The Half Marathon


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"It's not an affair because I don't let him kiss me."

"What the fuck has that got to do with it – you've French-kissed both Rick and Jeff at New Year parties in front of me," Jim pointed out.

"That was just being sociable and anyway, you were busy snogging their wives."

"What's the bastards name?" Jim asked getting my interrogation back on track."

"He's called Mick but you don't know him."

This seemed to floor him for the moment so my husband got up to pour himself a drink, pointedly not doing one for me. "How did you find out," I had to ask.

"I've felt there was something different about you for quite a long time but I couldn't put my finger on it," Jim replied slowly. "Then you shaved yourself almost bare. If you had made a big thing about it I would have been pleased but you didn't say a word and left me to find out. I guessed then that you had done it for someone else not me but I still hadn't any proof. It was your planned night away that did it, I rang the marathon organisers and they didn't know anything about a meeting or a social evening."

"I'm so sorry," I said but even while speaking I did a mental qualification. I was desperately sorry that my husband had been hurt by finding but in all honesty, I couldn't regret my times with Mike."

Ignoring my apology, Jim carried on as if I hadn't spoken saying, "At first I couldn't see when you had the opportunity but it had to be some guy at your school that you screwed during lunchtimes and free periods and during these holidays, it's obvious that you see him when you're meant to be shopping and when I take the kids swimming."

"It's nothing to do with school. I'm having sex with a guy I meet when I go out running in the morning," I said softly.

"How often?"

"Almost every day," I had to admit, upon which Jim stood up and quickly left the room. We passed without speaking for the remainder of the evening and although we shared the same bed; my husband lay as far away from me as he could.

Future events were to confound my expectations but for the rest of the year I happily went along with what has to be a bizarre situation. In retrospect I see that I might have been better advised to end my affair as soon as it was discovered and concentrate on saving my marriage. The following evening with our offspring again safely out of the way, Jim decided that he wanted to talk, opening conversation with the single word, "Why?"

"I don't know what to say. We started running together every day and desire just crept on me. Then, after we did it the first time, the sex was so good that I couldn't stop."

Jim winced at this but still followed up with his obviously prepared question, "So what's he like, this chap?" I gave roughly the same description noted here but left out one important detail and that was the subject of my husband's next question, "Is his cock bigger than mine?"

"Yes," I told him without elaboration.

"Much bigger?"

My instinct was to play down the real magnitude of Mike's endowment but instead, grasping the truth like a nettle, I told him, "It's a whole lot bigger." When I said that my husband's whole body seemed to sag but incongruously, the look on his face was one of relief not despair. "I still love you as much I ever did," I said. "This was just sex. It was fantastic sex but still just sex." Jim nodded at this but did not speak and just sat looking at me. I broke the ensuing silence by asking what he wanted to do.

"I don't know yet," Jim said. "But I don't want you seeing him again or even ringing him and if you want to carry on training, you can stick to the roads near the house."

"I promise I won't have any more contact – I was going to withdraw from the marathon anyway because I haven't really been training."

For a while my husband continued interrogating me about the things Mike and I had done, with me answering as honestly as I could and soon after he ran out of questions, we went to bed. At first we lay with the same separation between us as before but suddenly, without any foreplay or even a word, he launched himself across the bed, roughly forced my legs apart and thrust himself inside me. His face had a ferocity I didn't know he possessed and 'brutal' is the only word to describe the way that he fucked me. For once he had no self control problems and the pounding seemed never ending. I suppose it was rape but I actually rather enjoyed it.

Eventually Jim concluded and rolled off to lie gasping for breath but gradually this stilled. I thought he was asleep and had just allowed myself to start worrying about how Mike would feel finding I had stood him up, when my husband spoke. Talking so quietly that I had to strain to hear he said, "If you've been seeing him that long, you deserve the chance to say goodbye - so you can have your night away if that's what you want."

I wanted to smother my wonderful, generous, understanding, loving husband with kisses of gratitude but at that moment he didn't seem to need affection. However, next morning a great weight seemed to have lifted from him and he felt able to respond to my almost constantly smiling face. "I've always known that this was inevitable but at least now I don't have it hanging over me any more," he said. "But I suppose now that I have to start worrying about losing you completely."

"You are never going to lose me – as I told you before, I love you as much now as I ever have," I told him, trying to express as much meaning as I could.

With the taxi waiting outside he accepted my loving kiss but as I broke away he held my arms and pulled me back to him. "If this Mike can give you so much more pleasure than I can, you don't need to end it with him. The only condition is that I want to meet him," Jim told me. Needless to say the taxi had to wait while we enjoyed another long embrace.

I had been unable to meet up with Mike on the Thursday morning so I was relieved to find him already waiting at the hotel when I arrived. I quickly told him about developments, including the fact that I wouldn't be out be out running in the early morning any more but then I gave him the good news that we would still be able to see each other. I had wondered if he would be unwilling to meet my husband but Mike took the prospect in his stride. The sex was good as always and followed the same pattern but my lover achieved his ambition of going to sleep with us still connected. It was nice waking up to find I was in the process of being fucked and we even managed an encore before finally vacating the room.

I arranged for Mike to come to the house on the following Friday evening. It seemed a long way away but it was the best day, for various reasons. Before parting I advised Mike not to be pushy and to instead hang back to let Jim dictate the pace of the confrontation.

In one way the week dragged because although I was nervous about the meeting, I wanted it over and done with. In another way I enjoyed the return to a semblance of normal marriage because, for the first time in weeks, I had neither been with Mike that morning nor had the imminent prospect of being with him. When the bell rang that evening I ran to answer the door but I was conscious of Jim hovering some distance behind me. Mike walked straight past me and, ignoring my instructions, advanced quickly down the hall with hand outstretched saying, "How do you do. This is most generous of you."

Jim grasped his hand in return and with seeming sincerity told him, "I'm pleased to finally meet – I've already heard so much about you."

Mike set off with the quip, 'Only good things I hope' but thought better of it half way. To cover the glitch, my husband turned to me suggesting, "Perhaps you'd like to pour a drink for your...our guest."

Once we were all three ensconced in the sitting room, although we were all on best behaviour, the conversation seemed surprisingly relaxed. After a short period, I had to leave the males together while I set out the food I had prepared but I think my ears must have been constantly pricked for the sound of raised voices. Jim had thoughtfully left out a bottle of his good wine. The topics discussed as we ate and afterwards, ranged through education, literature and even the latest political crisis – in fact everything but the reason we were gathered together. I said very little but the two of them chatted almost like old friends with both genuinely laughing at the others humorous asides.

Then suddenly a silence fell and I desperately searched my mind for something to fill the gap but before I got the chance my husband stood up. "This may be bad manners," he began, "But I've got some work upstairs that needs sorting out. I'm afraid it's going to keep me busy for at least a couple of hours but I hope you will be able to manage without me." As he finished speaking there was a hint of a smile on his face but then he was gone, closing the door firmly behind him.

Our hunger was such that Mike and I were tearing at each others clothes before my husband could have reached the top of the stairs. After such a gap the sex was fabulous with the only drawback being that I had to consciously restrain my cries of passion. I let my lover out of the house just short of the two hour mark then had a thorough shower and got into bed. After a few minutes, Jim entered the bedroom and stood looking down at me. I started thanking him for his tact but he held up a hand to stop me. "I want to see you and him together. I need to watch you having sex with him and then I might understand," he declared.

I didn't like that idea at all and I was sure Mike wouldn't care for it any more than I did. Jim nodded at my objection but went on, "I've promised you can carry on seeing him but I want to limit that to you going to his house for two hours every week. On the other hand, if you agree to let me watch you fuck once a week, you can be with him on another two occasions. I might even agree to you spending the whole night with him occasionally. Ring him tomorrow, talk it over and let me know what you decide."

Some time later Jim joined me in bed and I immediately rolled close to hold him and tell him how much I loved him. He returned my embrace but although I could feel his erection pressing against me, he made no move for sex of any kind and I eventually fell asleep. My husband had effectively made an offer we couldn't refuse, so after checking with my lover, I agreed to Jim's voyeuristic demands. Together we worked out a schedule where I could go to Mike's house on Tuesday and Saturday evenings after the kids were in bed but with the promise that I would return home to sleep. On Fridays my lover was to come to us when he and I would have sex while being watched. I hoped that this meant I could be with Mike the following Tuesday but Jim was insistent that the whole deal must start with his spectator evening.

By agreement Mike arrived later than before and this time there was no chit-chat as we went straight up the stairs in procession with my husband in the lead. He and I had discussed where this should take place, with me preferring the guest room but Jim pointing out that was too near where the children were sleeping and besides, ours was by far the better bed. Once in the room, Jim grabbed a chair, placed it a short distance from the bed and sat upon it in the posture of someone waiting for the show to start. About to undress I instinctively started to turn away but recognised that, as both these men had already seen me naked, this was pointless false modesty. I removed my clothes in a matter of fact way and went to recline on the bed, trying to look relaxed. Looking over to Jim I threw him a reassuring smile, hoping to make eye contact but he was leaning slightly forward with his attention fixated on Mike's groin.

Mike joined me on the bed but showed no inclination to start proceeding so I shuffled down the bed and took him in hand. My intent was to make it easy for my husband by doing no more than efficiently getting Mike aroused but then I reasoned that was not what Jim wanted to see, so instead I worked though almost all the techniques in my oral repertoire. I had expected to feel awkward having sex in front of a spectator but from the moment I was again under the mesmeric influence of that phallic snake, my husband disappeared completely from my mental radar. When I eventually lay back to let Mike take over, he too felt the need to put on a special performance and succeeded in giving me several body shuddering orgasms before releasing a gusher inside me of tsunami proportions.

When I came back to reality it was to find that Jim had left his chair and was crouching close up at the side of the bed. Looking closely, I could see signs of hurt at what he had witnessed but this was almost hidden beneath the flush of intense excitement that suffused his face. I sought his eyes, hoping to re-establish mental contact, but his gaze was riveted between my legs with an almost fanatical gleam. Suddenly, without warning, his head plunged forward. Guessing his intention, I tried to stop him but was too late and, realising the battle lost, I actually spread my legs wider to give him easier access. In doing this I leaned back against my lover's chest and his arm came round me to cup my breast and squeeze the nipple. I turned my head to see his mouth approaching mine and I parted my lips to allow his tongue into my mouth for the first time. The pure perversity of the fact that as we kissed, my husband was happily sucking Mike's cum out of my cunt set my whole body on fire and I had an orgasm of such magnitude that for a few moments I hovered on the brink of blacking out.

My husband suddenly jumped up and quickly left the room but what Mike had witnessed must have also inflamed him because, almost the instant that the space between my legs became vacant, he was again powering his rigid column of flesh into me. I don't think that Jim came back but I did rather lose track from that point. After the grand crescendo our intention was just to grab a few minutes recuperation time before Mike went home but when I was woken by the dawn chorus he was still asleep beside me. He quickly dressed and left and my investigation showed that Jim had bedded down in the spare room.

That night established a pattern that was to last until almost the end of the year. I preferred those early pre-discovery weeks because I have to admit, with cheating the secrecy adds a certain extra excitement and there was a certain innocence to that earlier period, at least compared to what was to come. Also, I was now getting together with Mike only three times per week instead of the previous five and to make it worse, Jim stopped penetrating me at all. He had developed this fetish for licking me after I had been with Mike and on one occasion met me at the door the moment I got home from seeing my lover. I had to stand with one foot on a higher stair as he pulled the crotch of my panties aside and set his tongue to work. I can't blame him completely though. I know that it is rather sick but the activity also had a powerful effect on me that I found strangely compulsive. The bad side was that he always had his own climax in the midst of this feeding frenzy. Even on non Mike nights he could barely last two strokes and soon, after pleasuring me orally, he preferred to lie with face on my breast, playing with himself while I enthused about Mike's cock and how wonderful it felt inside me. It was certainly an unhealthy situation. School was normal, playing with the kids was normal and Jim did spend long hours doing something on the internet, but whenever we were together sex always permeated the atmosphere.

Inevitably the date for Mike's fiancé to return drew ever closer. I guessed that he would be giving me a goodbye gift and I wracked my brains for something meaningful to give him. It's fortunate that my birth control is by quarterly injection because I had fantasies about millions of Mike's live sperm flooding into my unprotected fertile womb and I could have been very tempted to let him impregnate me. Eventually I purchased an antique millefiori glass paperweight to go on his desk. I particularly liked the way that from a certain angle the colours of the cut rod flowers inside formed my initial A.

On the Friday of our final threesome, Mike gave me a beautiful necklace and even produced a special bottle of wine for Jim. In return he was very pleased with the paperweight. My husband said nothing at that moment but he later said I could spend all Saturday night at Mike's house. Up until then he had been resistant to me spending the whole night in my lover's bed but relenting for our last night was his gift to us. I would rather not speak of how Mike and I said goodbye except to say that we sadly agreed there should never be any kind of contact between us again.

I had withdrawal symptoms for about a fortnight but the children's excitement and the Xmas festivities dulled the pain. On New Years Eve Jim and I toasted the future and when in bed, although rather inebriated, made love quite normally. I resigned myself to the fact that Mike had been an unrepeatable experience but one that had given me memories to last the rest of my life. All that I wanted now was for life to go back to how it had always been.

For some reason that I still don't understand, starting a few days later Jim gradually changed. He began to heap me with the kind of reproaches that would have been far more understandable when he first found out and, during his almost daily often vitriolic recriminations, the words 'tart' and 'slut' and worse were liberally used. When we were just sitting quietly watching TV he would suddenly say things like, 'I don't know why you're not out trying to find yourself another huge cock' or 'there are men in this street you could have between your legs – if you haven't already'. It got so there was no contact between us, either sexual or emotional and it wasn't that he didn't still have needs because I once caught him masturbating in front of his PC. I stuck it out until the school broke up for half term and when Jim got home I was waiting with a bag packed. I told him sadly, "We're tearing each other apart so I'm going away for a few days to give us some breathing space.

"Don't lie," he said. "You're on the hunt for a new lover and then you'll expect me to let you bring him home with you."

"I don't want anybody else, love. All I want is for us to get back to how we used to be."

"Do you honestly think that's possible?" he said. There seemed hope in the words but his bitter sarcastic tone said the opposite.

I walked away. Tomorrow I go back home but I don't know if I still have a marriage to return to.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal196910 months ago

needs a conclusion, complete with consequences if it goes the BTB or divorce route.

Should be in a different category since there's not a lot of eroticism in it, so non-erotic category?

Hornydevil47Hornydevil4710 months ago

Asked? What did I think of this story. Simple, I liked it, 4*+any day. Thank you. Mel B known as Hornydevil47

Soundguy39Soundguy39over 2 years ago

i don't know what compels me to read these stories and hope for some kind of happy ending (no pun intended)

I hate cheaters, and I have been cheated on, as I'm sure most all of us have at one point. The fact that she'd had but 2 lovers previously, and her first raped her, seemed to be completely lost in the narrative later on in her life. Maybe it was the way it was written at first when the comment was made about husband being her third, but then jumping to the first and so on. That fact could have been a key aspect of this being an allowed shared experience for her with Jim instead of a TOTAL FREAKING TRAIN WRECK!

Can't somebody write even one or a series of this type of deliberate "I'm cuckolding you as my first resort and you will like it or else" situation? No situation is perfect, but we have all these other genres to experience all these other situations, some oh so quite extreme, so how about we try to help each other or even one person with a series like this can be helpful and who knows.....we might just come out with a new genre to add to the mix nobody ever expected. I welcome your thought everyone!!

26thNC26thNCalmost 4 years ago

Loving Wife turned nasty whore too quickly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
The Half Marathon

why didn't you finish the story. I gave a 2 because it's incomplete

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