The Last Wallace


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Daria went into the lab to buy the test kit because I was concerned about being recognized. We used swabs to collect the samples and Daria returned the kit to the lab.

I took the redhead's hands in mine and said, "I hope the test comes back positive. I want a sister."

She grinned. "Me too."

"Want to hang out for a while?" I asked hopefully.

"I'd like to, but I have to go to work."

"Oh, okay. What time are the test results supposed to be ready?"

"Noon tomorrow," Daria reminded me. "Meet at the lab then?"

"Yeah, see you then. Fingers crossed." We hugged and went our separate ways.

That night I dreamed of Daria, and in the dream she was my girlfriend, not my sister. When I woke, I wasn't sure which test outcome I preferred. It'd be interesting to have a secret sister, but she might make an awesome girlfriend. I tugged on my nipples and wondered if she liked girls.



In the morning I went to the Trust office. "How are you feeling, Ellie?" Crystal inquired. "I was worried about you after you rushed out of the memorial service."

"The service was tough," I admitted, "but I'm okay now, thanks. I walked around a lot and cleared my head." I couldn't tell her how meeting my possible-sister buoyed my spirits. "It would've been much worse if I'd known them. How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine, thank you," Crystal said. "The service helped. It was a nice tribute."

Crystal and Jack Warner gave me some financial materials to review but I couldn't focus. At eleven o'clock I gave up and headed for the lab.

It wasn't even 11:30 when I arrived, but Daria was already seated outside on a bench. We hugged and I asked, "Are you as anxious to get the results as I am?"

She nodded. "I couldn't sleep last night," she admitted.

Daria went in the lab to find out if the DNA test results were available yet. She came back out carrying a sealed envelope. We opened the envelope and read the results together.

There was a lot of technical jargon and data, but suffice to say that Daria and I had the same father.

Daria squealed and wrapped her arms around me. "We're sisters!" she rejoiced.

My arms wrapped around her too, and I laughed out loud with joy. I surprised myself by how happy the news made me.

Daria cried and that got me started, but they were happy tears of course so we soon giggled and wiped each others eyes.

We went for a walk.

"We're a lot alike," I observed. "Tall and slim. Similar arms and legs. The same little butts."

My little sister turned, wiggled her butt at me and laughed. "Your boobs are bigger," she pointed out. "Mine are only As."

"Mine are Bs. Not exactly huge."

"We have the same eyes."

I peered into her eyes and saw it was true. "We do! The same blue green."

"You don't have all these stupid freckles."

"I like your freckles!" I exclaimed. "And your red hair. Beautiful."

"Thanks." She blushed the way she often did.

"You're more bashful than me," I teased.

She blushed deeper red. "I've always been that way."

I grinned. "If I keep talking about you, will you blush deeper and deeper red?"

"Probably," she replied and giggled.

I stopped walking and hugged her. "You're super cute. Are you in a relationship?"

"No. I don't have much luck with boys. What about you?"

"I like girls, but I don't have a girlfriend at the moment."

Her eyebrows raised and I hoped she didn't have something against lesbians. "Oh," she said and bit her lower lip. "How long have you known?"

"Since I was 16," I answered, then probed, "Have you ever wondered about yourself?"

"What? About being a lesbian?"

"Yeah. I mean, we're sisters so maybe we're the same that way too?"

Daria was silent for a long moment. "I can't talk about it."

"Why not? I'm your big sister, Daria. You can tell me anything. Have you ever been attracted to a girl?"

It took her another long moment to gather her courage. "I have a picture of you on my phone," she admitted. "I found it online. It's of you at a concert, playing guitar. You look so beautiful that sometimes I just stare at it." She covered her face with her hands in embarrassment.

I chuckled. "Don't be embarrassed. That's cute."

"It is?"

"I like that you're into me." I used my phone to take a picture of her. "Now we have pictures of each other on our phones."

A shy smile formed on her face.

We started walking again. I held her hand, and she was timid about it at first but eventually interlocked her fingers with mine.

I guided us to my apartment, while we laughed about some of the awful dates we'd been on. I stopped out front and said, "My apartment is up there, on the top floor."

"Nice!" Daria exclaimed. Even the exterior of the building looked luxurious.

When I took her inside, my sister had the same reaction to my apartment that I had. "Oh my god!" Daria gasped.

"Not bad, huh."

"It's huge! And so fancy!"

I showed her around the living room, balcony, kitchen, master bedroom and master bath.

Back in the living room, I suggested on the spur of the moment, "Move in with me."


"Move in with me," I repeated. "The second bedroom is just as awesome as the rest of this place. You'll love it."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"What will people think?"

I shrugged. "We'll tell them this big place is lonely and I wanted my friend here for company," I suggested. "Besides, we're rich girls and rich girls don't care what anyone thinks."

"I'm not rich," Daria said.

"You are now. I'm going to share my money with you."

"Ellie! You don't have to do that."

"I want to. You deserve the money as much as me," I argued.

"I don't know."

I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around her waist. "I'm your big sister and I say you're moving in with me, and you're going to like it," I stated.

Daria grinned. "Do little sisters have to do everything their big sisters want?"

I returned her grin. "Yes. Come on. Move in so we can get to know each other. Please?"

"I'll think about it."

I leaned in and kissed the tip of her nose. "Pleeeeeeease?" I begged.

Daria giggled. "I said I'll think about it."

I pecked quick little kisses on the freckles on her cheeks. "I'm going to keep kissing you until you say yes," I warned.

She drew in a breath and her eyes stared into mine. Then she smiled and simply replied, "Okay."

"Okay you'll move in with me or okay to kisses?"

"Okay to kisses."

"You minx," I laughed. I kissed along her jaw line, then moved her hair to kiss her slim neck.

"Ooooo," Daria moaned in appreciation.

Hearing her moan, I couldn't resist bringing my lips to hers. To my surprise and delight, she kissed me back without hesitation. Our lips traded feather-light kisses for a couple of minutes. I was lightheaded and wanted to kiss her forever.

Finally she murmured, "I don't think sisters are supposed to kiss like that."

"They should. It's lovely." I kissed her again. Her sweet lips parted and our tongues danced and played. "I was attracted to you the minute I saw you in the coffee shop," I confessed.

She blushed deeper red.

"So freakin' cute," I muttered and dove in for another kiss.

Daria returned the kiss with enthusiasm. "Mmmmm," she purred. Our bodies squirmed in excitement.

"You're moving in," I whispered in her ear when we came up for air.

"Uh huh," she agreed. We returned to lusty kissing.

Her arms slid up and wrapped around my neck. It was a typical girly move, and it thrilled me to be on the receiving end of it from her.

I lifted my right leg and used my foot to stroke her calf.

My sister sharply inhaled. Her hands got into my hair and pulled my head in for a harder kiss.

I didn't want to speak for fear of breaking the spell we were under. She must have felt the same way because we silently but desperately groped and kissed each other for several minutes.

Finally I decided to strip her. My hands went under her sweater and lifted.

"Ellie," she shyly gasped.

"I have to see you," I feverishly stated.

She only hesitated a moment before raising her arms to allow me to lift off her sweater and t-shirt. Her plain and simple bra went next and I had my first view of my sister's boobs. They were little swells, high on her chest. Her nipples weren't so little though, and they were engorged. My lips closed on her rubbery right nipple and she whined, "Ellllllllie!"

I sucked and lavished the nipple with my tongue. After a bit I switched to the other. When she was truly squirming, I kissed her between her breasts, then kissed my way down her torso. My tongue dipped into her bellybutton and twirled around.

"Eee!" she squealed. "That tickles!" She laughed. The lighthearted moment relaxed both of us, and I quickly removed her jeans and panties. I planted a kiss on her tight pussy lips, but she pushed my head back. "Get naked first," she urged.

We worked together to strip me in a flurry of motion. My sweatshirt and jeans flew off, landing across the room. In no time I was bare as the day I was born.

My new sister dove into my tits like I did to hers. She kissed all over the sensitive boob flesh, then sucked and tongued the nipples. "You're a quick learner, Daria," I purred in appreciation.

"What do I do next?" she anxiously asked.

I didn't want to push her too far too fast, so I cradled her head in my hands and brought our lips back together. Soft presses of our lips and light touches of our tongues followed for a few minutes. She made delicious little "mmm, mmm, mmm" noises.

I whispered, "Let me take the lead, okay baby sister?"

She nodded and smiled.

I looped an arm around her waist and walked her into my bedroom.

We stopped by the bed and I looked her up and down. "You're exactly my type," I told her. There was a hungry growl in my voice. "Willowy, tight-bodied, cute face and innocent personality. And the red hair is a freaking cherry on top."

Daria blushed, of course, and became so bashful that she could hardly look at me. "You're a lot better looking than me."

"That is totally subjective," I said. I dragged a finger across the little triangle of red hair above her pussy. She trembled with desire.

Pleased by my little sister's responsiveness, I eased us onto the bed and we kissed again.

While we kissed and I groped her, Daria moaned and writhed like she was possessed. One of her hands darted between her legs and went to work.

I pulled my lips from hers and slid down her body. My face pushed between her legs and I ran my tongue over and between her moving fingers.

She gasped and snatched her fingers away.

I dragged the flat of my tongue up her slit and fluttered it over her clit. That was all it took. Daria was so worked up that she exploded. Her body went rigid and a strangled scream escaped her lips, "Aaaaaa!"

The tangy taste of her spilled into my mouth. She shook for a good minute and then went limp.

I slid back up and hugged her. Her head was leaned back, face flushed and eyes shut. "That was fun," I softly said and licked my lips clean.

"Oh my god," she moaned and slowly raised her head to look in my eyes.

"You cum easily."

"Not usually," she denied. "That was because of you."

"Are you okay?" I inquired.

"Mmm, yeah," she practically moaned. "I'm good."

"You never kissed a girl before today, right?"

"You're my first," she answered with a bright smile.

"I'm glad."

"Me too." She grinned, slid on top of me and said, "My turn."

"Are you sure? Don't feel like you have to, honey," I replied. My hand stroked the side of her pretty face.

"I want to try," she insisted eagerly. "Tell me if I do something wrong."

She kissed my lips, neck, boobs and bellybutton before settling her face between my legs. She gave my pussy a long, slow, firm lick. And then another and another. "Mmm, yes," I affirmed, "like that." I squirmed and placed my hands on her head. She kept that up for a few minutes until I was panting.

I wasn't prepared for the tip of her tongue to jump to my clit and flick across it. My hips jerked and I gasped, "Oh fuck!" The little strumpet lashed back and forth across my sensitive nubbin.

Orgasm crashed over me. My thighs clamped on her head like a vise. My legs kicked and I pulled her hair. "Fuuuuuuuuck," I groaned.

My muscles relaxed and I sprawled on the bed. My thighs released my poor sister's head.

Daria crawled up my body and kissed me with wet lips. "I made you cum!" she exclaimed, her voice full of wonder and pride.

"Yeah you did. You're a natural."

"I wasn't sure if I really knew how," she admitted. "I'm glad you went first."

I pulled a blanket over us, and Daria nestled her head on my breasts. The warmth of her long body against mine was completely relaxing. "Tell me about you, little sister," I urged.

She thought for a minute. "When Momma died, I was sad and... I don't know what to call it... kind of nervous and skittish for months. Dad and my friend Ava helped me through that. I didn't go to college because I don't really like school. I got the waitress job and was living day to day until I spotted you in the coffee shop."

I kissed her. "It took courage to tell me your secret."

"I'm glad I did," she stated. "Tell me about you."

"It was always just me and Mom," I sighed. "She's a third grade teacher and loves it. She encouraged me to go to college, but like you I wasn't a fan of school. I started getting payments from the Trust when I turned 18, and that made me lazy. I did learn guitar though, and had a ball playing in the band."

"And then the plane crashed," Daria prompted.

"Yeah, and my life was turned upside down. I don't know if I can handle the responsibilities. I really don't," I admitted. "I must sound terrible, complaining about my rich and privileged life."

"No, I get it. The whole town needs you to step up. That's a lot of pressure to have dumped on you," she empathized.

I kissed her for understanding. "And then I met you," I said with a smile, "and suddenly everything looked brighter."

Daria beamed with delight. "For me too," she agreed.

My fingers ran through her glorious red hair. "So... how do you like your first time in bed with a girl?"

"I really like it!" she chirped, sounding a bit surprised by herself. "Your body feels so good, and you smell sexy."

"Your boyfriends didn't smell good?"

"Ha, no," she scoffed. Her fingers traced circles on my abs. "What's next? Are you going to teach me all kinds of lesbian tricks?"

I grinned. "Let's save the advanced techniques for another day. I don't want to scare you off." I licked her long, slim neck.

"Ooooookay," she moaned.

"Your neck is sensitive." I licked again.

"Yeaaaaaah," she sighed.

My lips and tongue toyed with her neck.

"I feel like I'm melting," she giggled. "I'm turning into a puddle of goop."

I snickered. "You're so cute." I switched to the other side of her neck and she groaned and shivered. When her hands grasped my shoulders, I asked, "Too much?"

"God, no," she assured me. "I love it. I just don't know what to do with my hands."

"Stroking my back is always good," I suggested. "And slide them down to my butt, if you want. I like that."

I returned to kissing and licking her neck. Her hands lightly caressed up and down my back a couple times, then slid all the way down to land on my butt. Her fingers tentatively squeezed my cheeks.

"Oooh yeah," I encouraged. "Good girl."

Emboldened, she spread her fingers and palms to give a firmer squeeze.

I shimmied in response. "Do you like the feel of my butt?" I inquired.

Daria nodded. "Firm but soft. I like it. You have a really good butt."

My hands quickly slid down her back to cup her butt cheeks too. It made her gasp.

"Our butts are a lot alike," I told her. "Sister butts."

"Yeah," she agreed and began to squirm with excitement.

My lips closed on hers for a hungry kiss. Our hands kneaded our butts like dough.

I wedged my thigh between her legs and she instinctively rode it. Her damp pussy left tracks on my skin. My hands on her ass controlled the tempo of her movements. "Ooo, ooo, ooo," she moaned.

"Ride it, cowgirl."

Each pass of her pussy on my leg, she adjusted a bit. "Ugh," she grunted when she discovered the magic angle that rubbed her clit just right. She pressed it a couple more times and I sensed heat and tension surging in her. "Ellie?" she questioned, looking a bit embarrassed to be humping my leg and getting off on it.

"It's okay," I assured her. My hands on her ass urged her on. "Cum for me little sister."

"Oh god," she groaned. Her eyes rolled up and three big shudders shook her lithe body in quick succession.

My hands left her butt so I could wrap her up tight in my arms. "Good girl," I praised before sealing our lips together. Daria's arms cinched just as tightly around me as she calmed from her orgasm.

We shared breath and clung to each other for a long time.

"I think I might like sex with girls," my sister observed and giggled.

I giggled along with her.

"Why doesn't this feel wrong, Ellie?" Daria asked. "We're sisters."

"I don't know. Maybe because we're only half-sisters, and only by blood."

"What does that mean?"

"We didn't grow up together. We're basically strangers with the hots for each other. Our genetics are a technicality."

She looked dubious.

"Is it too weird?" I asked, hoping it wasn't.

Daria thought about it. "No. It should be, but it's not."

"Good." It was late in the afternoon so I asked, "Will you stay for dinner and spend the night? Please? I don't want you to leave yet."

She smiled and agreed, "I'd love to. I'll call Dad so he won't worry."

Together we made tacos for dinner. Then we talked and made love and talked and made love. Daria finally fell asleep cuddled up against me.

I laid there and watched her for a while. I was crushing on the girl so hard, harder than I ever had before, and it made me giddy. The fact that she was my sister made her inexplicably hotter. With that thought, I drifted off to sleep.



When I woke, Daria was already awake and watching me. She blushed when I caught her staring. Of course she did.

"Morning," I murmured and leaned in to kiss her. The touch of our lips lingered.

She blushed more after the kiss. "Good morning," she whispered. Her eyes couldn't hold mine for more than a moment.

I smiled. "Feeling shy this morning?"

She timidly responded, "I guess so."

I rolled to face her. My boobs shifted to stack up the way they do, and her eyes followed the movement. We were so close that our noses almost touched. "I'm not surprised," I told her. "You had several firsts yesterday, and now you woke up with a girl for the first time. It's a lot."

She nodded. "I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about." I gently laid a hand on the side of her face and she instinctively rubbed her cheek on it. "Yesterday was great," I told her. "And I don't just mean the sex, although that was awesome. I love being with you, and I want a lot more of it. Is that what you want too?"

A smile edged onto her pretty face. "Yes," she answered.

I rolled on top of her and pinned her arms to the mattress. Her smile broadened, happy that I was taking the lead. I kissed her three times and decided to take a chance. "I'm crushing on you more than I ever have on anyone before," I confessed. "So don't have any doubt about how much I want you."

Her face lit up. "I thought maybe I was feeling things that you weren't," she admitted.

"Good. We're on the same page." I released her arms and she immediately wrapped them and her legs around me.

I dropped my hands to her sides and tickled her. "Eee!" she screeched. "Ellie! Don't!" She tried to get away from me but couldn't. We laughed and squealed like little kids.

I dragged Daria into the shower. "You're even sexier when you're wet and soapy," I told her. My hands wandered all over her pale silky skin.