The Hunter


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The four black crewmen were herded to the bow and shot, their bodies falling in the water. 'Cinda covered Pat's body with her own to protect him. She tried to tell if he were still alive but he didn't move. She was roughly pulled off of him. Someone said, "Heave him over the side. He's gator food now anyway." Two men took Pat's arms and dragged him to the rail and dropped him across it. One reached down and flipped his legs up and he was gone. A large man told everyone to get aboard the steamer. Lucinda was roughly dragged to the helm where the large man smiled at her. "Hello, "Cinda Darling, I told ya you were going to be my wife. Now you are, ha, ha, ha! Brad Thurston gets what he wants. One way or another." Lucinda fell in a heap on the deck sobbing as the boat chugged back up river.

Pat woke up spitting water from his mouth. He was caught in brush along the channel of the river. He saw the boat blocking the river a few yards away. He tried to swim toward it but could make no headway against the current. Looking at the boat he could see no way he could climb aboard if he got to her. He looked all around at the river bank and could see no way through the brush and heavy growth. He swam slowly into the current and let it take him down stream. With only a little effort he was able to stay out of the brush until he got to a turn in the channel. The current wanted to wash him into the brush where the current flowed through the brush in the turn he dropped his boots and did better and made it around the turn. He knew he would not be able to do that for long. Then he saw a gator slide and he managed to struggle and grab a branch at the entrance to the slide. He pulled his way to the bank and prayed there was not a gator there. The slide was dry but rather steep. He pulled himself clear of the water and looked around. He saw some sort of trail leading through the cypress and magnolia trees.

Pat felt his head where it hurt and found a shallow cut and a large lump. 'Cinda! He worried about 'Cinda. He had to find her. He sat in the dirt and thought about it. Who ever attacked them had to have taken the steamer back up the river. They couldn't have gotten past the other boat. He pulled himself to his feet and took stock of what he had with him. His purse containing his gold coins was gone. The cut ends of the purse strings were still stuck through his belt. His pistol pouch was still strapped on and the pistol was still there.

He pulled the pistol from the pouch and examined the loads. The cartridges were fine. He picked the caps off the nipples and opened the little tin container. The caps inside were dry so he replaced the ones on all the cartridges. The lard seal was in place on all of them. Some caps looked as if they were still dry and he saved them in the container. He shook the small powder brass powder horn and heard the powder rattle inside. It was dry. He struggled back to his feet and felt the small of his back. His belt knife was still there.

Pat had to crawl along the trail that led from the river bank. He prayed he wouldn't meet mister alligator coming the other way. He came to a split in the trail. He chose the trail that appeared to go toward higher ground. Finally he was able to stand and walk. The trail led him up a steep bank to the top of a bluff above the river. He had no idea of where he was. The way the river twisted and turned he didn't know if he was on the east or west side of the river. He needed to be on the west side. He followed the faint trail He determined which way had to be west and tried to work his way that direction as best he could. After a couple of hours he came on a road that headed west.

It was a well traveled road and he was able to run at a good pace for several hours. His long legs enabled him to cover a lot of ground. He saw a column of smoke through the trees ahead of him and slowed to a walk and moved off the trail and worked his way through the trees until he saw a cabin in a clearing with smoke coming from the chimney. He saw children playing in the dirt in front. It looked safe and he needed to find out where he was. He moved back on the road and a dog started barking. The children disappeared into the shack and the door slammed shut. He saw a man run from the garden in the back carrying a rifle and disappear behind the house. He stopped in the road a hundred yards from the house. He yelled, "Hello the house. Can I come talk to you. I have nothing in my hands and will keep them up."

"Come on over. Ya keeps dem hans up though."

Pat walked to the house with his hands high. A tall lanky man stepped from behind the cabin, his rifle held ready to fire.

"What ya wants Mista, we gotts no food to share. We 'bout starving' heah."

"I just want to know where I am. I am trying to get to Orange Springs."

The man looked him over. "Shit, you look like you been hurt bad on yo head. What happened?"

Pat told the man he had been left for dead by river pirates.

The man turned and said, "Betsey, come look at dis po' man's head. It don' look good."

A very pretty young woman in a worn dress came out and looked at Pat. She put a shot gun down and had Pat set in a chair on the porch. She got a kettle and some clothes and cleaned the cut in his hair. "That looks like it will be alright. It ain't deep and I ain't got nothing' to sew it wit' anyhow. I got some grits and ham if you want it."

Pat asked, "How far am I from Orange Springs?"

"'Bout six or seven miles I think. Ya turns left at de next road. I ain't never been there but I hear it five mile down here. Gonna go some day."

Pat looked at the two of them. "If you ever get there, tell Mister James Murphy that his cousin Pat wants to have him give you the following items and put them on his bill. Number one a pretty dress for your lady with a bonnet and shoes. Two, a bolt of what ever cloth the lady would like, with needles and thread. Third, a keg of gun powder and twenty five pounds of lead. Fourth, a new coat and britches for yourself. Then, if you are ever in a bind and need help, have Mister James bring you to me and I will do what I can to help you, a place to stay or a job. What ever I can do. Now I have to get on my way. I won't forget what you did for me. Thanks for the food."

Pat stood and started off at a slow trot until he loosened up then he stretched out his legs and got into his ground eating stride. It was just dark when he reached the Trading Post. The cut in his head had opened again and blood had run down over his face and chest. James rushed him into the office. "We just heard what happened. They said you were dead. They said Brad Thurston rescued 'Cinda and took her back to your place. Her mother and father went to check on her. Here sit down. Tell me what happened."

Pat told James what he knew. Then he said t"Tell me what Brad Thurston looks like."

"Big heavy built man, blond hair, wears a big mustache."

"That's the man who shot the captain and engineer. I saw him do it just before everything went black. Will you do me a big favor and ride down to the Martin place in the morning and find out about Lucinda for me. Do not let anyone know I am alive. I am going to ease down and scout out my place and see what is going on. I may be wrong but I think Thurston wants 'Cinda and my place. If she is a widow all he has to do is marry her. I just can't believe she could be in on it with him."

"No , I can't believe that either. You be careful, I we'll keep the men I have searching the river at it. Maybe let out some false information later on. Do you want a rifle?"

"No, but I do want the bow with the arrows I left here. I think it is in the room I used."

"You stay out of sight, I'll look for it. No one saw you come in did they?"

"I don't think so. I saw no one."

Lucinda sat on the side of the bed and wept. Her mother comforted her. "Oh Momma, poor Pat is gone, what will I do. Oh! God! I love him so. I want to die too!."

"Sweetheart, I hate to leave you like this but it is getting late and I must go. Aunt Bessie will be here with you. I will be back tomorrow. Try and get some sleep, Aunt Bessie said she had something to make you sleep. Kiss me good night."

As they rode home in the wagon Mrs. Martin said to her husband. "Something is wrong, I don't know what it is. It is just not like "Cinda to be so stiff with me. It is as if she is frightened still. I just don't know."

"It had to be a terrible thing for her to watch poor Pat be killed in front of her that way."

"I know, I guess that is it."

'Cinda looked up as Brad stepped into the room. "You done good gal, keep it up and I'll let them live. If you don't please me the people you love will suffer real bad. I'll kill your father and brothers and make whores of yo momma and sisters when I am through wit 'em. Do what I say and everything gonna be nice. Now take off dat dress I want ta see you naked. Then you gonna suck ma thang. I ain't gonna fuck you yet, but you are gonna pleasure me. I'll wait 'till we are married to fuck ya. Now get that dress off. Aint gonna tell you again."

"I won't do it, I just can't."

Brad whistled loudly. One of his men appeared at the door.

"Yeah, Boss."

"Cut a finger off dat ol' black bitch. Now!"

Moments later they heard a loud scream, followed by sobbing and shrieking.

Brag grinned at 'Cinda, "She only got nine more."

'Cinda stood, "No, I'll do it." She rapidly started unbuttoning her dress. She turned her back to him and let her clothes fall to the floor. She turned slowly to face him. He stared at her body, revealed to him for the first time. "Damn, gal, you are worth it. Yer just beautiful, like Ah knew ya was. Now kneel in front of me and open ma britches." Lucinda did as she was told. Her fingers fumbled at the unfamiliar task of undoing a man's flies. She got them open and unfastened his belt. His pants dropped to his knees. Brad lifted his shirt tails and she saw his erection. Her hands flew to her mouth. She turned her head. She struggled not to laugh. It was so small. Pat's was the only adult male's penis she had seen before. Pat's was at least twice as large.

"Look at it and kiss it." Brad commanded. 'Cinda shook her head.

"I'll whistle and the ol' nigger gal gonna loose another finger."

'Cinda sobbed, "I'll do it." She gingerly reached out and grasped the member in front of her. She was surprised at the heat and hardness of it. She placed her lips on the end of it. A small amount of fluid stuck to her lips as she pulled back.

"Put it in your mouth."

She obeyed. She held it in her mouth. He began to move slowly in and out of her mouth. He placed his hands firmly on either side of her head. He stroked faster and faster. She closed her eyes and thought about how she would kill this man who was defiling her. His pubic hairs tickled her nose but the small 'thang' never reached the back of her tongue.

Her nose and lips were being pounded by his pelvis. She felt him slow a little and then he stiffened and she felt his seed splash against the back of her mouth. He stood still and she looked up at him. His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back. His penis grew soft and even smaller. She let it drop from her mouth. She let the semen run from her lips. She leaned a bit forward and let most of it drop on his boots.

He pulled his britches up and smiled at her. "Liked dat big ol' thang in yo mouth didn't ya gal?"

He recoiled from the hate in her eyes.

"You will learn to beg for it, gal, you'll learn." He turned and slammed the door as he left. 'Cinda ran to the wash stand and cleaned herself. She needed a weapon.

Pat eased his way close to the main house. He had had no trouble slipping past the sentries, they were all either asleep or nodding. He saw the big blond man come out the door and walk to a group of armed men. "These niggers givin' ya trouble? Chop off another of the old bitches fingers if dey don't do as ya say."

"No, Suh, we do what ya wants, don' hurts her no mo'. Please. We be good. Suh, Is Miz 'Cinda all right?"

"She is fine, she just learned how to suck a man's thang. Ha, Ha. Ha, She loved it." Brad turned to one of his men.

"Go check on the sentries, keep 'em awake."

"Yeah! Boss."

Pat faded back in the woods. He slipped up behind a sentry, he put a hand over the man's mouth and slit his throat. He heard the other man coming to check on the sentry and killed him also. He made his way around the plantation and killed four more sentries.

He slipped back closer to the house. He saw two more men talking and carefully fitted an arrow to his bow string. One of the men turned and walked around the corner of the out building. He released the arrow and it hit the remaining man in the throat. Bright red blood spurted and the man fell to the ground without a sound. Pat hurried down the path and saw the second man walking towards him. This arrow was just as accurate and more blood flowed.

Pat made his way to the slave quarters. He knew which house Tim and Aunt Bessie lived in. He listened and heard a whimpering and crying from inside the house He looked around and saw no one. He tapped lightly on the window. The glass raised slowly and a voice softly said, "Who there." Pat sprang forward and clamped a hand over Tim's mouth. "Hush, Mister Tim, it is Mister Pat. Don't say a word. Slip out and walk to the outhouse. I'll meet you on the way."

Pat faded into the darkness. He heard voices coming his way and stepped between two trees. One of the figures was very large. Brad Thurston. The man was saying, "Everything seems very quiet. I wonder where Jack is, he went to check on the guards. He should have been back by now. Maybe he caught one of those little nigger gals. Ah'm gonna get some rest. Be in de parlor on de couch. Don't wake me if dey ain't sumpin' bad wrong." The larger figure walked off and Pat saw the man in front of him turn his head quickly. Pat clamped his left hand over the mouth and cut his throat. He gently lay the body down.

Pat saw Tim a few feet from him. He took him by the arm and led him into the dark woods nearby. Tim whispered, "Mista Pat, dat really you? Dey say you daid."

"Not yet. How many men does Thurston have here?"

"'Bout ten or 'leven."

"I have killed nine of them."

Pat saw the whites of Tim's eyes and the gleam of his teeth as the big black grinned. "De was two sleepin' on de front porch. I get dem. Dat Thurston 'round some place. Ah wants him ma self. He hurted ma Bessie." A huge cane knife appeared in Tim's hands. "Let me wake the others. Ah had de mens watchin' where de bad mens went. We get dem all."

Pat heard and saw nothing for about ten minutes. Then at first light he saw Thurston walk out of the house. The man stretched and looked around. He saw no one. He yelled, "Jack! Get your lazy ass up and moving." He looked down and saw a row of bloody corpses at his feet. He froze. He recognized the dead men. He looked around. He turned to enter the house and an arrow thudded into the door jamb and he stopped and slowly looked around. He saw Pat standing in the yard holding the bow. A movement caught his eye and he turned in time to see the flash of the blade of the huge cane knife as it swept down beside him. He felt a pinch in his left wrist and looked to see his left hand laying on the porch. Tim grinned at him, "Dats fo' Bessies little finger."

Brad screamed as the pain hit him. He fell to his knees, holding his wrist trying to stop the bleeding.

Pat walked forward. "Mister Tim, we have a Murphy tradition for punishing men who take advantage of women. Take this trash to the hog pens. Cut the crotch from his britches, smear his cock and balls with cane syurp, tie his arms to the top rail of the hog pen. Let the hogs in. How ever many you feel is enough. Five should be enough 'til he stops screamin'. Then let the rest in. I need to check on my wife."

Pat opened the door to the master bedroom.He saw Lucinda sleeping on the big bed. He walked to the dressing room and stripped off his buckskins. He washed the dried blood from his hands and arms. When he felt clean again he went to the bed and sat and looked at her in awe. She was so beautiful. Her eyes fluttered. She looked up at him and smiled softly. Then she sat up and stared at him. "Pat, is it you? Are you alive or is this a dream?"

"Dearest wife, It is me. I am no dream. You are my dream, I love you with all my heart and soul."

"How? What? Oh! Pat!" She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him pulling him back over top of him. She was sobbing and holding him to her breast. "Pat I love you so! Kiss me. How are you still alive. I saw them throw your body in the river. Oh Pat! Kiss me. Let me feel you. God you feel good. Kiss me some more. Oh! They hurt poor Aunt Bessie. Oh God, where is Brad? Don't let him get you! Please run. I don't want you hurt."

"Brad Thurston will not bother us anymore dearest girl. Mister Tim is taking care of him for us. He said he had a score to settle with him for both you and Aunt Bessie."

"Oh! Pat! Pat! Dearest Pat! I love you so much. I wanted to die when I thought you were dead. The only reason I didn't kill myself is because I might be carrying your baby. I still can't believe you are alive."

"Are you with child dearest wife?"

"I don't know, I hope so. Tell me what happened. How did you survive? What happened to all of Brad's men. He had me scared to death, but I was planning to kill him when I got a chance."

"Darling wife, my beloved 'Cinda, just relax, I will tell you everything later. I don't think I want to finish our Honeymoon. I just want to be here with you. I thought I had lost you too!"

They held each other tightly and cried softly together.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Truly Wonderful

Grey Eagle:

You have once again done yourself proud. I can't wait to read chapter 02. Thank You. Ronnie W.

txrosenaynaytxrosenaynayover 18 years ago
The Hunter is....

a wonderfully told story of love, passion and just enough of the rough stuff in it to make it wonderful. i am so glad you started posting your stories on this website, to have posted so many so quickly you must have been writing for a long time and had them stockpiled, the Marine one was my first read and loved it, now this...of course i love anything during this era most of the time but this was a wonderful story, thank you for sharing your passion and true artist abilitys with us, your humble readers and fans. respectfully a fan in Texas

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
truly Great Story

You are truly a great writer I just finished the Hunter and it is a really great story loved it keep up the great work!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Way to go

A winner. Thanks for writing it.

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