I retied his arms, looser but still secure. From the expression on his face I could tell that he had cast me in the role of 'good guy' with the hope of rescue that implied so my next action was to quickly disillusion him. Grasping the neck of his shirt a pulled him roughly towards me and then, with my face only inches from his and said harshly, "Don't get any ideas. Don't move, don't speak, don't even look at them when they come back. Those two are real bastards who will snuff you out without thinking and if that happens, don't expect me to help because I am looking after myself. It may come to that anyway but making yourself invisible is your only hope."

He just nodded but, believing that my message got through, I said in a gentler voice, I'm doing myself a coffee, do you want one?"

With a positive answer, I went to the Aga, checked that the kettle contained water and pushed it onto the hotplate, then started investigating the cupboards. In the first there was a bottle of squash which prompted me to put some in a glass to give to the girl before continuing. In the next cupboard, I found what I was looking for, namely a medical box containing a bottle of Paracetamol. Alongside was a bonus discovery in the shape of 100 cigarettes. I stuffed a pack into my pocket, and then put four tablets into one of the mugs that I had retrieved. With coffee in both, I added plenty of sugar without checking if he liked it sweet then added hot water making sure to give his a good stir.

Clumsily but gratefully he accepted the proffered mug, took a sip then leaned back breathing deeply with head resting against the wall and eyes closed. I sat down, placed the mug by my feet, dug out the cigs and removed two. Lighting them both I leaned forward holding one within his reach. "Smoke," I said.

He opened his eyes. "Bob, my name's Bob. Thanks."

We sat in silence smoking and taking mouthfuls from out mugs. He seemed to be studying my face but every few seconds his eyes flicked to the door leading to the back. I finished my cigarette first and pushed the ashtray over to him near him with my foot. From the way that he moved to stub his butt I thought that the painkillers were taking hold. Still silence reigned but he seemed to have to have abandoned considering me for his eyes were now fixed upon the door through which his wife had disappeared. "They're a long time," he said and I realised that he was looking at me again with a kind of question in his eyes but I just shrugged and said nothing.

"What do you think they are doing?"

I had no time for self-pretence. "You know damn well what they're doing," I told him.

He considered this for a minute and then, with a hopeful note to his voice, started, "Perhaps..."

I didn't want this conversation so interrupted cruelly, "There's no perhaps, they haven't been near a woman for five years so use your fucking imagination."

He winced visibly at my words and then with clenched his teeth fought to come to grips with reality but despite this effort at control, tears started running down his cheeks and his body heaved with silent sobs. There was nothing more to say so I left him to fight his own mental battle. When the first flush of grief had passed, trying to justify his weakness, he explained, "Anne was a virgin when I married her and I'm certain that she has been faithful since - so there has been no other man until now."

I would have respected him more had he kept this information to himself. "So what," I snarled. "A good shag never hurt anyone. You're still alive and if your wife can keep them sweet with her cunt then you might just stay that way."

This small speech did the trick. Bob took a deep breath and said, "You're right. I'm sorry."

Now I could ease up on him. "It's understandable," I said gently. "The important thing when those two come back is not to throw them any resentful looks. Pretend that you don't realise, act stupid - in fact the best thing is to act as if the knock on the head has addled your brain. Just let everything wash over you"

It was pushing another hour before my prison companions returned laughing during which time Bob and I did not exchange a single word even though I had given him another cigarette. "There's a hot piece of tail back there begging to see you. Better rush through before she cools down," Aldo told me with a wink.

I stood and started walking towards the door through which he had appeared. "There are some smokes in the second cupboard, a big pack of them," I reported as I passed. "Bye the way, I tied the husbands hands in front of him - the twat is going nowhere even if he was untied."

I entered the bedroom silently and stood looking down. Liz lay on the bed with her eyes closed and legs splayed as they had left her. Sweat matted hair clung in strands to the side of her face, there was smeared semen smeared across her chest and more forming a pool on the sheet between her legs. Her breasts were full but they seemed swollen and I could see two bite marks. I noticed that she had large dark aureoles but the nipples were currently not erect. She was a true blonde and the hairs on her twat seemed to delineate rather than conceal her mound. Even in this abused state she was the most desirable woman that I had ever seen.

My prick was rock hard and ached intolerably. I just stood fighting a battle with myself. I wanted her so much but I was not a rapist. Certainly I had participated in many rapes during my time in prison but that was different. Many times, with others I have pinioned a man's arms behind him while a stiff cock was being forced down his throat. On other occasions I have sat on a prisoner's back helping to hold him down while a succession of other convicts took turns to stick their dicks up his arse. All I can say in mitigation is that never did I claim the reward for my labours.

To understand this you have to understand what it is like in prison. When men are incarcerated for years with no access to women, their sexual urges do not magically cease. To satisfy their needs there is a requirement for other men to act as substitute women but the prison authorities for some strange reason, deliberately segregate men who would willingly fill this role. The only recourse of the sex starved is to force or coerce some men, against their nature, to satisfy the needs of others. The men so turned are called 'Punks'. In a prison there are only two types, men and punks - the men do the fucking and the punks get fucked. Some established 'men' on rare occasions might be turned but a punk can never regain the ranks of men.

It is the young, the weak and the isolated who become the primary targets. When I first entered the prison system I qualified on two of those criteria but fortunately, killers do have a certain kudos and this gave me a breathing space. I quickly saw the lie of the land, so when a seventeen year old was held temporarily on the block due to overcrowding in youth detention, mine were amongst the restraining hands during the blanket party to initiate him.

I think that it was my heavier breathing that made Liz aware of my presence. She opened her eyes wearily but then there was a spark when she saw that it was me. Moving her legs together, she got up on one elbow and gave me a small smile. "Thank you for fixing Bob's leg and for distracting Lucy - I don't know how I can ever thank you."

"It was nothing - the important thing is - how are you?"

"I reckon that a lot of women have gone through worse," she said, and then with a definite twinkle in her eye she added, "I can imagine that some do it voluntarily."

"But not like this," I said letting some of my distress show.

Wisely she changed the subject. "How is Bob?"

I reported the things that I had done to make him more comfortable but she shook her head and said, "I mean - how is he about this?"

Choosing my words carefully I told her, "He understands the situation and he has come to terms with it."

She nodded and asked, "Lucy?"

"I gave her a drink and biscuits and left her still colouring. Her head was drooping a bit so she might have gone to sleep by now."

My answers had helped her peace of mind and she visibly relaxed but when I opened the trousers to let my turgid cock spring up between us, she recoiled shocked. I think that she had mentally separated me from my companions and had not expected me to make demands on her body. Conscience fought with need in my head. "It's been so long," I muttered and even I could hear the pleading in my voice.

Liz nodded, gave me a smile of permission and opened her legs to allow me entry. Instead I lay down beside her and began to kiss one breast while gently stroking the other. She submitted for a couple of minutes but then said with a touch of panic in her voice, "If you are going to fuck me, then fuck me but please don't start making love because I don't think that I can stand it."

I froze for a second and then pulled away. "I can't," I said. "Not like them."

Liz reached out and took my hand. "I'll suck you off if you want. I'll make it rally good for you, I promise."

I stood with eyes closed and waited sensing that she had positioned herself in front of me. I felt her hand grasp the shaft and then her wet tongue licking the nob of my cock. I felt myself enter the warm wetness of her mouth and just keep on going. Only when her nose touched my body did I realise that she had taken me deep into her throat. Very very slowly, she started moving her head backwards and forwards. It did not take very long before, with her arms around me holding me tight and her throat muscles milking my shaft, I pumped five years of frustration into the depths of her gullet.

Liz lay back, wiped her mouth and gazed lovingly at me said, "Thank you for not making me."

I stood trembling from head to toe for a moment or two, then pulled up my trousers and fumbled a packet of cigarettes from the pocket. By the time that we both had a smoke going I was calmer but already a small germ of jealousy was working on me. "Did you suck the other two as well?" I had to ask.

Liz nodded. "But not like that," she said.

"Bob told me that you were a virgin when he met you?

"Yes, that is what I told him," she smiled.

I said nothing but raised one eyebrow quizzically at her less than full confirmation. "It wasn't strictly true - in one way it wasn't true at all," she confessed. "My parents were Catholics and wouldn't let me take the pill or get fitted with contraception. I was scared stiff about getting pregnant so, between the ages of fifteen and eighteen I sucked a lot of cocks. Then during the two years before meeting Bob I shagged with a couple of blokes, a few times with each. It wasn't a lot but enough to teach me what sex could be like. I told Bob that lots of girls these days lost their hymen doing athletics at school and he hadn't had enough experience himself to tell the difference. I don't believe that it was a real lie because it was what he wanted to believe."

"He also said that you have been faithful to him ever since."

"I haven't been screwed by another man until today but once I came pretty close. One day this guy selling brushes knocked at the door while Bob was at work and tells me that he is working his way through college. He was good looking and brash with lots of muscles in a tee shirt and tight jeans. He had a lot off and cajoled me into letting him for a cup of tea. There was a lot of risqué banter and I found myself kissing him and letting him squeeze my tits. I wanted it so bad but I knew that I couldn't go through with it. Trouble was, he knew how hot I was and was getting to the stage where he wouldn't easily take 'no' for an answer." Her voice trailed off and I could see that her mind was still on the memory.