The Last to Know


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I nodded and took another sip of my drink - I was trying to hide the fact that listening to Janet's tale had made me rock hard. It was just at that moment I was glad she hadn't noticed because I really didn't want to advertise the fact just at that point. Janet took my silence as a signal to carry on.

"Brett finished his cold coffee without saying much more and then looking very thoughtful went back outside. I, of course, just went and got dressed. A little time later the carpenter arrived with a couple of guys carrying floorboards - so your darling wife had just 'fucked' the foreman in payment for the extra items.

"So that's the point it all started.

"The only trouble was I enjoyed it. Brett came back in later in the day to check how they were getting on and out of their hearing again started to apologise. I stopped him and just said that I knew he and you had a drink together occasionally and you must never know. Which is what had happened until that bloody piece I wrote was published and you read it. Which you weren't meant to do!"

At that point Janet visibly wilted and sat back down. She looked at me and then realised I was desperately trying hide a huge, hard erection.

"God, I've made you hard!" That was all she said before coming across and checking it out. "Good!" was all she could say, "Because I'm wet again just telling you. I want you inside me -- now!"

And she started undressing in front of me.

I followed suit and I think it was a race as to who got there first. Janet had a look in her eyes I'd never seen before as she pushed me down onto the bed and then straddled and impaled herself on me. She slid down slipping that hot, wet, buttery pussy onto me in one go and then we tried to fuck ourselves into next week.

Except of course we didn't.

Last long that is.

We both came hard, and long, and wet, very wet with the biggest orgasm we'd either of us had in a very long time. She lay on my chest, both of us still breathing hard. I kissed her and asked, "So that was it then - just that one time?"

She sort of sighed. "No - I'll tell you about the others later."

Chapter 4 - the saga continues.

We decided we both felt a bit more normal having got things off our respective chests and were both hungry enough to eat now, so after showering and dressing quickly, we went down to the restaurant before it closed. I also decided that while the meal was being prepared that maybe we might stay another night or two, so while we waited I excused myself and went and organised another couple of nights. As luck would have it, it was quiet this early in the year and they could, quite happily it must be said, fit us in.

After dinner, at Janet's request we went back to our room. After all there was both an unopened bottle of wine and I guess, some unfinished business to learn about. Janet, having realised I was not going to go up in smoke and flames and was, in fact, turned on by her story, was now a little more relaxed about what had happened. I have to say I was simply amazed at the apparent transformation from one extreme to the other. We sat back down and Janet curled her feet underneath her.

"I suppose you'd better know the rest of the sordid details?" she said with a little grimace.

I just nodded.

"Well Brett was off-site the next couple of days so I didn't see him at all. The carpenters finished the work upstairs in the roof space and went back to their other work.

You came and went, just eating and sleeping in the house - I got my usual lack of attention but now I wasn't quite so worried and in any case I was used to it from you."

Now it was my turn to grimace at her turn of phrase.

"In fact it was the end of the week, the Friday morning, before Brett came back into the kitchen. Again on his own.

"I was stood in there between doing things and had just put the kettle on. Once again it was quiet and in any case as you know we weren't overlooked. The door had been open as normal so he just came in and actually startled me a little when he said hello. He was still very quiet about what had happened so I decided to maybe try and set him at ease a little. I went over to him, put my hands on his shoulders and kissed him.

"He actually blushed. Especially when I thanked him and said that I needed what had happened as much as he did and that I had enjoyed it and he wasn't to worry. I'm not sure how it happened but we were back in our bedroom and fucking like rabbits inside a couple of minutes, and it was good. Sven, I enjoyed it. It was good and I wanted it and once again it filled a need.

"As I was already nearly two months into my pregnancy, he couldn't 'knock me up' so we just fucked, bareback, without worry. But this time with a towel underneath us. Brett was also unusual in that both before and after he fucked me he loved to eat my pussy.

"As I didn't know how he was very patient and gently persuaded me to make love to his cock with my mouth. The first time he told me was going to come, so he didn't come in my mouth - it was a hell of a rush to think I'd made him do that and to watch the great gobs of cum spurt out on my breasts. A few days later he didn't tell me and the first spurt was in my mouth. I choked a bit on it but realised the taste actually wasn't too bad and so the next time I just let it happen and I rapidly began to look forward to it. In the end I also loved to take him in my mouth and I often let him come and always swallowed his juices. I sometimes also cleaned him off after our sex sessions, just as he did me. You have to realise that it was a transition point for me. From 'Good Girl' to being a 'Bad Girl' - trashy behavior - almost a bit of tramp! So different from the old me!!"

All I could think listening to Janet was what a hell of a revelation that was as she'd never done that for me!

"Not long afterwards you were promoted and transferred back south again. After that I think Brett and I fucked every day until the doctor told me that sex between you and I ought to wait until after the Baby was born. Obviously he didn't know I had a lover, but from then on Brett and I only ever had oral sex."

"Jeez!" I said, "I guess that perhaps you didn't miss me quite as much as I worried about then. Was Brett the only one?" I thought maybe I ought to clear up that point as well.

"I was going to come to that - as it turned out, no, he wasn't. Though looking back at it now I'm not too proud about it. However there is one thing you ought to know before I continue."

"OK!" I replied, "Go on then."

"All this was the reason I didn't kick up a fuss when you had that six month affair eight years ago."

"Bugger! And I thought I'd been discreet and got away with it!"

Now it was Janet's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"You must be joking!" she said. "At least in my case Brett and I may have been screwing around, at one stage right under your nose, but you didn't either notice or find out. When you had your affair I knew about it within a week of the start. I can read you like a book and I knew.

"I even guessed who it was. I just decided I had no right to confront you with it - I couldn't be that hypocritical. But let me carry on.

"When the loft had been done and before you were posted South, Brett came to me for his afternoon session, and after we'd fucked he said to me 'You'd like Gary.'

"Gary was the electrician and a little bit younger, slightly shy but in a quiet sort of a way quite dishy."

"Hmm - I remember him," I said, "Wasn't it he who wired the extension to the garden workshop?"

"That's right. But that was a little later - I asked Brett why I'd like him. Brett told me he was reputed to be hung like a horse and also was a very interesting shape. I just laughed and told him that actually 'hung like a horse' wasn't that much to write home about as I had quite enough of that with you and it hadn't always been that comfortable. Brett told me that with a little 'encouragement' from me that Gary would put decent lighting up in the loft for us.

"I have to admit that your demure little wife was enjoying the attention and of course the sex, so on the spur of the moment I said, 'OK but no-one else and he, Gary that is, would need to be very discreet.' A little later that day Gary came by for his afternoon mug of tea and mentioned that Brett said I had a job for him to look at. Well by then I'd decided how I was going to play it, and so I'd changed into a short skirt and I wasn't wearing any knickers. Brett liked me shaved as well so I was quite bald down there so he wasn't going to be under any illusions"

"Bloody hell!" I interjected "and you told me the doctor had told you to remain shaved after that internal he'd given you!"

Janet laughed. "You really were very naive you know, it was almost too easy to misdirect you when you were home. The big thing was that the boys, the workmen that is, still kept coming round and we always still had that little bit of banter so you wouldn't get suspicious.

"Anyway, I said to Gary follow me up to the loft and I'll show you what needs doing.

As I said now the weather was warmer I had a shortish skirt on and of course no knickers. I climbed the steep, folding stairs up to the loft and waited, stood at the top, so that Gary got a good eyeful as he climbed up behind me. By the time he got there I was wet in anticipation and he was desperately trying to hide a huge boner.

"I grinned at him and just said 'I see you liked the view' as I held his cock through his trousers and he went bright red and started to stutter his protest. I unzipped him and pulled out the most amazing cock I've ever seen, not that I've seen that many. At that point it amounted to yours, Brett's and then Gary's.

"It was literally shaped like a curved scimitar and about as long and thick as you, but shaped the same as a normal banana is. Probably about the same length as you but oh so curved. I couldn't resist eating him as best as I could, even though the shape made it quite difficult.

"On that occasion I didn't want to waste what was about to come so for his first time I just spread my legs and bent forward over a chair that we were storing up there. He didn't need asking twice, flipped my skirt up my back and I got speared and fucked from behind. That curve hit all the right places and I was coming almost straight away which was just as well because he didn't last long.

"He came like a fire-hose.

"So then I took him downstairs and we fucked on the bed for about an hour - that shape was sensational in what it did for me. In the end we only stopped that day because we heard your car as you arrived home unexpectedly early from work. It was a very close call, Gary only just got out the back door as you put your key in the front one. It was as well by then I had grabbed my stretchy jeans as I was anxious in case I was leaking inside them, that why I went and sat on the lavatory as you came in!

I did feel a little guilty that night - for the first time in a long while you wanted some loving and I told you no, it had been a bad day, I was too sore. I was, but not from anything to do with the baby!

"Actually the next day I had to restrict myself to giving them blow-jobs - my pussy was still too sore after Gary's battering and size for the first time."

"So it was just Brett and Gary?" I asked.

Janet blushed and said, "Yes. The others knew we were 'playing' but in the end it was just Brett nearly every day and Gary two or three times a week."

I said, "Well I did ask and I did want to know. Now, it's gone midnight, perhaps we ought to go to bed."

Which we did and Janet finding, not surprisingly, that I was achingly hard, having listened to the litany of what was effectively hard-core porn, decided that it was too good to waste and so had her very wicked way with me before we went to sleep.

5 - A new Day dawns

I was wakened very pleasantly by the oral ministrations being carried out on my still aching cock. It was as pleasant as it was unusual. Janet had, as I said earlier up to this moment never given me, her husband of over 40 years, a proper blow-job.

Indeed it was only when she had been talking to me about her skills with both Brett and Gary that I even knew she could or would do so. All I'd ever had in all our time married was a cursory lick as a sop to my requests as 'nice girls' didn't do that sort of thing!

The blow-job I was getting just at that point, however, was world class and when the inevitable happened Janet had a good mouthful, which was shown to me and then swallowed - better than any porn star and a first for me from my wife.

I decided that it might not be a good idea to tell her at that point that during my affair I'd had a series of great BJ's then. I didn't even mind Janet's sticky kiss and taste of my own sperm that followed. I guessed that if I complained my first BJ might also turn into my last - so nothing was said.

We showered, dressed and went down for breakfast. Janet was now a lot more relaxed and easier than she had been the night before. Over a coffee we quietly mulled over some of the facets of what she had told me. She had no idea why Brett appealed to her in the way he had, almost because he was not a polished performer, rather, being a builder by profession, he was a slightly rough character not a smoothie trying to charm his way into Janet's pants.

Over Janet's shoulder I watched, surprised, as Brett came into the room for his breakfast. I had a sudden though so before he came into her view I quite abruptly asked the direct question, "If you could would you fuck him again?"

There was just the merest hint of a hesitation which told me what I wanted to know and if I'd missed that the deepening blush that followed it up would have given her away anyway. So I said, "If you would like to, you might just get that chance while we're here - he's just walked into the dining room and if you so wish I won't stand in your way. Go ask him."

Janet looked at me as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing, so I continued, "Go with him to his room, I don't want to watch, but I do want you to tell me about it afterwards.

"I'm going to walk down to the high street to pick up a newspaper, and I'll have a coffee in that coffee shop we noted yesterday. I'll be back sometime later - I'll see you in our room afterwards. It's a one-time thing so don't think about it too long or waste it. Have fun." And without looking at him directly I walked out of the dining room, picked up a jacket from our car parked out the front of the hotel and without a backward glance walked off into town.

It was close to two hours later when I walked back into the Hotel Lobby and almost literally bumped into Brett who was in the process of leaving, having just checked out.

So what do you say to the man who in the past cuckolded you and who you now suspect has just been screwing the bejasus out of your wife for the past hour or so.

He solved it for me.

Looking me straight in the eye he said, "Thank you Sven, you've a very civilised way of dealing with life - Janet's very lucky and I suspect so are you."

So saying he shook my hand and carried on. Out of the hotel door and out of our life for the last time.

I went up to our room to find Janet sitting there.

She smiled at me and said "Thank you - that was special. Now, I've not showered, so for the second time in your life would you like sloppy seconds? Only this time you'll know 'cos I'm telling you."

My answer? Well, what do you think?


We checked out later the same day driving back across the border into England and the long drive home to where we now live in the South West. During that drive we pondered over the previous couple or three days, and how they had finally cleared the air between us.

I did ask her why she wrote to the Agony Aunt. Her answer was that maybe she wanted it to come out into the open between us and wanted to see what the woman would say as to how she might achieve that aim. Let's just say it wasn't along the lines of what had actually happened as I was never meant to see it, and even if I had, Janet thought I would never make the connection as I had done. In fact it had now opened up new horizons for us. Janet only asked me one question about my affair with our best friend, which had occurred shortly after that friend had lost her husband. No, I'm not particularly proud of it, I had been comforting the widow and yes, the trouble was we had both enjoyed it - immensely - and probably still would be now if we had half the chance.

So the answer to Janet's question was just that.

Why had we stopped? Because we were becoming too dependent on each other and in the end Sally had decided that she didn't want to come between her two best friends.

In fact I told Janet that Sally had set a pre-condition for us ever having sex together again.

Janet of course asked what that was.

I said it was very simple. That she, Janet, had to tell Sally, that she, Sally could borrow me for the night, the day, the weekend.

The telling had to be in front of me - to her, Sally's, face.

Sally's shortly coming to stay with us for a week's vacation.

By the glint in Janet's eye I think it entirely possible that I may be going to be quite busy keeping two very good friends and horny lovers happy.

Ā©Sven the Elder.
March 2012.

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