The Good Neighbor Ch. 02

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A good day for a swim.
3.4k words

Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/16/2017
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The only reason Jack got out of bed the next day was Rascal's persistent cold nose.

"All right! I'm getting up."

Jack carried his morning coffee outside. The temperature was already above 80 degrees, it was going to be a hot, humid day. The cicadas buzzed. Birds chirped. Rascal brought him a stick to throw. Simple pleasures usually kept Jack content. Not today.

The roar of a lawnmower caused him to look across the street. Diane was cutting the grass early. Normally he'd walk down the driveway and wave. She'd stop what she was doing, say good morning, and maybe have a cup of coffee with him. She always smelled good in the morning, then again, she never smelled bad.

Maybe things could go back to the way they were. Jack walked down to find out.

When Diane turned around to mow in his direction, he smiled and waved. Then he noticed what she wore -- pink, skin tight shorts that hugged every curve and crevice. Her shirt, a white tank-top, provided no support. Her breast swayed enticingly when she walked, erect nipples prominently on display.

She released the handle bar to turn off the mower. Walking to the roadside, she said, "Good morning, Jack. Is that coffee for me?"

"Uh... if you want it. It may be too hot on a day like this."

After looking both ways, Diane crossed the road, and said, "Do you like what I'm wearing, or is it impossible for a eunuch like you to appreciate such things?"

Was she trying to be mean? "I like it... You look amazing. But I have always thought that."

She leaned close, and whispered, "I want to show you something." Taking a step back, she pushed down the front of her shorts. "I have a caesarian scar. Ugly, isn't it?"

Jack looked her in the eye, and said, "No, Diane. It isn't. Because it's part of you."

She didn't smile or acknowledge the compliment. She said, "I showed you mine, now you show me yours."

"Show you what?"

She poked him in the stomach. "I want to see your scar."

In the spirit of give and take, Jack lifted his tee shirt to reveal the surgery scars -- four small dashes on his abdomen and a squiggly one beside his navel.

Diane ran her finger over each, causing Jack's stomach to flex from the tingle.

"Wow, those hardly show at all. You have a nice, tight belly." She ran her fingers up and laid her palm flat on his chest. "This is where your biggest scar is, Jack. It's in your heart, where your ex-wife stabbed you." Diane took his coffee cup, sipped, and gave it back, saying, "I am too hot for coffee, today."

Jack ogled her ass as she strolled back to the lawnmower and started it up. She had to yank on the pull cord several times before the engine started. Her breasts jostled freely, and knowing he watched, Diane smiled and blew a kiss.

Maybe today wouldn't be so bad after all. Intrigued by her aggressiveness, Jack walked across, sat on Diane's front steps, and sipped his coffee. She continued to mow without acknowledging the audience. Even though it was a small front yard, she soaked through with perspiration by the time it was half mowed. The sheen on her skin enhanced every muscle flex. Her shirt could have been made of tissue paper for all the concealment it provided.

As she made the last pass, Jack went inside and brought out a cold bottle of water from her refrigerator. When she stopped, Jack handed her the bottle, and said, "Here, have a drink. You look very hot."

"Thanks," she said, placing the cold bottle on her forehead, before twisting off the cap and taking a drink.

Jack pushed the mower away, saying, "You cool off. I'll do the backyard."

She followed him around the side of the house. "I can do it."

"I know you can. But I want to do it. You've inspired me. After watching you work, I feel energized."

She groaned, and said, "Energized? Is that all? I'm disappointed."

"Well... I'm being polite."

"Come on, Jack! I didn't dress like this to inspire politeness."

When they reached the backyard, he said, "Okay, then. Here's me being less polite." Jack grabbed Diane's hand and led her to the patio. Jack pulled off his tee-shirt.

He hadn't gone shirtless since the operation, and he felt a thrill when Diane smiled, openly explored his torso with her eyes, and said, "That's more like it."

Stepping close, he said, "Now I'm going to be downright rude," and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. "Lift your arms."

Her eyes grew large, but she complied with his demand.

Jack yanked the soggy fabric over her head and threw it on the table. Without a pause, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled their bodies together. Her skin felt hot and slick. His mouth captured hers with unremorseful passion.

It took maybe a second for the shock to wear off before Diane returned the passionate embrace.

He backed her up to a lounge chair and pushed her down. Then he picked the water bottle up from where it dropped and handed it to her, saying, "Stay here and cool off."

She grinned, and breathlessly said, "Yes, Sir. I'll try."

Forty minutes later he was finished. It wasn't an unpleasant job. Every turn gave him the opportunity to gaze at topless Diane. He felt the physical effects of arousal for the first time since the surgery. He didn't have an erection, but it definitely moved in the right direction.

While he mowed, Diane made an effort to intensify his visual stimulation. She opened her legs by straddling the chaise lounge to reveal the sweaty outline of her vulva. Once, she cradled a breast in each hand while pinching the nipples. Several times he caught her pulling her hand out of her shorts when he turned around. She was toying with herself and him.

"Nice job, Sexy," she said when he returned from putting the lawnmower in the garage.

"Me, sexy? Not hardly. You, on the other hand, have left a mark. You're much prettier from two feet away than through your window at 50 yards." He pulled a lawn chair next to her and sat.

Diane handed him the plastic water bottle.

"Thanks." He looked at it appraisingly, and said, "Yesterday I would have seen this bottle as half empty."

She waited a few seconds, before asking, "And today?"

He answered, "I see it as squirt gun," and abruptly pointed it at her and squeezed the half full contents onto her chest.

Diane shrieked in surprise, and then laughed, "Hey, that felt good." She rubbed the water around, "I needed a shower."

"You're welcome."

"If mowing my lawn lifted your spirits so much, I have some gardening I'd like done. Maybe that would help too."

Jack laughed. "That's just what I need, a friend with gardening benefits."

"Preparing the soil, planting, fertilizing, watching life grow, that turns me on."

Was that a sexual allusion? Is she preparing me? Maybe. Sex consumed his thoughts lately. The old sex drive that had been shifted into neutral by cancer and his ex-wife, was revving now because Diane pressed on his accelerator. But since he couldn't put his sex drive in gear, wanting her was aggravating. It was like trying to start a road trip with a broken crankshaft. He turned to read her expression.

Her eyes were closed, but her lips curled in a knowing smirk. She said, "Did you ever wonder why I moved here, Jack?"

"You said you wanted to be closer to family."

"That's half the reason. But didn't you think it strange a woman alone would want to live in the middle of nowhere?"

"I guess I never thought of it as the middle of nowhere. I grew up here. It's home to me."

She turned on her side to look at him, and unexpectedly said, "I loved my husband very much."

"I believe you."

"But I'm done morning him." She rolled back and closed her eyes while continuing to explain. "I have started my second life -- my run to the finish line. At fifty-five I don't know how many good years I have left."

"Fifty-five?" he said, looking at her flat stomach, high breasts, and unwrinkled skin. "I would never have guessed that. Forty-five, maybe."

She grinned. "Thank you. Larry and I worked out a lot together. He had terrible allergies, so we mostly enjoyed indoor activities. No sun damage."

"There are some fun things to do indoors," said Jack, feeling physically inadequate again.

"But I grew up loving the outdoors. I went fishing with my grandfather, and camping with my parents. I want to experience nature like that again for the rest of my life. That's why I moved here."

"That's a good reason to live here." Jack looked off into the distance. "Audrey loved the city. Never really liked living out here." He wanted to believe that was the reason she left, and not because of him.

"You know what else I miss since Larry died?"

Jack looked down on her feminine beauty, and felt a deepening sadness. She lay there completely relaxed and vulnerable, eyes closed. This seemed like a therapy session and, like Peanuts' Lucy, he was providing cheap psychiatric help. Five cents, please. Sarcastically, he answered, "Let me guess, taking long walks together on the treadmill?"

Diane laughed. "His sense of humor, for sure. You two would've liked each other." After a deep inhale, she said, "I miss sex, physical intimacy, skin on skin contact. After thirty years with a lover, masturbation doesn't cut it. It feels nice but doesn't have the same rush as someone else's touch. When I do it, I always know what's about to happen. There are no surprises."

Without forethought, Jack ran his palm up Diane's stomach, cupped her breast, and rolled the nipple. "You mean a surprise like this?"

Her back arched. She inhaled sharply, and then slowly let it out. "Yessss... like that."

"I get it," he said, taking his hand away. "I wish I could help."

"You are trouble, Mr. Spaulding. Leading me on is only going to make me try harder to seduce you."

"Seduce me into doing what, exactly?"

Diane sat up, swung her legs over to his side, and pointed at his stomach. "I did some research on prostate cancer last night. Those scars are from a da Vinci robot prostatectomy. The average time to recovery for erections hard enough for intercourse is 6-12 months for men under 65."

"I'm 79."


"Well, I feel 79 on the inside."

"Stop it! You look 49. But you act like you're 9 sometimes. How old are you really?"

"Sixty-one, but it's only a number, just like your statistics. Just because it's in print doesn't mean it's true. It all depends on how long it takes the nerve damage to heal... if it heals."

She put her hand on his arm. "So, you're not a eunuch. I read you don't even need an erection to have an orgasm." Her fingers began to slide up and down his forearm. "Have you had an orgasm since the surgery?"

Jack stood up, saying, "That's enough sex therapy for now. Let's go for a swim."

Looking a little defeated, Diane said, "Do you have a pool I don't know about?"

"No, Nature Girl, I have a pond you don't know about. Did you ever swim in a farm pond before?"

Smiling once again, she stood, and said, "No, but I want to."

He picked up her shirt and handed it to her. "Better put this back on. The pond is clothing optional. But between here and there is not."

She slipped it on, covering enough to be legal in 49 states and the District of Columbia. He wasn't sure about Utah.

"Follow me, Nature Girl."

"Is that my new nickname -- Nature Girl?"

"Fits, doesn't it?"

They crossed the road and headed up his driveway.

"I guess so. I just don't know if you're using it to make fun of me or not."

"Not at all. I like it. Maybe I'll just shorten it to N. G."

"No! N. G. is short for no good! I don't want to be called N. G."

"Okay. Have it your way."

They walked past his house and into the Christmas tree farm. Rascal appeared out of the weeds and walked beside them.

Jack experienced an enthusiasm for life he thought was gone forever. A woman liked him, wanted his company. She made him feel interesting and manly. "The pond is spring fed. So even in the summer the water is cold. In the winter, we used to shovel it off and ice skate."

Girlishly, she took his hand as they walked, and said, "I'd love to do that."

They remained silent the rest of the way, each savoring the occasion in their private thoughts.

When they broke into the clearing, Jack said, "It's not big, but it's deep enough to dive off that rock. The most fun is the rope swing."

"Ooo, a rope swing!" She clapped her hands with excitement.

A sprawling oak tree grew on the bank with its toes in the water. A rope with a round seat hung from a thick limb five feet offshore. Jack used a curved pole that leaned against the tree trunk to pull the swing in. "The best way to get used to the water temperature is get in quick," said Jack, holding the swing seat between his legs and pulling off his shirt. "I'll go first, and show you how it's done. Stand back."

Diane moved off the rock and out of the way.

Jack held the rope high over his head and backed up as far as he could. Then, running in an arc, he jumped onto the seat at the water's edge, swinging high out over the pond almost horizontal. When he reached the apogee of the curve, he pulled himself up on the rope, flipped over backwards, and cannonballed into the mirrored sky.

He surfaced to cheering and applause. "That looked so fun, Jack! How's the water?"

"Cold, but refreshing." Treading water, he yelled, "Your turn."

"Okay, but I won't be doing a backflip. Not yet anyway." Diane removed her top, then backed up and ran, screaming with delight. She didn't sit, but hung like Jane on a vine, her blond ponytail following like a contrail. Releasing close to Jack, she splashed landed. "Oh my god, it's so cold!" She swam to Jack and wrapped her body around him. "Warm me up," she said through chattering teeth.

Jack swam closer to shore, until he could touch bottom. That was as far as he was going. No way was he getting out while Diane remained clutched against him. "That was fun, right?"

"Yes, let's do it again. Can you swing me?"

"I can. How do you want to do it, sitting or standing on the seat?"

"Well, I have to try both now, won't I."

They played like teenagers for the next hour, laughing, and splashing, until Diane said, "Okay, swing me one more time and I'm done."

"How do you want to do it?"

"I think sitting this time. But spin me."

So Jack twisted the rope nice and tight. After Diane sat, he grabbed the knot underneath, and said, "Hold on. I'm going to throw you as hard as I can. Ready?"

"I'm ready for launch!"

"Okay. Ten, nine, eight..." with every number he swung her back and forth, "three, two, one, blast off!" Jack ran with his arms cocked. When he reached the shoreline he threw her as hard as he could, and she flew out over the water like a spinning top, screaming and laughing. She let go at the top of the pendulum motion and fell crazily, arms and legs sprawling, into the water.

Jack grinned ear to ear waiting for her to surface. After five seconds he became concerned. When he was about to jump in, she resurfaced.

"You scared me. What happened?"

"Nothing," she said, swimming closer to the rock. "It was great. This whole morning has been like a dream come true. I don't want it to end."

"You're the one that said you were done."

"I know." She tread water, and explained, "That's because I want to do something else."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"You decide," she said, and then raised her arm and threw something. Her pink shorts plop at his feet.

"Does this mean you want me to hang them up to dry?"

She shrugged. "Is that all you can think of?"


"I'm peeing in your pond, by the way."

"Believe me, you're not the first."

Before Jack could pick up the shorts, Rascal, who'd been laying in the shade, dashed over, grabbed them, jumped into the water, and swam out to Diane.

She laughed, and said, "Thanks for nothing, Rascal."

"That's probably why they're called retrievers."

"Probably," said Diane as she swam until she touched bottom and then waded in up to waist deep. "So, can you think of something else to do?"

"Well, I should probably check you for leeches."

"Leeches!" she screamed, and splashed her way to shore.

Jack couldn't contain himself, and broke out laughing, as Diane stood naked, feel all over for clinging blood suckers.

When she finally realized she'd been punked, she stood and glowered at him.

Jack smiled, and said, "Wow. This has been fun and educational. I've learned so many things. You're fun to be with, you're afraid of leeches, and," Looking down, he added, "you're a natural blond."

Diane shook her head. "I don't know about you, Jack. You're a hard man to seduce."

"That's my problem. I'm not a hard man."

Slipping on her pink shorts, she said, "I'm not giving up."

"Let me buy you dinner, because that's what men do when they want to have relations with a beautiful woman."

"Are you asking me out on a date, Mr. Spalding?"

"I am, Ms. Warren."

"I accept."

As they walked back through the pines, Jack took her hand. "This turned out to be the best day in a long time."

"Yes it has."

When they reached his driveway, he turned her and pulled her against him. Their wet clothes cool between their hot bodies. He bent down and kissed her longingly. "Thank you for being so kind, and --"

Diane put a finger on his lips. "Stop. Don't say anything that's going to sound like self-pity. I won't stand for it. You're a wonderful man. A man I want to know. And I mean 'know' in the biblical sense." She broke away, saying, "Pick me up at six."

Jack watched her stroll down the driveway, until she disappeared from view across the street. Unsure how this night would end, he looked forward to it with great anticipation.

At 5:45 he couldn't wait any longer. He drove his pickup to the end of his driveway and parked. He got out and waited for a car to pass. But it didn't. It had Maine plates and turned into Diane's driveway. The driver got out and stretched. It was the man he saw in Diane's window with Diane's twin sister. But he was alone this time.

Jack strode across the road, and said, "Hi, I'm Diane's neighbor, Jack."

"Hi. I'm Lou, an old friend of Diane's."

"A friend? Oh, I thought you might be a relative. She doesn't have a lot of visitors."

Lou looked up at the house, seeming anxious to end the conversation. "No, not a relative."

Jack took notice of his wedding ring, and said, "Did you and your wife know Larry? Diane really misses him."

"Yes. Larry and I were best friends." Lou stuck out his hand, and said, "Nice meeting you, Jack. I want to surprise her, so I need to get going."

"Okay, Lou. Have a great night. Close the window. You guys kept me awake the last time."

Lou gave Jack two thumbs up, oblivious to the lie he'd just unraveled.

Jack walked back to his truck, got in, and hit the gas. The last thing he needed was to fall for a woman that screwed her husband's married best friend. Maybe there was a leech in his pond today, after all.

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RangeExpanderRangeExpanderover 4 years ago

What a blessing for Jack to get such a strong come on from Diane in spite of his depression. A very honest description of the doubts we go through as men - the confusion between erections and overall sexuality. How connected they are and aren't

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 7 years ago

good work. can't wait to see where this goes......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

I like the twists and turns in this series. And not missing the absence of sex at all! Keep up the good work.

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