The Kincaid Family Kink Pt. 05-07


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Jack threw off the covers and they lay together. The cool of the sheets, the warmth of their bodies the smell of their charged groins, gave each a heady sexual high. Jack had left the lights on, so they could see each other clearly. After some more kisses, and preliminary petting, Jack rolled between Mandy's legs. Her thighs spread in welcome, his dick nudged her center, but skittered up the slick split not quite on target. Still it felt wonderful to them both, as it plowed through the crinkly bush, and bumped the clit, before delving down. Yet again, it went wide the mark, and mashed the gash, and knocked the nub, before it withdrew to correct the angle, without quite ever losing touch.

Then it was just right, in the exact spot to enter, but Jack hesitated. Mandy knew what he wanted, "Oh, Jack, we shouldn't, I don't want to get pregnant!"

"I promise, you won't. I'll be gentle. We have too, you know we can't help ourselves."

"Yes, but I'm scared, will it hurt?"

"Just a little at first, but then it will feel better than anything has ever felt before."

Mandy almost had to laugh at the cliché dialog, but she suppressed it because she was eager to have his tool in her. "Okay, but go slow."

And he did, almost too damn slow, and gentle. His firm meat gradually eased its way into her vagina. The head was quite distinct, as it plopped through the ring of muscle she used to resist its progress. But once past that barrier, it gained a little momentum, and made several inches more penetration. They both gasped at that rush of pleasure, which the joining of cock and cunt provided. With a look straight into his mother's eyes, Jack pushed the last few inches in, deep and firm. Mandy could tell he had touched bottom. She gazed at him with a smile, she hugged him to her, and tilted her pelvis to meet his next thrust. And the next, like a horizontal dance of flesh, their bodies meshed with a floating motion, waves of fucking, merging in sync.

Presently, the pretending was gone. They were two lovers, busy with the job of sex. The work of giving each other ecstasy, the labor of love. Sweat was making their skin slick, and dripping off, as their crotches seemed to steam, things were so hot. The slap-slap-slap of their bodies, marked the beat of genitals crashing together. Mandy dug her heals into Jack's haunches, to spur him on to harder thrusts. He pounded into her with all his might, his balls bouncing against her butt, and his chest riding on her tits. They couldn't get enough of each other, nothing could stop them from this great passion, and mad desire for physical union.

It was a partnership to bring the magnificent cum, that was climbing to peak. They were one in their needing to be each other's giver of the ultimate joy. They were racing to the finish, and hoping it would never end, but craving the climax that would burst upon them any moment now. Like an avalanche, like a run-away train, like a spreading mushroom-shaped cloud, the orgasm of this furious fuck was an unstoppable force. The blast shook the bed. It ripped through the consciousness of their brains like a snowplow, pushing every other thought aside. It jerked their bodies like puppets yanked on strings, the limbs being pulled in uncontrolled motions. Somehow, through the cataclysm of paroxysm's pinnacle, they managed to stay connected, conjugally coupled.

Then they collapsed into a puddle of flesh, a tangle of legs and arms, soaked torsos, and matted hair. Their breathing was still panting, raspy and ragged, heaving to gulp air, oxygen depletion, nearly suffocated by the exertions of sex gone out of control. Slowly they regained their functioning. This was truly a mutual mating, a sensory fusion of souls. Their experience had been almost telepathic; transcendent of just the physical blending of bodies, and the emotional bonding of pairing, it was a communion of spirits. They had been as one, more with this act of making love, than ever since she had given birth to him. It was only fitting that this had their first time alone, because it was their time to unite completely in that special symbiotic way. Their attachment was a reconnection, of what had been separated when the umbilical cord was cut, now there was a tie between them that would never be severed.

They fell asleep in each other's arms, the lights still on. Mandy awoke sometime in the middle of the night. Jack's penis was erect, and poking her in the rear. It felt good. She wondered if he was awake, or if this was just a sleep-stiffy guys got during the night. She pushed back, and it was prodding close to the target. She made little motions to try to get it aimed correctly. Perhaps the bed, being narrow, or her movement were not quite the accurate adjustment needed, but it wasn't working. But then a hand came around to grasp a tit, and her son rolled her on her tummy.

Mandy hiked her hips up, and Jack still laying on her, nudged his dick into the sweet-spot, and entered her. His hand shifted down to her clit, and he plunged up her channel, with his lunging lance. Face down she opened to this unexpected bonus, of his boner boffing her from behind, with her buns being spanked by his groin. Smacking sounds, and moans were all that was heard, as they screwed. Then with quick movements, as he gripped her hips, Jack's prick swelled, and spilled in her cavity, once again. This set off her own little cum as well, right as she felt the squirt of jism inside. "I love you, Mandy!" cried Jack. The first time he had spoken her first name, when they had made love.

"Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!" She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed.

They slept late, not waking until there was a loud knocking at the door. Mandy at first thought it was a dream. But it came again. Then once more - the person was not going away. 'Who the hell could it be?' Mandy wondered as she staggered to her bedroom, grabbed her robe, and stumbled to the front door. She looked at the clock on the way. 'Jeez! It was almost eleven!' The knock came again. She opened the door, expecting a neighbor wanting to borrow something. But who was standing there, shocked her awake.

It was Libby, Harry's mom, Jack's grandmother. What she said, instead of, "Sorry to surprise you, dear." was like a nightmare instead. Libby looked her daughter-in-law up and down, then right in the eye, and said, "You have been fucking Jack, haven't you Mandy!"

Part 6: Harry's mom arrives with a story to tell

The memories, of the last things she remembered, replayed in her head, like a flashback in a 'B' movie.

"I love you, Mandy!" cried her son, Jack. The first time he had called her by her first name, when they had made love.

"Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!" She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed.

They slept late, not waking until there was a loud knocking at the door. Mandy at first thought it was a dream. But it came again. Then once more - the person was not going away. 'Who the hell could it be?' Mandy wondered as she staggered to her bedroom, grabbed her robe, and stumbled to the front door. She looked at the clock on the way. 'Jeez! It was almost eleven!' She and Jack had slept quite late. Harry, her husband, wasn't due until the afternoon. The knock came again. She opened the door, expecting a neighbor wanting to borrow something. But who was standing there, shocked her awake.

It was Libby, Harry's mother. What she said, instead of, "Sorry to surprise you, dear." was like a nightmare instead. Libby looked her up and down, then right in the eye, and said, "You have been fucking Jack, haven't you Mandy!"

Then before she could respond, Jack walked into the living room, still nude. "Oh! Hi Grandma!" He exclaimed. Mandy, felt faint, her knees wobbled. Jack seeing her begin to sway, rushed to her side, and helped her to the sofa. Their clothes from last night were strewn on the floor. Libby walked in, shutting the door as she did, and sat down across from her. Concern showed on her face. "Jack, go and get us some coffee, please. Make it quick."

"Mother Libby . . ." Mandy was at a loss, as to what to say. The evidence of their sins, was clearly all around. And what was Jack doing, naked in front of his grandmother?

"Sorry to surprise you, dear." Libby said. "Didn't Jack mention that I called yesterday, and said I might drop by today? Clearly not. He ought to be more thoughtful for his poor mother. Especially now that you two have been screwing around. Don't worry, Harry told me all about it. I didn't believe it hardly, until I talked to Jack, yesterday on the phone. That's when I told him, that I likely would be coming up to pay a visit. I wasn't sure of the time. But I wanted to speak to you before Harry got back. I have to beg your apology, you see."

Jack came back, still without a stitch, but with two mugs of coffee, steaming. "I used instant, and nuked it. But it's a fancy brand. Cream, I remembered for you, Grandma. Black for you, mom."

Libby accepted a mug, and got a good gander at Jack's genitals. "Jack," she said, matter of factly, "don't be rude, or are you just showing off? Be a dear, and go to your room, let your mother and I chat a bit. Put some clothes on, for heaven's sake. Just 'cause I know your secret, doesn't mean that I want to see your equipment. Well . . . maybe later. Now be a good boy and skedaddle."

When Jack had left, she continued. "Harry came to see me yesterday morning. He told me he had a confession. I wasn't shocked. I had long known he had a thing for mommy. But I wasn't going to go there, especially while his dad was alive. Nor did I wish to have anything to do with such shenanigans, since he was married to such a wonderful girl as yourself, Mandy. I didn't want to let his fantasies turn into a nightmare. As I expected they would, if you ever found out. Nor, would I ever want to hurt you that way, dear."

"But when Harry confessed, I told him as much. Then he told me the whole story of what had been going on lately, here. At first, I didn't believe it. I called his bluff, so to speak, and phoned here to get the truth. Jack answered. I asked cautiously, if anything unusual had been going on in the home, as of the last several weeks. Jack guessed then, that Harry had come to see me. When I confirmed that his father was there with me, he opened up about the video, and the general gist of things. After that conversation, Harry and I talked a great deal more before I consented to . . Well, that's what I have to ask your forgiveness for. It's been quite a while, and I'm afraid, I gave into temptation with my son as well!"

Mandy was not getting her mind around the whole thing yet. The coffee was helping, but still it was a lot to take in, all at once. "You, . . and Harry?"

"Yes, dear. I was still reluctant, even though I had the complete details, and Jack's confirmation of, well, the . . . the uh . . new dynamics taking place in your household. Harry told me that when he got to see you and Jack, doing the . . having each other completely, that he realized that he really had to try to have . . relations with me. He evidently, had planned to approach me earlier, since he phone to tell me he'd be dropping by on Saturday. That he had something special he wanted to share with me. I never dreamed it would be sex. Not at my age."

Mandy studied her mother-in-law. Petite, with a still handsome figure. Her face was lined, but she was only . .?

"Sixty-five Said the elder woman, as if reading her mind.

"Libby, I hope I look as good as you when I get . . to that point."

"Thank you dear, it's just genetics, my mother was of the same good stock. She called us minxes. But that was a private joke, as we both were rather wild in our youth. I rather think, perhaps Jack has that side of the family. Anyway, back to Harry's bold plan. So he arrives, and makes this big confession, about he has been horny for me all his life, and what it has recently led to. The three of you mixing and matching in bed, so to speak. After I confirmed that outlandish story with Jack, we continued to talk."

"He wanted to get me to bed. I was reluctant to do so, without your permission. I mean, I have been widowed for five years. It's been even longer since I had sex, since Harry's dad wasn't up to it, the last couple years when he had been ill, and impotent. Harry has always been able to charm me into getting his way. It's not as if he isn't a handsome devil. Takes after his dad, and Jack's part of that linage as well. They all three look like the Lord saved the mold, and Jack could almost be his grandpa at that age."

"Harry said he understood. But perhaps he could just give me a back-rub, and then take me out to dinner afterward. I used to love back-rubs. I mean, I still do, but there is nobody around to give me one. Unless I pay a masseuse, at the senior's health club I go to. So I felt that was a compromise, for the moment. Harry went and got the talc, and some towels. He had me lay down on the bed. I was just in my bra and panties, but Harry had seen me in that outfit for years. We were never overly modest, in our home."

Mandy interrupted. "Libby, do you need more coffee?"

"Actually, would you have some sherry? I know it's a bit early, but this caffeine is not doing anything but jangling my nerves. Or brandy, even better." Mandy went and poured two large brandies, in snifters and they sat together on the couch, as Libby continued.

So there I am, in my underwear, and Harry starts to work on my shoulders. Mind you, I had no intention of anything but to get some relief for my old bones. He works down to my strap on my back, bypasses that, then makes great things happen to the small of my back. I'm in heaven, and half asleep, I'm so relaxed. He moves to my feet, and starts to work up from my toes. He's is so good with toes."

"Yeah, Harry's good with toes alright!" Mandy nodded in agreement.

"Then my soles, he has an amazing touch, like he just knows where the aches are, and what you need to make them go away." Mandy was nodding, she remembered how Harry had always had a special way, of making the most from his hands, on her sore muscles. "Then the calves, and the back of the knees. I was completely disarmed, and rather in some la-la-land, by then. So when his fingers went to the inner thighs, I had no idea that he was doing anything untoward. Then back up over my hips to the small of the back, and worked the sides, as well as the shoulder blades. I hardly knew when he undid the strap, but then these long strokes up and down the full length of my back, were just what the doctor ordered."

"As his hands went up, they slid along the sides, and touched just ever so lightly the pout of my breast. It felt perfectly natural by then, for his hands to be moving that way. I thought nothing of it, at the time. Then he worked at the small of my back again, but pulled down the top of the panties to get at the muscles with a deep massaging. Before I considered that becoming perhaps a little naughty, he worked his way down my thighs, on the outside, all the way to my feet, then up again, but now on the inside and higher. This is a very nice brandy, Mandy."

Mandy poured her some more. She was fascinated by the tale of her husband, and his obvious seduction of his mother. Who would have guessed? Well, maybe she might have, considering the recent confessions and events in the family.

"Well, sometime about there, Harry got out of his shirt and pants, saying he was getting a little warm and he wanted to keep the clothes fresh for going out to dinner, as he hadn't brought a change with him. I was so relaxed, I just murmured 'Okay'; then his hands were back, making that magic tingling over my body. Things kind of blended and blurred for a while. His hands were along the side of my body, up on my thighs, on my bottom. I realized that somehow my panties had gotten all the way down to the base of my ass-cheeks, they were binding a little, so I said okay, when he asked if I wanted them off."

"At the same time he got rid of the bra, out from under me. So, without actually making a direct decision to, I was then naked. He was still rubbing me all over, but now I was starting to get turned on. I was wondering if he planned to seduce me, when I felt his fingers brush my pubic hair, and I went instantly damp. By then I was hoping he was going to seduce me. His hands came up, and cupped the bulge of my breasts, which squashed out the sides. I raised up, and they went seeking the nipples, which were stiff. He found them no trouble, and tweaked them, then rolled them. I spread my thighs, involuntarily. I was getting hot, it had been seven years, and I'm only human."

"I understand, Libby. You couldn't help yourself."

"I could have, but I didn't want to. You and Harry and Jack, were all having fun. I wanted to, as well. If I couldn't help myself, then Harry would owe you the apology. But I wanted in on the action. I raised my bottom, and felt my son's hard thing jutting in his boxers. Harry knew that his moment with momma had arrived. He pulled and kicked off the shorts. Then I felt his dick on my bare skin, right between the cheeks. I was practically dripping. My tits were aching for his hands, and my vagina had never felt so empty, and in need of a man. We didn't have to say a word, it was understood what was going to happen. Then Harry was on his knees, he pulled my ass high, and took me. His hands grasped my tits, then went back to my hips."

Mandy was mesmerized by the erotic narrative, of her husband ravishing his mother.

"My son, he stabbed that big prick into his mother's red, raw middle without a how-do-you-do, and went to town. He banged my hole to beat the band. I stared cumming about the third stoke, and I couldn't stop for several minutes after. Just when I though I couldn't spasm anymore, he would try another angle, or another rhythm, and I would peak again. I had to finally beg him to let me catch my breath. My nipples were too sensitive from rubbing on the sheets. It was more than enough."

"But once I rolled over, and cooled off a little, he got between my legs, and this time, he came too, that last screw! He was even bigger, and deeper fucking me that way. I really got to feel the full girth, and length of his big cock. So Mandy, I apologize, for not checking with you first, as I had intended to do. To ask if it was alright, if we had your permission, for Harry and I to make love. But you know how it is with the Kincaid men, once they get their hands on you, it's tough to resist."

"Its fine, Libby. I just wish that Harry had let me know what his plans were. I would have been glad to allow that particular indiscretion on his part, to be permitted. Since it was all in the family, so to speak. How did you like having your son fuck you?"

"It was terrific, he had such passion, and lasted so very long. Like he wanted to make it go on forever. I was so turned on by the sin, though of course, it wasn't so naughty as it would have been ten or twenty years ago. Back then, I certainly would have said no. But of course it's different for you and Jack, with him a grown young man, and Harry wanting to see you two screwing, and all. How . . is he, Jack I mean, in bed that is? Like Harry?"

"No, it's different, Harry is a great lover, and I really enjoy making love with him. But as you said, there is something that has a . . spice all to its own, about fucking your own son."

"I . . wonder . . what it's like with a . . grandson?"

Mandy laughed, at Libby's shy suggestion. "Well, why don't you tell me, when you do. I bet that Jack would be willing to make it with his grandma, he is such a horny little demon."