The Honeytrap

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Is your husband cheating? Suzy's ass can tell.
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“Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

Kirsten regarded the woman in front of her. The woman was tall and willowy, elegant in a dark business suit and holding herself with a pride that was at odds with the tears streaming gently down her face. She dabbed ineffectively at them with a handkerchief. Kirsten got a sense of someone who hadn’t become used to disappointment. She was taking this badly, but not in an angry way. Kirsten was used to clients ranting and raving, and wanting someone else to suffer, but not this one. Mrs Reed wouldn’t be screaming at anyone. It just wasn’t her style.

“Mrs Reed, I think you should know that we deal in absolutes here. There is no grey area. If your husband responds to one of my team, it is totally his choice. Please don’t think of this as any form of entrapment. My operative will simply respond to what your husband does – whatever he does. There will be no room for doubt once we’ve finished.”

Mrs Reed nodded, although Kirsten still had the uneasy feeling that she hadn’t totally registered that point. It was sometimes the way of it. Kirsten dealt in an industry awash with denial, where clients often couldn’t fathom whether they really wanted the answer to be Yes or No. Sometimes, their decision had already been made before the operative returned with a result. So sometimes the result was irrelevant to what followed. But it was lucrative. Mrs Reed was paying five thousand dollars for the privilege of knowing for sure, and for the agency’s discretion. Once Kirsten had paid the operative, it still left a healthy margin.

“Okay Mrs Reed, is there any particular type of woman your husband – Danny – prefers?”

Mrs Reed’s eyes glowed with a fiercer intensity than before.

“Oh yes. He has a certain type. Small and petite and blonde. It makes you wonder why he married a tall black woman, doesn’t it?”

The rhetorical question hung in the air-conditioned atmosphere like spent smoke. Kirsten nodded slowly.

“Okay……in that case, I have just the operative. We’ll contact you as soon as we have some information.”

Mrs Reed nodded silently and rose. She had a graceful walk that flowed across the floor. And made Kirsten want her.

Suzy checked her make-up in the vanity mirror of the car. She grinned at herself. Christ, this was a great job. She’d first started it to pay the college fees, but now, it was also a pleasure. To begin with, the jobs had trickled in, but as Kirsten had gained confidence in her, they’d become more frequent. Now, it seemed like every other week there was some rich wife wanting to know if her husband was cheating. And the agency gave her all the ammunition her lawyer would need. Suzy was kicking off a legal process tonight.

She’d studied the photographs of Danny earlier in the day, and felt sure she could pick him out, even in the strobe-lit vastness of Streamers nightclub. It was always easier when you liked the look of the guy, and Danny was tall enough, dark enough and well-toned enough for Suzy to look forward to her work.

She parked the SUV in a street near the club. She was wearing low-slung combats that snuggled against her flat stomach, nothing underneath, and a tight-fitting T-shirt that fell off one shoulder. From what Kirsten had told her, she had the looks that Danny liked. She ignored the line of half-dressed wannabees lining up to enter the club. Mario, the doorman, flashed a smile at her as she approached. Mario’s perfect dentistry had cost the thick end of twenty grand, and required upgrades each time something kicked off at the club door, which was a regular occurrence. This time Suzy wouldn’t have to blow him to get into the club. But the fact that she’d done it before made Mario Mr Helpful.

“Hey Suzy, howya doin’?”

His eyes raked across her body before they flicked back to her face. He used to do indoor security here at the club, so he’d seen his fair share of podium dancers, and escorts masquerading as bona-fide girlfriends. But, the wickedly good blowjob notwithstanding, he’d rarely seen them sexier than Suzy. It was a passion for sex that shone from within. It was almost intangible, but definitely there.

“Good Mario, real good. Can’t wait to get in and shake it.”

Mario laughed.

“The world’s a better place when you’re shaking that, I tell ya. Have fun.”

He raised a rope and she ducked under it, sliding her ass across his crotch as she bent, just to keep him sweet. He watched her swish it as she went through the door, wondering if she might still be there when he got to take a break from bouncing back dickheads in Nike trainers. Or who would be sliding up her butt tonight.

Down the narrow stairway and into the throbbing heat of the club. She touched the IPod headset draped around her neck. It was in fact a recorder, and she didn’t want the microphone blown by the volume of the music, which she could feel thudding through her body. It was based on the old surveillance equipment used by the Soviets, just updated and re-worked. Those east Europeans did such good work. The bass from the club mix made her tingle, and she could feel her body heat increasing. She walked slowly around the edge of the dance floor towards the bar. Flashes of colour and sweat-slicked skin of various hues pervaded her vision. She spotted Danny straight away. Standing next to a couple of jock-types, laughing expansively at what she knew would be some macho bullshit story. She stood at the bar and ordered a bottle of water. The barman’s eyes lingered on her, until he snapped out of it and went to the refrigerator.

After fending off a couple of guys, she saw in the mirror behind the bar that Danny’s friends had noticed her. They nudged Danny with an overly-muscled elbow, and Danny turned to look at her. Well, not so much look at her, as assess her. The file had said that he liked young, firm, petite blondes, so she knew he’d be interested. She was experienced enough at this to let him make the moves. She didn’t have to do anything. There were a hundred women in this club, and he could easily just spend the night partying with the boys and go on home to the wife. But he wouldn’t. She could see it in his eyes from across the crowded bar. Danny was used to scoring chicks in clubs. This one was a slam dunk. All she needed to do was let it happen, and present the evidence to Kirsten tomorrow.

The next time she looked up from her drink, Danny was standing next to her. Looming over her, in fact, at six-three. He gave her his best shit-eating grin, and leaned in. His mouth went to her ear, and his hand slid across her stomach and round to her ass, which he cupped with a firm, insistent grip. She didn’t object, or pull away. She’d always loved guys playing with her ass, so it was kind of like a perk of the job when it happened.

They exchanged small talk, and she was careful not to touch him at all. He made all the moves, did all the touching. That was part of the agency rules – Operatives Must Not Initiate Physical Contact. Fortunately, once the mark had started groping, all bets were off. And this was an agency that didn’t mind if the operative got her sexy little rocks off, and got her ass filled with cock. Which was just as well. The next time he leaned in he licked her ear, and asked her if she wanted to get some air outside. She nodded, her eyes shining, and they snaked their way through the crowds and outside. Mario gave her a knowing smile as she left the club.

Outside, he pulled her by the arm towards him, and they kissed. There was nothing tender about it. Danny wanted action and he wanted it fast. It suited her, professionally and personally. Her hands locked behind his neck, and she stood on tiptoe so she could grind her body against him. His hands grabbed her ass again, and she wiggled closer to let him know she liked it. Liked it a lot. Their tongues clashed and fought. Danny kissed her throat and licked her neck below the ear. Her hands ran across his stomach, and pressed against his erection. It was big enough, and man, he was so hard already.

She broke the kiss and took his hand.

“Hey girl. You wanna find a hotel or something?”

“I got a better idea. Follow me.”

Just around the corner was her SUV. She’d parked it under a streetlight, but it had darkened glass and it was tough to see in the back. She unlocked it and climbed in the back seats, which were folded down to give a large flat area. Danny grinned.

“Aaah, I get it. Shit, girl, this is a little pussy palace you got goin’ here.”

She grinned and took off her IPod, laying it over the driver’s headrest. Deftly, she switched on the recorder microphone. It was digital, so there was no tell-tale click as it began recording. She reached between the front seats to turn on a CD, making sure she also flicked a switch for the cameras. In all four corners of the car, there were small sensors that looked to be the detectors for the car’s security system. They were, in fact, small digital cameras, taking photographs every five seconds, linked to a laptop that hummed in the glove box. Danny was going to be fucked in every possible way.

Danny took the chance, while she was on all-fours checking the CD, to slide her combats down to her knees. Oh yeah, her ass was everything he expected. He heard her giggle as he kneaded her ass flesh with his fingers, moving ever-closer to her asshole. He leaned in and flicked across her pussy lips with his tongue, hearing her moan softly. She didn’t try to move away, so he figured she was comfortable, and started working in earnest.

He slid his tongue right into her pussy first go, as deep as he could get it. Then he began to swirl it around inside her folds, feeling her sweet juice trickle onto the underside of his tongue. He lapped away at it, relishing the taste, and diving in for some more. He felt her start to sway against his tongue, pushing back at him slightly and urging him on. As the Usher track on the CD kicked in, she began grinding her pussy against him in time to the beat. It gave them both a rhythm to work on.

He moved back for a second, and saw that she already had two fingers in her asshole. They were sliding gently in and out, and he watched for a second to see how her ass gripped the fingers, snapping taut against the skin. He could already imagine what her ass would do to his cock, and he felt himself straining against his clothes at the mere thought of it. He grabbed her hand at the wrist, and gently brought her fingers out of her ass. He watched her butt hole twitch, seemingly in disappointment, and then slowly close. He brought her fingers to his mouth and licked them. Suzy shook her head.

“Ohhh, Christ, I gotta suck that cock right now. Gimme.”

He scooted back to the far end of the car, unzipping his pants as he went, pulling his underwear and pants off in one motion. Suzy was lying flat on her stomach now, having kicked off her combats. He could see her nipples pushing against her thin T-shirt, and she crawled towards him, licking her lips and never taking her eyes off his cock. He pulled his shirt over his head, and felt her tongue slip across the head of his cock. As he pulled his shirt away, she dived onto his cock and swallowed it in one motion. She kept going down, deeper and deeper, and didn’t stop until her lips met his balls. She lay there, happy to have her throat full of a thick, meaty cock. Her tongue lapped lazily at the base of his cock.

As she lifted her head, he could see her spit dribbling down his shaft and onto his balls. She saw it too, and while she stroked his cock with easy, practised motions of one hand, she leant down and licked her own spit from his balls, making them shine in the streetlight that came through the windscreen. She wriggled on her stomach and started deep throating him. She didn’t seem to care if she choked or spluttered occasionally. In fact, he got the feeling she left his cock deep down her throat for that very reason.

She grabbed him at the base of his cock and held him firmly while she sat up, to make sure he didn’t come early. Her eyes locked with his.

“Fuck my ass, baby.”

He didn’t need a second invitation. He’d sensed from the first grope that this girl wanted the same thing he did. He lay down and she eased herself over him, both of them facing the front of the car. Holding herself up with one arm, she used her free hand to guide his cock into position, and rubbed it across her butt hole. He could feel her ass twitch each time it made contact, and feel his cock almost buzzing with excitement.

“Enough, already. Put your sexy little shithole on that dick so I can slam your asshole into submission.”

Suzy giggled.

“I submit, baby. Totally. My ass is all yours. Go wreck it.”

With that, she pushed down, and his cock slid smoothly and easily into her ass. They both groaned at the exquisite tightness, the heat, the excitement. She began to bounce on his cock, relishing the friction as his hardness pushed her ass walls out. He reached up and pulled her hair, forcing her head back as she yelped in surprise. She fell back against him, her arched back pressed against his chest, his mouth next to her ear. At this angle, she couldn’t move much, pinned against his body below her, but he could sure fuck up into her. And he did. He went for heavy, pounding strokes that seemed to rip fire into her body every time he did it.

One hand went around her throat, letting her breathe, but letting her know he was in control. The other hand pulled her hair that little bit tighter.

“Like it like this, huh, baby?.....Like getting ass-fucked in the back of your car? Oh yeah, I knew you’d like getting your ass seen to. First time I touched it, I could tell you were an anal little slut. Jeez, baby, I fuck a lot of cute asses, but this is something special. Take it, slut, fucking take it.”

He increased the intensity of each stroke, and moved harder and faster. She was impaled on his cock as it flashed in and out of her ass. She clamped down on it to make it harder for him to move, wanting him to push harder and harder to get the same effect. He slammed up into her, grunting on every thrust, wanting to take her totally.

“Fuck me, baby. C’mon. Harder than that……yeah…..fuck…fuck……oh shit, fucking nail my ass….c’mon…make my tight little ass gape for you……yeah…do it…do it.”

She could feel the cum long before it got there. She could feel her blood fizzing around her body, sense her fingers curling into a fist that she pounded onto the floor. She screamed a long, loud shriek of ecstasy. Her back arched further, held down by his hold on her throat and her hair. She was impaled on the moment but, thank God, he just kept slamming his meat into her ass. He never stopped, even when she was gasping for oxygen, just carried on nailing her butt. She went slightly limp as she fought for breath after cumming, letting him just use her ass as a socket for his cock.

He could feel the cum rising. Quickly, he pushed her off his cock and knelt up. She grabbed him by the ass and pulled him over the top of her, straddling her shoulders and shoving his cock towards her face. She kept both hands on his ass, but reached for his cock with her mouth and swallowed it straight down. Her eyes never left his, as she began moving her lips from base to tip, base to tip, over and over, loving the taste of her own ass on his cock.

He couldn’t hold out any longer. This girl was too much. He pulled out of her mouth and exploded cum. More than he could ever remember, even in his younger days. He spewed eight, nine, ten strings of cum across her willing mouth. She put her tongue out as a target for him. As he finished, she began licking the trails of cum from his cock, making sure she got every drop. She kept licking and slurping, and grinning. Flecks of cum were in her hair, and he knew she’d drive home like that, maybe stop off at a convenience store, and give the cashier something to jack off about.

He shut his eyes, and wondered why his wife never fucked like that…..

Kirsten loved this bit best of all. Listening to the recordings and going through the photos. She always did this at home, with a glass of wine, and a small vibe buzzing quietly but insistently in her butt. Suzy did such good work. She always, but always, got her man. And fucking enjoyed him, too. There was a raw intensity about the way she fucked. It showed in her body as she moved around. Something about her just screamed that she was great in the sack. The next time Suzy was in the office, Kirsten would show her the en-suite she’d had built off the main office. The one with the large walk-in shower cubicle. And check out Suzy’s tight little ass for herself…

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fishgetterfishgetterabout 3 years ago

In 17 years there are 6 ( SIX ) comments? Hel, the ones with only a 3.0 have more than this measly number of comments. God story by the way.

peebudypeebudyabout 12 years ago

great story twist!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
a really good ride

ggooodd job. what about a sequel? susie sounds like the type of girl we all wish to stumble into in our lives at least once. keep it up.

eric shawn listoeric shawn listoalmost 20 years ago

Someone who knows how to write an ass fuck!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 20 years ago

very hot woman there. and no messing around with a lot of plot. just quick and dirty sex. good action - and well written.

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