The Examination Ch. 02


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As Angelica's resistance waned Amaka was able to force one of her muscular legs between Angelica's slim thighs. Now Amaka was able to move it up and down, not just rocking against her prey's mound but rubbing and caressing her weakest spot.

"Have you ever seen how they hypnotize an alligator?" Amaka asked Robert. "That's what finally put her under." Robert watched as Amaka began running her free hand lightly over Angelica's body, brushing her breasts, her stomach, her side, her mons, while her leg kept up its stroking between the girl's thighs.

Robert watched this in open-mouthed amazement. The nurse had clearly lost her mind. Did she seriously think that Florida alligator wrestling was a real hypnosis technique? Or even if it was, that it could possibly work on his strong willed girlfriend?

But to his surprise, he saw that Angelica was very obviously responding. Even through her thin blouse it was clear that her nipples were hugely erect. Her hips rocked a little in time with Amaka's expert leg strokes on her pussy. She gave out a few involuntary sounds of pleasure. Still the brave, determined girl still seemed to be resisting, her muscles tense. But gradually, little by little, the tension was going out of her. It might not be hypnosis, but it was having a devastating effect.

Robert saw Amaka shift a little to put her lips near Angelica's ear. Evidently realizing that her prey was falling under her control at least sexually, she was going to resume her attempt to hypnotize her. "Relax for me," she commanded in a seductive whisper. "Relax now... You can't hold out any longer... Give up... Don't fight it... Surrender... You can't resist... Relax for me..."

But instead of relaxing at the sultry sound, Angelica had stiffened.

She's still fighting, thought Robert with amazement and pride. But then he realized what was really happening.

Robert had learned how vulnerable Angelica's ears were. He could always send her into a blind rut by blowing in her ear. He hoped Amaka would misunderstand her reaction, that she would think her approach had somehow backfired, not realize she'd discovered a major weakness in his girlfriend.

On the tape Amaka seemed puzzled by the girl's reaction, but she put her mouth to the girl's ear once again. "Come on," she breathed, "Go to sleep for me. Come on! Let me fuck you to sleep. I'm going to ffffffuck you to sssssleep."

Like a man watching his team go down to defeat, Robert felt a sinking despair. That last sentence was Angelica's undoing, not because of the words but the whispered sibilant syllables, Amaka's breath rushing into her ear. It was too much! Angelica let out a loud, high-pitched, helpless whimper of utter sexual surrender.

"Ohhh, what is this?" said the nurse with a note of triumph in her voice. Amaka put her face to the side of Angelica's head. It was impossible to see on the television monitor exactly what was going on, but she was either blowing into the ear or tonguing it. Either way, the effect on Angelica was electric. Twitching and jerking violently, Angelica gasped and moaned with unresisting pleasure. Her eyes were half-open and dazed.

Still ministering to the ear, Amaka began to speak again, this time in a rough, loud whisper, not just saying but blowing hypnotic words into Angelica's defenseless mind. "I've got you now, honey. I know what turns you on. There's no point fighting any longer. Give in. Tell me you want it Say it. Sssssssay it..."

Angelica's whimper sounded like a very weak "no..."

"Give in to me... Ssssssssurender... SSSSSSSSssay it."

Robert wasn't sure he heard it, but while one of the weak and incoherent sounds coming out of his quivering fiancee seemed to be "" another sounded like "...please..."

"I've got you, baby! Don't fight me .. You can't fight.. Go to sleep for me... Go to sleep for me when I make you come... You're going to come so good for me now... You're going to come for me and go to sleep and then I'm going to make you come again and again until you're nothing but my little toy. Won't that be fun? Now ssssssurrender to me. Come for me and ssssssleep."

Amaka's leg was now making rapid little circles on Angelica's pussy, and Angelica's hips were bucking against it in spasms. The smaller girl's voice was coming in chokes, sobs, and whimpers of ecstasy. Then Angelica's body bucked violently. She held her breath, her face twisted in the throes of orgasm, and then she finally let out a whimpered but unmistakable "Yes!"

"Hell of a girl, Robert," Amaka admitted. "I've never seen such a tough bitch. If she knew what she was doing, she could turn any man inside out. No wonder you figured you needed some help with her. Well, from here on, let's just hit the high points,"

Robert groaned inwardly as the scene changed again. It was really over. Angelica was under, no longer faking but totally in the power of the beautiful black nurse. Amaka pulled the entranced and unresisting Angelica to a standing position and began to undress her. In a moment Angelica's pert breasts were in view and the nurse was expertly fondling them with one hand and kissing her ear while the other hand went into Angelica's panties. Moments later Robert saw Angelica shudder and cum again so hard that she would have collapsed if Amaka hadn't held her.

"That little girlfriend of yours is hot! I can't make many women come that way, just with my hands. Most need this ..." she continued. The scene changed again. Angelica was laid out on an examining table with her legs in stirrups. It would have been uncomfortable except it was obvious Angelica was totally unaware of anything except Amaka's head between her legs. Angelica's head thrashed from side to side in what appeared to be an almost continuous orgasm.

"James likes to have me warm up the women before he has them. It saves time and I'm sure they enjoy it more that way, too," Amaka joked. The next scene was the one Robert had been dreading. Sure enough there was his girlfriend with her legs wrapped around the waist of a handsome man wearing nothing but a stethoscope around his neck. Thankfully, Amaka had turned off the audio so Robert could not actually hear Angelica screaming in ecstasy, though she clearly was. Transfixed, Robert watched Angelica mindlessly meet the doctor, thrust for thrust until at last it was obvious that he, too, lost control. With a final wrenching spasm, the man blasted his sperm into a quivering Angelica. The hot jism triggered its own final response in her shaken body. She arched, grew momentarily rigid, then fell back onto the table, limp and unconscious.

"This is the boring part, but it's what really does the job. All the rest is just preparing her mind to accept the programming," Amaka explained as the scene shifted again to show Angelica apparently peacefully asleep with something like headphones over her ears and another apparatus around her crotch. No, not exactly asleep peacefully, Robert noticed. Angelica was slowly writhing. "The electronic stimulator is keeping her highly aroused. The desire for sex prevents her from forming any defense as she hears the conditioning tape. When she responds properly to certain cues during the "lessons" it reward her by making her come. When we're finished with her, there is a tight link between pleasing her man and her own sexual pleasure."

Amaka switched off the video and directed her attention to Robert. "Since we weren't sure just what you'd want, we pretty much gave her the standard treatment," Amaka said, matter of factly.

"You did what?"

"We installed the personality traits that most men ask for." Amaka explained. "In the first place, unquestioned love and devotion to you. She now thinks you are little short of a god and knows she is very, very fortunate to be your woman. Therefore, she is not going to cross you in any way that might jeopardize that relationship. This means that she wants to make you a happy man, if you know what I mean," Amaka grinned.

"Of course we didn't want pleasing you to be a chore for poor Angelica, so we increased her libido by a factor of six or seven. Roughly, if before she was *willing* to have sex several time a week, now she'll *need* it several times a day. But there is no reason to be concerned," Amaka added hastily, seeing Robert blanch, "Even if she wants more than you can provide, leaving her a little frustrated won't do her any harm. She'll just be that much hotter when you do put it to her. Besides, she would never think of nagging you or demanding sex no matter how horny she gets. I don't guarantee that she won't try to seduce you, though," Amaka added with a feminine smirk. "We fixed her really to enjoy sex with you. She will turn on like a light bulb if you so much as brush her tits or ass and you will find you can climax her with your fingers in almost no time. Apparently she already enjoys cunnilingus considerably."

"We also minimized any tendency to jealousy. Although she really will not *like* it if you choose to have other women, she'll put up with it as a minor foible of her otherwise wonderful lover. We could, if you wish, add a preference for threesomes, but few of our clients ask for that. Likewise, if you intend to share her around, we probably ought to program that specifically, although you can most likely get her to do it a few times without it. Similarly, we did not include any special enjoyment of anal sex. We find men of your socioeconomic group generally don't go for it, though it's up to you"

"You might want to consider letting us turn her on to girl-girl sex." Amaka continued, sounding like a new car salesman discussing options. "Some men think that creates competition for them, but it doesn't really. It can be quite convenient, for example, to have your girlfriend fall for one of your mistresses and then get them together. Believe me, fucking a pussy that has been properly warmed up by another woman's mouth can be HOT!"

"Not to overlook the most important feature, you'll be pleased to find Angelica is really keen to start making babies for you. In fact, the poor kid is just a little paranoid about being twenty five already without having even one child when so many of her friends have had two or three. I strongly recommend you put a bun in that cute little oven as soon as possible. Finding herself slowed down by a big belly and engorged tits will help stabilize the other personality changes we've introduced. If you keep her long enough, she will probably want to give you six or seven children, although I understand that she earns big bucks at the newspaper so you may not want to keep her off the job that much time. Again, don't worry about what *she* wants. Keep her pregnant all the time or let her eat her heart out for more babies; she'll adore you the same."

"Well, that about covers it. I trust you will be pleased with your new and 'improved' girlfriend, soon to be wife, right? Amaka smiled. "In return, we ask only that you not pursue the news report she was working on. Angelica has, of course, totally forgotten it."

For several long seconds Robert just stared at the beautiful black woman as he tried to absorb everything he had seen and heard. At last he drew a deep breath, "Well, I guess I do have to thank you, Ms ...uh ... Amaka," he said at last, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But giving up the story on this hellish clinic is the *last* thing I'll do. You have just provided me with enough material to nail you good! I've got some killer quotes; too bad we can't use all of them in a family newspaper, even post Zipper-gate."

If Robert expected the sexy nurse to be taken aback, he was surprised. "I've got to hand it to James," Amaka said, smiling and shaking her head in amazement. "He said you'd react this way. Angelica told him that you were not at all a machista, but after a few session on the tapes a woman's judgment about the man in her life is unreliable to say the least. Most of James's patients will swear that their husbands or boyfriends are ardent feminists. They'll swear it even when he brings his mistress home to screw while she's off giving birth to his baby. After all, the women believe anything their men tell them. Guys know that the only way to get into a girls pants nowadays is to play the enlightened 'man of the Millennium,' so that's what they do. But you seem to be the real McCoy," Amaka said, her eyes wide in amazement

"You're damned right I am, and you are going to undo all the vile tampering with Angelica and give me back the tough-minded, independent woman I love." Robert demanded. "If you don't, I'll go to the district attorney and in addition to being out of business, you'll face charges for kidnapping and sexual abuse."

"Astounding!" Amaka sighed but continued. "I don't think going to the authorities would be a good idea, Robert. We got there first. Perhaps you remember the DA dumped his over-forty wife for that frisky little blonde prosecutor in his office? Well, the silly bitch began to take herself too seriously. As a trophy wife, she wasn't working out as expected. She continued screwing around with the junior prosecutors and some of the cops, hardly ever fucked the old boy, and absolutely refused to let him get her pregnant."

"Well, fortunately, Dr. Bock heard about the DA's problem and we got her here for an appointment. Now Miss ex-hot shot lawyer is happy as a kitten, staying home nursing the DA's first baby and expecting a second. As for the Chief of Police, he is overjoyed with our services. He has his wife at home started on producing a second family for him while down at the station three of the prettiest policewomen are out on maternity leave."

"I don't care who else gets burned, when this hits the news, you're out of business, Robert said.

"You're no doubt right, so we'll make sure this never does 'hit the news.' Angelica can be made to forget, has in fact already forgotten. I so hoped you would play along in exchange for control of most men's fantasy woman. But as James predicted, you're just not the kind of man to control a woman. Of course, that makes it easy for a woman to control you," she smiled confidently.

"Oh, no," Robert said. "I'm wise to the pendant gambit. The only way you managed to finally get Angelica was to dominate her physically!" Robert stood up and grinned mirthlessly down at the nurse, returning smirk for smirk. "You're a big girl, but I don't really think you'd have any chance of overpowering me, do you?"

"Oh, I might," she said sweetly. "You'd probably beat me in a fair fight, but I don't fight fair."

"Fair or not, you've met your match. I'm blowing the lid off your operation and I'm getting my fiancee back, and there's not a goddam thing you can do to stop me."

"Oh, my, I guess we should have known that a bright man like you could not be put under so easily" Amaka smiled disarmingly. "How foolish to think that big sexy woman could seduce a man like you, even if she does have big ... soft ... round ... titties that are so hard to take your eyes off of." the nurse cooed "And you are far to clever to allow a woman to arose you by letting you peek up between her legs. You could never be distracted by wondering if your adversary is wearing panties or not, could you?

"'Course not." Robert agreed, but his eyes drifted down and fixed between Amaka's delightful thighs.

"Of course she might be able to get you horny, but even if you did become aroused, your prick beginning to stiffen as I see yours is, you would still be able to resist my commands. Even with a raging hard-on, a strong-minded man like you would not just start taking orders from a woman. You may be horny, you may be thinking how nice it would be if I fucked you. You might want me to lay you back on that couch where you are sitting and lower my juicy cunt over your hard erect penis, but you can still control your self, can't you?

"Uhh hu," Robert agreed, nodding his head without blinking or taking his eyes off Amaka's breasts.

"A flashing locket hanging between my boobies would not put *you* into a trance. Even if you obey my command to continue looking at my big soft tits so that the locket can continue to flash in you eyes, flashing, flashing so that it is difficult to think about anything but my titties and the locket, your will power would remain strong. Sex can't make you so docile you will obey everything I tell you, can it, Robert?" Amaka asked as she came and stood in front of the helpless man.

"No," Robert said robotically and he gazed up at the black woman who now towered over him, his eyes fixed on the twirling locket Amaka deployed.

"No, Robert, you will not do everything I say just because your will is slipping away from you. You're not falling into my power, because lust has made you too weak to resist my commands. You will obey me because you are a little boy at a doctor's office and I am your nurse. You are embarrassed to have gotten a hardon looking at your sexy nurse, but that's just natural. You can't help wanting me so you are going to do everything I tell you, aren't you, Robert?" Amaka asked with a reassuring smile.

Robert smiled back and nodded.

"That's a good boy. Now since this is your first time to visit me, I want you to take off all your clothes. Will you do that for me, Robert?"

"Yes, ma'am," Robert replied, falling seamlessly into the little-boy role in which Amaka had cast him. With only a little embarrassment, Robert began to remove his shirt and pants.

"Would you like me to help you, sweetie?" Amaka inquired as she unsnapped his boxers and let them fall to the floor.

"Yes, Ma'am," Robert replied politely.

"Oh, my, Robert, you are a *big* little boy, aren't you? Amaka asked as she took his erect penis and began to stroke it. "This must feel very good for a big boy like you. Do you like what I'm doing to you Robert?

Robert could only grin in agreement.

"Of course you do," Amaka said, slipping into baby talk. "A big boy likes to have a woman's hand on his thing-y, Robert. If you want me to keep playing with your thing-y and making you feel really good like this, you'd better let me put you down on this couch. ... Uh huh, like that. Are you comfortable, sweetie?

Robert couldn't answer, The delicate strokes of Amaka's hand felt too good.

"This is your penis, Robert. I know you like me to play with your penis. It makes you feel so peaceful, so relaxed. All you want is for me to keep doing it. So peaceful, so relaxed but sort of sleepy, right? You'd like to go to sleep, Robert, cuddle up with me and suck on my big titties and drift off to sleep. I would be so easy if you weren't so horny. Would you like me to help you not to be horny? I could make you feel good so you can go to sleep, deeply to sleep. Do you want me to make you feel good?"

Robert's eyes were closed, clearly lost in the powerful arousal Amaka induced. He was totally unaware when the his beautiful seductress dropped her skimpy garment and clambered onto the couch with him. He made no effort to resist -- how could he? -- when the smiling woman took his cock and guided it into her dripping cunt. Robert's mind was elsewhere, suffocated beneath a warm, thick, erotic blanket when Amaka began purposefully to ride up and down on his rigid cock. The last fragments of his will were spirited away by her soft sing-song voice. "Oh, Robert, baby, you want to come so bad, don't you. You need to come so like a big boy you can sleep. I can make you come, Robert, make you sleep. Just relax and let me fuck you ... fuck you to sleep ... fuck you to sleep ... fuck you ... to ... sle.e.e.e.p."

As the beautiful black dominatrix's voice fell to a whisper Robert began to moan, softly then louder and louder until he bellowed in incoherent surrender. Amaka felt his balls erupt with cum as spasm after spasm of orgasm skewered his mind and will. His body fell limp; his mind opened, becoming a blank page, a page waiting to be written upon. Amaka smiled to herself, knowing the author was ready and not far away.