The Island


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Don was still a little uneasy but he did trust Maria and he was glad she was there to help explain things to him. As if on cue, he saw Carlos reach down and release Traci's wrap from her body. Traci certainly didn't seem bothered as she stepped out of her wrap, naked to the world. Carlos then turned Traci to face the trees from where Don assumed everyone was watching. He was right as he heard an audible gasp and light laughter of approval from all around them.

Don turned to Maria and whispered, "Why the reaction? Traci is certainly a very sexy woman, but so are many other women on this island."

Maria replied, "We all know what a special woman Traci is, because Carlos shared his intuitions about her with us. Then when she turned around and showed us her hairless body, we were all very pleased."

"But why is it so important that she is clean shaven?" he asked.

"I will explain," answered Maria. "First, people here have been shaving and plucking their sex hair for a very long time. The reason it is done is simply to add to the pleasure of coupling. It is not required but most of us enjoy it. Aside from that it is considered almost sacred for a woman to be hairless. Consider this. If you were out in the jungle and you came across a cave that was covered with foliage and vines, you probably wouldn't enter. But if you came across a cave that was open, that would be much more inviting. The same is true for a woman. A woman's hairless sex is actually like an open cave, a welcoming sight, inviting all to enter for their pleasure. Your wife shows all the signs of being an inviting woman, one who wishes to please. She is surely one of us."

Don smiled to himself at her explanation but retained his calm demeanor as he said, "I have to admit, that is true. She goes out of her way to please me."

"There is one other thing I must relate," Maria stated. "Remember, we think of the earth as a mother. During this ceremony your wife will assume that role. So before any man may receive pleasure, he must ask permission of the Mother. Then and only then will he receive pleasure. But he may not take pleasure selfishly. He must please the mother in return."

Don blurted out, "But Traci..."

Maria quickly calmed his apprehensions by further explaining, "Your wife is completely safe. She cannot and will not do anything against her will. She is free to exit the ceremony at any time. But remember, you must trust her and trust her judgement completely. This will also be a test of your love for her."

Don thought to himself, "Okay, I can handle this. I will enjoy watching her with Carlos, then we can end the ceremony and be on our way."

When Traci felt Carlos drop the wrap from her body, she was not shy in the least. She was actually glad to be free of it. She felt as if her body was meant to be bare to the world. The whole time Carlos whispered calmly to her, telling her what was happening next. When he turned her to face the trees, she could sense the people behind them, but she also sensed their acceptance and stood proudly before them. As Carlos turned her back to face him, he too was now naked. Traci felt no shame as she blatantly admired his body, and especially his slowly rising member.

As Carlos whispered to her once again, she stared deeply into his eyes and saw the intense love and pleasure that he, and all these people, thrived on. She was overcome by an inner calmness, realizing that only good could come of whatever happened next. This would be a celebration of life. Carlos sensed Traci's sudden understanding and smiled. He then softly taught her the words she would soon hear. They formed a simple request that Traci learned meant, "May I please the Mother?" Carlos then knelt in front of her and requested the same. Traci nodded yes.

As Don watched, his heart beating faster, Carlos leaned forward and gently kissed Traci's pussy lips. Don felt his penis spring to life. His wrap did little to hide his erection and he noticed that of the people I could see, all were now naked themselves, including Maria next to him.

"Well, when in Rome," he thought and dropped his wrap by his side.

Don's arousement grew even stronger as he felt the pleasure of being naked. He watched intently as Carlos stood up and Traci fell to her knees. Don became totally unaware of his surroundings as he focused on his wife. He realized he had been placed at the best possible vantagepoint to watch, only about 40 feet away and off to one side. He could actually see the head of Carlos' now hard dick glistening from his pre-come. He watched intently as Traci lovingly licked the juice from Carlos' head and then slowly engulfed him. Don could tell Carlos was well hung. He guessed about eight inches long and very thick. Don hoped he didn't hurt his wife, but if Traci was concerned she didn't show it.

In fact, at that moment, Traci could feel her own juices flowing increasingly, lubricating her for Carlos' hugeness. As Carlos' pulled away, she allowed him to gently lay her back. She could feel two distinct and opposite emotions simultaneously. One was the intense arousal and need for release. The other was an extreme calmness. As she spread her legs and opened herself for this perfect man, she could see amazing happiness on his face as he admired her sex. He lowered himself down and was pleased to feel Traci's hand wrap around his swollen member, guiding him to her wetness. Only women who gave of themselves willingly performed this simple act. Traci felt his hard head begin to push into her pussy. He went slowly but her pussy accepted him gratefully. He entered her an inch or two at a time until Traci felt fuller than ever before in her life. She felt the intense pleasure of sex and love as Carlos' slowly stroked in and out of her. She could feel the building orgasm in the back of her mind as Carlos' began whispering in her ear.

"Remember, you can say no anytime, for you are the Mother. And I will always be nearby. Just call my name if you need me."

She was about to tell him she couldn't say no to him, when he slowly pulled out of her. She was very puzzled and more than a little disappointed and was about to call his name, when he was replaced by another handsome young man, probably no more than eighteen years old kneeling between her legs. He was a total stranger, yet she made no move to cover or hide her pussy.

He immediately spoke the words that she knew meant, "May I please the Mother?"

She knew what she needed and knew what she wanted to do, but she hesitated until she heard Carlos' loving voice in her ear.

"This is his first time. It is a great honor for a woman to take a man inside of her for his first time. But it is an even greater honor for him to be the first one to please you."

With all of her inhibitions hidden deeply in her brain, Traci felt nothing but desire, love, and an extreme serenity. She smiled knowingly at the young man and nodded yes. As he began to worship her with his tongue, she could tell this young man had been taught something about the female anatomy, for his tongue lapped at her juicy hole and then focused on her erect clit. She was impressed by his technique for such a newcomer, but she soon focused only on her own pleasure. As her orgasm started, she stared straight up into the deep blue sky and allowed the pleasure of the moment to overtake her completely. It was a powerful and very satisfying orgasm, but when it finally ended, she felt that instead of her desire decreasing, it had actually doubled. She grasped the young man by the shoulders and pulled him to her. She once again grasped a nice penis and guided it into her hot wet box. He wasn't as big as Carlos', but big enough. The young man, being his first time, could not control himself and began humping wildly. Within a few strokes, Traci could feel him tense as his own pleasure overtook him.

Traci never heard the murmuring and quiet cheers as the villagers witnessed her orgasm and then the young man's. She was smiling proudly as the young man pulled away, thanking the Mother over and over. Traci thought the young man had left but was surprised to see him still kneeling between her legs.

She then realized that this was a different young man as he repeated the words, "May I please the Mother?"

Although a deep part of her brain questioned if she should continue, her desire and need to please were now driving her actions. She nodded to this new young man and he quickly lay on top of Traci, his erection finding her pussy on it's own. He also had a nice dick, but Traci didn't get to feel it for long as he exploded into her very quickly. Once again she heard the words thanking the Mother as he receded.

She remained very relaxed and satisfied, yet her desire still burned inside her. As another young man knelt in front of her, she didn't hear him speak as he reached for her. Before she could agree or refuse, she felt a furry softness against her sex and looked down to see the young man cleaning her with a large leaf.

Once again she heard Carlos speak, "The juices of the Mother are indeed sacred, even more so when mixed with the seed of man. We collect them and bury the leaves in the earth as a sacrifice. We now thank you for making men out of these two fine boys."

"Is the ceremony over?" Traci asked.

She now saw Carlos' face as he smiled over her and said, "That is the decision of the Mother. Just as you can stop at any time, you may also continue. There are many men who wish to pleasure the Mother, but the decision is yours."

At another place, in some other time, Traci would have stopped. But she now felt as though she really was the Mother, and in a way she was. She wanted to give these people pleasure, and needed to be pleasured herself.

She nodded at Carlos' and said, "Please continue."

No sooner had the words left her mouth than another attractive man stood before her. What was with these men? Every one was good-looking and every one had almost identical perfect dicks. Although she never saw another as big as Carlos', they were all at least seven inches long and thick. The new man spoke the words, and Traci quickly nodded her agreement. He was obviously experienced as he began to lick between her legs. He caressed her tits as he drank her juices. As Traci once again rose toward ecstasy, he zeroed in on her little marble and began to lick it back and forth rapidly. She was impressed with how fast his tongue moved. She was also excited to feel his finger enter her and begin rubbing her special spot. Within moments she exploded in a mind-shattering orgasm, once again staring into the heavens as the pleasure engulfed and surrounded her.

She looked forward to pleasuring this man, now that he had pleasured the Mother. She smiled as he turned her over and raised her onto her hands and knees. He entered her completely in two long strokes and had soon settled into a steady rhythm, stroking her pussy so that her G-spot was once again aroused. He was an expert lover.

Traci was pleasantly surprised when another man approached from the front as the first man continued to take her from behind. He spoke the magic words. She nodded again and he dropped to his knees, his hardness inches from her face. She opened her mouth and allowed him to guide his stiff cock into her mouth. As she had noticed with Carlos, his dick had a unique but pleasing flavor that reminded her of the nectar she had drank earlier. In fact, all the men had coated their penises with that same nectar to ensure that Traci retained her desire, and also because it imparted a soothing effect on the walls of Traci's pussy. She felt the man behind her pushing in and out of her needfully and allowed his actions to control the movement of her mouth, forward and back, over the second man's big dick. She heard a loud moan behind her and felt the heat of his cum as it mixed with her already warm juices, deep inside her.

As he slowly pulled out and left, she once again felt the softness of the special leaf against her pussy as she was cleansed, her juices harvested. She felt an intense satisfaction, not only from her own sexual pleasure, but also from giving them the pleasure of the Mother, pleasing them both spiritually and physically. And though it seemed a little bizarre, she was somehow pleased that her own juices were considered special enough to feed this island.

The man in her mouth removed himself and lay down on his back. Traci instinctively stood and started to mount him, but he turned her gently so that she would mount him facing towards his feet. She loved this position and went along easily. As she eased herself down, she reached back and guided yet another perfect dick into her love hole. She was very wet from her continually flowing juices and from all the semen that had erupted inside of her. Within three slow strokes she was all the way down on this man, his dick buried deep inside her. As he grasped her hips, she began to rock up and down on his very hard love pole. Although each dick was similar, they all felt different, each bringing a unique feeling.

She was no longer surprised, but excited when another man stood in front of her and asked, "May I please the Mother?"

She smiled up at him, calmly, and nodded yes once again. As this new man stepped up to Traci, she grasped his erect member and guided it into her awaiting mouth. She leaned back slightly and rose up and down on the man below her as she sucked the other dick deeply to the back of her throat.

Don couldn't take his eyes off of Traci, as she appeared to be a goddess of love and sex as the men of the village worshipped her. As hot as he was, he was still a little concerned about Traci. He could see Traci wasn't being forced, but he was still worried she could be hurt inside from all those men. He was also afraid she might feel very guilty and remorseful when this was all over. Don expressed these fears to Maria.

She answered, "Every woman here has been through this ceremony, some more than once. The men are very careful not to hurt any of us. That leaf they clean her with has a special oil that lubricates and allows the soft tissue of the woman to stay supple and it also helps in healing. As for her guilt, we will have to wait and see. You see, if you are raised here, you learn that sex is a pleasure to be enjoyed, just like a beautiful day. Even though we have mates and are mostly monogamous, we still enjoy sex with others, usually on special occasions like this. This is often considered a learning experience to make coupling with our mates even better. Except for a woman's first time, in a similar ceremony, we don't need the special nectar Traci was given. But as the nectar wears off, it may cause her to forget some of what happened here. She will remember only as much as her mind allows her to remember."

With that, Don felt better. He knew Traci would be okay. And he loved those rare occasions when he had watched Traci with another man. And in fact he often fantasized about it. But the thought of her with many men at once had scared him until now. He realized these men were concerned primarily with her pleasure and would never harm her in any way. As he turned his attentions back to Traci, Don realized that although he had been concerned, he was extremely turned on.

Don turned to Maria again and asked, "Am I allowed to join in the ceremony?"

She smiled and said, "I'm sorry, but no."

She glanced over at his erection and said, "Perhaps I can help you in some way?"

He knew what she meant, but replied, "I really do trust Traci heart and soul. But I want her to trust me, too. As much as I would like to, I can't."

Maria said, "Believe me, under the circumstances she won't fault you, as long as you are honest with her." As if noting his reluctance, she continued, "How about if I just help you along?"

When Don didn't reply, she reached over and took his dick in her hand. He hadn't realized how hot he was until he felt Maria's cool hand wrap around his hardness. He briefly realized that he was a little smaller than most of the other men she had undoubtedly held. She began to stroke him slowly as he intently watched his wife, engrossed in her own pleasure. He was so aroused by the sight of his wife repeatedly giving and receiving all that pleasure that he came almost instantly. Maria stroked him rapidly as his cum squirted several feet in front of him. As his orgasm ebbed she slowed her pace, until she pulled her wet hand away and rubbed his warm semen onto her breasts.

"Thank you for your gift," she said.

Don had heard they treasured the fluids of sex, but it wasn't until later that he realized she was referring to Traci. He had allowed the islanders to share with his wife the pleasures of their culture, which few outside men would ever allow. But selfishly, he had received extreme pleasure from watching Traci fuck all those men.

Traci continued her thrusting and sucking, making love to these wonderful people, and they to her. As time wore on, Traci was aware of other men worshipping at her hot hole of love, but her own pleasure was now so intense that it just seemed like one long orgasm, until she realized she was lying alone. Three more young men arrived. Two began to wash her all over with cool, soothing lotion as the third held her head and gave her sips of delicious water. In spite of her heightened awareness and desire, she was growing tired. For the first time in a while she heard Carlos' voice again.

"We thank you deeply. We are in your debt and you will always be welcome here. We will end the ceremony soon, but one last man would like to make the request."

Before Traci could respond one way or the other, she saw Carlos kneeling before her.

"May I please you, Traci?"

He was what she had wanted originally and when she realized the difference in his question, she not only nodded her approval but sat up and put her arms around him.

Carlos said, "I want to pleasure you as the beautiful woman you are, not as the Mother."

As he laid her back down, she only wanted one thing and that was to feel his large cock, once again filling her with pleasure. He obliged, allowing her once more to bring him to her pussy, where he again slid slowly inside of her. Traci could feel every square inch of her happy cunt being touched and aroused by Carlos' huge member. They were soon stroking one another contentedly, Traci rising up to meet his downward thrusts. As much pleasure as she had had that day, she felt this was the best. She could feel a change in Carlos as he pumped her. It was different than when he had entered her before. He wasn't rough, but he was a little more forceful than he was earlier, driving to give her the ultimate pleasure. She wasn't disappointed. Carlos brought her to the most intense orgasm of the day, and that was saying something. Instead of tensing, she relaxed into it, allowing it to sweep over her entire body. It was a pleasure she would never be able to describe. She didn't look at the sky, but stared deep into Carlos' dark brown eyes. She felt incredibly at ease, marveling at the all the wondrous feelings she had received and given on this wonderful day. She then saw his eyes dilate slightly as his pleasure overcame him. He thrust faster and more forcefully as his orgasm started. She couldn't take her eyes off of his handsome face as she felt his hot liquid soaking her pussy. She continued to have small after-orgasms as her pussy spasmed against his hard cock.

All too soon the pleasure ceased. Carlos remained on top of her, his member still inside of her, as hard as when he had first entered her. After a few minutes of quiet bliss, she felt him lift up and felt his stiffness pull out of her. He felt almost as good going out as he did going in. She could feel his hot sticky juices as they slowly dripped out of her. She tried to pull him back down but she was too tired. As she began to drift off to sleep, she realized there were numerous couplings going on all around her. That was her last thought for many hours.