The Grocery Girl and Her Boyfriend


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"I didn't expect to see you here," he said.

"I thought I would do my best to make sure you came tonight."

His eyes left mine and landed on my cleavage. "I don't think there's any doubt I'll come tonight."

I wrapped my arm around his neck and drew his face close to mine. "Be sure you do." I kissed his lips softly, with the sort of tender passion he probably didn't get much with girls his own age. His mom was probably watching, but I didn't care. I whispered in his ear, "If Becky doesn't decide to take my husband to the bedroom tonight . . ." I ran my tongue around the ear before finishing, "I'm going to come over to your house tomorrow afternoon and screw you silly in your bedroom."

He reached behind me with both hands and cupped my ass. I appreciated his assertiveness. He pulled me to him to feel his arousal as he massaged my backside. "If my parents weren't both home," he said quietly, "I would do you right on the porch."

I placed my lips right next to his ear and said, "Once you've had me, you won't care if your parents are in there, you won't be able to wait to get back in."

And with that I turned and walked away, swaying my hips with all the enticing sensuality I could manage.

When we heard the knock on the door, I was still dressed as I had been. Scott was in khakis and a bowling shirt that suited his look. Both us were all nerves when I walked to the door and let in our visitors.

Becky was wearing a black leather miniskirt and a knit top in reds and yellows that was tight across across her chest and exposed a flash of soft belly skin. Her boyfriend was wearing very tight jeans and an Affliction shirt. I had underestimated his pecs and his package. Both were swells under the tight clothes. I didn't wait. I wrapped my arms around the young man's neck and pulled his mouth in for a sloppy, wet kiss.

His hands were all over me, strong and as desperate as any I had felt. I was lost in the wet heat of out kiss and so lost track of my husband and the girl. when I finally glanced their way Becky was straddling Scott's lap and their mouths were locked together. His hands were on her ass. Hers were on his powerful shoulders.

In a sudden moment of sudden clarity I shut the door to protect the outside world from our display.

As I did, Becky's boyfriend embraced me from behind. His hands fondled my breasts through my top and he was grinding against my backside. His mouth was on throat. He then whispered in my ear, "I don't want to hurt your husband's feelings."

"What do you mean?" I panted, loving how small and precious I felt in his power.

"I'm not waiting for Becky to make a move. I'm gonna fuck you right now."

"Okay," I agreed simply.

He turned me around and we kissed again as his hands fumbled with my blouse and mine with his jeans. I stole a glance at the other two and saw my husband's hand pulling down the zipper on the back of Becky's skirt as she pulled her top off.

My blouse was off, and the straps of my slip pulled to the side when I sank to my knees and pulled the young man's pants down. I looked up at his manhood. And I actually gasped.

He was already pretty hard for me.

And he was very large.

I'm not a size queen, and I'm perfectly happy with husband's cock. I love it, in fact. But there was something about the sight of a large cock standing out proud on this tall, skinny young man. It overwhelmed me and my better sense.

"Oh my god," I whispered as I lolled my wet tongue around his shaft. "Your cock is amazing."

I started to pull him into my mouth, but he grabbed a handful of hair and pulled my mouth aside. He stroked my cheek with manhood. "I'm too turned on for you," he said. "I don't wanna lose my first load in your mouth. It's going inside your pussy."

I was not myself. I actually said, "Whatever your cock wants."

As I began peeling out of my skirt, I looked over at the couch. Becky was was wearing nothing but shear purple panties. My husband was sucking on her perky tits and grinding against her. He still wore his khakis, but no shirt.

When my skirt and slip hit the floor, Becky got up, took Scott by the hand and said, "Take me to your bed."

I watched them head upstairs, entranced by their beauty.

My trance was broken when the young man yanked my panties down and pushed me over onto all fours, right there on the floor. He gripped my ass and drove his cock at my wet entrance with surprising expertise. There was no miss. He drove perfectly and I grunted with appreciation at his size as he filled me with his strong shaft and began fucking me at the perfect angle to brutalize my g-spot.

I'm not quiet during sex anyway, but I was even louder. At that moment, for whatever reason, his cock felt huge, and that felt very important to me. I begged for it. Begged for it harder. Deeper. Faster. More of it. More of its huge size.

"You ever felt a cock like this?" he demanded.

"No," I said, quite honestly, my voice quavering as my body shook with the force of his thrusts. My breasts quivered as they hung down. "God it's so big. So damn big."

"And good too," he added.

"God yes, so good."

"Is it the best cock you've ever felt?"

There was no thought, only an instinctive response driven by a physical pleasure I felt had complete control over me. "God yes, it's the best," I cried out. "Your cock is the best!"

His thrusts were becoming more erratic. "Is it better than your husband's?"

I meant nothing by it. Nothing deep. But I couldn't lie. In that moment, I couldn't say anything other than what seemed unquestionable in the moment. "Oh my god, yes." My voice was shaking. My cunt was opening up. I was so hot and wet. My thighs trembling. My face red with my own heat. "Your cock is the best, baby! It's better than my husband's!"

"Well I've got news for you," he grunted, adjusting his stroke so that it rubbed alternately on my left and then on my right inside wall. "I've fucked a lot of pussies, and yours is by far the best."

I groaned with pleasure at the praise as he gripped my ass so hard I felt his fingernails nearly breaking skin. I could feel his body jerking against me as he came.

Except for the brief pause to empty the load inside me, we barely missed rhythm.

I rolled onto my back, legs spread wide, and he slid his still partly hard cock back in. It was so hard still. And so big. And he knew how to use it so well.

His hands sliding inside my bra to claw at my tits, he bent down and kissed me. It was a hard kiss, more sucking and biting than anything else.

"God you're perfect," he said. "We're perfect together."

"The best cock and the best pussy," I agreed.

"So fucking perfect."

Just then there was a soft, high-pitched voice from beside us on the floor. "Baby, I need you."

We both turned our heads. Becky was there, on her knees, completely naked. She was as gorgeous as I'd thought she would be. Her breasts small, but holding their own, tipped by rose points. Her bush was well-trimmed. Her pussy lips glistened.

"Baby," she said again, her face pleading. She rubbed between her own legs. "Please."

"Fuck that," her boyfriend said, pulling my bra down.

"But, baby," she begged. She sat back, spreading her legs. "I need you."

I stared at her pussy. It was gorgeous. Delicious.

Her boyfriend run his tongue around my nipples, even as he kept stroking me. "Go back to your man. I've got a better pussy now."

I giggled, and pulled his mouth into an obscene kiss. "And I have a better cock now, too."

Still overwhelmed by his sex, I did my best to thrust my hips in the right rhythm under him.

Becky was suddenly all over him, draping her naked body on his, even as he was on top of me. "Baby, I tried, but your cock is so much better. I need you."

Her boyfriend grunted and started to suck on my exposed breasts. I groaned and clutched at his head. His mouth was nearly as good as his cock. I was, again, overwhelmed.

Suddenly, he spluttered and rolled off me. "What the fuck is that?"

I looked down. I had lactated. "Milk. I'm nursing."

"Not me you're not."

"No, but --"

"Fuck." He wiped his mouth on the back of his hand. It was as if I no longer existed. He was rubbing his hard on and staring at his cute girlfriend. "Alright, baby, you want a good cock. Here it is."

Only, Becky was staring at my chest. "Milk?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes," I told her.

Her eyes wide, Becky licked her lips. She was close. So close. I could feel it. She was drawn in. She wanted to give in. Wanted to try them. To taste them. To feel them and their milk. She was driven beyond curiosity.

Just as I was sure she was about to place her open on my tits, she looked up at her boyfriend and said, "I think I was about to make a mistake." My heart broke.

"What?" he asked, still stroking.

Becky got to her feet. "I need to go be with Scott."

And, like that, she was quickly on her way upstairs, her perfect ass wiggling behind her.

The young man seemed confused, and I suddenly felt very sorry for him. "I'm sorry about the milk, honey," I said. "It's part of being a mom."

"It's just so weird."

Part of me sympathized with the poor kid. Part of me was pissed off at his response. A lot of me could still feel the ghost of his cock filling me, pounding into my swollen flesh, reshaping my inner walls to conform.

That was the part of me that won. I just pulled him back down on top of me, kissing his mouth and caressing his sides. "Best pussy in the world, remember?"

"God," he grunted, sliding his masterful cock up where it belonged. "No joke."

"Best cock in the world," I confirmed, jerking my hips against him.

"Fuck, if you weren't married I'd do this every day."

With all the force I could muster I rolled us over so that I was on top, riding him hard. My mouth was plastered to his. His cock was big enough to it hurt to take him in this position, but just then I didn't care about the pain. "I told you," I panted, every word punctuated by a hard, sucking kiss, "whatever your cock wants, it gets."

"It's that good?"

"It's that good."

"Fuck it," he swore suddenly, rolling us on to our sides. "Gimme some of that weird shit."

I threw one leg over him and wriggled and bumped as best I could. He thrust with a steady, even pace. He also returned his mouth to my chest, first giving the swells of my breasts a few solid hickeys and then, when the general stimulation got me leaking, he clamped his mouth around the tip of one breast and sucked with all his might, gently biting and chewing. I felt my milk flowing into his mouth. I heard him drinking it.

Our bodies settled into a groove together. Our rhythm was perfect. Our fit was flawless. Our voices cried out and moaned as a chorus.

And when we came, it was a mutual explosion.

His sperm jetted into my vault, even as my milk drained down his throat, and my my body jerked and quaked with a spasm so deep my limbs were temporarily paralyzed.

A few moments later, Becky and Scott came downstairs. They were completely naked. Scott was stroking himself. He was very, very hard. Becky's makeup had been ruined by cum. She knelt down beside us. "Hey," she said to her boyfriend, "you know how were a complete jackass about a little breast milk earlier?" She didn't want for a response. "Well, it pissed me off." She still didn't wait for a response. "So you know that thing you always ask me about?"

Both her boyfriend and I looked at her in a daze, still coming down from our climax. We watched her bend over the arm of the couch, presenting herself. I only then noticed that Scott wasn't just rubbing himself, he was lubing up. And I watched as Scott lined up behind Becky, kissed each of her perfect ass cheeks, and then pressed himself against her asshole.

I knew it was Scott's first anal. From the way Becky screamed and clawed at the couch, I thought it was probably hers, too. Scott didn't rush it, but his slow, easy strokes were even and steady and as her body got used to it, and as she arched her back for him, he picked up speed.

My husband lavished his lover with praise. How beautiful she was. How amazing her ass felt. How soft and pretty her body was. How passionate she was.

And even though I had arranged it, and even though I had wanted it, my heart burned with jealousy. She was giving him something I had deliberately withheld from him, and he was grateful for it. There was no denying the beautify of her thin body, the prettiness of her face, or the clear delight that could be found in contact with that body. But it burned.

Her ass was tight, and he didn't last an incredibly long time in there.

When he pulled out, his cum poured back out.

Becky stood slowly, achingly. Grinning, she turned around and kissed my husband with a great deal of slow, deep passion.

Just when I thought I was going to lose control in a fit of jealousy, I was rolled over and straddled at the waist. Her boyfriend was hard again already. Grinning, he pressed my breasts together and began stroking himself through them.

I moaned and closed my eyes, allowing myself to fall into a place in which the world disappeared. There was nothing except my female body and his male body. My tits. His cock. His strength, using my body for his pleasure. My pleasure.

A pair of wet lips brushing my cheek broke my trance.

I opened my eyes.

It was Becky. She was kissing my face, all over. She was on all four on the floor, straddling my husbands face as he feasted on her pretty little cunt.

I think I may have whimpered when I turned my face toward hers and our mouths met in a kiss just as slow and deeply passionate as that she had shared with my husband.

Soon she was moaning as she grew close to an organizing. Her kisses became more violent and more needy. Her body moving aggressively over my husband's face. When she began to climax, he didn't let up. She went higher. Higher. Higher.

Soon she was crying into our kiss, begging him alternately both to stop and not to stop.

At that point, her boyfriend came all over our meshed faces. To his credit, he did not linger or let it end with his release. He moved down my body and planted his face between my legs. He ran his tongue down my slit, slurped each of my labia and then began sucking my clit with the same fervor and skill with which he had sucked my nipple.

Like an ice pick on my spine, I was soon shot through my a startling orgasm.

And, finally, we all collapsed, our bodies thoroughly spent.

Becky's boyfriend was the first to rise. He looked at Becky. "You ready to drive me home?"

"Drive you . . .?" Becky rolled her pretty eyes. "I'm not driving you anywhere."

"She forgave me, why don't you?"

"Because," Becky said, "seeing you freak out about her milk just made me realize that you're not very giving."

"What the hell?"

Becky crawled over near the couch, grabbed her panties from the floor and then stood. She walked over and waved them in front of her boyfriend's face. He had a face and brushed them aside as an annoyance. She then crouched in front my husband, and waved her panties. He grabbed them and breathed in their scent deeply, then kissing the place that had cradled her pussy.

The eighteen year-old with auburn hair slid her naked body behind Scott's, pressing her wet pussy against his backside. "Just find your own way home."

Her boyfriend grunted and walked over to where I was now sitting up on the floor. He picked up the mass of his cock and rubbed it on my face. Instinctively, even as tired as I was, I moaned and turned to kiss it. "Give me a ride home," he said.

"Okay," I agreed, suddenly thrilled with the idea of sucking that beast in the car outside his parents' house. I felt a little guilty about my little crush on the young man's cock. I looked at Scott, who was entwined with his fantasy girl. "Will you be okay until I get back?"

He and Becky just smiled. I didn't feel guilty anymore.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

If you are nothing but a cunt needing to be filled, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU GET MARRIED? Do your self a favor and go to the nearest whorehouse and give your cunt away hopefully you will die very slowly and painfully from some kind of nasty infection.

RossDanielsRossDanielsabout 13 years ago
Very, very sexy.

I agree about the editor, but aside from some careless mistakes, the writing was very good . . . and the sex very hot. I loved the sexy dialogue. Nicely done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Good story!

I enjoyed the story. I hope there is more to come!

friskycharlenefriskycharleneabout 13 years ago
Gifted writer needs an editor

Very nice twist to an old story line. I enjoyed it inspite of the mistakes. Thanx.

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