The House Husband Ch. 06-07


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The History section told me that she had been logged into Lloyds Bank. That was strange because we banked with the Natwest. I delved a little deeper and was stopped short by the login protocols. I knew Anne was useless at remembering passwords and that she would have a file somewhere in the PC so that she could refresh her memory when needed. A quick search on Word revealed that she had indeed. The last file opened was entitled 'passwords'. It was easy after that to log in. She apparently had held an account at Lloyd's for several years. This was news to me! She always had her earnings from her freelance days paid into out joint account at the Natwest. Now as I looked through her history file, she had been paid far more for her articles than she declared to me and since she had taken control of the family finances her salary and bonuses amounted to nearly thirty thousand pounds. I hastily scribbled down the details, account number, passwords etc for future reference. This new development needed some serious thought.

I quickly scanned the rest of her data files and found nothing suspicious at first glance. I would need more time with her laptop to be sure.

To be continued

The House Husband Chapter 7 - Confrontation

It was time for me to depart, they would be returning soon. I re-made the bed and check everything was as I had found it and left. I was very hungry by now, so I go tin the car and into Paris. I decided to find a café or restaurant far enough away to be secure form an accidental encounter with either Anne or the Cairn's. If they followed the previous nights pattern, then they would eat in the Hotel.

I had a leisurely meal and wandered around Paris killing time. I was interested to find out what the surprise was that they had planned and finally about nine o'clock, I decided that they had had plenty of time and made my way back to the Hotel and room 568.

I entered the room in stealth mode as I was unsure whether they were back from dinner. As soon as I entered I heard the muted sounds of laughter emanating from the other room. A quick check revealed that John and Pamela were sound asleep once more oblivious to what their mother was up to next door. I moved to the adjoining doors and again one was fully open and the other only about two inches from being closed. I could not see very much other than to note that there were more than three of them surrounding the bed. I could not see Anne at all, but I could her moaning as they worked on her body. Someone must have just cum, as there was some movement and I as the guy stood up I recognised Simon, our S&M acquaintance. So that was the surprise, but there was more and as I continued to observe, I noted two other men I did not recognise taking their turn with Anne. Jim Cairns and Pat his wife were circling round the bed with cameras, recording all the action for posterity.

After about fifteen minutes, stopped recording and just stood their silently watching. I tried to analyse my feelings and could only describe the feeling as indifference. It was as if it was not my wife lying there taking on all comers in any position or orifice they demanded. She was actively instructing them where to put their cocks and leading the way!

I had enough and was about to depart when I watched Jim motion for Pat and Simon to come over to him. He was standing near the door and as they moved towards me I thought I had been spotted but they stopped so near the door that I could have reached out and touched them. I turned the camera back to record whatever they wanted to say. They were so close that the pictures would have been too dark to make out their faces. Jim nodded to the bed where Anne was still receiving the attentions from the other two men and said. "I told you she was going to be an asset to our group. Now, we need a little more insurance to make certain she does not have second thoughts about continuing after tonight."

Simon said. "I agree. We have a lot riding on that slut. Our porno movie sideline needs fresh flesh and just now she represents our next fucking star. I have set up the next filming session for September and she needs to be a willing participant. We have tried drugs before and they don't hack it, they turn the sluts into zombies!"

Pat said. "I think I know how to make her amenable if she tries to back out now. If you and Simon were to stand naked and with those erections next to her two brats next door, we could use that to ensure she does exactly what we say from now on. Don't you see, she will be terrified of those pictures getting out as it would prove she was unfit to care for them! That's the best weapon and insurance we could have! I can edit the pictures to remove your faces from the shot, so our identities will be preserved."

They debated it for a bit and I took the chance to withdraw to the toilet to conceal my presence. I heard them as they entered the room and sneaked a look as they approached the beds where my children lay sleeping. I was filled with rage, they were going to do it! The bastards were going to photograph my children. I was desperate but could not think of any action I could take could prevent what was about to happen, when fate stepped in.

The phone on our bedside table began to ring. There was a hasty scramble as the three of them vacated the room and Anne rushed in to answer the phone. I watched as she stood there, stark naked with cum running down her legs, her face and hair soaked with perspiration and cum. I don't know what was said but when Anne hung up the phone, she swiftly checked on John and Pamela. John was still sound but Pamela was restless and trying to get up. Anne swiftly went to her and soon had her back slumbering.

Jim and Pat stood at the door clearly waiting to hear what the call was about. Anne said. "It's alright it was just Reception, my car alarm's sounding and someone needs to go down and switch it off."

Jim said decisively. "Give me the keys. I will go and sort it."

Anne handed him the keys and he quickly went and got dressed. Anne and Pat looked at each other and smiled. Simon and the other two men were getting dressed and preparing to leave as well. I guess their job was finished for the night. In any case the mood had changed. Anne followed Pat into the other room and I could hear them saying their goodnights. The door closed and I waited a few minutes before slipping out and down the Fire Escape stairs.

I had all I needed now so I delayed no longer and left for home, arriving in the early hours. When I got in, I went straight to bed and even though totally exhausted, I found sleep hard to come by. I must have dropped off at some point as the next I remember I was awoken by the sound of the phone. I groped for my watch and was shocked to see that it was after two in the afternoon. I swung out of bed and went to pick up the call, when the answer machine cut in. I left it to take the message as I went to the toilet to get showered and dressed.

I checked the message light and it was Sam Rawlings asking me for an update. Rather than phone him back, I went round and dropped off the car he had loaned me. I thanked him for helping me out and he insisted I sit down. He must have been able to tell from my face that my trip had turned to shit. He handed me a strong Scotch and after a little prompting I proceeded to tell him all about it. He asked what was going to be my next step and I said simply.

"It's finished. I still cannot believe that the woman I watched over the weekend was my wife, my lover and mother of my children. Shit, she debased everything that I believed about our marriage and did it so deliberately! She engineered the whole thing so that she could live out her fantasies, not just that either. I believe that she participated in it to ensure she would get custody of John and Pamela and deprive me of the only good thing in my life. The information I gleaned about her finances only adds to my conviction that she has been wanting out of our marriage for years, but lacked the security she required. My redundancy, her new job and my subsequent shift to the role of House Husband has provided her the chance to see a way out and she took it."

Sam looked at me sadly and said. "I have a good lawyer you should see and I think you should seek his advice about whether to get the Police involved. What they were proposing to do to you wife was one thing but the idea of using the children in obscene photographs was despicable. There must be a law that has been broken there. Even if they did not actually commit it, they were planning to and if you do nothing, what's to stop them using them to control Anne in the period between your separation and divorce?"

I agreed with his summation of the situation and he phoned his lawyer there and then to set up an appointment for the next day.

That evening, I tried to call Anne on her mobile, but it went straight to message so I hung up. I called the hotel and asked to be put through to Room 568. The phone was answered almost straight away. I asked if she was OK and she assured me everything was fine. I asked to speak with John and she put him on. He was full of the fun they were having at the Park and the things they had been up to. Pamela was a little more subdued. She was of an age where the phone made her shrink away, but she recognised my voice and I nearly cried when she suddenly said. "I love you Dad! Why aren't you here with us?"

I fobbed her off with the excuse I had used before. Anne came back on and she to was subdued. We talked a little more before we said goodbye. No 'I love you' or any other term of endearment.

The next day I met with my solicitor and explained the situation. He asked about the video and if he could retain a copy. He would watch it later and give me his opinion later. I gave him copies of the bank statements and e.mails I had printed. He advised me that given the unusual circumstances, I would in all probability be awarded custody even without the video evidence of her duplicity. He also wanted to take advice in whether the Cairn's intention to take photographs of my children in a sexual pose constituted child abuse. He believed that even if the children were asleep and still wearing their PJ's, the fact that the adults were undressed and aroused then this did breach the Protection of Children Act 1978. The purpose to which the photographs may have been used did almost certainly provide for a case of attempted blackmail. He would get back to me on that. Meanwhile he would start the divorce proceeding immediately. I urged him to expedite the issue of the paedophile threat to my children. I was concerned that the Cairns may try again to get their insurance on Anne.

He told me he would have a response tomorrow, but as long as Anne was still in France and the Cairn's in the UK there was little immediate threat to them. Somewhat reassured I left it with him.

I returned home after visiting the local Ironmonger to purchase new locks for all the external doors to our house. I spent the rest of the day fitting them and changing the code on the garage door opener.

I made my evening call to Anne and talked to my kids. I missed them horribly and it was breaking me up that we were apart. I talked to Anne as well of course, but made no mention of what was about to happen.

I had a visit from the local CID who asked me about the circumstances surrounding how I took the video. I went through it all again with them and they asked me to accompany me to the Police Station. Before we left, they asked for the original disc and I refused to give it to them. I phoned my solicitor and he advised me to take another copy and give them the master, which I duly did. We went to the Station and my solicitor met me and guided me through the process. It was basically as I told them and once the formalities were completed they became more helpful.

They advised me that they would not make any direct move on the people involved until my wife was back in the UK. She would be required to make a statement as well. I said. "But she knew nothing about their intentions as she was otherwise engaged at the time, but you know that, you've seen the video!"

The senior of the two said. "You know it's possible that she may face prosecution herself?"

"On what charges?" I asked.

"Well in your statement you confirmed that when you entered room 568 on the first evening, the children were on their own. Your wife being in the bar and restaurant for several hours leaving them unsupervised. That may be considered to be neglect. If she left them alone on any of the subsequent evenings and a pattern is established she could be in considerable trouble."

I sat there stunned. Whilst I wanted my wife to be punished and feel some of the pain that she had inflicted on me, I had no desire to see her face charges of neglect. She was still the mother of our children and had been a good one too. I was about to protest, when my solicitor grabbed my arm and whispered to me to say nothing more at this time.

It was difficult talking to her that evening knowing that she was in some trouble and that I had caused it, but I could not risk alerting her. She still had my children with her.

On the last night of their stay in Disneyland Paris, Anne phoned me. I was so surprised that I nearly dropped the phone. 'Now What?' I thought as I recovered my senses. She talked for ages as if our separation was an irrelevance and did nothing to change her feelings for me. I was about to ask her to get to the point when she suddenly blurted out. "Gordon, can you come over and meet us in Rennes tomorrow? I have checked and there is a flight that gets in at midday. We can meet you there and continue our holiday together as a family."

I was flabbergasted, the fucking nerve of the woman. First she engineers our trial separation and goes on holiday without me, then she fucks her weekend away and now she wants us to reconcile. 'What's changed?' I wondered.

I must have been silent for some while because she had to ask, "Gordon... are you there?"

I thought, 'lets have a little fun here and twist her tail a little' So, I said. "Aren't you forgetting that I have no money or passport? You've hidden them away, so how am I expected to book a flight or pay for it?"

She had an answer ready for that and told me where to find my passport and credit cards. So now I pulled her chain some more. "What do you want me to come over for?"

"I realise that I made a huge mistake by insisting we separate and depriving you of our family holiday. I have reconsidered and realise that I do love you and need you here with me. I do love our make up sex, it's always the best. I need you inside of me making love to me. John and Pamela miss you so much and are crying themselves to sleep at night because you are not here. They are driving me to distraction with their questions about why you cannot be with us, so please.. please, say you'll come over tomorrow. If you do, I promise you a week of nights filled with constant sex, anyway you desire!"

Now I knew her motive. She's fed up with the responsibility of caring for two boisterous children and wants to offload some of the work onto me. It has nothing to do with missing me, it was all about herself again. She wanted time to herself and maybe she and Simon had set up another night's sex session and wanted the kids out of the way. She would probably get me there and pick another fight, so she could swan off with her lover and fuck themselves silly.

Well I wasn't going to buy it.

"I'm sorry but I have other things to do next week. I have new clients and they need my services urgently. So, sorry and thanks..... but no thanks. I too have had second thoughts about our marriage and I think we should see out this trial separation as you requested. I will be better placed to make a decision by the time you return from holiday."

She was not happy with my response and said so in no uncertain terms. I let her rant on for a few more minutes then just simply hung up.

The phone rang again almost immediately. "Don't you dare hang up on me.... I wasn't finished talking to you!"

"That was not talking to me, but at me. But I'm finished talking to you. I will see you when you return." I then hung again before she could respond. The phone rang again and I let it go to answer phone and went out to the pub.

I spent the next day packing all her clothes into plastic sacks and stacking them in the garage. I was not totally surprised when I her car pull up on our drive. She was sitting there pressing the button on the opener to no avail and wondering why it was not working. I had changed the code for that purpose.

She got out he car and before she could approach me, two blonde haired bombshell's in the shape of John and Pamela threw themselves into my arms and hugging me. I held them tightly as my tears ran down my cheeks. Eventually, I set them down, but they refused to move far from my sight. It was as if they wanted to make sure that I was really there and not going anywhere without them. Anne meanwhile stood watching as we got reacquainted with a stony look on her face. She did not look beautiful when she pulled that face, but I found myself strangely detached about it. I took the children inside and Anne followed behind, still saying nothing. She went into her bedroom and immediately stormed back out.

"Where are all my clothes?" she demanded.

"In the garage, you can put them in your car as you leave!" I replied.

"What do you mean, If anybody's going anywhere it's you!" she screamed at me.

I did not want to get drawn into a row, so I picked up the phone and asked for Detective Anderson. When I was put through I just said. "My wife has returned home just now. I suggest if you want to interview her you had better come now as I don't know where she will be residing tonight."

My wife looked at me with a shocked look on her face. "Who was that and what interview are you talking about?"

"The police." I said calmly. "That want a statement from you about your stay in France."

"What the fuck are you up to you bastard? Have you set me up over our separation?" If so you will find yourself in deep trouble!"

I hesitated and thought 'what the hell' "I'm divorcing you on the grounds of adultery. I will be seeking custody of the children, this dwelling and alimony from you. I know about what happened in Paris, I have prepared a copy of a video I took on Saturday and Sunday night. You may not wish to watch it for you were the star turn and will still remember most of it, but I advise you to pay close attention to the final five minutes, You will find it very revealing."

She sat down stunned by what I had just said.

"You.... you were there?" she said in a whisper.

"Yes, I was there and I saw and heard everything. I must compliment you on your plan. It almost worked, but you made one mistake too many. You shouldn't have changed your e.mail password. I discovered that by accident and that got me asking myself, why? Then you were stupid enough to leave the calendar at the wrong month, with the new password highlighted. Even then, you would have got away with it if you had remembered to delete your sent folder as well as your deleted items one. One e.mail told me all I needed to know! You can figure the rest out for yourself."

She ran to the master bedroom and slammed the door on the way. I could hear her sobbing, but her tears were of no consequence to me now. I fed the kids and took them for a walk in the park. When we returned, the police were at the door. They followed the same procedure as with me and took her to the station for her formal statement. I put the kids to bed despite their protests and took the opportunity to unload all their stuff from the car. I then re-packed it with all Anne's clothes. It must have been two hours later that she returned looking very subdued and contrite.