The Good Wife: Alicia Wants More


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Zach looked at the clock on his computer as well—like it seemed he had done every ten minutes or so since he'd gotten home from school today. He couldn't wait for his mother to get home. She'd said this morning they'd have to keep their distance from each other tonight and wait until tomorrow, but he knew that was going to be impossible. She was just so beautiful, and so incredibly sexy that he'd been walking around with a hard-on for most of the day. Although he'd jerked off twice at school—he hadn't been able to help himself, he'd just been so horny—he had summoned up the necessary willpower and foregone his usual 'first thing when he got home from school' jerkoff session in the hopes of having his mother take that load—and hopefully some others—out of him tonight. His thoughts were interrupted as he heard the phone ring, and he turned back to his computer, knowing his grandmother Jackie would answer.

"KIDS!" her voice called out a couple of minutes later. Zach smiled at the image on the screen he'd been working on, saved it, and then minimized the program before heading to the kitchen. He arrived at the same time as Grace did from her room.

"You mother just phoned and said she's going to be late again tonight." Grace groaned out loud and Zach felt his heart drop as his grandmother continued. "And she's not sure how late she's going to be. Apparently she's working on a very important case and she said it might be quite late. She asked me to give you your dinner and not wait for her."

Grandma Jackie came to their apartment most days after school and got things going with dinner so their mother wouldn't be so rushed when she got home. Starting this new job, Alicia was expected to put in a lot of hours. Although her mother-in-law sometimes drove her crazy with her opinionated ways, Alicia was grateful for the help.

"Zach, set the table. Grace, help me with the chicken." The three of them ate their dinner quietly together. Jackie was in one of her usual sour moods, ticked off with Alicia for not spending enough time with her kids. Zach sat and ate sullenly, disappointed that his mother wasn't going to be home for quite a while yet, but still incredibly horny. He knew he still had a number of loads inside him that he was anxious to get rid of. And Grace, Grace was just dog tired from the interrupted sleep she'd had last night when she'd heard her neighbors screwing all night long. She hoped the old fogies next door had gotten it out of their system—that tonight she'd be able to sleep peacefully.

"Mr. Sweeney, how are we going to be able to defend you if you don't tell us the truth?" Alicia spoke firmly, her patience with their rich client rapidly wearing thin. They'd been going at this for a couple of hours now, with very little progress.

"But Alicia, you know I could never lie to a ravishing creature like you," Sweeney said, tilting his head and looking at Alicia with a knowing smile on his face—like the cat that ate the canary. He'd say things like that to her all the time, and it made no difference to him if someone else was in the room—like right now, with Will and Cary also seated at the firm's boardroom table. He would always accompany a statement like that with a lecherous smile on his face. Sitting there in his lavishly expensive suit, silk tie and matching pocket square, he'd been looking at Alicia that way all evening, like he was undressing her with his eyes. The first few times she'd met him, it had made her uncomfortable. But now she was used to it—that was just the way he was with her. If it made him trust her, she was willing to do whatever it took to make the senior partners, Will Gardner and Diane Lockhart, happy with her work.

"Colin, Alicia's right," Will interjected, tired of this little game the rich man enjoyed playing so much. "We need you to tell us the truth—tell us what really happened that night. We've got nothing to work with right now." Will turned back to Alicia and nodded, letting her know she was still running the show.

"Mr. Sweeney," she said, a smooth confident tone in her voice, "where were you at the time that woman from the catering company was killed at your party. And no more games—you come clean with us right now, or we're done here." Alicia sat back and closed her leather folio, letting her client know she'd had enough.

Sweeney rubbed his hands together slowly, the smirk disappearing as he looked at the serious look on Alicia's face. "Alright," he said with a gentle nod. Alicia sat still, not yet taking notes, wanting to let their client know she wasn't fucking around. Sweeney nodded once more, a look of irritable resignation on his face. "Alright, I'll tell you." He looked intently at Alicia, then Will, then Cary, then back to Alicia. "I was there at the house, of course—but I wasn't in that room. At the time she was killed, I was in another room I have, kind of a private room where I like to enjoy my...shall we say 'hobbies'."

Will and Cary looked at each other, knowing the type of 'hobbies' Sweeney was rumored to partake in. Alicia sat looking at Sweeney intently, not blinking an eye. As Sweeney looked back at her for a reaction, she continued to look him straight in the eye while she spoke, "And is there anyone who can confirm that you were in this...this hobby room?"

"Oh yes, most certainly," he replied, a sadistic glint in his eye.

"Who Mr. Sweeney?" Alicia continued firmly. "Who was in that room with you?"

He paused for a second before speaking, the eyes of the three lawyers riveted on him. "Dominique Kirwan."

"THE MAYOR'S WIFE?" Cary burst out. Sweeney slowly nodded.

"Oh fuck," Will muttered under his breath as he dropped his pen onto the table and leaned back. Cary started to swivel back and forth nervously in his chair as he fidgeted with his notes, embarrassed by his outburst. Only Alicia remained unperturbed at the bombshell their client had just dropped.

"The mayor's wife, Dominique Kirwan?" she asked calmly, needing to hear Sweeney say it again.

"Do we have another mayor's wife in this city that I'm not aware of?" Sweeney replied, that lecherous smile back on his face.

Alicia looked down at her notes. "Mrs. Kirwan wasn't on the list of attendees you provided to the police."

"Well, that's because she wasn't one of the listed invitees. That's what the police asked for—who had been invited to the party. And for obvious reasons, I left her off the list I gave them."

"Then what was Mrs. Kirwan doing there?"

"She had contacted me late that afternoon that she wanted to come over for some...shall we say...specialized entertainment."

Alicia looked up from her notes and stared intently at her client. "Mr. Sweeney, are you telling us you were having an affair with Dominique Kirwan?"

He looked at Alicia slyly, his lips turned up at the corners in a sinisterly perverted smile. "I don't know if you could really call it an affair. To me, that would require some sort of emotional connection. We're more like...what is it young people call it these days...oh yes—fuck buddies."

Alicia heard Cary let out a suppressed gasp, and from the corner of her eye, she saw Will lean forward and put his elbow on the table as he rubbed his fingers over his forehead in consternation. She looked back at Sweeney, that sick smile on his face again, and wondered if he was just screwing with them one more time.

"Mr. Sweeney, are you telling us the truth...or is this just another one of your little games? What would a woman like Dominique Kirwan be doing with someone like you?"

This was the question that all three of the lawyers were thinking. The mayor's wife, Dominique Kirwan, had been a former model many years before. Now in her late 30's, she was still a stunningly attractive woman, her frosty blonde hair and beautiful features a magnet for the media cameras at any function or event she attended. She'd been married to the 44-year old mayor, Charles Kirwan, for fifteen years, and they had two teenage children, a boy and a girl. Her reputation was squeaky clean, with pictures of her helping at the soup kitchen or visiting children in the city hospitals appearing in the press almost weekly. What she was doing with a sick fuck like Sweeney was a complete mystery—and hard to believe. The lawyers understood why her name hadn't come up already in the investigation. If anything like this had gotten out, the fallout would have been incredible.

"Dominique," Sweeney said, using the woman's first name only, "has certain desires she needs assistance with. We met some time back and I happened to steer the conversation to areas that she found of interest." It came as no surprise to Alicia that Sweeney would have the balls to talk to someone of such importance about sex. He had no moral compass when it came to depravity. "I suggested that perhaps she come to my house for a visit, to discuss our mutual interests further. She did. And after that first visit, well, she's chosen to come back many times. So in answer to your question—no Alicia, this is not another of my little games."

"So Mrs. Kirwan shared these mutual interests of yours?" Alicia asked, her curiosity piqued now.

"Yes, definitely." Sweeney paused for a second and looked into Alicia's deep dark eyes before continuing. "But there is one additional reason why she continued to come back."

Alicia knew that Sweeney was setting her up for this, but she had to ask. "And what reason is that?"

"Not only does she have certain tastes that are slightly, shall we say, morally askew—but along with that, she likes her men big, if you know what I mean...and I'm sure you do, Mrs. Florrick."

"Colin, that's just about—," Will burst out before Alicia held up her hand, stopping him in mid-sentence.

"That's fine, Will," Alicia said calmly. "At least Mr. Sweeney has decided to be truthful with us." She stared intently at the businessman, her dark exotic eyes locked on his, wanting him to know he hadn't rattled her with his comment. "I suggest we continue with the questioning." Will reluctantly nodded and sat back in his chair, impressed by the way Alicia was keeping her cool.

"So Mr. Sweeney, this night in question, Mrs. Kirwan visited you. And at the time the murder took place in your bedroom, the two of you were in your...your hobby room?"


"And Mrs. Kirwan would be able to positively identify you as being in that room with her at that specific time?"

"I would think so, but at that moment when I found out about the murder, she may not have been able to identify me."

"What do you mean?"

"At that time, she was wearing a black leather corset she is very fond of, with matching thigh boots and opera-length gloves. For a matching accessory for that outfit, I'd given her a leather hood to wear. She was laying on her back on one my little devices—I think you'd call it a medieval rack. Her arms and legs were strapped in and she was stretched out firmly, but not too tight—just the way she liked it."

As her client spoke and kept looking directly at her, Alicia found herself getting strangely aroused as he unveiled the lewd images of his encounter with the mayor's attractive wife. She had to continue with the questioning, and she was surprised to find that her voice was still calm and firm as she spoke. "Were her eyes covered by this mask? Is that why you say she might not be able to identify you at that specific time?"

"Oh no, the mask had eye-holes. The problem was that just before my driver had informed me about the murder, I'd just finished cumming on her face. It had been a big load and her eyes may have been covered in semen."

Alicia heard another soft gasp from Cary and she was sure Will groaned, but she pressed on. "So you had just ejaculated on her face?"

"If you want to use the technical term for it, yes," Sweeney responded with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Alicia knew what she was going to ask next was probably an unnecessary line of questioning, but she had to know. She could feel her pussy creaming as she sat there, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. She picked up her pen as if she was going to take notes. "What had happened just before that?"

Sweeney gave her a quirky smile, as if he could see right through her. "What does that have to do with the actual crime that was committed?"

"I need to establish your whereabouts for that period of time before the body was discovered. You could have slipped out from where you were, killed that woman in your bedroom, then come back. So I repeat, what happened before you ejaculated on Mrs. Kirwan's face?"

"I was fucking her, of course," Sweeney answered, a matter-of-fact look on his face, as if the answer was obvious.

"And for how long were you so engaged with Mrs. Kirwan prior to the time the body was discovered?"

"I'd been fucking her for almost forty-five minutes. And she'd sucked me off for the fifteen minutes or so before that."

In her peripheral vision, Alicia could see both Cary and Will now sitting forward, listening attentively to Sweeney's illicit narrative. With her pussy sopping wet, she continued with her questioning. "So you were with Mrs. Kirwan for approximately an hour prior to the body being discovered. And during this time, Mrs. Kirwan performed oral sex on you for around fifteen minutes, after which you engaged in sexual intercourse for another forty-five minutes."

"That's not quite correct."

"I thought that's just what you told us?"

"You said that she performed oral sex on me and then we had sexual intercourse. She didn't just perform oral sex on me, she sucked me right off—as in I flooded her hot wet mouth with a substantial load of cum. She liked to start each session that way, with me feeding her a nice creamy load. Dominique has a beautiful mouth—it actually looks just like yours, Alicia." Alicia noticed she was subconsciously nibbling at her full bottom lip, right where Sweeney's eyes were focused. He continued, not waiting for her to respond. "Then after she swallowed every drop I gave her, I tied her to the rack, and then fucked her deep and hard—just the way she liked it. By the time I was done, she'd cum so many times, she was just a quivering mass of tingling nerve endings, but she still pleaded with me to cum on her face. So of course, being the gentleman that I am, I happily obliged her request."

Alicia sat there dumbstruck, tremendously excited by what she was hearing from Colin Sweeney. Her panties were soaked, and she just prayed the wetness hadn't seeped right through the back of her skirt onto the chair beneath her. She was incredibly turned on, and her thoughts went to her son, and his huge cunt-splitting cock. She heard Will clear his throat, then realized she'd been sitting there daydreaming, spellbound by her client's wickedly illicit narrative. She shifted in her seat, feeling her pussy-lips squishing between her legs as she sat up straighter. "So you were saying that after you ejaculated on Mrs. Kirwan's face, she may not have been able to identify you?"

"It was a pretty big load, and I made sure I covered most of her face as I pumped it out, including her eye sockets. She liked it when I'd finish, and then use my fingers to scrape it off her face and feed it to her. She'd lick it right off my fingers, just like candy. I was just getting ready to wipe the cum off her face and feed it to her when my driver came in and told us what had happened. We got Dominique cleaned up, ushered her out the back door and my driver had her home before the cops even got there." Sweeney paused for a second, then his face lit up. "Something just occurred to me. Alicia, perhaps if we're going to use this as a defense strategy, it might be a good idea if I was to provide you with a sperm sample as evidence. I'd be more than happy to give you one."

Alicia shivered, thinking about how much she loved to suck cock, and feel a big load of thick creamy cum slide luxuriously down her throat. And now here was an apparently well-hung man offering to give her a sample of his cum. She didn't know what to say, her emotions in a lust-driven turmoil.

"I don't think that will be necessary at this time," Will said, noticing Alicia's hesitation.

"Well, you think about it. Just let me know anytime, Alicia. I can give you as many samples as you need." Alicia found herself breathing rapidly, her heart beating excitedly in her chest as she looked across the table at her wealthy client. He looked at his watch and shook his head in dismay. "It's getting late and I'm done for tonight." He turned and looked at Will. "Perhaps it would be beneficial if Mrs. Florrick came over to my house and we continued the questioning there. It might help jog my memory in case I've forgotten something important—you know, being at the scene of the crime, and all that. Some day next week, perhaps?"

"We'll take it under advisement and let you know, Colin," Will said, the lawyers closing up their notepads for the night.

"Would you like a ride home, Mrs. Florrick?" Sweeney asked as he rose from the table. "It would be no problem to have my driver swing by your apartment."

"Uh, no. Thank you. I have my own car here and I really need to get going," Alicia replied, noticeably flustered. She felt herself trembling as she hurried from the boardroom and stepped into the elevator. It wasn't just the vivid imagery of his story about the mayor's wife that had her excited—partway through she realized she was becoming increasing aroused by Sweeney's provocative words directed at her. She found herself becoming sexually intrigued by the man who only hours earlier she had despised. As she climbed into her car and hurried home, she wondered if she was falling under the same spell as Dominique Kirwan.

Shaking her head to clear her mind, she thought of Zach, and realized that he had been all she had been thinking of while listening to every lurid word Sweeney had been saying. Yes, she had found his obscene story wickedly exciting, but even as she listened and felt her juices flowing within her steaming cunt, she'd thought only of going to her son, of pulling him into her, to feel his magnificent cock stretching and filling her hot wet cunt over and over. She was definitely intrigued by Sweeney, but Zach was the one she knew she craved. She could feel that her illicit incestuous desire for her son was going to drive her to perform depraved acts she had only dreamed of. As she drove towards home, her perverted yearnings had her heart racing with excitement, her swollen nipples thrusting stiffly against her straining red sweater. As she thought of Zach sitting at home waiting for her, her foot pressed on the accelerator a little harder.

Zach's grandmother had left shortly after dinner. He and Grace had helped clean up, and then Grandma Jackie had gone home. He and Grace each went to their rooms, and he knew he would have his privacy until his mother came home. Being teenagers, he and Grace's rooms were 'off limits' to each other, except in case of an emergency. So, for the past couple of hours, he'd been sitting in front of his computer, surfing the internet and working on his favorite hobby. This never ceased to stiffen his cock, and he knew he could have jerked off at least three times since he'd sat down—but he was saving it, in the hopes the he could convince his mother to partake in some of the delicious activities they'd enjoyed with each other the night before.

Zach's ears perked up as he heard his mother open the front door. He looked at the clock on his computer: 9:58 PM. He quickly finished up what he was working on, minimized the screen and switched to a sports site, anxiously waiting for his mother to come to his room.

Alicia was so horny, she felt like she was climbing the walls. The revelation of the sordid affair between Colin Sweeney and the mayor's beautiful wife had left her just creaming with desire. She'd said in the morning that she and Zach needed to keep away from each other tonight—but with the aroused state she was in right now, there was no way that was going to happen. She felt the tingling itch deep inside her pussy once more, an itch so deep only her son's huge cock could scratch it. As much as she wanted to rush into his room and get her hands on that monstrous prick, she knew she had to check in on Grace first.